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目的探讨信息技术环境下案例教学法在皮肤性病学见习教学中的意义。方法在皮肤性病学见习教学中,将学生随机分为两组,一组为案例教学法组,共123人;另一组为传统教学方法组,共124人。两组为同一老师带教。将采用案例教学法的小组与采用传统讲授法(LBL)教学的小组进行对比性研究。结果在见习结束时,案例教学组与传统教学组考试成绩相比较,均有统计学意义(P0.05);在对案例教学组进行问卷调查中,案例教学组学生认为案例教学模式对巩固理论知识、训练临床思维、培养自学能力、提高学习兴趣、拓展创造思维、自主学习及处理病人上有较明显的帮助。结论案例教学法能提高皮肤性病学见习同学的学习成绩和临床技能,对培养皮肤科人才有一定意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨基于网络的双语教学在皮肤性病学教学中的应用效果。方法在2013级全科医学本科班的皮肤性病学见习教学中,将学生随机分成基于网络的双语教学组(试验组)和传统见习教学组(对照组)。教学效果采用考试和问卷调查2种方式进行评估。结果经两种不同见习方式之后,试验组理论考试成绩、技能测试成绩以及学生学习兴趣、对该教学方式满意度等方面的评估均优于对照组,且差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论基于网络的双语教学运用于皮肤性病学见习教学中有利于提高双语教学质量,并有助于培养学生的临床思维。  相似文献   

通过对八年制医学生双语教学的实践,阐述双语教学的意义,在皮肤性病学专业开展的可行性以及目前存在的相关问题。分析并讨论提高皮肤性病学双语教学效果、做好师生课前准备、改进教学方法和坚持课堂外医学专业英语学习等相关因素,为改进和提高八年制医学生皮肤性病学双语教学质量提供经验。  相似文献   

皮肤性病学病种多,用文字描述皮肤损害抽象且不易理解。当前在面临升学和择业双重压力下,作为临床小科室,学生在皮肤科的实习效果并不理想。传统的临床教学模式难以适应医学生的需求。本文结合临床实习带教经验,旨在探讨皮肤性病科实习教学的新模式,激发学生对皮肤性病学的兴趣,为社会培养适应时代需要、合格的皮肤科专业人才。  相似文献   

目的通过临床病理讨论(clinical pathological conference,CPC)联合基于问题学习(problem-based learning,PBL)的教学模式在皮肤性病学教学中的应用与研究,探索出适用于皮肤性病学教学的新模式。方法选择泸州医学院2010级临床医学专业本科学生,随机抽取2个班(每班40人)分为试验组与对照组。前者采用CPC与PBL相结合教学模式,后者采用传统多媒体教学模式。通过考试与问卷调查评估教学效果,并根据学生反馈意见分析教学模式的不足。结果试验组的成绩为(95.07±2.59)分,高于对照组成绩(88.37±5.07)分,试验组满意率为98.00%,高于对照组满意率(77.50%)。两组成绩及满意度比较,差异有统计学意义(P均0.05)。结论 CPC联合PBL教学模式可以提高学生上课的兴趣、发挥学习的主观能动性和积极性,培养学生的临床思维,是一种适合皮肤性病学理论教学的教学新模式。  相似文献   

该文总结笔者的授课体会,探讨皮肤性病学双语教学的难点和应对方法。转变教学模式,调动学生学习的热情和主动性。对课堂知识进行系统总结,加深学生对知识的理解,以进一步改进皮肤性病学双语教学的质量。  相似文献   

目的:将多元化形式的第二课堂模式引入正常皮肤性病学教学中,激发学生的学习热情,提高教学质量.方法:通过组织皮肤性病学临床知识比赛,举行文艺活动、知识讲座等多种形式的第二课堂,检查教师的教学效果以及学生对知识掌握和运用情况.结果:充分调动了学生的学习主动性,提高了学生的综合素质,增加了学生以及师生之间交流,及时发现教学工作中存在的问题与不足.结论:多元化第二课堂模式是对第一课堂的补充和深化,是一种行之有效的皮肤性病学教学改革方法,值得推广.  相似文献   

正由世界中医药学会联合会皮肤科专业委员会和中国中医药研究促进会皮肤性病学分会联合主办,江苏省中医药学会皮肤科分会承办的"世界中医药学会联合会第八届中医皮肤科国际学术大会"和"2017中国中医药研究促进会皮肤性病学分会学术会议"将于2017年8月24~26日在中国南京市举办。征文内容:(1)中医、中西医结合防治皮肤性病的临床总结、特色疗法、实验研究、文献综述、病例报告、经验体会等;(2)皮肤科名老中医学术思想、流派的继承及方法学研究;(3)世界各地中医皮肤科临床实践和发展现状介绍。  相似文献   

探讨网络环境下PBL教学法在皮肤性病学教学中的应用。与传统的讲授教学法相比,网络环境下的PBL教学法普遍提高了学生的考试成绩受到学生的好评,更重要的是提高了学生分析和解决问题的能力和计算机网络应用水平,培养了学生分工协作的团队精神,节约了师资力量。同时,这种教学方式也要求教师不断提高自身业务素质,探索新的教育理念和方法。因此,网络环境下的PBL教学在皮肤性病学教学中的应用是可行有效的。  相似文献   

文中阐述了中医皮肤科研究生如何学好中医皮肤性病学的七个重要学习方法,提出中医皮肤科研究生要重视中医皮肤性病学基础知识和技能的学习;衷中参西,树立正确的整体辩病辨证思维观;掌握皮肤病理和真菌、性病的实验室诊断知识;善于总结皮肤病性病临床诊治经验;善于运用比较法诊断皮肤病;掌握外治技术和善于运用经方治疗皮肤病等。  相似文献   

皮肤性病学为一门形态学科,临床见习过程中认识皮损非常重要。但由于学生课时有限、患者不配合等诸多因素,典型病例的数量及质量难以保证。因此在多年的积累基础上,笔者制作出版了《皮肤性病学-电子图片示教教程》。在滨州医学院附属医院2010级的附院见习带教应用过程中,调查结果显示,配合应用《教程》组与配合应用教材配套光盘图片组教学效果差异有统计学意义(χ~2=7.014,P0.05),配合应用《教程》组教学效果更佳。《教程》在临床见习中值得推广应用。  相似文献   

我们从1993年开始在黑龙江中医药大学开设《性医学》课程,并于2008年主编出版了全国第一部《性医学》统编教材。教学实践证明,《性医学》是最受学生欢迎的选修课之一,在医学院校开设《性医学》课程是适应社会需要的必然选择。在教学实践中,我们总结出"四个结合"教学方法,即基础与临床结合,自然科学与社会科学结合,中西医结合,医学教学与青年性教育结合。在教学中,针对性医学理论知识与临床技能并重的特点,通过理论与实践的结合教学,提高学生的科学思维;针对性医学发展史的独特轨迹,从科技史与科技哲学角度分析,培养学生的科学修养与素质;针对性医学具有自然科学与社会科学结合的特点,通过对人文内容的掌握,增强学生的社会适应能力。《性医学》教学既可以传授性医学专业知识,拓宽学生的知识面,又可以提高学生的文化素质和身心修养,同时还可以普及科学的性知识,倡导文明的性观念,对增强人们的性健康及推进性文明建设具有重大意义。  相似文献   

This is a story of Dusan Jakac, one of the most prominent Croatian dermatovenerologists. Born in 1906, he is also our oldest dermatovenerologist and certainly among the oldest in Europe. His life and experience constitute a treasure of information on dermatovenerology in the region, which motivated us to ask him for an interview. In his life, Jakac experienced the time when Europe saw its unrest and witnessed the shift of dreadful epidemics such as Spanish flue, syphilis, and recently AIDS. He has observed different diagnostic approaches, their benefits and failures, and practiced various therapeutic approaches, never forgetting to take care of their side effects. Jakac's career illustrates the medical and cultural times in a striking way. We met him at his apartment in Zagreb, where he lives now and where he answered promptly and enthusiastically all our queries. Thanking him warmly, we can truly state that talking to Dusan Jakac was a unique experience for both the historian of medicine and the dermatovenerologist.  相似文献   

In dermatology, infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites play an important role. A large proportion of pathogen-related infections of the skin and mucous membranes are transmitted sexually. All areas of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology are subject to highly exciting, dynamic change. This is driven by changes in the epidemiology of long-established diseases, changes in the resistance of pathogens to anti-infectives, recurrence of known pathogens, and the emergence of completely new pathogens. In this article, we address “resistance to anti-infectives”, “sexually transmitted infections”, and “emerging viral infections”, three core areas of dermatovenerology that will shape the field in the years to come.  相似文献   

在高中学生中开展青春期性教育工作是当前教育中的一种迫切需要,性教育的内容应包括:性生理、性心理、性道德、性法制、性卫生、性安全、性审美等部分。在实施过程中要做到:学校主管领导和部门重视,各部门协调配合;选择较高层次的专业人员和受过基本专业培训的本校教师共同进行;形式上丰富多彩、灵活多样;特别要遵循适时、适度、适当的原则,以避免产生不良后果;还要注重家庭与学校的协调配合,提高家长的思想认识和知识水平;要及时进行效果的反馈与测评,以便进行必要的调整,保证收到预期实效。  相似文献   

The development of dermatovenerology in Croatia parallelled more or less this process in other parts of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy throughout the 19th century. The foundation of the first specialized hospitals as well as the establishment of dermatovenerological units and their transformation into academic departments and chairs in the early 20th century was a slow growth provoked by the spread of syphilis and Skrljevo disease. A group of Zagreb physicians were instrumental in this regard. Based on archival sources, this paper illustrates the chronology and circumstances of the foundation of the first chair, on the occasion of its 80th anniversary.  相似文献   

医学科普实践包括医学科普创作、医学科普宣讲、医学科普组织等过程.部队医学院校培养救援医学学员医学科普实践能力,在服务部队官兵、胜任第一任职需要、突出救援医学特色教学、引导学员开展医学研究、凸显医学教育以人为本的时代要求以及更好地贯彻宣传科普法等方面,具有重要的意义.采用参加社会实践方式、组织学员参与医学科普课题的攻关、开展医学科普宣传教育活动、把医学科普教育纳入教学计划、加大对学员科普实践活动的指导力度等途径,培养救援医学学员的医学科普实践能力.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is another new powerful technique in molecular biology that has begun to open new perspectives in modern science and also in dermatology. This brief report will therefore elucidate the general principles of the polymerase chain reaction, as well as its limitations and possible pitfalls. Furthermore an overview will be provided on the impact of PCR on molecular biologic approaches in oncology, immunology, and human genetics. The use of the method as a tool to detect microorganisms particularly viruses and bacteria, in cutaneous tissue and it potential other future applications are described as well. Because PCR is automated and is being more and more established in routine laboratories, physicians and scientists should be familiar with the basic principles and potential uses of this methodology.  相似文献   

Skin aging is a combination of natural aging with superimposed photoaging. Naturally aged skin is thin, fragile and finely wrinkled whereas photoaged skin is rough and thickened with deep coarse wrinkles. In addition photoaging is characterized by mottled pigmentation, solar lentigines, telangectasias and a loss of elasticity. The science behind skin aging has exploded in the past decade. Skin aging has now been defined on both a cellular and molecular level. The study of genomics in aging skin provides us with potential targets as points for intervention. In this regard, the science behind skin aging becomes a platform for the development of new anti-aging strategies and products. In this paper two new and emerging approaches to treat aging skin will be discussed. Sirtuin activating and anti-glycation products are already being marketed by cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. These anti-aging approaches are backed by basic science research and the ingredients used are supported by proof of concept studies although clinical trials are often lacking. It is this bench to beauty counter approach to cosmeceuticals that remains an industry standard today.  相似文献   

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