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富贵菜无公害标准化栽培技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,为了满足城市特殊消费群体饮食需求,我们引进种植富贵菜,随后进行推广种植.随着人工栽培面积不断扩大,所需质量不断提高,栽培技术要求也越来越高.为此,我们研究制订了文成县无公害蔬菜富贵菜生产操作规程,并经文成县质量技术监督局发布实施,为我县无公害富贵菜的标准化栽培打下了基础.  相似文献   

冬瓜及其变种节瓜原产我国南部地区,是我国传统的重要菜药兼用型蔬菜品种,现广泛分布于亚洲的热带、亚热带和温带地区。目前我国国家种质资源库中保存的冬瓜和节瓜种质资源分别只有299份和69份,且仅对几个种质特征进行了简单描述,许多重要的种质特征信息尚为空白,种质资源的遗传多样性也众说不一。建议今后我国冬瓜和节瓜种质资源研究应重点开展以下几个内容:(1)搜集与抢救散落在民间的大量冬瓜、节瓜种质资源,扩充国家种质资源库;(2)系统、完整地对冬瓜、节瓜种质资源的特征特性进行鉴定;(3)创建我国冬瓜、节瓜种质资源的分子身份证产权保护系统;(4)鉴别和区分冬瓜种质资源中的同名异物或同物异名资源,构建核心冬瓜、节瓜种质资源库。  相似文献   

松花菜是目前我国花椰菜消费的主要类型。根肿病和黑斑病是直接影响松花菜产量及品质的重要病害。选育商品性好、高抗多抗品种是松花菜的主要育种目标之一。本研究首次建立了松花菜种质资源花球性状评价体系,从花球紧实度、球形、球面光滑度、球面颜色、球面蕾粒大小、二级侧枝长度、花梗颜色、球面长毛情况8个方面对66份松花菜自交系进行评价,并对不同性状赋值以便统计、比较。利用上述体系共筛选出11份花球性状优良的材料。采用苗期人工接种技术分别对松花菜根肿病和黑斑病抗性进行鉴定评价,结果显示无免疫根肿病材料,有2份高抗材料,9份抗病,16份中抗;无免疫和高抗黑斑病材料,有4份抗病材料,10份中抗。另外,兼抗两种病害的材料较少,其中GY-40对两种病害均表现抗病,GY-21对根肿病表现抗病,对黑斑病表现中抗,GY-39对两种病害均表现中抗。值得一提的是,GY-40性状优良且同时对根肿病和黑斑病具有较高抗性,是选育商品性好、抗病性强松花菜品种的理想亲本。本研究结果为评价松花菜种质资源花球相关性状提供了参考,对于规范资源的收集、整理和保存具有重要意义,同时为开展抗根肿病和黑斑病松花菜品种选育提供了优异材料。  相似文献   

针对山黧豆苗菜用特性评价体系不完善和优良品种鉴别不明确的现状,收集我国不同地区的29份山黧豆品种资源作为供试材料,模拟中农绿谷芽苗菜研究院山黧豆苗的培育工艺与条件,根据山黧豆及山黧豆苗的8项性状指标,采用基本统计量分析、K-均值聚类分析和相关性分析对山黧豆苗菜用特性进行初步评价。结果表明,各性状中苗菜产出量的变异最大,变异系数为24.42%。29份山黧豆品种资源可划分为5个类群。其中一类具有小粒、高苗菜产出量、高可溶性蛋白含量、高VC含量的特征。苗长与苗菜产出量和种皮的光滑程度极显著正相关;苗菜产出量与品种种皮光滑程度极显著正相关,与百粒重显著负相关。本研究显示,鉴定与评价山黧豆品种苗菜用特性优劣时,应重点考虑苗菜产出量并兼顾营养品质和感官品质,优先筛选苗菜产出量≥1.01的品种作为芽用备选资源。初步筛选出甘肃张掖山黧豆、白香山黧豆、阿杂山黧豆-2共3份优异资源,供进一步研究。  相似文献   

獐牙菜属生药形态组织学的研究Ⅰ.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者较系统地研究了国产獐牙菜属生药和形态组织学特征。对其进行了详细描述并给出了性状鉴别和显微鉴别的检索表、比较表以及组织特征图。首次测量了叶的栅表比、气孔指数与气孔数。研究结果为该类生药的准确鉴定、质量评价及资源的开发利用提供了详实的科学依据。本文首先报告其中的5种,即:獐牙菜Swertia bimaculata;西南獐牙菜S. cmcta;狭叶獐牙菜S. angustifolia;紫红獐牙菜S.punicea;以及显脉獐牙菜S. neruosa。  相似文献   

杨属(PopulusL.)种质资源极其丰富,为了有效保存、合理利用杨属种质资源,国内外开展了大量的种质资源遗传学评价研究。该文在介绍杨树系统分类的基础上,概述了白杨派、青杨派和黑杨派等在生物学特性、抗性(耐盐、抗旱、抗冻及抗病虫)、适应性及DNA遗传多态性等方面的遗传学评价研究进展,重点讨论了杨树种质资源评价研究中存在的问题和不足,并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

秋季菜心田主要害虫生态位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对福州郊区菜心田害虫种群的生态位进行了初步研究。结果表明,黄曲条跳甲、小菜蛾和蚜虫为秋季菜心田最主要的害虫。不同害虫的生态位上存在明显分化,黄曲条跳甲在时间生态位上占有较多资源,小菜蛾则在空间生态位上占有相当多资源。并分析探讨了田间不同害虫种群混合发生的竞争机制及相应的害虫控制策略。  相似文献   

獐牙菜属药用植物作为我国传统药物的重要来源之一,有些品种已被纳入卫生部标准藏药和国家中成药标准汇编内科肝胆分册。针对獐牙菜属药用植物的研究现状,本文从药用民族植物学角度对獐芽菜属药用植物资源的种类和分布、民族应用、化学成分、药理作用、临床应用及开发等几个方面进行了分析和总结,探讨獐牙菜属植物资源的开发利用现状并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

1植物名称白子菜[Gynura divaricata(L.)DC.],别名白背三七、富贵菜、神仙草。2材料类别茎段。3培养条件侧芽诱导培养基:(1)MS+6-BA1.0mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.1;增殖培养基:  相似文献   

杨属(Populus L.)种质资源遗传学评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨属(Populus L.)种质资源极其丰富, 为了有效保存、合理利用杨属种质资源, 国内外开展了大量的种质资源遗传学评价研究。该文在介绍杨树系统分类的基础上, 概述了白杨派、青杨派和黑杨派等在生物学特性、抗性(耐盐、抗旱、抗冻及抗病虫)、适应性及DNA遗传多态性等方面的遗传学评价研究进展, 重点讨论了杨树种质资源评价研究中存在的问题和不足, 并对其研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

This article analyzes some characteristics and conditions associated with Pb and Cd exposure using an exploratory approach, relating them to the levels of Pb and Cd in blood (blood lead levels [BLL] and blood cadmium levels [BCL]) in children 0–17 years of age living in an area contaminated by metals. BLL and BCL values were determined for each child and questionnaires were applied to their parents. Significant differences were found in mean BLL values according to race (p = .03), family history of intoxication by Pb (p = .004), if a family member was a metallurgy worker (p = .047), if a family member performed activities in the area of metallurgy (p = .03), and mother's employment status (p = .014). The following characteristics were associated with increased risk of BLL above 5.0 mg/dL in children: race, having a family record of intoxication by lead, and having a parent who worked at the plant. BLC values are not significantly associated with any of the studied characteristics. It may be concluded that BLL values are influenced by the social indicators of the population.  相似文献   

ABC转运蛋白(ATP binding cassette transporter) 是目前发现的最大的蛋白家族之一,其广泛存在于真核生物与原核生物之中,近年来在植物研究领域正受到越来越多的关注。ABC转运蛋白的转运底物种类较为多样,该家族成员几乎作用于植物生长发育的各个阶段,并对植物花器官产生较大的影响。该文对ABC转运蛋白的基本特征及亚家族分类情况进行了总结,重点对近年来国内外有关ABC转运蛋白家族在植物花药和花序轴等花器官生长发育,以及花瓣形态、花色、花香等观赏性状方面的调控功能等方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对ABC转运蛋白在改良植物花色、花香等观赏性状方面的应用潜力进行展望,以期为植物观赏性状的改良提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

In 1868 Charles Darwin proposed Pangenesis, a developmental theory of heredity. He suggested that all cells in an organism are capable of shedding minute particles he called gemmules, which are able to circulate throughout the body and finally congregate in the gonads. These particles are then transmitted to the next generation and are responsible for the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring. If any cells of the parent undergo changes as a result of environmental change, they will consequently transmit modified gemmules to their offspring. Soon after Darwin's pangenetic theory was published, Francis Galton designed a series of blood transfusion experiments on differently pigmented rabbits to test its validity. He found no evidence in support of the existence of Darwin's gemmules and the concept of Pangenesis was largely abandoned. In this article, recent reports of successful induction of heritable changes by blood transfusion are reviewed. Detection of circulating nucleic acids and prions in plant sap and animal blood is considered as fresh evidence for the existence of gemmules. It is now apparent that a considerable revision of views on Darwin's Pangenesis must occur before a new comprehensive genetic theory can be achieved.  相似文献   

一氧化氮在植物体内的来源和功能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)是生物体内重要的活性分子。NO参与了动物体内血管松弛、神经传递及免疫防御反应等一系列生理功能而被认为是可扩散的多功能第二信使。在植物体内NO也是一种广泛存在的信号分子,参与调节了许多重要的生理过程如生长、发育、抗病防御反应、细胞程序性死亡和抗逆反应。对NO在植物体内的来源、信号转导、调节植物生长发育和对胁迫的响应方面所发挥的作用进行了综述,并讨论了其潜在的一些功能。  相似文献   

It was shown that asterin, a higher plant preparation, had a marked antiblastomic action and a favourable effect on differentiation of the precursor cells and blood cells. It accelerated proliferation, migration of the truncal hemopoietic cells and their transfer from the dormant state into the cellular cycle. It also changed the cell differentiation in the direction of myelopoiesis. The mechanism of the asterin's immunomodulating action was found to be associated with regulation of T-cellular immunity and T-dependent immune response.  相似文献   

通过对小五台山天然青杨种群的野外调查,并使用胸径与株高的异速生长模型来分析其雌雄群体间的生长差异,以探究雌雄异株植物青杨在性成熟条件和形态特征中是否存在性间差异。结果表明:(1)在青杨生长过程中,胸径随年龄呈指数型增长,而株高随年龄呈对数型增长;(2)雌雄植株的性成熟条件不同。雌株进入性成熟阶段的最低年龄和胸径都小于雄株;(3)青杨高径生长过程存在性别差异。雌株的异速生长指数显著大于雄株(P=0.024)。表明天然青杨种群中雌株一般性成熟较早,成熟后营养生长偏重于胸径增粗;而雄株性成熟较晚,营养生长偏重于植株增高。相对于雄株,雌株具有较高的树干机械强度。  相似文献   

1. Changes in species distributions along rivers have rarely been observed independently of changes in environmental conditions and meaningful comparison between different catchments is made difficult by the limited geographical distribution of species. This study presents a new approach to quantify the effect of the spatial structure of lowland river networks on aquatic plant distribution and to explore the potential underlying processes using species life‐history characteristics. 2. Twenty‐five species of aquatic vascular plants recorded in 62 sites across five calcareous river basins were used to investigate (i) the temporal turnover of plant species, (ii) the habitat utilisation of species, (iii) the trade‐offs between different plant life‐history characteristics and (iv) the relationship between species life‐history characteristics and habitat utilisation. 3. The annual plant turnover within a 3‐year period was, although significant, extremely low. It suggests that results from spatial surveys conducted over 3 years should not be undermined by temporal changes. 4. Spatial connectivity along and between rivers was more important than in‐channel physical characteristics in shaping species assemblages. Neither chemical factors (ammonium, phosphate) nor extrinsic biotic competitors (filamentous green algae) significantly influenced plant distribution. 5. The most common combinations of life‐history characteristics were neither related to environmental conditions nor to spatial isolation. Instead, they could reflect natural selection processes associated with larger scales than those considered in this study. 6. Plant distribution was most strongly related to the dispersal and regeneration abilities of the plants, supporting the hypotheses relating to longitudinal connectivity. The hypothesis that different growth forms would be associated with different in‐channel physical features was not verified. As expected, there were no substantial differences in plant life‐history characteristics between river basins.  相似文献   

白马雪山国家级自然保护区植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李宏伟  赵元藩   《广西植物》2007,27(1):71-76,99
通过多次对白马雪山国家级自然保护区进行野外实地考察、标本鉴定并查阅有关文献,运用吴征镒植物地理学的原理与方法全面系统地研究保护区植物区系,用计算机数据库程序建立1个有1674种植物地理成分数据库,植物区系统计分析均在数据库中进行。经统计保护区有种子植物135科,565属,1674种。经分析,保护区植物区系是温带山地性质,并兼有丰富的亚热带成分;区系成分新老兼备,分化复杂,以年轻成分为主;替代现象明显、特有现象显著;与北温带联系紧密,高山花卉和现代松柏类植物多样化中心;是中国低纬度高海拔地区植物资源保存比较完整而原始的地区。  相似文献   

The effect of deep freezing of seeds at -196 degrees C (-320.8 degrees Fahrenheit) and inbreeding on the morphological characteristics of the evening-primrose biennal (Oenothera biennis L.), such as the size of plant parts and the amount of fruits, cauline nodes, and generative and vegetative shoots was investigated. The variation coefficients for these characteristics after treatment with low temperatures and inbreeding were calculated. It was shown that the characteristics of plant size show a low and a middle level of variability in the control group. The variation curves for these characteristics are similar to normal distribution curves. After stresses they slightly change or remain invariant. Large adventive shoots show a high level of variability. The distribution of the results in this case significantly differs from the normal. The branching of plants changes after both stress factors: the amount of all kinds of shoots decreases by half or even more.  相似文献   

白藜芦醇的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
韩晶晶  刘炜  毕玉平 《生物工程学报》2008,24(11):1851-1859
白藜芦醇是一种含有芪类结构的非黄酮类多酚化合物.它不仅是植物遭受胁迫时产生的一种能提高植物抵抗病原性攻击和环境恶化的植物抗毒素,还具有抗癌,抗氧化、调节血脂,影响寿命等多方面有益于人类健康的重要功能.以下对白藜芦醇的理化特性、合成、提取、纯化与检测方法进行了全面总结,并在其作用的分子机制基础上,对其生物学活性、基因工程研究及产业化情况进行了重点介绍.发现在传统育种的基础上,借助于现代生物技术手段,将白藜芦醇的天然活性保健作用应用于保健食品的开发、作物经济附加值的提高具有广阔的前景.它的开发和利用,必将为食品及制药工业新产品的开发提供新的挑战与机遇.  相似文献   

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