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苏铁属花粉萌发及保存条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以不同浓度梯度的蔗糖与硼酸组合在不同pH条件下用悬浮培养法测定德保苏铁、叉叶苏铁、元江苏铁和越南篦齿苏铁花粉的活力;将元江苏铁和越南篦齿苏铁花粉分别保存在不同低温、不同湿度的环境中,研究温度和湿度对保存花粉的影响。结果表明:(1)最适合苏铁属植物花粉萌发的培养液配方为蔗糖(1%~2.5%)+硼酸(100~500 mg/L),pH6.0~7.0;(2)在室温下,将苏铁花粉密封保存在有干燥剂的容器中,可存活30 d以上;(3)在0℃条件下,不加干燥剂,花粉可保存4个月以上;(4)用液氮保存后的越南篦齿苏铁花粉进行人工授粉,结实率高达90.3%,与用新鲜花粉人工授粉的结实率无明显差异;(5)将花粉含水率降低到15.5%~13.2%后,能在液氮中进行长期保存,表明花粉液氮保存可以作为苏铁花粉长期和超长期保存的方法。  相似文献   

为探究苏铁植物的水力安全边界(hydraulic safety margins,HSM),该试验选用经典的自然干燥法和最新发表的抽气法测定三种同质园苏铁植物抗旱性(即叶轴木质部脆弱性曲线),获得抗旱指标P_(50)和P_(88)(导水率丧失或气体抽取量分别为50%和88%时的木质部水势),与叶片正午水势计算HSM,结合管胞性状分析。结果表明:(1)苏铁(Cycas revoluta)、越南篦齿苏铁(C.elongata)、摩瑞大泽米苏铁(Macrozamia moorei)的管胞长度分别为(4413±378)、(5146±730)、(6954±862)μm,苏铁、越南篦齿苏铁与摩瑞大泽米苏铁差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)两种方法测定的脆弱性曲线都呈典型的“S”型,苏铁、越南篦齿苏铁、摩瑞大泽米苏铁的P_(50H)(导水率丧失50%时的木质部水势)和P_(50P)(气体抽取量为50%时的木质部水势)分别为-2.5、(-2.4±0.5)MPa,-2.3、(-3.6±0.7)MPa,-1.5、(-1.8±0.2)MPa,在已发表的裸子植物数值范围内。P_(50)和P_(88)具有显著一致性(除了越南篦齿苏铁的P_(50P)比P_(50H)更低,表示更强抗旱性),与已发表的其他木质部管胞物种通过水力学法和抽气法获得的P_(50)和P_(88)比较分析,具有显著相关性(R^(2)=0.72,P=0.0081;R^(2)=0.87,P=0.0007)。(3)自然干燥法和抽气法计算的HSMs具有相同的趋势,摩瑞大泽米苏铁为负值,而苏铁和越南篦齿苏铁为正值。综上所述,三种苏铁植物的抗旱性均在已发表的裸子植物范围内,两种方法都适于测定木质部管胞结构的苏铁类植物脆弱性曲线,苏铁、越南篦齿苏铁与摩瑞大泽米苏铁具有不同的水力安全边界。利用脆弱性曲线和正午水势探讨苏铁植物的水力安全边界,为苏铁植物的水分监测、管理和保育提供依据。  相似文献   

攀枝花苏铁传粉生物学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在攀枝花苏铁(Cycas panzhihuaensis L.Zhou et S.Y.Yang)自然群体中,雌雄株在数量上基本相等,但雄株的无性系产量是雌株的1.31倍,小孢子叶球的数量是大孢子叶球的2.21倍,呈现偏雄现象。小孢子叶球散粉次序是从轴基部向顶部和从小孢子叶的基部向顶部进行的,散粉高峰出现在午后,风传花粉浓度在2.55m内随着距离增加而迅速下降,而在2.55m以外维持在一个较低的水平上。在大孢子叶球内发现有两种蚂蚁和一种蜚蠊类昆虫在活动,没有发现这些昆虫对大孢子叶球的破坏,小孢子叶球则几乎没有昆虫探访。清晨在大孢子叶叶片上出现许多水样液滴,可能起着将大孢子叶叶片上沉积的花粉传递至胚珠的作用。研究表明,在攀枝花苏铁的传粉过程中,风是将花粉从小孢子叶球传至大孢子叶球的唯一媒介,大孢子叶球内活动的昆虫和大孢子叶叶片上的液滴同样起着传粉媒介作用,但不排除风传花粉一步到位的可能性。  相似文献   

对濒危植物有效传粉昆虫种类及其传粉行为的主要影响因素进行研究是科学合理地制订保护措施,从而对该物种实施有效保护的一个前提条件.安徽羽叶报春Primula merrilliana为二年生草本,具二型花,是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种.本文对其有效传粉昆虫种类、传粉行为及花朵密度和种群大小对传粉效果的影响进行了研究.结果表明安徽羽叶报春的有效传粉昆虫为截形蜂虻Bombylius major和中华雏蜂虻Anastoechus chinensis,而不是先前认为的蓟马Thrips sp,.花朵密度和种群大小对传粉效果均有显著的影响.高密度的花朵可以提高对有效传粉昆虫的吸引力,传粉昆虫数/天、被访花朵数/天和平均每花的被访次数/天与样方花朵的密度呈正相关关系.柱头所接受的正配花粉数和总花粉数及正配花粉数所占的比例均随种群中植株数目的增加而增加.型比的偏离和传粉昆虫的缺乏可能是导致小种群中传粉不利的主要因素.  相似文献   

苏铁类植物是现存最古老的种子植物,研究其传粉特点,对于研究种子植物的起源与演化、植物与动物的协同进化以及苏铁类植物的繁殖机制、濒危机制有重要意义。本文从苏铁雌雄株开花物候学、传粉媒介及传粉机制等方面,对苏铁类植物传粉生物学相关研究进行综述,并提出今后该类植物传粉生物学研究的建议:对更多苏铁属种类未知的传粉机制进行研究;更广泛地应用排除法研究苏铁类特别是苏铁属植物的传粉媒介,进一步探讨传粉昆虫与苏铁类的共生关系问题。  相似文献   

以位于广西黄连山自然保护区的德保苏铁Cycas debaoensis回归种群为对象,从开花情况、传粉媒介、传粉昆虫数量、结实率、种子散播媒介和方式等方面,与德保苏铁模式产地的自然种群进行比较研究。结果表明,2016年回归种群与自然种群开花植株分别为149和49株,雄雌性比分别为3.96∶1和4.44∶1,开花植株占比分别为31.63%和19.52%,自然结实率分别为60.53%和86.53%。留存在雌株上的未脱落种子一年内的萌发率分别为53.13%和42.51%,一年内幼苗存活率分别为0和3.56%;因重力或外力(雨水、风和动物)搬运后散布的种子一年内的萌发率分别为42.51%和38.46%,一年内幼苗存活率分别为74.46%和88.26%。与自然种群一样,回归种群的有效传粉者为大蕈甲科甲虫,但传粉昆虫数量较少,每雌球花有23.5头甲虫。回归种群结实率低于自然种群,可能的原因是传粉昆虫数量相对较少。啮齿动物等外力对种子的散布能显著提高幼苗存活率并直接影响幼苗的定植与分布,对回归种群的补充与更新有重要影响。总体上,黄连山德保苏铁回归种群在自然界中已能顺利完成生长和繁殖进程,基本具备自我更新能力。  相似文献   

通过观察、套袋、人工授粉对引种至低海拔栽培地的2种藏茵陈"类植物——川西獐牙菜(Swertia mus-sotii)和抱茎獐牙菜(S.franchetiana)繁育系统进行研究.结果表明:(1)引种的2种植物均为雌雄同株、自交亲和,但大部分花雌雄异熟(dichogamy)和雌雄异位(herkogamy),雌雄同熟的比例为24%,且雌雄同熟的雄蕊群远离雌蕊,需要靠传粉昆虫等传粉媒介传粉.(2)引种到低海拔的2种藏茵陈"类植物结实率和发芽率均较高,其中川西獐牙菜柱头张开第2天的授粉结实率达76.54%,种子发芽率达84.29%.(3)低海拔栽培的川西獐牙菜的传粉昆虫是家养蜜蜂,抱茎獐牙菜的开花时间较川西獐牙菜晚20 d,有效的传粉昆虫由家养蜜蜂变成一种很小的蜂类.研究表明,川西獐牙菜和抱茎獐牙菜由高海拔引种到低海拔地区后,结实率和种子发芽率均较高,可以用引种栽培的方式进行藏茵陈"药材的繁殖.  相似文献   

作为我国四大南药之一,阳春砂仁Amomum villosum Lour.具有多重功效和悠久的应用历史。阳春砂仁的道地产区为广东省阳春市及周边地区。长久以来,受制于野生优势传粉昆虫资源匮乏,道地产区阳春砂仁自然结实率低、产量低,已严重影响到当地相关产业可持续发展。本研究观察道地产区阳春砂仁的开花过程及花朵形态,记录访花昆虫种类,并着重分析了中华蜜蜂的访花行为特点和传粉潜能。观察发现,阳春砂仁花朵形态特征不利于自花传粉及一般昆虫传粉,但其花朵散粉量和泌蜜量均较大而有利于吸引昆虫传粉。本研究共调查到4种访花昆虫,分别为中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana Fabr.、黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum Fabr.、果蝇1种Drosophila sp.和欧洲球螋Forficula auricularia L.,其中,中华蜜蜂是主要访花昆虫。中华蜜蜂存在采粉和采蜜两种采集行为,且存在显著偏好性,其更频繁采集砂仁花蜜(平均占比77.4%),而不是花粉(平均占比22.6%),采粉行为具有潜在传粉功能,而采蜜行为则不具有传粉作用。另外,中华蜜蜂虫体各部位在采集过程中都可能...  相似文献   

黄花牛耳朵(苦苣苔科)的传粉生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外观察和繁育系统的实验,对黄花牛耳朵(Chirita lutea Yan Liu et Y.G.wei)的传粉生物学进行了研究.结果表明,黄花牛耳朵的花期从7月初至8月底,单株花期约35~47 d,单花化期约6~10 d,花的开放无固定的时间.在花期内花粉活性约80%,柱头可授性约75%~90%.花粉/胚珠比率(P/O)为1 215.73±266.13.柱头在花药散粉时已生长至花筒口部,明显高于花药,便于接受异花花粉.黄花牛耳朵不存在无融合生殖,高度白交亲和,但较难发生自动的白花授粉,产生种子主要依靠传粉媒介.自然授粉的结实率明显低于人工授粉的结实率,存在传粉限制,蜜蜂(Apidae sp.)、方头泥蜂(Crabro sp.)、无垫蜂(Ameglla sp.)是主要的传粉者.  相似文献   

对福建苏铁经过三年多的调查、观察和研究,基本完成福建苏铁原产地的调查,认为福建原产两种苏铁,即苏铁与四川苏铁。本文还对福州树木园引种栽培的苏铁进行分类研究,有苏铁、四川苏铁、海南苏铁、攀枝花苏铁、广东苏铁、台东苏铁、元江苏铁、暹罗苏铁、石山苏铁、篦齿苏铁、越南苏铁、叉叶苏铁、多羽叉叶苏铁、多歧苏铁、刺叶苏铁等,另有三种形态特征比较特殊的苏铁也在本文进行了简要描述。  相似文献   

鲁先文  马瑞君    孙坤 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2518-2518~2525
连续两年对雌雄异株的中国沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.ssp. sinensis Rousi)的花期物候、开花式样进行了观察,检测了柱头可授性、花粉活力和花粉-胚珠比,并进行了人工授粉、套袋实验,检测结实率.结果显示中国沙棘风媒传粉发生在4月下旬或5月上旬,单花花期约7d;传粉盛期在第3天到第5天,柱头的可授性从第2天到第4天或第5天.中国沙棘花先叶开放、花小、无花冠、花药成熟时萼片从两个侧面的纵缝中裂开,形成有利于花粉散布的对流风洞.花粉活力和花粉-胚珠比都很高,具有典型的适应风媒传粉的花部特征和性状.中国沙棘花粉的传播距离受外界环境影响较大,通过重力玻片法检测可以看出,在风速小于3m/s时,主要集中在15~25m之间,当风速大于3m/s时,顺风向可超过85m以外.传粉效率对结实率的影响较大.  相似文献   

采用SF200热脉冲液测定仪对人工种植长穗柽柳的树干液流进行连续监测;利用管式-时域反射仪测定长穗柽柳根区附近3m深土壤含水量,并用自动气象站对太阳辐射,空气温度,相对湿度,风速等主要气象因子进行同步监测,基于上述试验数据,分析长穗柽柳树干液流量的日季变化规律及与环境因子的关系。结果表明,人工种植环境下,霜冻对长穗柽柳树干液流量的影响较大,随着时间的推移,长穗柽柳日液流量可能会因环境因子的变化而上下波动,但总体上是逐渐减少的趋势;气象因子对长穗柽柳日液流量的影响依次为:太阳辐射〉气温〉空气水汽压差〉大气相对湿度〉风速。  相似文献   

南方红豆杉响应不同传粉式样的结实表现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用开花前雌株短枝套袋隔离传粉、花期人工授粉、风媒传粉 对照 及其传粉障碍等几种传粉式样 ,比较不同传粉 授粉 方式对南方红豆杉 Taxus chinensis var.mairei 结实的影响 ;在风媒传粉条件下 ,研究了南方红豆杉不同种植行向、树冠不同方位、上下内外不同层面的结实表现 .结果表明 :南方红豆杉存在孤雌生殖现象 ,平均单枝结实率为 2 8.7% ,与风媒传粉相比较 ,存在极显著差异 P<0 .0 1 ;人工授粉能显著提高结实率 P<0 .0 5 2 0 .7% ;2~ 3月份开花期 ,江汉平原盛行东北风 ,在风媒传粉条件下 ,东西向种植的南方红豆杉有更多的授粉机会 ,其结实情况极显著优于南北向种植的 P<0 .0 1 ;东西向种植的南方红豆杉树冠果实的空间分布 ,受传粉条件包括风向、冠层方位及距传粉源的距离、冠层内外上下层次等因素的影响 ,方位间的结实量按东南西北方位依次为 :2 30 .375粒、185 .6 2 5粒、12 8.813粒、10 5 .4 38粒 ,呈递减趋势 ,冠外层结实量普通高于冠内层 ,树冠东向下外层结实量最高 4 16 .75粒 ,北向下内层最低 2 2 .0 0粒 .  相似文献   

Ramírez  Nelson 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(2):171-189
Pollination modes ecology of a total of 164 plant species was evaluated according to habitats and plant life forms in the Venezuelan Central Plain. Frequency distribution of nine pollination modes showed that, at the community level bee pollination (38.6%) was dominant. Butterfly (13.9%), fly (12.7%), and wasp (10.8%) pollination were the second most frequent. Moth (6.2%) and wind (10.4%) pollination occurred with similar frequency, and the least common were bird (3.1%), beetle (2.3%) and bat (1.9%) pollination. There was a significant interaction effect indicating that pollination mode was affected by the type of habitat. Bee pollination was the most common pollination mode in all habitats with butterfly, fly and wasp pollination being secondary for forest and forest-savanna transition; and butterfly, wasp, wind and fly pollination being secondary for savanna. Wind, butterfly and fly pollination were found in disturbed areas as secondary pollination modes. Pollination modes were significantly associated and affected by life forms. Bee pollination was dominant in all life forms with wasp, butterfly and fly pollination being the secondary for trees, shrubs, and lianas; and butterfly and wind pollination being the secondary for herbaceous species. The number of pollination modes (richness) among life forms ranged between four and nine for epiphytes and perennial herbs respectively. The highest values of diversity indexes among life forms were found in trees and shrubs. The richness and diversity indices of pollination modes were statistically higher for more structured habitats, forest and forest-savanna transition, than herbaceous habitats, savanna and disturbed areas, which is associated with the highest values of diversity indexes in trees and shrubs. Equitability was higher for forest and disturbed areas than forest-savanna transition and savanna. The results of comparative richness, equitability, diversity indices, and the frequency distribution of pollination modes of 19 samples from tropical and temperate communities indicated that richness of pollination modes may be different between tropical and temperate communities. The proportion of each pollination mode suggests four grouping: (1) rain forests and their strata, (2) grassland savanna, and associated disturbed areas, (3) temperate communities, and (4) the most heterogeneous group, contained mostly neotropical communities, including the four habitats of the Venezuelan Central Plain. The frequency of pollination modes, richness, diversity and equitability of communities, habitats, successional stages, and vegetation strata varies with respect to geography, vegetation structure, and plant species richness.  相似文献   

Wind pollination was experimentally demonstrated in Linanthus parviflorus (Polemoniaceae), a predominantly beefly-pollinated, self-incompatible annual. Seed set in plants enclosed in mesh tents that excluded pollinators but allowed airborne pollen flow provided evidence for wind pollination, and the extent of seed set due to wind pollination was compared to that in open-pollinated controls and pollen-supplemented treatments. Additional controls were included to test for possible confounding effects of the mesh tent. Mean seed number in open-pollinated plants was 72.8–81.1% of that in pollen-supplemented plants, while wind pollination alone produced 49.5–52.2%, a smaller but substantial proportion of seed set with pollen supplementation. Further evidence for wind pollination was found in a comparison of sites differing in the extent of wind exposure in two populations of L. parviflorus. Airborne pollen counts were higher in exposed sites than in protected sites, and the difference was marginally significant. Seed set was significantly pollen limited in protected sites, but not in exposed sites. Taken together, the data suggest that wind pollination provides some reproductive assurance in this obligately outcrossing species. Wind pollination is hypothesized to represent an alternative to selfing as an evolutionary solution to the problem of temporal or spatial variation in pollination visitation.  相似文献   

Pollination systems and associated floral traits generally differ between core and marginal populations of a species. However, such differences are rarely examined in plants with a mixed wind‐ and bumblebee‐pollination system, and the role of wind pollination during range expansion in ambophilous plants remains unclear. We compared floral traits and the contributions of bumblebee and wind pollination in refugium and marginal populations of the ambophilous plant Aconitum gymnandrum. We found that most floral traits differed between the two populations, and those traits associated with the shift to wind pollination were pronounced in the marginal population. Bumblebee visitation rates varied significantly, but were generally low in the marginal population. Wind pollination occurred in both populations, and the efficiency was lower than that of bumblebee pollination. Two types of pollen grains, namely round and fusiform pollen, were transported to a stigma by bumblebees and wind, but fusiform pollen contributed to wind pollination to a larger degree, especially in the marginal population. Our results suggest that wind pollination was enhanced by pollen dimorphism in the marginal population of A. gymnandrum, and wind pollination may provide reproductive assurance when bumblebee activity is unpredictable during range expansion, indicating that ambophily is stable in this species and shift in pollination system could be common when plants colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

Ambophily (wind and insect pollination) has been reported for some genera of the typically wind-pollinated family Cyperaceae, including the genus Rhynchospora. The significance of wind and insect pollination can vary, depending on local microclimatic conditions. Rhynchospora cephalotes is an ambophilous species that can grow under different environmental conditions, either along forest edges or inside forest fragments. This study, therefore, tests the hypothesis that (a) there is greater contribution by wind than insects to fruit set of the individuals at the forest edge and (b) there is greater contribution by insects than wind to fruit set of the individuals inside the forest. Field work was carried out in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. We quantified the number of visits by insects, wind velocity and the reproductive success (fruit set) of R. cephalotes provided by wind and insects through exclusion experiments performed at the edge of and inside the forest. We observed a greater number of visits per day by pollinating bees to individuals inside the forest (36.83 ± 7.46) than to individuals at the edge (16.66 ± 6.53). The wind speed was significantly higher at the edge (1.71 ± 0.46 m/s) than inside the forest (0.97 ± 0.18 m/s). Bees and wind are both pollen vectors of R. cephalotes, but bees were the pollen vector that contributed most to fruit set (63.3%) for individuals inside the forest, whereas wind was the primary vector for individuals at the forest edge (76.6%). This seesaw in importance of each pollen vector in the two different environments guarantees high fruit set in R. cephalotes under different microclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

Transitions from wind pollination to insect pollination were pivotal to the radiation of land plants, yet only a handful are known and the trait shifts required are poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that a transition to insect pollination took place in the ancestrally wind-pollinated sedges (Cyperaceae) and that floral traits modified during this transition have functional significance. We paired putatively insect-pollinated Cyperus obtusiflorus and Cyperus sphaerocephalus with related, co-flowering, co-occurring wind-pollinated species, and compared pairs in terms of pollination mode and functional roles of floral traits. Experimentally excluding insects reduced seed set by 56-89% in putatively insect-pollinated species but not in intermingled wind-pollinated species. The pollen of putatively insect-pollinated species was less motile in a wind tunnel than that of wind-pollinated species. Bees, beetles and flies preferred inflorescences, and color-matched white or yellow models, of putatively insect-pollinated species over inflorescences, or color-matched brown models, of wind-pollinated species. Floral scents of putatively insect-pollinated species were chemically consistent with those of other insect-pollinated plants, and attracted pollinators; wind-pollinated species were unscented. These results show that a transition from wind pollination to insect pollination occurred in sedges and shed new light on the function of traits involved in this important transition.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the changes in prevalence of nine plant traits – including the presence of woody stem tissue, leaf longevity, nitrogen fixation, seed longevity, dispersal vector, pollination vector, and clonal growth form – across a riparian/forest‐understory ecotone. This ecotone, found along headwater streams in boreal mixed‐wood forests, supports four distinct vegetation zones: streambank, riparian, transition, and upland forest understory. The objective of this study was to identify specific trait patterns that may indicate functional responses to the changes in environmental factors such as nutrient availability and wind exposure that occur across the ecotone. The suites of plant species traits found in each zone were distinct, with a strong change in the prevalence of several traits. Wind and insect pollination, wind and vertebrate diaspore dispersal, and deciduous and evergreen leaves showed the greatest change in prevalence between the vegetation types. Some traits, including insect pollination and vertebrate diaspore dispersal, were strongly correlated within species. The consistent cooccurrence of pairs of traits in the same species suggests common responses by very different traits to the same environmental factor. This study demonstrates that an ecotone can be characterized not only as a discontinuity in species distributions or environmental factors, but also as a discontinuity in the trait spectrum. Examining ecotones from a trait perspective has strong potential for identifying the environmental factors and associated species functional responses that encourage the development of distinct vegetation boundaries.  相似文献   

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