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中国科技大学本科生“免疫生物学”课程群是结合生物学和医学免疫学的特点所创建的教学体系。该课程群注重学生正确的价值观和科研精神的培养,建立了具有逻辑关系的“三梯次”免疫生物学整体课程教学体系,同时将课程教学与科研实践、科研诚信教育有机结合,注重将临床问题转化为科学问题,激发学生创新性思维,提升学生解决问题的综合能力,实现了生物学与医学免疫学的交叉融合。  相似文献   

目的通过人体解剖学的教学,将教学与科研相结合;结合临床实践教学;提高教师专业素质,合理的设计教案;医学伦理教育、医学人文精神教育和学生的道德教育融入课堂教学;课堂提问问题教学;章节之间过渡语及导入语的插入融入教学中,充分发挥学生在教学实践中的积极性和主动性,充分培养学生的开拓能力和创新意识,增强学生综合运用和独立运用各种技能解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

阐述了生物医学工程专业“自动控制原理”课程教学过程中存在的问题,探讨了归纳教学法在该课程中的应用。首先分析了该专业“自动控制原理”课程教学现状,指出了结合该专业学生的知识结构更新教学内容的必要性;结合现代教学手段,采用辅助教学软件,激发学习兴趣;采用归纳教学法,引导学生思考问题,启发学生思维;把理论教学和实验教学有机地结合起来;适当表扬调动学生的学习积极性。既可以使学生掌握“自动控制原理”的抽象理论,又加深了他们对人体生理控制系统的理解,加强不同知识之间的联系,真正做到理论联系实际。教学实践表明,该课程的教学改革可激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习积极性和主动性,增强学生的实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

培养适合社会发展要求的复合型医学影像人才,探讨适合物理基础教学与科研融合的改革之路。通过对比当前国内外影像学科基础教学情况,分析科研需求,提出适合影像学科人才发展的人才定位模式。对复合型医学影像人才的定位,在基础物理与科研结合的背景下,让学生入学即做好规划,掌握学科动态,树立奋斗目标,精神饱满的投入学习和实践,再通过本科生导师制的建立、管理模式的调整、教学内容的调整、教学方法的优化、演示实验的加强、科技平台建设等改革方案的落实,将基础教学与科研有机结合,使学生学习目标明确,学习兴趣增强,科技能力提升,实践活动积极参与,为医学影像人才的培养奠定基础。预期效果是医学基础扎实、临床实践能力增强、医学科研能力增强、医学人文素质提高。  相似文献   

为了提高课堂教学效果和教学质量,培养出高素质、高能力的适应时代需要的医学生,本文结合组织学与胚胎学课堂教学实践,谈了几点教学体会:①激发兴趣,调动学生主动学习的积极性;②传授学习方法,变难记为易记;③培养学习能力、思维能力及基本科研能力。  相似文献   

为了提高课堂教学效果和教学质量,培养出高素质、高能力的适应时代需要的医学生,本文结合组织学与胚胎学课堂教学实践,谈了几点教学体会:①激发兴趣,调动学生主动学习的积极性;②传授学习方法,变难记为易记;③培养学习能力、思维能力及基本科研能力。  相似文献   

目的:探索在机能学实验教学中如何培养学生的自主学习及科研能力.方法:在2016级临床医学专业中,实验组33名学生采用传统教学方式,教改组69名学生采用教学责任小组的教学改革方式,使学生成为教学主体,学生与教师一起完成机能学教学.结果:实验组与对照组在考试成绩上无显著性差异(P>0.05);问卷调查显示,该教改实践使学生全程参与科研的兴趣及能力有较大提高.结论:采用教学责任小组的教学改革方式增加了学生的参与性和积极性,且对培养学生自主学习能力和科研能力大有裨益.  相似文献   

引领学生进入科研前沿的免疫与遗传学实验教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生实践能力的增强是高等教育国际化过程中,本科教育面临的重要挑战之一。以科研为支撑,开展以研究型为基础的探究式学习是提高学生实践能力的有效途径。“生物学实验教学在保证学生掌握基本技能的同时,引领学生进入研究前沿。综合实验的设计与实施是实验教学的薄弱环节,科研一线的教师,要将重复性好的实验转换为学生实验。”  相似文献   

通过开放形态学实验室提高人体解剖学教学质量的探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
人体解剖学是医学的奠基石,是实践性极强的形态学课程,对学生的观察能力、动手能力有较高的要求。本文结合开放科研实验室的实践活动,探讨如何深化和完善科研实验室的开放活动,以达到提高人体解剖教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

解剖学第二课堂的开展与能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学研结合可以让学生在课外科技活动的实践之中,理解、巩固所学理论,增强知识运用能力和动手操作能力,从而激发内在的科研创新能力,完善其基本科研运作水平[1].为此,我们建立了回归基础的学习--解剖学第二课堂.利用双休日和课外活动时间开展第二课堂,培养大学生自我动手设计和制作标本,同时,从中选拔一部分学生参加科研小组的活动,从而促进学生动手能力和综合能力的提高.  相似文献   

The primary goal of medical education is to produce physicians who deliver high-quality health care. Recent calls for greater accountability in medical education and the development of outcomes research methodologies should encourage a new research effort to examine the effects of medical training upon clinical outcomes. The authors offer a research agenda that links medical education and quality of health care and give specific examples of potential research projects that would begin to examine that relationship. A proposed model of patient outcomes research in medical education recognizes the contributory effects of health care system-level factors as well as the continuum of medical education, process measures, and individual training and preparedness to deliver high-quality care. There exists an opportunity to create a research agenda in medical education outcomes research that is multidisciplinary, broad based, and focused on patient-centered outcomes.  相似文献   

This study examined ways of promoting research in the medical sciences by evaluating trends in research funding, and the present status of research funding by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). This study analyzed statistics from KOSEF from 1978 to 2003 to examine support for research. In medical science field, group-based programs receive more funding than do individual-based programs. The proportion of research funds allocated to the medical sciences has increased markedly each year. Researchers in the medical sciences have submitted more articles to Science Citation Index (SCI) journals than to non-SCI journals, relative to other fields. Researchers supported by the Mission-Oriented Basic Grants program have published the majority of these papers, followed by those supported by the Programs for Leading Scientists, Regional Scientists, Leading Women Scientists, Young Scientists, and Promising Women Scientists, in that order. Funding by KOSEF reflects many decades of government support for research and development, the development and maintenance of necessary infrastructure, and the education and training of medical scientists.  相似文献   

目的 通过回顾中国及美国与医疗器械稳定性研究有关的指导性文件和标准,指导医疗器械注册申请人在医疗器械全生命周期内结合风险管理开展产品稳定性研究活动,也为技术审评人员在审评相关内容时提供思路。方法 从货架有效期、使用稳定性、运输稳定性3个方面论述稳定性研究的内容,针对每个方面提供验证方案的设计思路,并从审评的角度为注册申请人在注册申报时如何提交一套完整的、便于审评人员研判的研究资料提供建议。结果 随着科技的发展,医疗器械的复杂性不断提高,因此产品稳定性研究是一个持续发展的过程,需要企业和审评人员用科学的方法进行研究与判定。  相似文献   

Scientists, educators, and researchers in the nation's medical schools, teaching hospitals, and research universities have responsibilities for ensuring a bright future for medical research. First, they must define science and communicate its wonder to their students, be their role models and mentors, and nurture and encourage the best and brightest to enter careers in medical research, since they are a precious resource for solving the many challenging and complex research problems that await them and which can bring great benefits to society. Second, they must learn to participate even more effectively and actively in the ongoing partnerships between the federal government, private enterprise, and the medical school and in the processes that lead to appropriations for the funding necessary to support the research enterprise. And finally, they need to recognize the importance of the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of medical research by urging support for the physical and social sciences, mathematics, and engineering.  相似文献   

转换医学研究——让患者更快受益于医学科技   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生命科学的快速发展,转换医学研究近年来受到越来越多的重视.转换医学研究的目的是打破基础医学与药物研发和临床医学之间的屏障,缩短实验室到病床的过程,能够最终使患者更快地受益于生命科学的研究成果.它不仅符合21世纪生命科学研究的趋势,也与我国卫生科技的总体目标,疾病防治和促进健康相契合.北京协和医院根据自身长期的基础和临床相结合的研究模式,谋求与基础研究机构的合作与发展,对转换医学的研究模式进行了初步探索.  相似文献   

Improving medical practice begins with the improvement of medical education. In this process, most academic medical faculty assume the dual roles of both teacher and researcher, often without intending to or realizing that they are. With the increased tightening of regulation and supervision of biomedical research in the United States, academic medical institutions and their individual faculty face the daunting regulatory compliance problems that are traditionally associated with clinical and bench research projects. In 2000, as part of a new geriatrics curriculum initiative, one medical school (not the authors' present institution) developed a mentor program that was designed to positively influence students' attitudes about aging. Despite the attempts of faculty to design the curriculum and evaluation process to conform to human subjects regulations, formal allegations of research misconduct were brought against the faculty who were in charge of the curriculum. Even though research that shows that 70% of alleged research misconduct charges result in exoneration, an accusation of misconduct can have serious consequences for faculty including suspension of their project, undergoing an intensive investigation, and potentially making it impossible for the faculty member or institution to apply for future federally supported research funds. The authors wrote this article to serve as a wake-up call for medical educators to become intimately familiar with their own institution's institutional review board process and be proactive in educating themselves and their peers regarding research in medical education.  相似文献   

The authors examined the impact of students' research involvement during medical school on their postresidency medical activities. The three medical schools involved--The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine (PSU), The University of Connecticut School of Medicine (UCONN), and The University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMASS)--have nearly indistinguishable applicant, matriculant, and curriculum profiles. However, at PSU a research project is a curriculum requirement for students who did not do medical research prior to entering medical school. Questionnaires were sent to all graduates from the classes of 1980, 1981, and 1982. A total of 567 graduates completed the questionnaires, an overall response rate of approximately 76%. Medical school research experience was reported by 83% (183) of the PSU graduates, 34% (52) of the UCONN graduates, and 28% (54) of the UMASS graduates. When compared on a school-by-school basis, the graduates from the three schools did not differ with respect to residency specialty training, fellowship training, academic appointments, career practice choices, or postgraduate research involvement. However, when all the graduates studied were examined as a single group, medical school research experience was found to be strongly associated with postgraduate research involvement.  相似文献   

The major objective of this research is to examine whether or not medical students acquire values other than those related to traditional orientations to medical service. These values are approached in the context of the medical training of the student physician at a predominantly black medical college. The research setting is the Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, DC, one of the two black four-year medical colleges in the United States.  相似文献   

季汉珍 《医学信息》2007,20(1):77-79
在医院进行科研及拓展新技术应用活动中,医务人员要在网上检索阅读大量国外最新的医学文献资料,或撰写英语医学论文参加国际学术会议交流,为了使医务人员和科研工作者能顺利读懂或写出较规范流畅的英语医学文献和论文,本文作者结合工作实践,介绍了利用电脑网络途径查询医学英语单词的几种途径和方法。  相似文献   

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