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目的 对湖南侗族左扣手人群的掌纹分布特点进行研究 ,积累侗族群体遗传学与民族学资料。方法用油墨拓印法捺印手纹 ,放大镜下观察分析。结果侗族左交臂人的普通型及过渡Ⅱ型掌褶纹的百分率存在明显的性差 (p <0 0 1) ;TH/I1区及I3 区的真实花纹出现率在左右手之间存在明显差异 (p <0 0 5或p <0 0 1)。过渡Ⅰ型掌褶纹的百分率与对照组比较存在明显的差异 (p <0 0 5 )。结论湖南侗族左交臂人群的掌纹有其自身的特征  相似文献   

湖南侗族左交臂人群的指纹分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨湖南侗族左交臂人群的手纹特点。方法 对湖南通道侗族自治县 2 88人用油墨拓印法印取指纹图 ,放大镜下观察计数。结果 侗族左交臂人的指纹分型特点是 :尺箕 >简斗 >双箕斗 >桡箕 >简弓 >帐弓 ;简弓出现率存在明显的性差 (P <0 0 5 )。桡箕在食指的出现率、女性简弓的出现率、男性箕、尺箕和斗的出现率与对照组比较存在明显的差异 (P<0 0 5 )。结论 表明湖南侗族左交臂人群的指纹分布具有一定的特异性。  相似文献   

<正> 调查1000例藏族手纹正常值,得各指端纹型出现频率为:尺箕44.71,斗形41.33, 双箕斗7.92,挠箕3,平弓1.99,帐弓1.05。掌摺正常型占74.45,通贯手占8.15。总指嵴数168.10,a-b嵴数34.95。atd角39.18,掌长(?)9.89公分、腕—t线(?)2.27公分。  相似文献   

胃癌患者手纹的初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 为了探讨当地胃癌患者的手纹特征。方法 按活体测量要求和全国统一分型标准 ,用普鲁士蓝反应法捺取手印。结果 胃癌患者指纹分型特点 :Ws>Lu>Wd>Lr>As>At。掌褶纹 :通贯型出现率最高 ,明显高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。尺箕 (Lu)明显低于对照组 (P <0 0 1)。斗形 (W )明显高于对照组 (P <0 0 1)。结论 胃癌患者指纹出现率与对照组指纹出现率存在明显差异。指纹的检查结果对胃癌诊断初筛提供线索和参考  相似文献   

弱智儿童手纹特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对弱智儿童手纹特征观察和分析 ,为鉴定弱智儿童提供一定的形态学指标 ,为国人皮纹学、人类学、遗传学、临床医学等领域的研究积累资料。方法 采用亚铁氰化钾溶液敏化卡 ,用FeCl3 溶液拭手按压于卡上 ,获取 2 50例 1 0~ 1 4岁弱智儿童的手纹 (男 1 4 0人 ,女 1 1 0人 ) ,并与国内有关资料作了比较和分析。结果 弱智儿童中男性斗纹、女性弓纹、总指纹嵴数、掌部真实花纹、掌褶悉尼线型及小鱼际区皮嵴离解等均高于正常儿童对照组。结论 弱智儿童手纹在许多方面呈现一定特异性  相似文献   

本文对 1 0 0名脆性X综合征的患者进行皮纹分析 ,与正常对照组相比较有明显差异的是 :指纹中桡箕纹明显增加 ,而尺箕纹减少 ,指嵴纹总数 (TFRC)增加 ;掌褶纹中 ,过渡型和通贯型的掌褶纹明显增多 ,atd角大于 45°者增多 ,指三叉C点主线走向异常并伴有手软、手指关节过渡伸曲的现象  相似文献   

目的:研究湖南瓦乡人的肤纹参数.方法:在知情同意的原则下,捺印瓦乡人手纹,在捺印的手纹图上观察分析指纹频率和指纹总嵴数,以及掌纹的指间纹、手大鱼际纹与小鱼际纹、猿线频率和指三叉a-b间嵴线数、轴三角atd角度与t百分距.并用Mega2软件绘制聚类图,分析瓦乡人与其他群体肤纹特征的相似性.结果:湖南瓦乡人指纹的观察频率弓型纹为2.63%,尺型纹为49.04%,斗型纹为48.33%,且3种指纹频率性别差异均无统计学意义;指纹总嵴数均值为123.61±32.40,且右手高于左手;指三叉a-b间嵴线数、轴三角atd角度与t百分距均值分别为35.92±4.93、42.84±5.40和18.88±6.93,均无明显的性别与手侧差异;手掌大鱼际及指间纹频率较低.湖南瓦乡人肤纹特征与四川土家族最相似.结论:左、右手同名指花纹对应组合多于期望值,表明同类花纹有亲和性或相容性.本研究丰富了湖南瓦乡人生物学研究资料,为其人类学、遗传学和医学研究提供了较完整的肤纹学数据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨义县汉族人群的指纹特征,为皮纹学研究提供参考.方法:在知情同意情况下按捺523名(男220例,女303例)义县汉族人的掌指纹,分析指纹类型、计数指纹嵴线数.结果:义县汉族人群箕形纹频率最高,男、女分别为51.18%、51.59%,以尺箕纹为主;其次为斗形纹,男、女分别为46.59%、女46.11%,以简单斗形纹为主;弓形纹出现率最低;总指纹嵴数男性为139.48,女性为140.93,性别间不存在差异.结论:义县汉族人群的指纹学特征具有种族特异性,各种指纹型和指纹嵴线数在不同民族及各手指间的分布具有差异性.  相似文献   

广西彝族皮纹178例(男92、女86),观测项目包括手指纹型、总指嵴数等。结果如下;指端纹型出现率:斗型49.47%,尺箕43.93%,弓型4.38%,桡箕2.22%。其中以斗型和尺箕多见,与文献报道广西其他民族(壮、毛南、侗族)有差异,反映同一人种内存在着一定的民族差异。桡箕和弓型出现率最低,与国内外报道相同,似乎是人类指纹分布的共同规律。指端纹型具有性别差异。本文以斗型为例,出现率:男52.74%,女45.73%,男多于女,差异显著。彝族手指纹嵴数总平均为116.35,较国内外文献报道为低。人类皮纹表现具有遗传特征、民族差异和种族差异,是人类遗传学和医学遗传学研究的重要内容。由于我国幅员广大,人口众多,是一个多民族的国家,除汉、藏、毛南、侗族等的皮纹调查已见报道之外,其他民族的皮纹调查资料较少见到。为搜集我国少数民族正常群体的皮纹学数据,提供研究和参考,并为进一步作皮纹与疾病关系的研究做些基础工作。本文对广西彝族的手纹进行调查分析,并与其他民族相比较。  相似文献   

400例汉族医学生手纹类型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类皮纹学的研究,自1957年Walker首次将皮纹变化用于先愚型的诊断以来,利用它诊断先天性疾病,日益增多。国内资料一般以正常人纹型男女间出现率的报导为多。指纹与掌褶类型是否呈左、右对称?尚未见报导。本文就各纹型的出现率及其对称性分布的分型等探讨了国人手纹类型的正常值。  相似文献   

李文慧  席焕久  吕坡  赵宏 《解剖学报》2013,44(3):413-418
目的 探讨辽宁汉族6项不对称行为特征的分布频率,为中国人体质调查积累资料。方法 在知情同意基础上,采用随机抽样方法,调查
了辽宁省锦州市380例(男186例,女194例)汉族健康成人的6项不对称行为(扣手、利手、交叉臂、交叉腿、利足、起步类型)。结果 辽宁汉
异;除交叉臂外,其他5项均是R型高于左型(L型)。 辽宁汉族与蒙古族等15个民族R型率比较,其中有4项及以上不对称行为特征出现显著性
差异的有布依族、苗族、侗族、仫佬族。 聚类分析结果显示,辽宁汉族与蒙古族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族等北方民族最为接近。辽宁汉族腿足特
征间的相关性优于手臂特征,且RR型组合的出现率明显高于LL型组合的出现率。结论 与国内外其他族群相比,辽宁汉族扣手、利手、利足、起
步类型R型率处于中等水平,交叉臂和交叉腿R型率处于较低水平。  相似文献   

对湖南侗族、苗族和汉族3对一侧优势行为性状的基因频率进行了调查分析,结果表明,汉族扣手的显性基因频率均极明显低于侗族和苗族,且其利手的显性基因频率也极明显低于苗族,但侗族利足的显性基因频率明显或极明显低于汉族或苗族。  相似文献   

During surgical exposure of the carpal tunnel it is possible to injure the neurovascular structures closely related to the flexor retinaculum, such as the superficial palmar arch and the communicating branch between the ulnar and median nerves. Because of the importance of these structures and with the purpose of increasing knowledge of anatomical details concerning to their location, a biometric study was performed on the retinaculum and the communicating branch, and between the communicating branch and the distal wrist crease, as well as between the retinaculum and the superficial palmar arch. We dissected 56 hands from 28 Brazilian formalin‐preserved cadavers of both sexes (24 male) at the Federal University of São Paulo–Escola Paulista de Medicina, Brazil. The communicating branch was observed in 96.4% of cases and the superficial palmar arch in 78.6%. The communicating branch was found between the common palmar digital nerve of the 4th interosseous space (from the ulnar nerve) to the homonymous nerve of the 3rd interosseous space (from the median nerve). In males, the distance between the distal wrist crease and the site where the communicating branch originates from the ulnar component had an average of 33.9±5.5 mm on the right side and 30.2±8.2 mm on the left. The distance between the distal wrist crease and the junction of the communicating branch with the common palmar digital nerve of the 3rd interosseous space was 43.6±6.9 mm on the right and 40.2±6.2 mm on the left side. Conversely, in 14.8% of cases (1 female), the communicating branch was observed to emerge from the common palmar digital nerve of the 3rd interosseous space. The distance between the retinaculum and the superficial palmar arch in the axial line of the 4th metacarpal bone was on average 7.3±4.3 mm on the right and 8.3±3.5 mm on the left side. At the same level, the distance between the retinaculum and the communicating branch was 6.2±3.7 mm on the right side and 5.1±2.8 mm on the left. These results can be used as a reference during surgical procedures in the palmar region.  相似文献   

湖南汉族一侧优势行为特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解湖南汉族人体一侧优势行为特征的分布及其相关性。方法对湖南汉族共709(男387,女322)例正常人的7项一侧优势行为特征进行活体调查。结果(1)除叠臂外,其余6项特征的右型出现率过半,且利足的性别差异显著;(2)各项特征的出现率均存在一定程度的差异;(3)除利眼、叠臂外其余5项特征均有相关性,且相关程度较高;(4)湖南汉族7项特征与南方民族的差异比与内蒙古民族或群体的差异相对更明显。结论湖南汉族7项一侧优势行为特征具有其特点。  相似文献   

肿瘤相关抗原LEA在大肠癌及大肠非癌患者血清中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨LEA在大肠腺瘤和大肠癌的早期诊断价值。方法 应用双抗夹心ELLSA技术 ,以ND - 1单抗和抗CEA单体分别对大肠癌患者 93例、大肠腺瘤 16例、炎性息肉 15例及正常人 32例的血清进行LEA和CEA的检测。结果 LEA在大肠癌的阳性表达率为 72 %与炎性息肉的 7%存在非常显著性关系(P <0 0 1) ;CEA在大肠癌的阳性表达率为 5 9%与健康人的 6 %也存在非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。但LEA在大肠腺瘤的阳性表达率为 6 3%与炎性息肉的 7%存在非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) ,而CEA的大肠腺瘤与炎性息肉分别为 5 0 %和 7% ,无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 LEA在大肠腺瘤的血清学表达很有可能作为大肠癌前病变的指标  相似文献   

新疆塔塔尔族肤纹学   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:本文报道新疆维吾尔自治区塔塔尔族人群的肤纹参数。方法:在知情同意手续下捺印调查对象的手纹和足纹,样本包括29名男性和24名女性。结果:调查的项目有TFRC、a—bRC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手小鱼际、猿线、大拇趾球纹、趾间纹、足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。结论:左右同名对应的指纹(足纹)显示同类花纹的组合多于期望值,表明同类花纹有亲和性或相容性。本文为人类学、遗传学和医学提供了较完整的数据集。  相似文献   

Carpal tunnel decompression is one of the most common surgical procedures in hand surgery. Cutaneous innervation of the palm by median and ulnar nerves was evaluated to find a suitable incision preserving cutaneous nerves. A morphometric study was designed to define the safe-zone for mini-open carpal tunnel release. Sixteen fresh-frozen (8 right, 8 left) and 14 formalin-fixed (8 right, 6 left) cadaveric hands were dissected. Anatomy of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median and the ulnar nerve, motor branch of the median nerve, superficial palmar arch were evaluated relative to the surgical incision. We also identified the motor branch of the median nerve. Detailed measurements of the whole palmar region are reported in this study. The motor branch of the median nerve was extraligamentous as 60%, subligamentous as 34%, transligamentous as 6%. The palmar cutaneous branches of the median and the ulnar nerves in the palmar region were classified as Type A (34%), Type B (13%), Type C (13%), Type D (none), Type E (40%) according to forms of palmar cutaneous innervation originating from the ulnar and median nerves. Injury to the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBMN) is the most common complication of the carpal tunnel surgery. Various techniques were described to decrease post-operative morbidity. Based on these anatomic findings mini incision between the superficial palmar arch and the most distal part of the PCBMN in the palmar region is the safe-zone for carpal tunnel surgery.  相似文献   



The authors present an anatomical study of the flexor digitorum superficialis synovial flap and its clinical application for palmar soft tissue defects in hand trauma.


Green latex was injected into the brachial artery of thirty-one human upper limbs from corpses donated to science. Anatomical features of this pedicled flap were assessed: arterial vascularization, dimensions and covering surface.


The anatomical support of this flap is the synovial tissue of the flexor tendons, and particularly the superficial layer of the synovial system, covering the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) tendons in the forearm. It is vascularized by four different arteries: a constant collateral branch of the ulnar artery, and three inconstant arterial supports: from collateral branches of the superficial palmar arch, from the radial artery, and from the vasa nervorum of the median nerve. The flap is harvested from proximal to distal on the ulnar pedicle to cover the palmar soft tissue defects of the hand. A clinical application of this synovial flap is presented via a case report for covering a palmar skin defect secondary to a hand injury.


The synovial flap contains a constant ulnar pedicle and could be considered a useful alternative to cover palmar soft tissue defects.  相似文献   

Abstract During a routine anatomic dissection of a 60-year-old female cadaver, a large branch of the ulnar artery in the carpal tunnel was found in the left forearm. This branch crossed the median nerve anteriorly. Guyon’s canal contained another branch of the ulnar artery and the ulnar nerve. There was no superficial palmar arch in the left hand. The right forearm was without any vascular anomalies. This anomaly has considerable consequences for surgeons considering endoscopic carpal release, because there is a significant risk of injury to the ulnar artery branch.  相似文献   

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