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非洲雏鸵鸟消化管的组织学观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了给非洲鸵鸟(Struthio camelus)雏鸟的饲养管理、生理机能研究和疾病防治提供可靠的形态学依据,采用石蜡切片技术,对6羽50日龄非洲鸵鸟雏鸟消化管的组织学结构进行了观察。结果显示,其消化管具有一般的4层结构。食管有粗大的皱襞,肌层发达,有发达的食管腺;无嗉囊;腺胃的腺体由位于固有膜的单管状腺和位于黏膜下层发达的复管状腺组成;肌胃的黏膜肌层较明显,由内纵肌和外环肌组成;小肠绒毛较长,有分支现象,未见中央乳糜管结构;十二指肠的固有膜中有发达的腺体和集合淋巴小结,黏膜下层内无十二指肠腺;从十二指肠到回肠,肠绒毛的汇合及分支现象更加明显,固有膜内集合淋巴小结的数量逐渐减少,并且空肠的绒毛弯曲呈“S”型;具有一对发达的盲肠;结肠异常发达,黏膜上皮为复层柱状上皮,其间夹有杯状细胞,有黏膜皱襞,绒毛短且发达。非洲鸵鸟雏鸟消化管的特点可能与其食性有关,这决定了非洲鸵鸟具有较强的消化吸收能力。  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈消化道解剖学和组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对我国特有珍稀濒危两栖动物版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanicus)的消化道进行解剖和组织学观察.结果表明,版纳鱼螈消化道呈直管状,无盘曲;胃、肠分化明显,肠可分为十二指肠、空肠、大肠和直肠;黏膜上皮食管为复层柱状纤毛上皮,胃后段为单层柱状上皮,直肠为复层扁平上皮,其余均为复层柱状上皮;口咽腔黏膜含大量巨型杯状细胞,有单泡状颌间腺;食道中下段有团泡状食道腺;胃体部含大量单管状胃腺;十二指肠和空肠有单泡状肠腺,绒毛发达;口咽腔的黏膜下层不明显,食道和直肠的黏膜下层为疏松结缔组织,其余均为细密的结缔组织;肌层除口咽腔为骨骼肌外,其余均为内环外纵两层平滑肌,其中,在十二指肠和空肠的两肌层间有细密的结缔组织连接.  相似文献   

暗腹雪鸡食管和胃的形态学及组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马国泰 《动物学杂志》2009,44(5):124-127
为了解暗腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)食管和胃的形态及组织结构特征,利用生物显微技术对暗腹雪鸡的食管和胃进行了观察.结果表明,暗腹雪鸡嗉囊发达.食管壁由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和外膜组成,黏膜层较厚,黏膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,固有膜内食管腺丰富,由腺细胞围成的腺管直接开口于黏膜上皮,食管肌层发达,由内环、外纵平滑肌组成.胃壁由黏膜层、肌层和外膜组成,胃的黏膜下层不发达或缺无,胃肌层的排列则为内纵外环.表明暗腹雪鸡食管和胃的结构可能与其消化功能及其生境密切相关.  相似文献   

大鸨消化系统组织学观察   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
应用常规石蜡切片,H.E.染色,对3只大鸨消化系统组织结构进行了观察。结果表明,大鸨食管复层扁平上皮有化不明显,粘液腺十分丰富。腺胃内有发达的复管状腺和单管状腺,密集排列在胃壁内。腺胃乳头内有发达的粘液腺,开口于乳头顶部,复管状腺的集合窦则开口于粘液腺底部。肌胃粘膜内密布单管状腺,无粘膜肌。小肠内环肌发达,粘膜下层不明显,十二指肠处绒毛最高,分支最复杂,无十二指肠腺。盲肠前部具发达的绒毛,而中后部不明显,直肠绒毛发达,杯状细胞增多,盲肠与直肠粘膜下层较发达。肝、胰小叶界限不清。  相似文献   

环颈雉消化系统组织形态学观察   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
1989年4月至1990年4月作者对6只健康成年环颈雉消化系统组织采用常规方法制成显微和超薄切片。研究表明:环颈雉消化管的粘膜层,肌层和管状消化腺发达。食管为角化的覆层扁平上皮,角化层厚0.72-0.80μm,粘液腺丰富,腺细胞内充满粘原颗粒。腺胃内有发达的复管状腺和单管腺二种腺体;单管腺由颈粘液细胞、长柱状细胞和内充泌细胞组成。肌胃内有肌胃腺,无粘膜肌层。十二指肠绒毛长而密集且分支明显;无中央乳  相似文献   

一雄性丹顶鹤消化系统组织形态学观察   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
常用常规方法制片,H.E染色,观察了一维性丹顶鹤的消化系统组织结构。食道壁厚,内具许多发达的纵行皱襞,粘液腺丰富。嗉囊壁薄,皱襞少而浅,淋巴细胞丰富聚集成团。腺胃由发达的复管状腺和单管状腺组成。肌胃内的单管状腺多9 ̄13个聚成一束,肌层仅为环肌组成。肌胃内的单管状腺多9 ̄13个聚成一束,肌层仅为环肌组成。十二指肠处的小肠腺发达,无十二指肠腺,肠绒毛稀疏、叶状。空肠绒毛长而密集,细长指状。回肠的小肠  相似文献   

应用免疫组织化学方法和体视学半定量方法,检测了ghrelin、KGF、TGF-β(TGF-β_2,TGF-β_3)在大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)胃肠道中的表达,利用IPP专业图像分析软件对其表达强度进行了定量分析.结果表明,ghrelin免疫反应阳性物质分布在十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠和直肠的黏膜层,主要分布于黏膜上皮、肠腺上皮和固有层.从十二指肠到盲肠阳性细胞的分布密度逐渐减小,直肠阳性细胞的分布密度高于盲肠.胃肠道呈KGF免疫反应阳性,胃内阳性物质分布于腺胃浅腺和深腺、肌胃黏膜、肌胃单管腺的上皮细胞;肠内阳性物质分布于固有层的血管、淋巴和平滑肌纤维.胃黏膜、腺胃深腺、肌胃单管腺、肠道黏膜、肠腺呈TGF-β_2及TGF-β_3免疫反应阳性,阳性物质分布于黏膜、肠腺上皮细胞胞质中.图像分析显示,KGF的阳性表达水平呈波浪形变化,在空肠和直肠处达到峰值;TGF-β2的阳性表达水平呈波浪形变化,分别在肌胃和空肠处有峰值;TGF-β_3从腺胃到空肠阳性表达水平逐渐增强,之后阳性表达水平又逐渐下降,到盲肠阳性表达水平回升.ghrelin、KGF、TGF-β_2和TGF-β_3的阳性表达强弱可能与胃肠道的消化能力有关,它们的协同表达调控鸟类胃肠道的生长和发育.  相似文献   

中华花龟消化系统的组织学初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
傅丽容  洪美玲  史海涛  王力军  黄元华 《四川动物》2007,26(2):270-273,I0003
采用常规石蜡切片的方法,对4只成体中华花龟(Oeadia sinensis)的消化系统进行组织学观察。结果表明,中华花龟的消化道管壁除口腔外均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜组成;消化道各部分的差别主要在于粘膜层和肌层,舌、咽上皮为复层柱状上皮,食道、胃、肠上皮为单层柱状上皮,大肠上皮为复层扁平上皮;食道粘膜上皮特化成与水呼吸有关的绒毛,胃体部肌层最发达,内斜中环外纵相间排列,厚约652.6±41.2μm,小肠绒毛长而密集呈叶状;肝实质内含大小不等的色素细胞,门管区明显,肝小叶分界不清;胰腺腺泡细胞发达.内分泌细胞零散分布。  相似文献   

广东乌龟消化道组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用常规石蜡切片法,观察了广东乌龟的食道、胃、小肠和大肠的组织结构.结果发现,这四种器官都是由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜组成,各部分的差别主要在于粘膜层和肌层.食道和大肠上皮为复层柱状上皮:胃和小肠上皮为单层柱状上皮.食道粘膜上皮特化形成与呼吸有关的绒毛.胃有大量胃腺,腔面有纵行皱襞.小肠表面有大量绒毛,在绒毛中可见肠腺.大肠具粘膜皱襞和较多的杯状细胞,无绒毛,可见许多分散的淋巴小结.胃和肠道肌肉为内环外纵,内环肌较厚,外纵肌较薄.  相似文献   

巴西彩龟消化道组织学的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴西彩龟的消化道管壁由内向外依次由粘膜、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜4层结构组成.食管、胃和大肠有纵行粘膜皱襞,小肠无皱襞但有绒毛.食管上皮和肠上皮为复层柱状上皮,胃上皮为单层柱状上皮.消化道粘膜固有层内分布有淋巴细胞,虽然淋巴细胞有聚集现象,但没有形成典型的淋巴小结.无食管腺和肠腺,虽然有胃腺但胃腺细胞分化不明显,说明巴西彩龟消化道的组织分化程度较低,在系统发育中处于较低等地位.  相似文献   

The stomach of Oreochromis niloticus has three regions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The stomach of Oreochromis niloticus was divided into three distinct regions: initial, middle and terminal, corresponding roughly to the cardiac, fundic, and pyloric portions of the mammalian stomach. Grossly, the organ showed initial and terminal portions, the former connected to the distal part of the oesophagus and the latter to the proximal portion of the intestine. There was also a middle region, forming a large blind diverticulum communicating with the first two at their point of junction. The initial or cardiac region was shorter than the middle region but longer than the terminal one, and had a smooth surface devoid of gastric pits. The epithelium in this region was simple columnar devoid of goblet cells, with glandular regions in the lamina propria. The mucosa of the middle or fundic region had gastric pits lined by columnar epithelium, and simple tubular glands filled most of the lamina propria. The terminal or pyloric part of the stomach was very short and its mucosa was slightly folded and devoid of both gastric pits and mucous glandular cells. The lining epithelium of this portion of the stomach was simple columnar and a few goblet cells were seen at its junction with the first part of the intestine. The tunica muscularis of the stomach contained skeletal muscle in the initial and terminal regions, usually intermingled with smooth muscle fibres. Skeletal muscle fibres were also observed in the first portion of the small intestine, near the junction with the stomach.  相似文献   

运用解剖学和组织学方法对宽体金线蛭消化道的结构进行了组织学研究。结果表明,宽体金线蛭的嗉囊向两侧伸出11对侧盲囊,第6对侧盲囊狭长并延伸到直肠两侧;咽主要由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成,外膜几乎不可见;食道、嗉囊、肠和直肠管壁由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜构成;咽和直肠的上皮具纹状缘。除肠外,其他消化道的上皮细胞均无发达的纤毛,且黏膜上皮皆为单层柱状上皮;除肠和直肠外,腺体及导管较少;直肠的黏膜肌层为内环外纵两层,其他各部均为纵行肌一层;消化道各部黏膜下层较发达;外膜为浆膜,与黏膜下层分界不明显。  相似文献   

金丝猴食管和胃连接部的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了金丝猴食管和胃连接处的组织结构。金丝猴的食管粘膜为典型的复民鳞状上皮,食管末端含有粘膜腺,粘膜表面有轻微的角质化。管壁外纵肌层有少量的横纹肌。与胃粘膜的连接均位于胃的贲门部以内,两种上皮的连接是突然的,不存在过渡。 贲门腺为少量的分枝管状腺,短而直,由粘膜细胞构成,对PAS染色呈阳性反应。  相似文献   

An anatomical study of the digestive tract of the channel catfish revealed that the oesophageal mucosa was longitudinally folded and that secondary folds were occasionally located on the primary longitudinal folds. The infoldings were more numerous near the stomach. The stratified squamous epithelium covering the folds was made up of a basal layer, large mucous cells and simple squamous cells on the surface. The epithelium on the side of the folds consisted primarily of mucous secreting cells. Taste buds were observed between mucous cells on the apical portion of the oesophageal folds and were more prevalent in the cranial part of the oesophagus. The remaining layers of the oesophagus were: a lamina propria-submucosa, tunica muscularis and adventitia or serosa.
The J-shaped stomach had two regions: a large sac-shaped region containing gastric glands and a smaller, nonglandular pyloric region. The large rugae of the stomach became gradually smaller near the pylorus. There was a well developed pyloric sphincter. The mucosa included a simple columnar epithelium, a lamina propria and adventitia or serosa.
The intestine could be differentiated into a thick ascending segment, a descending segment, a thin convoluted segment and a thicker terminal segment, the rectum. Many mucosal folds containing branched villi characterized the ascending segment of the intestine. The descending and convoluted segments contained fewer folds with shorter and less-branching villi and were smaller in diameter and thinner walled. Descending and convoluted segments were also mildly convoluted and accounted for 80% of the total length of the intestine. An intestinal valve with a sphincter marked the beginning of the rectum. There was an approximately four-fold increase in the thickness of the tunica muscularis of the terminal segment of the intestine.  相似文献   

Gastric and cranial duodenal structure of the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) was examined grossly and microscopically. The stomach was arranged in a series of four compartments. The first chamber, or forestomach, was a large nonglandular sac lined by a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. It was followed by the fundic chamber, a large, somewhat globular and entirely glandular compartment. At the entrance of the fundic chamber, a narrow cardiac gland region could be defined. The remaining mucosa of the chamber contained the proper gastric glands. A narrow, tubular connecting channel, the third distinct gastric division, was lined by mucous glands and joined the fundic chamber with the final stomach compartment, or pyloric chamber. This fourth chamber was also tubular and lined by mucous glands but was of a diameter considerably larger than the connecting channel. The stomach terminated at the pyloric sphincter which consisted of a well-developed band of circular smooth-muscle bundles effecting a division between the pyloric chamber and small intestine. The small intestine began with the duodenal ampulla, a dilated sac considerably smaller than the fundic chamber of the stomach. The mucosa of this sac contained mucous glands throughout. The ampulla led without a separating sphincter into the duodenum proper which continued the intestine in a much more narrow tubular fashion. The mucosal lining of the duodenum was composed of villi and intestinal crypts. Although their occurrence varied among whales, enteroendocrine cells were identified within the mucous glands of the cardiac region, connecting channel, pyloric chamber, and cranial duodenum. The hepatopancreatic duct entered the wall of the duodenum shortly after the termination of the duodenal ampulla and continued intramurally along the intestine before finally joining the duodenal lumen.  相似文献   

The gut of adult sturgeon was examined. The oesophageal mucosa contained numerous caliciform cells, synthesizing both neutral and acidic glycoconjugates, the latter of the sialylated type. The deep tunica propria-submucosa contained lobules of multilocular adipose tissue, specially abundant during the cold season. The oesophageal tunica muscularis was made up of a large sheath of striated muscle fibres, arranged orthogonally to a thin, subserous smooth muscle layer. The siphon-shaped stomach showed a ciliated epithelium in cardiac and gastric proper gland zones, where tubular glands were present in the tunica propria. The columnar cells which composed the superficial epithelium and gastric pits were demonstrated to synthesize almost exclusively neutral glycoconjugates. Appendices pyloricae constituted a glandular body equipped with intestinal mucosa. The intestinal mucosa was organized in folds, containing numerous caliciform cells which synthesized neutral or acidic glycoconjugates, the latter either of the sialylated and sulphated type. The sulphoglycoconjugates were more abundant in the caliciform cells of the distal intestinal tracts. The tunica propria-submucosa of the spiral valve (medium intestine) contained lymphatic tissue and large lymphatic follicles. A muscularis mucosae was present only in the rectum, where in addition a peculiar granular cell type was present in the superficial tunica propria-submucosa, possibly related to defensive properties. The subserous connective tissue contained pancreatic lobules all along the stomach and intestine. The enteric nervous system showed some special aspects, the most intriguing of which was the presence of large, longitudinally oriented nerve bundles in the t. propria-submucosa of oesophagus and cardiac stomach. The nerve bundles contained, near unmyelinated nerves, some myelinated nerves, as well as neuronal bodies. Both these aspects are exceptional in vertebrates and obscure in their significance. The structural and histochemical aspects we here describe are in part different from those described for other fish. Some of these special features are possibly related with special functional roles, others require a deeper insight and different approaches to clarify them functionally.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜观察龟足(Capitulum mitella)消化系统的形态和组织结构。龟足的消化系统包括消化腺和消化道。消化腺一对,呈长囊状,含有分泌细胞(B细胞)、吸收细胞(R细胞)、储存细胞(F细胞)和胚细胞(E细胞)4种类型细胞。消化道呈U型,由口、食道、胃、肠、直肠和肛门组成,各部分的结构由内到外可分为黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和外膜4层。口器为咀嚼型,包括一片上唇、一对触须、一对大颚以及两对小颚。食道细短,具几丁质层但无基膜,管壁向腔内突起形成明显的纵褶突;食道前段的环肌特别发达,同时独有放射肌。胃略呈球袋状,肠较长;胃和肠的组织结构相似,没有几丁质层,上皮细胞都有发达的微绒毛。直肠细长,外膜分布有16组纵肌;直肠前段的组织结构与胃、肠相似,而直肠后段有几丁质层覆盖,黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和外膜渐退化,16组纵肌渐发达。肛门16组更加发达的纵肌挤入上皮细胞下方,在外膜外另出现一层明显的环肌。龟足消化道各部分的组织结构差异明显,反映了它们功能的差异。  相似文献   

 This study presents histological and scanning electron microscopical findings on the structural differentiation, and the nervous and vascular supply of the digestive tracts of Nautilus pompilius and N. macromphalus, including the foregut, stomach, vestibulum, caecum, midgut and rectum. The stereoscopic reconstruction of the vestibulocaecal complex gives an idea how the digestive cycle between the stomach, vestibulum, caecum and proximal midgut could possibly proceed. All parts of the digestive tract are covered luminally by a columnar epithelium which contains numerous goblet cells. The epithelium is ciliated in the vestibulum, caecum, proximal midgut and the longitudinal groove of the rectum. On this lamina epithelialis mucosae borders the lamina propria mucosae, which consists of connective tissue and some muscle cells. In the stomach it is differentiated, forming a special bolster-like layer. The lamina propria mucosae is followed by the tunica muscularis, which consists of a stratum circulare and a stratum longitudinale in the foregut, vestibulum, caecum, midgut and rectum. In the stomach, midgut and rectum, the tunica adventitia, which consists of a thin layer of connective tissue, is located between the tunica muscularis and the cuboidal tunica serosa. Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tracts of four Chelonia mydas hatchlings were examined at the anatomical, histological and ultrastructural level. Our results show that the gastrointestinal tract(GI) is composed by esophagus, stomach, small intestine(SI) and large intestine(LI), and histologically of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa(ME) and serosa. The esophagus is marked by conical papillae lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, whereas the remaining GI by simple columnar epithelium; esophageal diverticulum is absent. The stomach covered with mucous granule cells, contains cardia, fundic regions and pylorus, which are separately characterized by cardiac glands, fundic glands and pyloric glands, and have the thickest submucosa and ME of the GI. The ME of the esophagus mainly consist of one layer of circular smooth muscle whereas the rest of GI of two layers, inner circular muscle and outer longitudinal muscle. The SI is slightly longer than the LI and the GI is approximately 5.11 times of the carapace length. The SI is lined with longitudinal zigzag folds and characterized by absorptive cells with longer and denser microvilli, whereas the LI by transversal folds, goblet cells and lymphoid nodules. Only intestinal glands appear in duodenum. Endocrine cells are observed in all sections of the GI and accounted for the largest proportion in duodenum. The results demonstrate a perfect combination of the structure and function of the GI and reveal that the digestion and absorption primarily occurs in the foregut. C. mydas hatchling may prefer carnivorous diet.  相似文献   

黄喉拟水龟消化道的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察黄喉拟水龟消化道的组织结构.采用常规石蜡切片和HE染色方法对黄喉拟水龟的消化道进行观察.除了口咽腔以外,消化道的管壁是由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌肉层和外膜组成;各部分的主要区别在于粘膜层,食道和大肠的是复层柱状上皮,胃和小肠的是单层柱状上皮.黄喉拟水龟的舌桔红色,不能伸缩;食管中无食管腺,扩张性强;胃呈囊状,有大量胃腺,腔面皱襞较多;小肠较长,是消化的主要场所,表面有大量的绒毛,在绒毛中可见肠腺;大肠无绒毛,也存在皱襞.  相似文献   

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