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目的探讨改进的腹膜透析(PD)置管方法对PD导管功能障碍的影响。方法收集2011年11月~2013年11月安徽省阜阳市第二人民医院肾内科手术置管腹膜透析患者。手术置管后存活时间大于4周;用双卡夫Tenckhoff天鹅颈直管,与Tenckhoff直管。采用局部麻醉下置管,改进如下:1PD置管点选择在耻骨联合上缘水平垂直向上7.0~9.0cm、左或右旁开1.0~2.0cm;2PD导管腹内管置入腹腔前,先用肝素盐水冲洗,使其内外壁,侧孔"肝素化";3用导丝置入PD导管的过程中有脱空感或无阻力。结果手术置管133例患者。其中男82例,女51例,平均年龄49.2±14.6岁。基础病:慢性肾小球肾炎87例,糖尿病21例,多囊肾6例,其他19例。使用Tenckhoff鹅颈直管131例,Tenckhoff直管2例。中位随访时间11.0(6.0~16.5)个月。随访期间发生引流不畅5例次(均为使用Tenckhoff鹅颈直管),其中因血凝块堵管2例次,经使用肝素盐水冲洗、尿激酶封管后改善;仅1例患者发生导管移位,经保守处理(包括冲洗、腹部揉压、通便、下床活动等)后腹内管复位,引流良好;1例置管行CAPD6个月后出现大网膜包裹,经手术解除PD导管包裹,引流通畅;1例置管35天后出现引流不畅,摄片示PD管腹内段位置良好,经保守治疗2周无效,遵患者意愿改为血液透析治疗。1年导管完好率(98.0%)。结论本中心应用改良的PD置管方法后引流不畅特别是导管移位发生率低。较高的导管功能完好率是确保PD患者腹膜透析治疗顺利实施的基本条件。由血凝块堵管引起的引流不畅可通过保守处理解除,漂管所致的引流不畅可通过规范的保守处理或等待自然复位恢复引流通畅。只有大网膜包裹所致的导管引流不畅经过规范的保守处理才会无效;只能通过再次手术才可恢复导管引流通畅;手术复位引流通畅后可保持较长时期引流良好。PD液引流不畅的发生也可能与引流时间过长,腹腔残留腹膜透析液过少,致"虹吸现象"吸引腹膜有关。  相似文献   

目的回顾性总结820例不同类型腹膜透析导管的并发症发生情况,掌握不同类型导管的优缺点,探讨如何合理选择导管类型。方法选取2002年1月~2011年8月在本中心置管行腹膜透析的终末期肾衰竭患者820例,分别选用Tenckhoff卷曲管(T型曲管)、鹅颈型卷曲管(S-N卷曲管)、鹅颈型直管(S-N直管)。采用开放式外科手术置管法,由同一手术者操作,均以旁正中2cm为手术切口。T型曲管S直管以耻骨联合上12cm为置管位置,S曲管根据不同置管阶段分别以耻骨联合上13cm、15cm、17cm为置管位置。随访时间均大于3个月,观察各种导管相关并发症的发生情况。结果共纳入腹膜透析置管术患者820例,采用Tenckhoff卷曲管231例、鹅颈型卷曲管126例、鹅颈型直管(S-N直管)463例。其中男性490例,女性330例,平均年龄(42.3±14.7)岁,慢性肾小球肾炎622例,狼疮性肾炎52例,糖尿病肾病65例,慢性间质性肾炎22例,高血压肾损害19例,多囊肾10例,其他30例。导管移位情况:T型曲管组、S-N曲管组、S-N直管组分别为12例(5.2%)、19例(15.1%)和9例(1.9%),χ2=36.900,P=0.001;其中S-N曲管组以耻骨联合上13cm、15cm、17cm为置管位置时发生导管移位的例数分别为5例(3.9%)、6例(4.7%)和8例(6.3%),χ2=3.121,P=0.268。3组导管阻塞发生率分别为7例(3.0%)、6例(4.8%)和9例(1.9%),χ2=3.161,P=0.206。重新置管的分别为6例(31.5%)、10例(40.0%)和7例(38.9%),χ2=12.255,P=0.002。导管自行复位的分别为1例(8.3%)、4例(21.0%)和6例(66.7%),χ2=10.364,P=0.006。3组隧道感染分别为0例、1例(0.21%)和0例,χ2=0.772,P=0.680;隧道口感染分别为2例(0.86%)、2例(0.21%)和2例(0.79%),χ2=3.857,P=0.145。结论鹅颈直管组的导管移位发生率最低。而鹅颈卷曲管组的导管移位率发生率高,且不易自行复位,重新置管率高。3种导管的隧道及隧道口感染率类似。  相似文献   

高芳  仉超  唐晓红  秦敏  文艳秋 《华西医学》2009,(9):2344-2347
目的:调查我院腹膜透析患者死亡和转HD治疗的原因及相关影响因素。方法:收集腹膜透析患者在我院死亡14例,转HD治疗2 6例;查阅40例患者在我院的完整病历资料,调查其死亡及转HD治疗的原因及感染病原菌、营养等指标。结果:14例腹膜透析死亡患者主要原因为肺部感染合并心脑血管疾病及消化道出血,均占(29%,4/14)。64.3%(9/14)的死亡患者HB〈90 g/L,ALB〈30 g/l;71.4%(10/14)的腹膜透析死亡患者合并钙磷失调。26例腹膜透析患者转HD的首要原因和次要原因分别为腹透相关性腹膜炎(50%,13/26)和透析液引流不畅(42%,11/26)。72.7%透析液引流不畅的腹透患者经影像学诊断漂管,27.3%患者为拔管手术证实网膜堵塞管口。结论:1.肺部感染性疾病合并合并心脑血管系统及消化系统,为腹膜透析患者死亡的主要原因,与全身营养状况不良,钙磷失调有关。2.腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎仍为腹膜透析患者退出转HD治疗的主要原因。3.因透析液引流不畅而拔管为转HD治疗的第二位原因,漂管和网膜阻塞管口为透析液引流不畅的原因。  相似文献   

腹膜透析(PD)是治疗终末期肾脏疾病的重要替代手段之一,在临床上广泛应用[1].腹膜透析的近期并发症腹透管移位多发生在开始透析后1周,发生率为10%~20%[2,3].我科对1例Tenckhoff导管移位的患者行腹腔镜下复位,视野清楚,创伤小,出血少,恢复快,并可固定导管防止再次漂管,现将术后护理体会报道如下.  相似文献   

目的 总结腹腔镜外科技术应用在腹膜透析管移位复位方面的经验。方法 选择3例慢性肾功能衰竭腹膜透析导管移位患者,在腹腔镜引导下将移位的Tenckhoff卷曲腹透管或鹅颈式腹透管末端重新置入膀胱直肠窝或子宫直肠窝。结果 3例患者腹膜透析管均成功复位,手术时间约30min,均成功进行了腹膜透析,患者术后1周内出院。结论 腹腔镜引导下复位移位的腹膜透析管具有创伤小、无需重新手术切开复位,腹膜透析管放置定位准确,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

腹透导管漂移的原因分析和护理对策 胡春华,黄佳颖,方炜,严豪,李正元 (上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,上海 200127) 摘要 〔目的〕:研究各型腹透导管(Tenckhoff直管和Tenckhoff曲管)及其它诱因对发生漂管的影响,找出相应的预防及护理措施,以减少腹透导管发生漂移的几率,从而减少腹透相关并发症的发生。 〔方法〕:通过对于上海交大医学院附属仁济医院东部肾内科腹透中心自2007年1月~2009年11月期间141例尿毒症患者在接受腹透置管术中所使用的各类导管(直管或曲管)进行随机分组,以卡方检验的方法统计各类导管发生漂管的几率,并对引起漂管的其它常见因素进行统计,如术前包括腹部手术史、腹部外伤史;术后如姿势不当、腹膜炎、便秘、腹泻史、腹壁疝、腹腔内病理性占位等在已发生的导管漂移中所占的比例以百分比的方式通过三线表进行归纳、整理、分析,最终得出结果。 〔结果〕:结果表明,自2007年1月~2009年11月期间于上海交大医学院附属仁济医院东部肾内科腹透中心接受腹透置管手术的141例病员中,共计发生腹透导管漂移3例,其中男性2例,女性1例;原发病中糖尿病肾病引起的为1例,梗阻性肾病引起的为1例,原因不明引起的为1例; 曲管组发生漂管为2例,直管组发生漂管为1例,并使用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行卡方检验得出:直管组和曲管组漂管率无统计学差异(2% vs 3%, p=0.683),腹透导管漂移与导管的类型(直管或曲管)无直接联系,通过对引起漂管的各类因素分析表明,因腹部手术史、腹膜炎、腹泻史引起漂管所占比例均为33%,而姿势不当引起漂管所占比例为100%,是为引起导管漂移的最直接因素。 〔结论〕:腹透导管发生漂移与手术中所置导管的类型无直接关联,腹透置管术后因姿势不当引起的腹透导管漂移发生的几率最大,规范做好导管的各项护理及对病员的宣教在为预防导管漂移的措施中起着相当大的作用,它能有效预防并避免导管的移位及其它并发症的发生,从而提高腹透患者的透析质量。 〔关键词〕:腹膜透析;漂管;护理  相似文献   

目的 总结上海瑞金医院腹膜透析管移位的发生情况及非手术复位的护理经验. 方法 分析上海瑞金医院腹膜透析患者2007~2011年5年内导管移位发生原因,并根据腹腔段导管形状分成直管组与卷曲管组比较2组导管复位情况. 结果 ①5年内发生导管移位患者48例,占总人数的14.96%.②直管组导管移位发生率为12.64%,卷曲管组发生率为29.55%.③分析导管移位原因便秘占首位.④发生导管移位后采取非手术方法复位成功率为75%,其中直管组非手术复位成功率为97.10%,卷曲管组为15.40%,直管组的非手术复位成功率要显著高于卷曲管组(x2=33.790,P<0.05).结论 发生导管移位后可先使用非手术方法复位.  相似文献   

腹腔镜下腹膜透析置管术对术后并发症的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨腹腔镜下腹膜透析置管术对导管移位率等并发症的影响.方法 本研究为前瞻性、开放性临床研究.选取武汉市第一医院2007 年1 月至2010 年10 月诊断为尿毒症且愿意行腹膜透析的257 例患者,采取患者自愿选择方式,分为常规手术组(A 组)和腹腔镜手术组(B 组).比较近期、远期并发症如导管功能障碍、腹膜透析液引流不.、血性透出液、管周渗漏、引流疼痛、腹膜炎等方面差异.结果 A 组中有手术史的患者占11.9%,B 组中有手术史的患者占49.4 %,但两组的引流不.发生率分别为13.64 %、4.94 %,导管移位率分别为8.52 %、1.23%,均有显著性差异.在腹膜炎的发生率分别为1 /62.1 病人月、1 /59.7 病人月,两组差异无统计学意义.结论 腹腔镜置管较常规的腹膜透析置管技术发生导管移位率、引流不.率显著降低,且对于有过腹部手术史的患者建议腹腔镜置管.  相似文献   

作为终末期肾病(ESRD)的替代治疗方式之一,腹膜透析(PD)具有技术成熟,操作简便,经济有效,不依赖于医院及特殊大型医疗设备,利于残余肾功能的保护等诸多优势,较适合我国国情。但腹膜透析技术特点与腹膜透析管的使用也带来一些并发症,成为治疗中断乃至失败的重要原因,因而腹膜透析并发症的有效预防、及时诊断和处理对于腹膜透析的正常开展意义重大。腹膜透析并发症一般可分为机械并发症与感染并发症两大类。感染并发症包括感染性腹膜炎和导管相关性感染(出口、隧道感染),机械并发症是指由于导管位置不良、移位、堵塞或包裹所致的腹膜透析液引流不畅,以及腹膜透析液渗漏、疝等腹腔结构的异常。Van Dijk CM等总结了美国、加拿大75个中心共1864例腹膜透析患,在217例次机械并发症中,疝的发生占首位,为60.4%(依次为腹股沟疝、脐疝、腹壁疝、股疝、膈疝),腹膜透析液渗漏占25.3%,胸腔积液占6.0%。本将就常见机械并发症的诊断与处理进行阐述。[第一段]  相似文献   

目的探讨垂直律动改善导管移位相关腹膜透析液引流障碍的临床效果。方法选取2017年5月~2019年5月上海交通大学附属第一人民医院肾内科收治的规律腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis,PD)伴引流障碍患者,行立位腹部平片确诊为PD导管移位22例,利用垂直律动仪的高频低振幅振动治疗,记录治疗疗程及前后患者24h超滤量,评估腹膜透析液引流速度,并复查腹部平片判断导管复位情况。结果 22例PD导管移位患者中,垂直律动治疗后腹膜透析液引流速度较前平均增快59.317ml/min[(80.284±26.079)ml/min比(20.931±7.366)ml/min,t=10.656,P0.001];其中3例患者导管复位至真骨盆;17例患者导管末端位置下降1~2个椎体水平,2例患者透析液引流障碍未改善。结论垂直律动治疗操作简单,能有效改善导管移位相关透析液引流障碍,值得在临床上推广应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acute renal failure in infants and small children is generally treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD). Dialysis has to be started immediately after catheter implantation. Early dialysate leakage can complicate the effectiveness of dialysis. Fibrin glue applied to the external part of the tunnel may stop dialysate leakage and eliminate the need for surgical intervention. The use of fibrin glue in the treatment of PD catheter leakage in children was studied. METHODS: Fibrin glue was used in 8 children (age 0.8 - 57 months) on PD in whom dialysate leakage was seen during the first 24 to 48 hours after catheter insertion.The dialysis volume initially administered was 20 mL/kg body weight. Fibrin glue (1 mL) was applied to the external part of the subcutaneous catheter tunnel through the exit site, as close to the cuff as possible. The occurrence of dialysate leakage and complications such as exit-site or tunnel infection and peritonitis were evaluated. RESULTS: Nine single-cuff straight Tenckhoff catheters were implanted in 8 children. In 5 cases, no subcutaneous tunnel was created. One child had catheter replacement due to obstruction of the catheter; on both occasions, catheter leakage was seen and treated with fibrin glue. In all 8 patients, no relapse of dialysate leakage was seen after application of the fibrin glue. During the time of PD, exit-site infections, tunnel infections, and peritonitis did not occur. CONCLUSION: Fibrin glue is a successful, simple, and safe substance for the treatment of peritoneal dialysate leakage in infants and small children with acute renal failure treated with PD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Catheter-related infection has been the major cause of catheter removal for peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. A salvage technique--partial replantation of the infected catheter--was developed in our hospital to rescue catheters with refractory exit-site or tunnel infection. PATIENTS: We performed 26 partial replantations of Tenckhoff catheters for 23 patients with refractory exit-site or tunnel infection and 2 patients with near-cuff perforation of the catheter. Their problems were all resolved successfully without interruption of PD. INTERVENTIONS: We removed the infected portion of the catheter and preserved the still-functioning internal conduit, connecting it to a divided new catheter. All of the patients resumed PD immediately after the advancement of the new catheter through a new subcutaneous tunnel and exit site on the opposite side. RESULTS: No technical complications such as disconnection of the catheter or leakage of dialysate were noted. Repeated partial replantation of the catheter was done for 1 patient with a new refractory exit-site infection. Tunnel infection was not an absolute contraindication for this procedure. About one third (34.6%) of our patients had preoperative tunnel infection. CONCLUSION: Partial replantation of a Tenckhoff catheter is a simple and effective procedure for patients with refractory exit-site/tunnel infection and patients with near-cuff perforation of the catheter. Repeated partial replantation is also feasible for repeat exit-site infections.  相似文献   

目的 调查北京市和深圳市多所腹膜透析中心患者导管外出口护理的现状,并分析影响患者导管外出口护理行为的原因,为做好临床腹膜透析患者的培训提供依据。 方法 采用自制问卷对北京市及深圳市12所腹膜透析中心门诊随访的1 204例腹膜透析患者的导管外出口护理情况进行调查。结果 北京市和深圳市腹膜透析患者导管外出口护理得分为(44.76±5.85)分,导管外出口评估和无菌技术得分偏低。单因素分析显示,有无导管外出口感染史、不同换药操作者、不同导管外出口位置、不同文化程度、不同透析龄的患者导管外出口护理得分的比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示,影响导管外出口护理得分的因素为透析龄、导管外出口感染史、换药操作者、文化程度及导管外出口位置。结论 腹膜透析患者导管外出口护理得分尚可,但导管外出口评估和无菌技术得分较低,仍需进一步加强培训,尤其是对透析龄长、有感染史的患者。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate actual risk of complications and 1-year catheter survival of immediate full-volume 2000-mL dialysate exchange after peritoneal catheter implantation. DESIGN AND SETTING: A prospective randomized comparative study in a university hospital kidney center. PATIENTS: The study included 59 end-stage renal disease patients entering into a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis program between January 1996 and December 1997. INTERVENTIONS: In group 1 (n = 21), exchange volume was gradually increased from 500 mL per 3 hours to full-volume exchange over 13 days. In group 2 (n = 38), full-volume exchange per 6 hours was performed from the day of catheter implantation. Bed rest with minimal activity was recommended for the first 3 days in both groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Occurrence of catheter-related complications such as dialysate leakage, drainage failure, malposition, infectious complications, and, ultimately, catheter loss were observed for 1 year. RESULTS: After straight Tenckhoff catheter implantation, pericatheter dialysate leaks occurred in 9.5% of group 1 and in 10.5% of group 2 patients (no significance, NS). Within 1 month of implantation, the incidences of tunnel or exit-site infection, catheter malposition, and outflow failure were not significantly different between the two groups. Abdominal discomfort was noted in 2 patients from group 2. Peritonitis occurred in 9.5% and 5.3% (NS) within 2 weeks of catheter implantation, and in 14.3% and 10.5% (NS) after more than 2 weeks in group 1 and group 2, respectively. Early catheter loss within 1 month occurred in 4.8% of patients in group 1 and 5.3% in group 2 (NS). The causes of loss were persistent leakage in group 1, and persistent leakage combined with tunnel infection and outflow failure in group 2.The duration of hospitalization from the day of catheter insertion to discharge was definitely shorter in group 2 compared to group 1 (9.9 +/-0.6 days vs 15.0 +/- 0.8 days, p < 0.001). For 1-year follow-up, the frequencies of peritonitis were 0.062 +/- 0.015/patient-month in group 1 and 0.076 +/- 0.018/patient-month in group 2 (NS). The actual 1-year catheter survival was 85.7% in group 1 and 84.2% in group 2 (NS). CONCLUSIONS: One-year catheter survival after immediate full-volume peritoneal dialysis exchange was 84.2%. This study did not show any evidence that immediate full-volume exchange causes more short- or long-term complications compared to the stepwise volume increment method.  相似文献   

Background: Diabetes mellitus, especially if complicated by poor glycemic control, portends an increased risk of infection. The significance of this association in the case of diabetic patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD) has not been assessed.♦ Methods: Using a retrospective observational design, we analyzed the association between glycemic control at the start of PD (estimated from glycosylated hemoglobin levels) and the risk of peritoneal and catheter tunnel and exit-site infections during follow-up in 183 incident patients on PD. We used the median value of glycosylated hemoglobin to classify patients into good (group A) or poor (group B) glycemic control groups. We applied multivariate strategies of analysis to control for other potential predictors of PD-related infection.♦ Results: Groups A and B differed significantly in age, dialysis vintage, use of insulin, and rate of Staphylococcus aureus carriage. Neither the incidence (0.60 episodes in group A vs 0.56 episodes in group B per patient-year) nor the time to a first peritoneal infection (median: 42 months vs 38 months) differed significantly between the study groups. In contrast, group B had a significantly higher incidence of catheter tunnel and exit-site infections (0.23 episodes vs 0.12 episodes per patient-year) and shorter time to a first infection episode (64 months vs 76 months, p = 0.004). The difference persisted in multivariate analysis (adjusted hazard ratio: 2.65; 95% confidence interval: 1.13 to 6.05; p = 0.013). We observed no differences between the study groups in the spectrum of causative organisms or in the outcomes of PD-related infections.♦ Conclusions: Poor glycemic control is a consistent predictor of subsequent risk of catheter tunnel and exit-site infection, but not of peritoneal infection, among diabetic patients starting PD therapy.  相似文献   

目的探讨用出口评分(Exit-Site Score,ESS)法评分进行腹膜透析(CAPD)导管出口感染的辅助诊断,观察莫匹罗星治疗对于出口评分的影响。方法选取在上海交通大学附属第一人民医院肾内科行腹膜透析的80例患者,运用横断面调查的方法,采用腹膜透析患者出口评分法来进行评分。对于ESS2~3分者,随机分成两组,一组予以常规的每日清洁,另一组在此基础上进行每日在出口处涂擦莫匹罗星乳膏1个月,再次进行相关的评分。然后对于所有的ESS评分为2~3分的糖尿病患者以及浅表涤纶套距离皮肤较近者(〈1.5cm),皆采用每日在出口处涂擦莫匹罗星乳膏,累计1个月的治疗,观察其后ESS评分的改善。结果①80例患者中,ESS评分≥4分者有3例,占3%;2~3分者有21例,占26%;ESS评分为0分者40例,占50%,2~3分者平均的评分为(2.7±0.6)分;②治疗组出口处评分经过一个月的治疗,ESS评分≥4分者有1例,以后发展到腹膜炎;2~3分者平均的评分为(2.2±0.5)分,较治疗前明显改善,P〈0.05。与对照组相比,治疗组的ESS评分明显改善,而对照组与治疗前评分无明显的差异;③糖尿病患者与浅表涤纶套离开皮肤较近者(1.5cm),其ESS评分明显升高,而经过使用抗生素乳膏,ESS评分皆能获得改善。结论本研究提示对ESS评分≥2分者进行莫匹罗星治疗可以明显改善出口评分状况,从而可能影响其腹膜炎的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹膜透析置管术中X线辅助导管定位对减少腹膜透析相关并发症的有效性.方法 2009年4月1日~2012年6月30日在江西省人民医院肾内科住院的终末期肾脏病(慢性肾脏病5期)腹膜透析置管患者124例,随机分为置管组(A组)与X线辅助导管定位组(B组)各62例,2组男/女比例分别为35/27例比40/22例,平均年龄(岁)37.5±10.2比39.6±11.8;A组采用传统开腹腹膜透析置管术,B组步骤同A组,但在收紧荷包前用小C臂机行盆腔X线检查,见导管腹内端位于真骨盆内.比较2组术后腹腔出血、管周渗漏和1月及1年内导管移位、网膜包裹、腹膜炎等并发症发生率差异.结果 A、B2组患者术后的腹腔出血发生率分别为3.2%、6.5% (P=0.3994);2组均无渗漏;A、B两组1月内导管移位率分别为6.4%、0,有显著统计学差异(P=0.0421),1月内网膜包裹(0比1.6%,P=0.3154)及腹膜炎(1.6%比0,P=0.3154)的发生率,2组无明显差异;1年内导管移位(3.2%比1.6% P=0.5587)、网膜包裹(0比0)及腹膜炎(1.6%比1.6%)的发生率2组无明显差异;患者术后1年内发生腹腔出血、渗漏、导管移位、腹膜炎及网膜包裹等总的并发症发生率A组较B组高,分别为16.1%、11.3%,但2组无显著统计学差异(P=0.4237).结论 腹膜透析置管术中X线辅助导管定位可显著减少近期(1月内)导管移位的发生,降低1年内腹膜透析置管术总的相关并发症,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

目的 分析腹膜透析患者腹膜透析管浅涤纶套外露的原因及护理体会.方法 收集解放军第四五五医院肾脏科2005年1月至2010年1月间腹膜透析患者380例,回顾性分析其中发生腹膜透析管浅涤纶套外露的10例患者的形成原因.380例腹膜透析患者均采用常规的腹膜透析手术方法,术后常规护理.采用百特鹅颈腹膜透析管,百特双联腹膜透析液.将其中发生了浅涤纶套外露的10例患者按手术因素,护理因素,自身因素与其他因素进行分析阐述.结果 因手术因素造成涤纶套外露的1例,护理因素造成涤纶套外露的1例,自身因素造成涤纶套外露的 8例.结论 腹膜透析患者浅涤纶套外露临床发生较少,但对患者的生活质量、生存率及腹膜透析治疗持续时间等影响较大,应引起临床重视.我们通过加强换药,个别指导,加强营养,皮下隧道延长等措施后,未发生腹膜炎、腹膜透析拔管等严重并发症及后果.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We report here a one-stitch fixation method that prevents catheter tip migration during implantation of the double-cuffed straight Tenckhoff catheter. METHODS: From July 2003 to September 2005, 38 patients with end-stage renal disease underwent implantation of the double-cuff straight Tenckhoff catheter for peritoneal dialysis by this method. RESULTS: No patient had catheter tip migration out of the true pelvis. No patient had pericatheter dialysate leakage or developed incisional hernia. Two patients (5.3%) experienced exit-site infection during the 2- and 5-month follow-up and they recovered well after wound care. Three patients (7.9%) developed peritonitis during the 3-day and 2- and 6-month follow-up; the conditions were controlled after antibiotic care. One patient (2.6%) experienced mechanical catheter obstruction during the 10-day follow-up due to omental wrapping; surgical revision was necessitated. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that the method is an easy, safe, and effective technique for preventing catheter tip migration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Guidelines for optimal peritoneal dialysis access support both downward and lateral exit-site directions. Numerous clinical reports support the superiority of downward exit sites but none substantiate lateral configurations. METHODS: This prospective study compared infectious and mechanical complications between 85 catheters with a preformed arcuate bend to produce a downward exit site and 93 catheters with a straight intercuff segment configured to create a lateral exit site. RESULTS: Kaplan-Meier survivals were not different for time to first exit-site infection (p = 0.62), tunnel infection (p = 0.89), or peritonitis (p = 0.38) for downward and lateral exit-site directions. Poisson regression showed no differences in rates (episodes/patient-year) of exit-site infection (0.26 vs 0.27, p = 0.86), tunnel infection (0.02 vs 0.03, p = 0.79), peritonitis (0.42 vs 0.43, p = 0.87), or catheter loss (0.06 vs 0.09, p = 0.29) for downward and lateral exit sites. Kaplan-Meier analyses of antibiotic-free intervals for exit-site (p = 0.94) and peritonitis infections (p = 0.72) were not different for the two groups. There was one case of catheter tip displacement with flow dysfunction in each group. There were no pericatheter hernias or spontaneous cuff extrusions. Catheter survival between groups was not different (p = 0.20). CONCLUSIONS: Catheter types employing downward and lateral tunnel-tract and exit-site configurations produce equivalent outcomes for infectious and mechanical complications.  相似文献   

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