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气候变化下千金榆在我国潜在分布区预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气候变化严重影响植物的地理分布格局,植物分布对气候变化响应的区域差异性也将为引种和保存提供重要的指导.本研究基于ArcGIS与MaxEnt模型,利用176个千金榆地理信息和13个气候变量,对当前和未来的生态位进行重建.结果表明:模型模拟当代潜在分布区可信度极高,测试集与训练集AUC值分别为0.973和0.957.主要核心适宜区集中在秦岭、长白山及其各自的邻近区域,其他为零星的“岛屿”式分布.贵州、江西、云南、福建等地未发现千金榆的分布,但存在一定的适宜分布区.随着未来气候变暖,千金榆生态适宜区明显增加,主要表现为“向高海拔地区收缩”、“北扩”和“东扩”.但核心适宜区略有减少,具体表现为“南缩”、“中稳”和“北扩”.千金榆的分布对气候变暖的响应存在明显的区域性,在东部江苏、安徽等地,因其独特的地理位置与气候环境,该地区开始成为千金榆生态适宜区;在较低纬度的南方,原有的低海拔地区可能不再适宜千金榆生存;中部秦岭地区气候为南北的渐变区,有较强的缓冲能力,气候变暖对其分布区影响不大;较高纬度的长白山地区及其邻近区域愈发适宜千金榆生存.  相似文献   

皱叶瘤果茶(Camellia rhytidophylla)是颇具经济价值的特有濒危植物,分布于贵州高原亚地区(Ⅲ D10d)开阳县花梨镇洛旺河流域海拔573~920 m的常绿阔叶落叶混交林中,研究其种群生命特征与保育利用具有重要意义。选择皱叶瘤果茶疑似分布区(6 km~2)开展踏查,在密集分布区设置样地进行详查,分析其种群结构、动态和空间分布格局。结果表明:皱叶瘤果茶种群结构为增长型,幼龄树在种群中占的比重达46.38%,种群密度大小为幼龄树中龄树成年树,种群存活曲线为Deevey-Ⅲ型,死亡率曲线和消失率曲线分别在Ⅰ龄期和Ⅳ龄期出现2个高峰,随后又同时在Ⅲ龄期和Ⅵ龄期出现2个低谷。2个样地内的幼树种群在所有尺度下均呈集群分布,中龄树种群在小尺度上呈集群分布,在大尺度上则表现为随机分布,成年树种群由于人为活动干扰和生境异质性而使空间分布格局明显不同。各发育阶段的空间分布格局有较大差异,关系不密切,均表现为负相关或不相关。皱叶瘤果茶种群空间分布格局是其物种生物学特性、生境异质性及人为干扰等因素共同作用的结果,自然繁殖率极低是限制种群扩散的关键因素,生境异质性、山丘阻碍种子散布以及人类活动的干扰是其种群狭限分布的主要原因。  相似文献   

鼎湖山桫椤的繁殖栽培   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王俊浩  黄玉佳  石国良   《广西植物》1996,16(3):283-286
桫椤为国家一级保护植物,分布于我国台湾、福建、海南、广东、广西、贵州、四川、云南、西藏等省区(1),在我国最北可达北纬30°,海拔250—750m的静风、高湿、荫蔽的生境中.鼎湖山自然生长的桫椤已人为砍伐殆尽,为保存植物的种质资源,恢复鼎湖山为华南植物种于基因库的作用,进行了桫椤的引种和孢子繁殖栽培,并模拟高湿、荫蔽的生境建立自然的生态群落进行就地保护.  相似文献   

2003—2005年的冬季,在黑龙江省完达山地区的五泡林场,通过样线调查,利用逐步判别分析的方法,对冬季马鹿和狍子在森林采伐区和非采伐区生境选择的差异进行了比较研究,其结果表明,在该地区虽然两物种在生境选择上发生部分重叠,但在生境利用方式上均存在显著差异在采伐区马鹿主要利用中坡位或上坡位、半阴半阳或阳坡、人为干扰距离大于1000m、海拔相对较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小、灌木密度较高的灌丛或杂木林生境;狍子主要利用中坡位或下坡位、阳坡、海拔相对较低、食物丰富度适中、乔木胸径较大、灌木密度较低、人为干扰距离要求不严格的杂木林或柞树林生境。在非采伐区,马鹿主要选择距人为干扰大于1000m、海拔较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小的杂木林生境;狍子主要选择中坡位或下坡位、人为干扰距离要求不严格、海拔较低、食物丰富度较适中和乔木胸径较大的杂木林或杨-桦混交林生境。  相似文献   

天然食用色素新秀毛药红淡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛药红淡,又名黄瑞木(Adinandra millettii),属山茶科植物。福建省内各地常见,多生于海拔1500米以下的山地路旁灌丛或山地阳坡沟谷疏林中,同时也广泛分布于广东、广西、湖南、江西、浙江及安徽南部。毛药红淡作为药用植物,其根、叶入药。味苦,性凉。功能凉血止血,消肿解毒,主治衄血、尿血、肝炎、痄腮、疖肿、蛇虫咬伤。但其中的药效成分目前尚未见报道分析。  相似文献   

2003—2005年的冬季,在黑龙江省完达山地区的五泡林场,通过样线调查,利用逐步判别分析的方法,对冬季马鹿和狍子在森林采伐区和非采伐区生境选择的差异进行了比较研究,其结果表明,在该地区虽然两物种在生境选择上发生部分重叠,但在生境利用方式上均存在显著差异:在采伐区马鹿主要利用中坡位或上坡位、半阴半阳或阳坡、人为干扰距离大于1 000 m、海拔相对较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小、灌木密度较高的灌丛或杂木林生境;狍子主要利用中坡位或下坡位、阳坡、海拔相对较低、食物丰富度适中、乔木胸径较大、灌木密度较低、人为干扰距离要求不严格的杂木林或柞树林生境。在非采伐区,马鹿主要选择距人为干扰大于1 000 m、海拔较高、食物丰富度较高、乔木胸径较小的杂木林生境;狍子主要选择中坡位或下坡位、人为干扰距离要求不严格、海拔较低、食物丰富度较适中和乔木胸径较大的杂木林或杨-桦混交林生境。  相似文献   

<正> 引言 山茶属植物将近二百种,分布于东南亚热带和亚热带地区,其中近90%以上的种集中在我国的南部。浙江红山茶(Camellia chekiangoleoso Hu)又名浙江红花油茶,属于山茶属(Camellia)山茶亚属(Subgen.Camellia)的山茶组(Sect.Camellia),是我国特有的树种,分布于浙江、安徽、湖南、江西和福建北部海拔600—1400米的山地。这种植物具有硕大而美丽的红花,为庭园观赏佳品;其种子含油量较高,可供食用。目前已有不少  相似文献   

濒危植物秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局及动态   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:16  
为阐明秦岭冷杉种群分布格局动态特征,达到有效保护和恢复的目的,通过野外调查,采用相邻格子样方法,离散分布拟合、扩散系数、Morisita指数、均方-曲线等方法,对不同生境和年龄阶段的秦岭冷杉种群的空间分布格局及其动态进行了系统研究。结果表明:(1)秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局在不同发育阶段和不同生境条件下基本属于聚集型分布,在25m^2、150m^2和300m^2的面积上聚集强度较大。天然条件下,种群聚集强度最大取样尺度,可能是其种群更新的最佳面积。(2)秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局随海拔上升,聚集强度降低;聚集强度在海拔1300~1700m较小,在海拔1700~2100m地区较大;阴坡种群分布聚集强度大于阳坡。(3)随着种群年龄增加,分布格局由聚集型向随机型过渡,聚集强度减弱;聚集性最强的尺度规模在幼、中龄期为50m^2,老龄期为300m^2。(4)种群的空间分布格局与生物生态学特性、生境条件关系密切。在未来森林经营和种群恢复中,应针对生境和种群年龄,森林抚育管理作业面积应该尽量接近聚集强度最大的尺度。低海拔和阴坡应该适度间伐非目的乔木树种,高海拔和阳坡地区,应适度清理灌木和草本层,为群落内团块状更新创造空间;实行就地保护,减少人为干扰,促进天然更新保护策略。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区天然沙棘种群空间分布格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经实地踏查,在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区陕西富县天然沙棘林区,设置10个10 m×10 m样地,采用离散分布理论拟合和聚集强度测定方法,对不同生境和年龄阶段的沙棘种群的空间分布格局及其动态进行了系统研究,以探讨沙棘种群分布格局动态特征.结果显示:(1)沙棘种群空间分布格局属聚集型,在6.25 m2面积上聚集强度较大.天然条件下,种群聚集强度最大的取样尺度,是其种群更新的最佳面积.(2)沙棘种群空间分布格局随海拔上升,聚集强度降低;阴坡的种群分布聚集强度总是大于阳坡.(3)随着种群年龄增加,分布格局由聚集型向随机型过渡,聚集强度减弱.在幼、老龄期聚集性最强的格局尺度为25.00 m2,中龄期为6.25 m2、25.00 m2.研究表明,天然沙棘种群的空间分布格局与其生物生态学特性、生长阶段以及生境条件关系密切,在保护与利用中应针对不同生境的差异以及不同生长阶段的特性进行适度人为干扰,促进种群的生长、更新和群落发育.  相似文献   

鹅掌楸致濒的生态因素研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
鹅掌楸(Liriodendronchinense(Hemsl.)Sarg.)为古老残遗植物,该属植物在第三纪曾广布于北半球。由于第四纪冰川的压力,现存中国鹅掌楸局限星散分布于被称作“避难所”的长江流域以南亚热带山地,其种群大小和结构,受到与其共存的优势树种的竞争压力及人为干扰等多方面因素影响。目前天然分布的鹅掌楸,其种群规模小,在原生境中往往种子饱满率偏低,尤其是位于分布区东部的种群,正处于非适宜的“濒危生境”中。如果物种陷入了因地质历史变化、种间竞争或其他灾难引起的“濒危生境”中,运用迁地保护手段,可有效地保护该物种。  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridisation and gene flow from cultivated plants may have profound effects on the evolution of wild species. Considering the cultural history and past use of Ulmus minor and Ulmus glabra trees in Flanders (northern Belgium), we investigated the extent of human impact on the genetic variation of the remaining, supposedly indigenous elm populations. We therefore examined the rate of interspecific hybridisation, which is expected to be higher under human influence, the occurrence of clones within and among locations, the presence of cultivars and their possible offspring. Based on results produced using 385 amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers, 46 % of the 106 investigated Flemish elms appeared to be F1 hybrids or backcrosses to one of the parent species, while no F2 hybrids (F1?×?F1 progeny) were found. Clonality was mainly found among U. minor and hybrids, which are more likely to form root suckers or sprouts as opposed to U. glabra. The majority of the studied locations (76 % of the locations with multiple samples) showed evidence of clonal reproduction. Several, sometimes distant, locations shared a multilocus lineage. We also found indications of gene flow from cultivated elms into native species. It is conceivable that reproductive material has been moved around extensively, obscuring the natural genetic structure of the elm populations. The results help guide the Flemish elm genetic resources conservation programme.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogeographic pattern and historical demography of Saurida elongata, a 463 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region was analyzed in 118 individuals collected from five populations in the East China Sea and South China Sea. The results revealed remarkably low nucleotide diversity in S. elongata, which was probably caused by selection during Pleistocene drastic climate fluctuations. Phylogenetic relationship was continuous, but a localized clade was found dominating Beihai population. Mismatch analyses showed that S. elongata experienced both demographic and range expansions. Among these populations, Beihai population expanded latest. Localization of haplotypes clade in Beihai was likely a result of the selection when new habitat was established during a range expansion, and indicated limited gene flow between Beihai and other populations. Our results suggested Beihai population should be managed separately in fishery.  相似文献   

The delimitation of dispersal routes used by individuals moving between populations has the potential to direct management efforts aimed at limiting the spread of invasive species. Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) have successfully invaded aquatic ecosystems across much of the globe, causing loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction. Our research focuses on a Mojave Desert spring system in Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, where a combination of anthropogenic habitat degradation and the establishment of invasive species have caused extinctions, extirpations, and severe population declines of endangered fishes. To infer the invasion history of hydrologically isolated springs, we tested alternative hypotheses of P. clarkii dispersal routes and colonization events throughout Ash Meadows using a landscape genetics approach that combined analysis of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA genotypes with geographic information system (GIS) mapping. Modeled historic outflows, in conjunction with waterway mapping based on aerial imagery and LiDAR data, show variable drainage routes across the flat topography of Ash Meadows. Estimates of gene flow between P. clarkii populations revealed the drainages utilized by crayfish to move from central to peripheral springs. Additionally, analyses of mtDNA haplotype diversity and distribution suggest isolated springs were colonized by few individuals, and subsequent emigration has been rare. These results will inform ecological restoration in Ash Meadows by directing the placement of barriers to prevent reinvasion of distal springs after eradication of P. clarkii populations. Finally, this research provides a case study for elucidating the functional connectivity of ephemerally connected landscapes, using the integration of genetic and GIS techniques.  相似文献   

濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶片断化居群的遗传多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)标记对我国特有的濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsonii var. pubipetiolata)现存于浙江和安徽的4个片断化居群中的89株个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究。结果表明,与其它木本濒危植物相比,毛柄小勾儿茶具有与它们相当的遗传多样性,8对选择扩增引物共扩增出122条清晰的条带,居群的平均多态位点百分率为Pp=26.4%,其中马家河居群最高(29.5%)而湍口居群最低(23.8%),居群的平均基因多样度为Hep=0.162 8(0.140 5~0.172 4);而在物种水平上的遗传多样性为Ps=36.9%, Hes=0.202 4。居群间的遗传分化系数FST=0.193 9,表明居群间有显著的遗传分化,进一步利用AMOVA软件对遗传变异进行等级剖分发现:24.88%的遗传变异存在于地理宗间(浙江地理宗和安徽地理宗),14.71%的遗传变异存在于居群间,60.42%存在于居群内。该研究结果表明,由于人为干扰引起的生境片断化和居群减小导致了毛柄小勾儿茶居群的遗传多样性丧失和遗传分化,并对毛柄小勾儿茶的生存造成潜在威胁。该文还就保育策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The muriqui (Brachyteles spp.), endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, is the largest primate in South America and is endangered, mainly due to habitat loss. Its distribution limits are still uncertain and need to be resolved in order to determine their true conservation status. Species distribution modeling (SDM) has been used to estimate potential species distributions, even when information is incomplete. Here, we developed an environmental suitability model for the two endangered species of muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus and B. arachnoides) using Maxent software. Due to historical absence of muriquis, areas with predicted high habitat suitability yet historically never occupied, were excluded from the predicted historical distribution. Combining that information with the model, it is evident that rivers are potential dispersal barriers for the muriquis. Moreover, although the two species are environmentally separated in a large part of its distribution, there is a potential contact zone where the species apparently do not overlap. This separation might be due to either a physical (i.e., Serra da Mantiqueira mountains) or a biotic barrier (the species exclude one another). Therefore, in addition to environmental characteristics, physical and biotic barriers potentially shaped the limits of the muriqui historical range. Based on these considerations, we proposed the adjustment of their historical distributional limits. Currently only 7.6% of the predicted historical distribution of B. hypoxanthus and 12.9% of B. arachnoides remains forested and able to sustain viable muriqui populations. In addition to measurement of habitat loss we also identified areas for conservation concern where new muriqui populations might be found.  相似文献   

One of the challenges of understanding habitat requirements of endangered species is that the remaining populations may not be in optimal habitat, requiring experimentation to determine optimal habitat and to guide management. A better knowledge of its habitat requirements is important for the conservation of Streptanthus bracteatus, a rare annual of central Texas woodlands. The habitat requirements of a rare, declining species like S. bracteatus can also provide insights into anthropogenic habitat degradation and into previous disturbance regimes. We conducted a garden experiment and a transplant experiment to determine the effect of different light environments on the growth and reproduction of S. bracteatus. Higher levels of light improved S. bracteatus performance, especially fecundity. The optimum level of combined canopy and understory cover at the height of a S. bracteatus plant (??0.5?m above ground) was less than 50?%. The remaining populations of S. bracteatus are in sub-optimal habitat because it is not open enough. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that this species was a ??fire-follower.?? The results also support the hypotheses that central Texas woodlands were once more open and that fire played an ecological role in these woodlands, an example of the ecological requirements of a rare species revealing past community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

Field survey conducted to understand habitat, distribution, population structure and conservation status of Lilium polyphyllum. Three populations (total 649 individuals) are in decline because of habitat degradation, agriculture invasion and over exploitation. Our finding confirmed critically endangered status of the species, although with new criteria. We recommended integrated conservation plan.  相似文献   

罗媛媛  刘金亮  黄杰灵  包华峰 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6041-6048
利用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)分子标记法,对千岛湖片段化生境中14个岛屿上的黄足厚结猛蚁(Pachycondyla luteipes)种群遗传结构和多样性进行研究。利用5对SRAP引物对42份材料的基因组进行扩增,共得到大小在50-800 bp之间的71个可重复位点,其中63个为多态性位点,多态性比率达88.73%。AMOVA分析结果显示,65.03%的遗传变异存在于种群间,34.97%的遗传变异来自种群内(P < 0.001)。利用PopGene Version 1.32软件对SRAP多态性数据进行分析,不同岛屿种群的多态位点比例和Nei's基因多样性指数变化范围分别介于35.21%-91.55%和0.2662-0.4905之间,平均值分别为58.25%和0.3729,其中多态位点比率最高的岛屿为面积最大的JSE岛。多态位点比例和Nei's基因多样性指数与岛屿面积、海拔均无显著相关性,但与隔离度呈显著正相关关系。种群间遗传分化指数介于0.0777-0.9328之间,平均值为0.4419,基因流值介于0.0360-5.9350之间,平均值为1.0451,种群间遗传分化程度较高,基因流较低。利用UPGMA聚类分析法对14岛屿上的42个个体进行遗传聚类分析,表明地理距离较近的个体和岛屿具有优先聚在一起的趋势。Mantel 检验表明黄足厚结猛蚁各种群间地理距离与遗传距离间存在显著相关性(r=0.7757,P < 0.01)。以上结果表明地理隔离是影响千岛湖黄足厚结猛蚁种群遗传结构和多样性的主要因素。  相似文献   

Understanding the underlying causes of phenotypic trait variation among populations is important for informing conservation decisions. This knowledge can be used to determine whether locality matters when sourcing populations for habitat restoration. Uniola paniculata is a federally protected coastal dune grass native to the southeastern Atlantic and the Gulf coasts of the USA that is often used to stabilize restored dune habitats. This study uses neutral genetic markers (allozymes) and a greenhouse common garden study to determine the relative contributions of neutral evolutionary processes and natural selection to patterns of phenotypic variation among natural populations of U. paniculata. Seeds were sourced from foredune and backdune populations spanning shoreline-to-landward environmental gradients on each of four Georgia barrier islands. Based on previous work, we expected to find evidence of divergent selection among populations located on the shoreline-to-landward environmental gradient. However, differences among islands, rather than intra-island habitat differences, drive divergent selection on aboveground and total biomass. The lack of evidence for divergent selection across the shoreline-to-landward gradient suggests that previously documented intra-island trait variation is likely due to phenotypic plasticity. Our findings have implications for conservation and restoration efforts involving U. paniculata, as there is evidence for divergent selection among populations located on neighboring islands.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Natural selection and genetic drift are important evolutionary forces in determining genetic and phenotypic differentiation in plant populations. The extent to which these two distinct evolutionary forces affect locally adaptive quantitative traits has been well studied in common plant and animal species. However, we know less about how quantitative traits respond to selection pressures and drift in endangered species that have small population sizes and fragmented distributions. To address this question, this study assessed the relative strengths of selection and genetic drift in shaping population differentiation of phenotypic traits in Psilopeganum sinense, a naturally rare and recently endangered plant species.


Population differentiation at five quantitative traits (QST) obtained from a common garden experiment was compared with differentiation at putatively neutral microsatellite markers (FST) in seven populations of P. sinense. QST estimates were derived using a Bayesian hierarchical variance component method.

Key Results

Trait-specific QST values were equal to or lower than FST. Neutral genetic diversity was not correlated with quantitative genetic variation within the populations of P. sinense.


Despite the prevalent empirical evidence for QST > FST, the results instead suggest a definitive role of stabilizing selection and drift leading to phenotypic differentiation among small populations. Three traits exhibited a significantly lower QST relative to FST, suggesting that populations of P. sinense might have experienced stabilizing selection for the same optimal phenotypes despite large geographical distances between populations and habitat fragmentation. For the other two traits, QST estimates were of the same magnitude as FST, indicating that divergence in these traits could have been achieved by genetic drift alone. The lack of correlation between molecular marker and quantitative genetic variation suggests that sophisticated considerations are required for the inference of conservation measures of P. sinense from neutral genetic markers.  相似文献   

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