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目的 探讨肩峰下撞击综合征(SIS)2型超声介入治疗后复发的危险因素。方法 回顾分析71例临床诊断SIS 2型,根据治疗方案分为单纯注射组(超声引导下肩峰下滑囊注射,n=16)及联合治疗组(超声引导下肩袖肌腱松解术+肩峰下滑囊注射,n=55),采用Logistic多因素回归分析影响治疗后复发的因素。结果 联合治疗组治疗后1、3、6个月复发率明显低于单纯注射组(P均<0.001)。多因素回归分析显示,年龄、性别、SIS 2型病程均与复发无关,而治疗方法是治疗后复发的独立危险因素。结论 采用超声引导下肩袖肌腱松解术+肩峰下滑囊注射治疗SIS 2型患者可降低治疗后复发风险。  相似文献   

目的探讨MRI诊断肩峰下撞击综合征(SIS)的临床价值。方法对46例SIS患者临床资料及MRI表现进行回顾性分析。结果 46例均出现冈上肌肌腱损伤。MRI表现:14例为肌腱信号增高;16例为肌腱局部撕裂,肌腱表面信号异常、混杂;12为冈上肌腱钙化性肌腱炎;4例为肌腱全层撕裂,斜冠状面T2WI示冈上肌肌腱正常条带状连续性低信号中断,中断处T1WI呈中等信号,T2WI呈高信号改变。肩峰形态呈平直形6例、弧形18例及钩形22例。4例肩峰-肱骨距<5mm,为钩型肩峰伴有肩锁关节增生、赘骨形成;23例肩峰-肱骨距为5~7mm,13例肩峰-肱骨距>7~10 mm,6例肩峰-肱骨距>10~15 mm。40例患者出现肩峰下滑囊增厚或积液改变。结论 MRI能准确显示SIS患者肩袖损伤征象,亦能显示肩峰形态及肩峰下滑囊等改变,对临床诊治有一定帮助。 更多还原  相似文献   

<正> 钙化性肩峰下滑囊炎是理疗科常常遇到的问题,本病可能是肩袖肌键炎所致,而肩袖肌腱炎与直接覆盖肩峰下滑囊之继发受累有关。医学教科书上所提出的保守治疗包括休息、冷疗、灌注及针刺抽液。本文报道了一例钙化性肩峰下滑囊炎的超声波治疗。  相似文献   

MRI诊断肩峰下撞击综合征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 分析MRI征象Ⅲ型肩峰、肱肩间隙狭窄和肩袖撕裂对肩峰下撞击综合征(SAIS)的诊断价值。方法 对 92例肩关节MRI疑诊SAIS患者,以关节镜结果为诊断金标准,比较Ⅲ型肩峰、肱肩间隙狭窄和肩袖撕裂单一征象或联合征象诊断SAIS的效能。结果 Ⅲ型肩峰、肩峰下间隙变窄、肩袖撕裂和联合征象诊断SAIS的敏感度分别为51.06%(24/47)、72.34%(34/47)、80.85%(38/47)和85.11%(40/47),单一肩袖撕裂诊断敏感度与联合征象比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.17,P=0.68),特异度(64.44%,29/45)低于联合征象(84.44%,38/45),差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.11,P=0.008)。结论 MRI可显示SAIS肩袖损伤、肩峰形态和最短肱肩间隙狭窄,根据以上三种征象联合诊断SAIS的效能较高。  相似文献   

肩峰下撞击综合征(SIS )又称肩疼痛弧综合征,是肩关节外展活动到一定范围时,肩部和上臂出现的疼痛综合征。任何引起肱骨头与喙肩穹反复摩擦、撞击的疾病均可引起SIS[1]。SIS是中老年人肩关节疼痛最常见的原因之一[2]。SIS的病理变化包括从肩峰下滑囊炎到肩袖肌腱全层撕裂的一系列变化[3]。目前,SIS已独立于肩痛类疾病,但其临床症状与肩关节周围炎、肩关节不稳、骨性关节炎等引起的肩关节慢性疼痛难以鉴别,需影像学检查为临床诊断及治疗提供依据。现将S IS影像学诊断研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

目的:分析不同体位时肩袖和肩峰下空间的距离及位置关系。材料和方法:15例正常自愿者,分6个不同体位进行冠状位薄层扫描,观察肩峰外侧点到肱骨头之间的最短距离(A-H)、肩峰下空间和肩袖的位置关系。结果:A-H值在60°~150°外展体位时明显小于0°~30°外展体位时(P<0.01)。肩袖(主要是冈上肌肌腱)在60°~120°时,刚好从中穿过,因而受到肩峰和肱骨头的挤压。0°~30°外展体位时位于肩峰和肱骨头的外侧。150°外展体位时肩袖位于肩峰和肱骨头后内方。结论:60°~120°外展体位时,肩峰和肱骨头之间距离最短,并且肩袖刚好从中穿过,两者关系密切。  相似文献   

超声诊断肩袖撕裂   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨直接及间接超声征象对肩袖撕裂分型的诊断价值。方法 收集52例于我院行肩关节镜手术的患者,所有患者均接受超声检查,计算直接、间接超声征象诊断肩袖撕裂的效能,并比较直接超声征象诊断肩袖撕裂亚型与关节镜结果的一致性。结果 直接征象诊断肩袖有无撕裂、全层撕裂、部分撕裂的准确率分别为90.38%(47/52)、96.15%(50/52)和86.54%(45/52),且直接征象诊断肩袖撕裂亚型与关节镜结果的一致性较好。在间接征象中,3部位同时出现积液(肩峰下-三角肌下滑囊积液、肩关节腔积液及肱二头肌长头腱腱鞘积液)、三角肌滑囊疝及软骨分界征诊断肩袖撕裂的特异度分别为80.95%(17/21)、90.48%(19/21)及95.24%(20/21)。结论 直接联合间接超声征象诊断肩袖撕裂的分型具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:对比分析肩峰撞击综合征(SIS)患者与健康人群肩峰下滑囊(SAB)的超声图像特征,探讨一种简便而准确的SAB超声评估方法。方法:选取确诊为SIS的患者58例(病例组)共65个患肩,以及无任何肩关节不适的健康志愿者50例(正常对照组)共50个优势肩。均行肩关节超声检查,观察SAB是否增厚、有无积液等,并分别在肩胛下肌腱长轴及短轴切面、冈上肌腱长轴及短轴切面测量SAB厚度。结果:病例组滑囊增厚、积液发生率明显高于正常对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2=71.265,P<0.001;χ2=15.345,P<0.001)。病例组和正常对照组冈上肌腱短轴切面测得的SAB平均厚度均大于肩胛下肌腱长轴、短轴及冈上肌腱长轴切面所测结果,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:超声能准确评估SIS患者SAB增厚、积液扩张等病理改变,冈上肌腱短轴切面测量SAB厚度简单可靠。  相似文献   

目的 评价超声评价局部注射治疗肩峰下滑囊炎(SAB)和肱二头肌长头腱鞘炎(TLHBB)疗效的价值。方法 对42例SAB和/或TLHBB患者(100个病灶)行超声引导下穿刺药物注射;4周后复查超声,对比治疗前后滑囊厚度和积液、肱二头肌长头腱鞘厚度和腱鞘积液的变化。结果 治疗后病灶滑囊厚度和积液、肱二头肌长头腱鞘厚度和腱鞘积液均较治疗前改善(P均<0.05)。结论 超声可用于评价局部注射药物治疗SAB和TLHBB疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨肩关节镜下治疗巨大肩袖撕裂(MRCT)的方法及疗效。方法对2012年10月-2014年12月收治的11例巨大肩袖撕裂患者行肩关节镜下手术治疗,术前均拍摄肩关节正位和冈上肌出口位X线片,并均行肩关节MRI检查,了解肩袖撕裂口大小、肩袖回缩程度、肌肉萎缩及脂肪浸润情况。关节镜下手术方式:2例单纯行肩峰下滑囊切除及有限肩峰成形术;2例行肩峰下滑囊切除及有限肩峰成形术加肱二头肌长头肌腱固定术;4例行肩峰下滑囊切除及肩峰成形术加肩袖完全修复术;3例行肩峰下滑囊切除及肩峰成形术加肩袖部分修复术。采用视觉模拟法(VAS)疼痛评分和加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)肩关节功能评分进行疗效评估。结果所有患者术后随访4~30个月,平均12.2个月。关节镜下见11例患者全部有冈上肌腱和冈下肌腱撕裂。其中,1例还有小圆肌腱撕裂,另1例还有肩胛下肌腱撕裂。术前VAS评分为(6.9±1.2)分,末次随访时为(1.6±1.1)分。术前UCLA肩关节评分为(9.8±3.1)分,末次随访时为(29.1±2.6)分。术前与末次随访时各项评分差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论肩关节镜下手术治疗巨大肩袖撕裂是一种微创、有效的治疗方式。术中完成肩袖修复对技术要求较高,疗效与肩袖回缩程度、肩袖肌肉萎缩及脂肪浸润密切相关。  相似文献   

目的探讨肩袖损伤合并肩峰下撞击综合征的MRI影像表现。材料与方法对33例X线片无骨折但临床怀疑肩袖损伤或肩峰下撞击综合征的患者,用1.5 T MRI机检查,观察肩袖损伤及肩峰下撞击综合征在MR上的影像特征,分析两者的相关性,并与手术结果对比,计算准确率。结果 33例中肩袖损伤20例(合并肩峰下撞击综合征10例),肩峰下撞击综合征15例(合并肩袖损伤10例)。肩袖损伤和肩峰下撞击综合征术前MR诊断准确率分别约为95.0%、71.3%。结论肩关节MRI扫描对肩袖损伤及肩峰下撞击综合征的诊断有较高的临床应用价值,肩袖损伤者中至少半数合并肩峰下撞击综合征,临床和影像应予重视。  相似文献   

Background: Physiotherapists commonly use orthopaedic special tests to reproduce subacromial shoulder impingement (SIS) pain by increasing compression or tension within the subacromial space. However, these tests do not differentiate between purported extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms associated with SIS.

Objective: To identify, and determine the reliability and validity of clinical tests used to assess extrinsic factors associated with SIS.

Method: A scoping review identified tests for extrinsic SIS. A systematic approach was then used to search six electronic databases in July 2016 to identify clinical tests used to measure (1) posterior shoulder range, (2) cervical and/or thoracic posture, (3) 2D scapula movement, (4) rotator cuff strength. The 14 articles included in the review were assessed using a modified Downs and Black quality assessment tool.

Results: Moderate quality studies investigated 2D scapula measurements (N = 2), resting pectoralis minor length (N = 2) and rotator cuff strength (N = 5). High quality studies measured forward head position and/or thoracic posture (N = 2) and rotator cuff strength (N = 1).

Conclusion: A good level of assessment reliability and significantly less range and strength was identified in those with SIS for: posterior shoulder range (passive shoulder adduction and internal rotation and passive internal rotation in supine); isokinetic peak torque values for internal and external shoulder rotation (isokinetic testing); forward head position (lateral photograph) and thoracic range of motion (tape measure or ultrasound tomography). Good to excellent reliability was reported for lateral scapular slide test positions and resting pectoralis minor muscle length. These clinical tests should be considered for use in SIS assessment.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo explore the subacromial motion metrics in patients with and without subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS) and to investigate whether the abnormality was associated with rotator cuff pathologies.DesignThis cross-sectional observational study used dynamic quantitative ultrasonography imaging for shoulder joint assessment.SettingOutpatient rehabilitation clinic.ParticipantsIndividuals with SIS on at least 1 shoulder (n=32) and asymptomatic controls (n=32) (N=64).InterventionsNot applicable.Main Outcome MeasuresFrame-by-frame, the humeral greater tuberosity against the lateral edge of the acromion was traced to obtain the minimal vertical acromiohumeral distance (AHD). The rotation angle and radius of the humerus were computed using the least-squares curve fitting method.ResultsApproximately two-thirds of the shoulders with SIS did not have any sonographically identifiable rotator cuff pathologies. There was a consistent trend of nonsignificantly increased humeral rotation angles in painful shoulders. The generalized estimating equation demonstrated that the decreased minimal vertical AHD was associated with painful subacromial impingement (β coefficient: ?0.123cm, 95% confidence interval [CI], ?0.199 to ?0.047). The area under the curve for the minimal vertical AHD to discriminate painful or impinged shoulders ranged from 0.624-0.676. The increased rotation angle (β coefficient: 10.516°; 95% CI, 3.103-17.929) and decreased rotation radius (β coefficient: ?2.903cm; 95% CI, ?5.693 to ?0.111) were shown to be significantly related to the presence of supraspinatus tendinopathy.ConclusionsShoulders with SIS were characterized by a decreased minimal vertical AHD during dynamic examination. Abnormal subacromial metrics can develop in patients with mild (or no) rotator cuff pathologies. More prospective cohort studies are warranted to investigate the changes in subacromial motion metrics in populations at risk for painful or impinged shoulders.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlterations in glenohumeral and scapulothoracic kinematics have been theorized to contribute to rotator cuff pathology by impacting the magnitude of the subacromial space.ObjectiveThe purpose of this review is to summarize what is currently known about the relationship between shoulder kinematics and subacromial proximities.ConclusionsA variety of methods have been used to quantify subacromial proximities including photographs, MR imaging, ultrasonography, and single- and bi-plane radiographs. Changes in glenohumeral and scapulothoracic kinematics are associated with changes in subacromial proximities. However, the magnitude and direction of a particular motion's impact on subacromial proximities often vary between studies, which likely reflects different methodologies and subject populations. Glenohumeral elevation angle has been consistently found to impact subacromial proximities. Plane of humeral elevation also impacts subacromial proximities but to a lesser degree than the elevation angle. The impact of decreased scapulothoracic upward rotation on subacromial proximities is not absolute, but instead depends on the angle of humerothoracic elevation. The effects of scapular dyskinesis and humeral and scapular axial rotations on subacromial proximities are less clear. Future research is needed to further investigate the relationship between kinematics and subacromial proximities using more homogenous groups, determine the extent to which compression and other factors contribute to rotator cuff pathology, and develop accurate and reliable clinical measures of shoulder motion.  相似文献   

Arcuni SE 《The Nurse practitioner》2000,25(5):58, 61, 65-586 passim
Musculoskeletal complaints are one of the most common reasons for primary care office visits, and rotator cuff disorders are the most common source of shoulder pain. Subacromial impingement with subsequent tendinitis and bursitis is frequently found in young adult patients. Rotator cuff tears are a common cause of shoulder pain in patients over age 40. The majority of subacromial impingement and incomplete rotator cuff tears may be successfully managed with conservative treatment. This article discusses anatomic function of the glenohumeral joint and subacromial space, etiology of subacromial impingement and rotator cuff disorders, examination of the shoulder, diagnostic testing, and treatment of subacromial impingement and rotator cuff disorders in the primary care setting.  相似文献   

BackgroundFailure after rotator cuff repair remains a major clinical problem and could be related to excessive pressures from the acromion. Previous studies with irreparable tears showed good clinical results of tendon healing with arthroscopic insertion of a protective biodegradable spacer balloon between the repaired tendon and the acromion. One hypothesis is that compression pressures on the repaired tendon will be reduced by the spacer. This cadaver study aimed to investigate the effects of this subacromial spacer on compression pressures over a repaired supraspinatus tendon in passive motion.MethodsRotator cuff tear and repair were performed in six fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders, followed by insertion of a biodegradable subacromial spacer. Specimens were tested using a passive shoulder simulator for abduction-adduction, flexion-extension and internal-external rotations. A sensor positioned below the acromion was used to measure compression pressure changes through passive range of motion before and after placement of a subacromial spacer. Peak pressures were measured in adduction-abduction motion, near 90° abduction.FindingsBoth the mean and peak pressures in abduction-adduction were significantly reduced after insertion of the subacromial spacer (from mean 121.7 (SD 9.5) MPa to 51.5 (SD 1.2) MPa and from peak 1749.6 (SD 80.7) MPa to 535.1 (SD 27.6) MPa) (P < 0.0001).InterpretationThe reduced peak pressures and wider load distributions over the sensor during both passive abduction-adduction and flexion-extension motions suggest that the use of the spacer will lead to reduced wear of the repair in patients, and potentially prevent rotator cuff re-tear after surgical repair.  相似文献   



Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) of the shoulder has a multi-factorial aetiology which includes both intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms. Upper extremity muscle fatigue has been proposed as a potential causative factor in extrinsic SAIS development.


This review summarises the current state of knowledge regarding fatigue-induced glenohumeral (GH) and scapulothoracic (ST) kinematic changes as they relate to subacromial space reduction and subsequent SAIS. It specifically addresses evidence for mechanisms including superior humeral head translation and scapular reorientation.

Major findings:

Global upper extremity muscle fatigue elicits GH kinematic changes that increase SAIS risk. Concurrent compensatory ST kinematic alterations, primarily scapular upward rotation (UR), lessen this risk. Additionally, fatiguing protocols aimed to selectively exhaust certain muscles or muscle groups without fatiguing the rotator cuff were unsuccessful, suggesting that rotator cuff fatigue is likely for a wide range of fatiguing upper extremity tasks.


Despite the compensatory response of scapular reorientation in fatigued conditions, the dimensions of the subacromial space still pose increased risk for SAIS development, and the variability in kinematic responses produces highly differential risk, particularly for those exposed to tasks requiring increased rotator cuff muscle demand.  相似文献   

Synovial osteochondromatosis is an idiopathic benign metaplasia of the synovial membrane rarely found in an extra‐articular bursa. We describe the case of a 55‐year‐old woman with synovial osteochondromatosis in the subacromial bursa mimicking calcific tendinitis. Plain radiographs showed a radiopaque mass over the middle facet of the greater tuberosity, suggesting calcific tendinitis. Sonography, however, showed a loose body in the subacromial bursa, and no evidence of calcification inside the rotator cuff. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound 42:237–240, 2014  相似文献   



In this study, we aimed to establish a quantitative threshold value in the diagnosis of subacromial impingement syndrome by measuring the thickness of the subacromial bursa during abduction and adduction.

Materials and methods

Forty-five patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and 54 healthy individuals underwent dynamic shoulder ultrasonography. The subacromial bursa, between the supraspinatus tendon margin and peribursal adipose tissue, was measured between the acromion and humeral head at its widest part. The subacromial impingement ratio was calculated by dividing the subacromial bursa thickness during abduction to the subacromial bursa thickness during adduction. Shapiro–Wilk test was used in the assessment of normal distribution of parameters.


The mean subacromial bursa thickness in the abduction position was 1.8 ± 1.1 mm in the study group and 0.9 ± 0.3 mm in the control group. The mean subacromial bursa thickness in the adduction position was 0.9 ± 0.5 mm in the study group and 0.8 ± 0.3 mm in the control group. The subacromial impingement ratio showed a statistically significant difference between groups (p < 0.0001), and the ratio being 2.0 ± 0.5 in the study group and 1.2 ± 0.1 in the control group. For measurements performed in the abduction position, the best cut-off value was calculated as 1.3 mm, and sensitivity and specificity were 70.6 and 85.2%, respectively. The best cut-off value was 1.4 for the subacromial impingement ratio, and sensitivity and specificity were 88.2 and 96.3%, respectively.


Subacromial impingement ratio is a very practical and reliable method in subacromial impingement syndrome diagnosis.

目的评价超声引导下复方倍他米松联合玻璃酸钠注射治疗肩峰下滑囊炎(SAB)的疗效。 方法收集2013年1月至2014年9月因肩部疼痛于四川省人民医院附属医院超声科就诊的门诊患者200例,将其中72例诊断为单纯性SAB且欲行超声引导下肩峰下滑囊注射治疗的患者纳入本研究,随机分为2组。试验组给予复方倍他米松联合玻璃酸钠注射,对照组给予复方倍他米松注射,所有患者治疗后第1周和第4周进行电话随访,治疗前、后均进行疼痛评分(视觉模拟评分法,VAS)和肩关节主动外展活动度评分。 结果2组患者治疗后1周和4周,VAS评分及肩关节主动外展活动度评分均较治疗前明显改善(P均<0.05)。治疗后1周,试验组与对照组VAS评分及肩关节主动外展活动度评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05);治疗后4周,试验组VAS评分明显低于对照组(2.08±1.95 vs 3.14±2.0,P<0.05),试验组肩关节主动外展活动度评分明显高于对照组(7.12±2.10 vs 6.11±1.93,P<0.05)。 结论超声引导下肩峰下滑囊内复方倍他米松联合玻璃酸钠注射可有效治疗SAB,其缓解疼痛及改善肩关节主动外展活动范围的短期疗效优于单一使用复方倍他米松注射治疗。  相似文献   

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