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86例早产胎膜早破的临床观察及护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银环 《蛇志》2011,23(2):196-197
早产胎膜早破又称未足月胎膜早破(PPROM),是指发生在妊娠37周之前的胎膜破裂.孕妇中的PPROM发生率为3%,其中有约30%-40%导致早产[1].引起胎膜早破的易发因素为感染、宫腔压力不均、羊水过多、胎膜发育不良等,其主要危害是羊膜腔感染、羊水过少、早产、胎儿窘迫和新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)等.胎龄越小,死亡率越高.现就我院2007年1月-2010年9月收治的86例早产胎膜早破孕妇的护理体会报告如下.  相似文献   

目的:检测未足月胎膜早破合并绒毛膜羊膜炎(HCA)孕妇血清淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)、血小板激活因子(PAF)水平,并探讨其临床意义。方法:选择从2013年7月到2017年7月,在我院接受治疗的165例胎膜早破孕产妇作为研究对象。165例患者中,未足月胎膜早破者80例(未足月胎膜早破组),足月胎膜早破者85例(足月胎膜早破组),再根据是否合并HCA分为合并HCA胎膜早破组43例和未合并HCA胎膜早破组122例。另选取同期在我院体检的80例健康孕产妇志愿者作为正常组,对比各组血清SAA和PAF水平,分析合并与未合并HCA胎膜早破组的妊娠结局,利用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析血清SAA和PAF对未足月胎膜早破是否合并HCA的诊断价值。结果:未足月胎膜早破组及足月胎膜早破组的血清SAA和PAF水平均明显高于正常组,且未足月胎膜早破组又高于足月胎膜早破组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。未足月胎膜早破组80例患者中HCA发生率为35.00%(28/80),明显高于足月胎膜早破组的17.65%(15/85),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。合并HCA胎膜早破组的血清SAA和PAF水平均明显高于未合并HCA胎膜早破组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。合并HCA的未足月胎膜早破患者血清SAA和PAF水平高于未合并HCA的未足月胎膜早破患者(P0.05)。合并HCA的胎膜早破组的产后大出血、剖宫产以及新生儿肺炎的发生率均明显高于未合并HCA胎膜早破组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。根据ROC曲线分析可知,血清SAA和PAF对未足月胎膜早破是否合并HCA的诊断价值较高。结论:血清SAA、PAF水平在未足月胎膜早破合并HCA孕妇中明显升高,二者对此种合并症具有较高的诊断价值。临床诊疗过程中可将SAA及PAF纳入到指标监测体系中,从而为临床治疗提供指导。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊娠晚期妇女生殖道感染无乳链球菌(GBS)与新生儿感染的关系。方法在慈溪市妇幼保健院1192例胎膜早破妊娠晚期妇女进行宫颈分泌物培养,同时对其分娩的1196个新生儿进行鼻咽分泌物培养作为观察组,同时选择同期无胎膜早破的妊娠晚期妇女500例作为对照组进行比较。观察胎膜早破合并GBS阳性妊娠晚期妇女与新生儿感染的相关性。结果观察组分离无乳链球菌比例为16.1%(192/1192),对照组分离无乳链球菌比例为6.0%(30/500),两组比较无乳链球菌感染与胎膜早破差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。早破合并GBS阳性的妊娠晚期妇女新生儿感染率与破膜时间和分娩产程有关,破膜时间〈24h与〉24h的妊娠晚期妇女,其新生儿感染率与破膜时间成正比,产程〈24h的妊娠晚期妇女新生儿感染率明显低于24h以上的妊娠晚期妇女。结论妊娠晚期妇女无乳链球菌感染与胎膜早破有关,从而引起新生儿感染,为了早期预防新生儿感染,应对GBS阳性的妊娠晚期妇女及时治疗,并严格控制早破时间和缩短分娩产程。  相似文献   

目的探讨调整阴道菌群失调在预防妊娠晚期未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)中的价值。方法选取产科门诊进行产前检查无症状单胎妊娠晚期孕妇450例。根据检查结果将其分为菌群失常组138例和菌群正常组312例。菌群失常组根据患者的自愿行乳酸菌阴道胶囊治疗112例(治疗组),未行乳酸菌阴道胶囊治疗26例(对照组)。观察并比较菌群正常组和菌群失常组、治疗组与对照组PPROM发生率。结果菌群失常组孕妇138例中发生PPROM 8例(5.80%),菌群正常组孕妇312例中发生PPROM 3例(0.96%),菌群失常组孕妇PPROM发生率明显高于菌群正常组(χ2=7.46,P0.05)。治疗组孕妇112例中发生PPROM 3例(2.68%),对照组孕妇26例中发生PPROM 5例(19.23%),治疗组孕妇PPROM发生率明显低于对照组(χ2=7.77,P0.05)。结论妊娠晚期孕妇阴道菌群失调与PPROM发生关系密切,予以乳酸菌阴道胶囊调整阴道菌群失调可有利于预防和治疗妊娠妇女发生生殖道感染,降低PPROM发生率,减少其对母婴造成的不良结局。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 探讨孕晚期发生胎膜早破的危险因素及其与胎膜早破的相关性。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月至2018年12月医院收治的350例孕晚期孕妇的临床资料,根据孕妇有无发生胎膜早破分为观察组和对照组。对比两组可能导致胎膜早破相关因素的差异,并采用多因素Logistic回归分析法明确影响胎膜早破的相关因素,重点探讨GBS、支原体、衣原体感染与胎膜早破的关系。结果 350例孕妇胎膜早破发生率为14.86%(52/350)。观察组与对照组年龄、主动或被动吸烟、产次、人工流产史、妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、胎位横位/臀位和子宫肌瘤患者构成比差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。观察组多胎妊娠、产检<5次、巨大儿、羊水过多、头盆不称、GBS感染、解脲支原体感染和沙眼衣原体感染患者构成比均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。经Logistic回归分析均是导致胎膜早破的危险因素(均P<0.05)。结论 导致胎膜早破的危险因素较多,其中孕晚期生殖道GBS、支原体和衣原体感染与胎膜早破关系紧密,临床应采取针对性防治措施,以降低胎膜早破发生风险,改善妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的:调查妊娠35~37周孕妇B族链球菌(GBS)带菌情况,探讨GBS感染与不良妊娠结局的关系。方法:收集妊娠35~37周孕妇265例,取阴道下段1/3分泌物和直肠分泌物,采用实时荧光定量PCR法进行GBS检测,观察其妊娠结局。结果:265例孕妇中GBS阳性者42例,阴性者223例,带菌率约为15.84%;GBS阳性孕妇的宫内感染、胎儿窘迫和新生儿肺炎发生率高于GBS阴性组(P0.05)。结论:围产期妇女GBS感染会导致宫内感染、胎儿窘迫及新生儿肺炎的发生率升高,对妊娠结局会产生不良影响。  相似文献   

目的分析孕晚期胎膜早破妇女产道无乳链球菌(SA)定植与新生儿感染之间的相关性。方法筛选2014年1月-2017年3月我院产科收治的孕晚期胎膜早破孕妇589例作为观察组,无胎膜早破的正常孕晚期孕妇261例作为对照组,对两组孕妇宫颈拭子进行细菌培养,并对其分娩的新生儿咽拭子进行细菌培养,记录两组孕妇胎膜早破合并SA阳性结果孕妇数与新生儿感染人数。结果胎膜早破孕妇宫颈拭子SA阳性率为16.47%(97/589),无胎膜早破的正常妊娠晚期妇女SA阳性率为6.13%(16/261)(P0.01);观察组SA阳性孕妇新生儿感染发生率6.18%(6/97),显著高于本组SA阴性孕妇4.67%(23/492)(P0.05);观察组破膜时间≥24h孕妇其新生儿感染率为62.07%(18/29),高于本组破膜时间24h孕妇的新生儿感染率27.94%(19/68)(P0.01);观察组产程≥24h孕妇其新生儿感染率42.42%(14/33),高于本组破膜时间24h孕妇的新生儿感染率17.19%(11/64)(P0.05)。结论孕晚期孕妇产道SA感染导致胎膜早破风险增加,新生儿感染率升高,有必要对SA阳性孕妇及早干预治疗,尽量减少胎膜早破,缩短产程。  相似文献   

目的:探讨双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡的原因及处理方法。方法:对本院2013年1月~2017年6月住院分娩的双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡的病例进行回顾性分析。结果:双胎妊娠一胎宫内死亡28例,占同期双胎分娩的1.63%,占同期双胎胎盘送检的4.33%。6例孕28周,14例孕28~34周,8例孕周34周。全部孕产妇均无出血倾向或发生凝血功能障碍。产妇年龄23~45周岁,平均31.3周岁;初产妇23人,经产妇5人。应用辅助生殖技术受孕5例,自然受孕23例;剖宫产7例,顺产21例;确诊一胎儿死亡时间为孕12周余~34周余。主要致死原因为脐带因素13例次(46.43%),胎盘因素12例次(42.86%),双胎输血综合征及纸样胎共5例次(17.86%),胎儿畸形4例次(18.18%)。结论:孕中晚期双胎之一胎儿宫内死亡妊娠不足34周,应在密切监护母胎情况下行期待治疗,单绒毛膜囊双胎34周后可以分娩,双绒毛膜囊双胎可妊娠至36周。  相似文献   

目的:探讨未足月胎膜早破(PPROM)合并绒毛膜羊膜炎(HCA)孕妇血清中中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(NE)、氧化型α1-抗胰蛋白酶(Ox-AT)及白细胞介素-8(IL-8)水平变化及对妊娠结局的影响。方法:选择2015年3月至2016年2月我院收治的PPROM孕妇86例,根据患者是否合并HCA分为HCA组(n=46)和非HCA组(n=40),HCA组包括轻度(n=16)、中度(n=15)和重度(n=15),同期选择来我院进行产检的正常孕妇45例作为对照组。应用酶联免疫吸附测定法测定孕妇产前血清NE、Ox-AT及IL-8水平,对比其在不同组孕妇间的差异,分析HCA与PPROM孕妇的妊娠结局的关系。结果:HCA组及非HCA组孕妇血清NE、Ox-AT及IL-8水平均显著高于对照组,且HCA组均显著高于非HCA组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。随着HCA的程度加重,孕妇血清中NE、Ox-AT及IL-8水平明显升高,分别与HCA严重程度呈正相关(r=0.732、0.694、0.787;均P0.05)。HCA组中孕妇产后出血率、剖宫产率及早产儿肺炎率明显高于非HCA组,而Apgar评分显著低于非HCA组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:血清NE、Ox-AT及IL-8与PPROM合并HCA孕妇的发生、发展有关,及时检查上述指标有助于改善此类孕妇的妊娠结局。  相似文献   

目的调查沈阳地区围产期孕妇生殖道B族链球菌(group B streptococcus,GBS)定植率和感染高危因素及对母婴结局的影响,以便预防和控制围产期妇女GBS感染,优化母婴结局。方法对2017年9—11月在医院作孕期检查的31~40周孕晚期孕妇691例取阴道拭子及直肠拭子进行GBS培养、分离鉴定,分析GBS定植率;采用卡方检验进行GBS感染的单因素分析,采用多因素二元Logistic回归进行GBS感染的高危因素分析;对比两组孕妇及新生儿结局。结果沈阳地区孕晚期孕妇生殖道GBS定植率为7.67%(53/691),其中阴道试子阳性率为4.63%(32/691),直肠试子阳性率为6.22%(43/691);孕妇GBS感染的危险因素显示,在教育程度、生产史、分娩方式、甲状腺异常、妊娠期高血压、妊娠期贫血和妊娠期糖尿病,组间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);孕妇GBS感染危险因素,年龄、体质量、流产史和生殖道感染,组间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);经多因素二元Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄、体重、流产史和生殖道感染为影响GBS感染发生的独立危险因素,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);感染组孕妇胎膜早破、早产发生率高于对照组,经比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);产后出血发生率经比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.624,P>0.05);感染组新生儿胎儿窘迫、绒毛膜羊膜炎、新生儿黄疸发生率高于对照组,经比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论沈阳市孕妇生殖道GBS定植率较高,建议对孕晚期孕妇开展GBS常规筛查。年龄、体重、流产史和生殖道感染为GBS感染发生的独立危险因素,有必要对本地区的围产期孕妇进行健康宣教,减少GBS感染的发生,进而改善母婴结局。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胎膜早破早产的临床处理方法及其对新生儿的影响.方法:以2009年3月至2012年1月在我院产科住院的妊娠满28~36+6周的205例胎膜早破早产患者为研究对象,针对不同孕周,采用相应的治疗方法,并对其妊娠结局和早产儿的状况进行观察和分析.结果:胎龄28~34+6周的早产儿并发症的发生率和死亡率分别为52.2%和10%,胎龄35~35+6周的早产儿并发症的发生率和死亡率分别为32.3%和4.8%,分别明显高于胎龄>36周出生的早产儿(1.6%和0),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);但孕周在36周以上出生的新生儿的并发症的发生率和死亡率与足月出生的新生儿相比无明显差异(P>0.05).结论:胎膜早破早产是新生儿患病和死亡的主要原因,胎龄越小新生儿的患病率和死亡率越高,对于胎膜早破早产的孕妇,应针对不同孕周采用不同的治疗方法,以延长孕周以降低早产儿的患病率和死亡率.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between adverse outcomes in twin pregnancies and preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM). A chart review of 246 consecutive twin pregnancies with confirmed PPROM was conducted. Regression analysis (beta [natural log of the odds ratio] and odds ratio [OR]) was performed to identify independent predictors. Two hundred and forty-six twin pregnancies, 492 liveborns, and 20 neonatal deaths. Mean (SD) PPROM gestational age (GA): 31.3 (3.8) wk; delivery GA: 32.0 (3.3) wk. PPROM < 30 wk was associated with increased parity (OR: 2.66), and log (admission leukocyte count) (OR: 9.99). Shortened latency was associated with PPROM GA (beta = -0.17) and chorioamnionitis (beta = 0.95). Neonatal sepsis was predicted by lower delivery GA (OR: 2.04). Adverse perinatal outcomes were protected against by older GA at PPROM (OR 0.53) and shortened latency (OR 0.73). It was concluded that increased leukocytosis and parity implies an infectious aetiology in earlier PPROM. Increased risk for neonatal sepsis at earlier delivery GA is consistent with gestation-dependent fetal immunocompetence. Early PPROM and long latencies were associated with increased adverse perinatal outcomes.  相似文献   



To evaluate the influence of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (MIAC) and histological chorioamnionitis (HCA) on the magnitude of intra-amniotic inflammatory response in preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM).

Methodology/Principal Finding

A prospective cohort study was performed in 107 women with PPROM between 23.0 and 36.6 weeks of gestational age. Twenty-six proteins were assayed by multiple immunoassay in amniotic fluid. The policy for PPROM in Czech Republic is active, and 90% of the women were delivered within 96 hours of membrane rupture. Histopathological placental findings were evaluated based on the Salafia classification. Data were analyzed in four subgroups of population according to the presence of MIAC and/or HCA. Results were stratified by gestational age at PPROM (< or ≥34.0 weeks). The rates of MIAC and HCA were 44% and 57%, respectively. Regardless of gestational age at PPROM, intra-amniotic inflammatory response was higher when MIAC and HCA were both present. There were no differences in the intra-amniotic inflammatory response between women with MIAC or HCA alone and women without infection.


A higher intra-amniotic inflammatory response was identified when both HCA and MIAC were detected.  相似文献   

To determine the newborn infection rate with group B streptococcus infection (GBS) before and after American Academy of Pediatrics Protocol (AAP) implementation in Croatia, antenatal risk factors, neonatal outcome and necessity for introducing national policy for intrapartum chemoprophylaxis. To evaluate the role of intrapartum chemoprophylaxis in preterm labor at < 37 weeks of gestation, premature rupture of membranes at < 37 weeks of gestation, fever during labor, ruptures of membranes > 18 hours before delivery and previous delivery of a sibling with GBS disease. A total of 784 neonates admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005. 60 (10/1000 live born) developed early-onset infection (EOGBS). The dominant presentation for EOGBS was sepsis (65%), pneumonia (32.2%) and meningitis (3%). Mean gestational age was 34.5 (+/- 5.3) weeks. There were 2 neonatal deaths (3%) in EOGBS, both preterm. EOGBS disease was associated with following risk factors: rupture of the membranes > 12 hours (49.3%), chorioamnionitis (11.9%), status post cerclage (10.4%), diabetes mellitus (4.5%), delivery out of hospital (3%), uroinfection (1.5%). After AAP implementation the incidence of GBS infection decreased from 15/1000 to 10/1000 of live born infants. The mortality from EOGBS dropped from 5% to 3%. The incidence of GBS infection in our study was considerably higher than in all current reports. Reasons for that can be inadequate perinatal screen in some parts of the country and no established policy for intrapartum antibiotic treatment of women with risk factors. Our results documented that intrapartum chemo-prophylaxis for GBS infection significantly reduces perinatal mortality due to neonatal infection and sepsis.  相似文献   



It was the aim of our study to evaluate the independent effect of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) as a cause of preterm delivery on mortality during primary hospital stay and significant morbidities in very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants < 32 weeks of gestation.


Observational, epidemiological study design.


Population-based cohort, German Neonatal Network (GNN).


6102 VLBW infants were enrolled in GNN from 2009-2012, n=4120 fulfilled criteria for primary analysis (< 32 gestational weeks, no pre-eclampsia, HELLP (highly elevated liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome) or placental abruption as cause of preterm birth).


Multivariable logistic regression analyses included PPROM as potential risk factors for adverse outcomes and well established items such as gestational age in weeks, birth weight, antenatal steroids, center, inborn delivery, multiple birth, gender and being small-for-gestational-age.


PPROM as cause of preterm delivery had no independent effect on the risk of early-onset sepsis, clinical sepsis and blood-culture proven sepsis, while gestational age proved to be the most important contributor to sepsis risk. The diagnosis of PPROM was associated with an increased risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD; OR: 1.25, 95% CI: 1.02-1.55, p=0.03) but not with other major outcomes.


The diagnosis of PPROM per se is not associated with adverse outcome in VLBW infants < 32 weeks apart from a moderately increased risk for BPD. Randomized controlled trials with primary neonatal outcomes are needed to determine which subgroup of VLBW infants benefit from expectant or intentional management of PPROM.  相似文献   

目的研究妊娠期B族链球菌(GBS)感染对妊娠结局和新生儿的影响,探讨GBS筛查的临床意义。方法选取2016年1月至2017年6月在我院进行GBS筛查的800例孕妇为受试对象,实时荧光定量PCR技术检测GBS携带情况,根据GBS筛查结果及是否愿意接受干预治疗分为治疗组、非治疗组和GBS阴性组,对比三组妊娠结局、新生儿情况。结果 800例受试对象中,GBS阳性136例(17.0%);治疗组胎膜早破、早产、宫内感染、胎儿窘迫及新生儿肺炎、窒息、败血症、病理性黄疸发生率与GBS阴性组相比,差异均无统计学意义(Ps0.05);而与非治疗组相比,除新生儿脑膜炎差异无统计学意义(P0.05)外,其他指标差异均有统计学意义(Ps0.05)。结论妊娠期进行GBS感染的筛查具有重要意义,及时采取干预措施可有效减少不良妊娠结局及新生儿感染的发生率。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine cord blood cytokine levels and their relationship with morbidity and mortality in neonates with prolonged, premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). Forty two premature neonates of 29-35 weeks gestational age with PPROM exceeding 24 hours were considered as the PPROM group and simultaneously, 41 premature neonates without PPROM were considered as the control group. All the neonates were admitted to the Neonatology Unit for further evaluation of subsequent complications such as early neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, intraventicular haemorrhage (IVH), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and chronic lung disease (CLD). Cord blood and mothers' blood samples were obtained during delivery in both groups and tested for IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-alpha levels. Twenty one percent of patients with PPROM had histological chorioamnionitis. The risk for developing early neonatal sepsis increased significantly in neonates whose mothers had histological chorioamnionitis (p < 0.05). There was a statistically significant relationship between PPROM and risk of developing NEC (p < 0.05); no significant increase was seen as regards early neonatal sepsis, IVH, RDS, pneumonia, or BPD. The mean IL-8 levels in cord blood and mothers' serum were significantly higher in the PPROM group (p < 0.001, p< 0.005). In addition, IL-6 levels found in mothers' serum were significantly higher than those found in the control group (p < 0.01). However, levels in cord blood were similar (p > 0.05). TNF-alpha levels were similar in both groups (p > 0.05). Neonates who developed NEC had higher IL-8 levels in their cord blood when compared to those without NEC (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the presence of PPROM increases the risk of chorioamnionitis. In addition, PPROM increases the risk of NEC, and patients who developed NEC had significantly higher cord blood IL-8 values. We may conclude that patients with PPROM and higher IL-8 levels in cord blood might be considered as at possible risk of NEC.  相似文献   

目的:比较先兆早产、胎膜早破、妊娠期糖尿病及正常妊娠女性阴道菌群分布情况。方法:选择2016年6月至2018年6月在苏州大学附属第二医院妇产科住院的妊娠女性806例,其中先兆早产组206例,胎膜早破组234例,妊娠期糖尿病组156例,正常妊娠组210例。记录四组女性异常阴道菌群检出率及异常阴道菌群分布情况。结果:四组女性的年龄、孕周比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。先兆早产组、胎膜早破组异常阴道菌群检出率高于妊娠期糖尿病组、正常妊娠组(P<0.05),而妊娠期糖尿病组、正常妊娠组异常阴道菌群检出率比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。先兆早产组、妊娠期糖尿病组白色假丝酵母菌检出率高于胎膜早破组、正常妊娠组(P<0.05),先兆早产组、胎膜早破组阴道加德纳菌检出率高于妊娠期糖尿病组、正常妊娠组(P<0.05),先兆早产组无乳链球菌检出率高于胎膜早破组、妊娠期糖尿病组、正常妊娠组(P<0.05),胎膜早破组大肠埃希菌检出率高于先兆早产组、妊娠期糖尿病组、正常妊娠组(P<0.05)。结论:妊娠女性阴道感染以白色假丝酵母菌、大肠埃希菌、无乳链球菌、阴道加德纳菌为主,且先兆早产、胎膜早破女性阴道致病菌感染率较高,妊娠期糖尿病女性阴道白色假丝酵母菌的感染率较高。  相似文献   

Early events leading to intrauterine infection remain poorly defined, but may hold the key to preventing preterm delivery. To determine molecular pathways within fetal membranes (chorioamnion) associated with early choriodecidual infection that may progress to preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), we examined the effects of a Group B Streptococcus (GBS) choriodecidual infection on chorioamnion in a nonhuman primate model. Ten chronically catheterized pregnant monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) at 118–125 days gestation (term = 172 days) received choriodecidual inoculation of either GBS (n = 5) or saline (n = 5). Cesarean section was performed in the first week after GBS or saline inoculation. RNA extracted from chorioamnion (inoculation site) was profiled by microarray. Single gene, Gene Set, and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis results were validated using qRT-PCR (chorioamnion), Luminex (amniotic fluid, AF), immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Despite uterine quiescence in most cases, significant elevations of AF cytokines (TNF-α, IL-8, IL-1β, IL-6) were detected in GBS versus controls (p<0.05). Choriodecidual infection resolved by the time of cesarean section in 3 of 5 cases and GBS was undetectable by culture and PCR in the AF. A total of 331 genes were differentially expressed (>2-fold change, p<0.05). Remarkably, GBS exposure was associated with significantly downregulated expression of multiple cytokeratin (CK) and other cytoskeletal genes critical for maintenance of tissue tensile strength. Immunofluorescence revealed highly significant changes in the CK network within amniocytes with dense CK aggregates and retraction from the cell periphery (all p = 0.006). In human pregnancies affected by PPROM, there was further evidence of CK network retraction with significantly shorter amniocyte foot processes (p = 0.002). These results suggest early choriodecidual infection results in decreased cellular membrane integrity and tensile strength via dysfunction of CK networks. Downregulation of CK expression and perturbations in the amniotic epithelial cell intermediate filament network occur after GBS choriodecidual infection, which may contribute to PPROM.  相似文献   

目的:探讨剖宫产术后产褥感染的相关危险因素,为临床制定感控措施提供参考。方法:回顾性分析我院接受剖宫产术的1760例孕妇的临床资料,采用单因素卡方检验及多因素Logistic回归方法对剖宫产术后发生产褥感染的相关危险因素进行统计学分析。结果:1760例接受剖宫产手术的孕妇,术后发生产褥感染的有68例,发生率为3.86%;发生产褥感染最常见的部位是急性子宫内膜炎、子宫肌炎,其构成比占57.4%;经过单因素卡方检验及多因素Logistic回归分析,最终筛选出手术时间(OR=1.351)、血红蛋白(OR=1.759)、胎膜早破(OR=2.247)、孕期生殖道感染反复发作(OR=2.047)、妊娠糖尿病(OR=1.473)、前置胎盘反复阴道出血(OR=1.584)与宫产术后发生产褥感染呈正相关(P0.05)。结论:手术时间、血红蛋白、胎膜早破、孕期生殖道感染反复发作、妊娠糖尿病、前置胎盘反复阴道出血是剖宫产后发生产褥感染的高危因素,临床应针对这些高危因素制定干预措施以降低感染的发生率。  相似文献   

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