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基础医学、药物研发和临床医学是三个不同的的领域,因此这些领域的很多生命科学研究成果经常无法及时应用于临床实践。转化医学是以疾病为中心,加速将基础研究的成果用于,临床诊断和治疗中,旨在有效的将三个领域有机结合在一起。分子影像学(molecularimaging,MI)可在活体上、在细胞和分子水平对生物学过程成像并进行定性和定量研究,为转化医学的实现提供了保证。分子影像技术采用无创的医学影像技术使活体状态下组织细胞中的特殊分子生物学特性得以直观揭示,主要用于对疾病早期诊断、疾病分期(分层)、疗效监测、指导疾病的个体化治疗以及新药的研发等领域。本文主要介绍分子影像的技术特点、其在转化医学中发挥的作用以及其在个体化治疗中临床意义进行综述。  相似文献   

<正>近年来发展非常迅速的分子影像技术已经将肿瘤的影像学诊断提高到肿瘤细胞或组织特异性表达分子的水平,有助于肿瘤的早诊、早治和个体化治疗。从而有效降低肿瘤死亡率。在各种分子影像模态当中,核医学的PET和sPECT最先进入了临床应用。核医学分子探针是核医学分子影像的核心所在。与最常规使用的~(18)FDG相比,文章将主要介绍新型特异性核医学分子探针在肿瘤诊断、疗效评估及个体化治疗方面的应用。  相似文献   

正"国家分子医学转化科学中心"将落户陕西"十三五"开局之年,国家发改委批复在陕西省建设国家分子医学转化科学中心。分子医学转化科学核心是阐明人类疾病在分子和细胞水平上的病理、生理机制,并将有关成果转化为临床预测、诊断、预防和治疗的有效手段,代表着当代生命科学发展趋势。国务院发布的《国家重大科技基础设施建设中长期规划(2012~2030年)》,明确将转化医学研究设施列为  相似文献   

分子诊断技术以其显著优势和巨大潜力,已成为临床诊断各种技术产品中需求增长最快的技术,随着越来越多的基因组信息和蛋白质组信息的产生,分子诊断必将为3P医学(即预测医学、预防医学和个体化医疗)保驾护航。  相似文献   

自1999年美国哈佛大学Weissleder教授提出分子影像概念以来,分子影像技术迅速发展.这一技术可从分子和细胞水平在体观察和评价体内的生物变化过程,具有无创、实时、动态、特异、活体(in vivo)成像等特点,在疾病(特别是肿瘤)的早期诊断、分期、预后评价及治疗方案的选择和疗效评价等方面发挥着重要和不可替代的作用...  相似文献   

郑林丰  王悍  张贵祥 《生物磁学》2011,(10):1983-1986
分子影像学的出现将传统的以解剖结构为成像基础的医学影像学带入到以图像阐释细胞/分子结构和功能以及病理改变的新时代。伴随着“后基因组”时代的到来以及“个体化医疗”的兴起,分子影像学对医学领域带来了里程碑式的革命并日益发挥重要作用。在分子影像领域,寻找最佳的分子影像探针/对比剂以及成像方法,以获取更多的细胞或者分子的功能及病理改变的信息日益成为热门的研究领域。纳米金籍其自身的优点在分子影像学的发展中展示出日益广阔的前景。本文就分子影像学的相关技术及纳米金在分子影像学中的应用进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

分子影像学的出现将传统的以解剖结构为成像基础的医学影像学带入到以图像阐释细胞/分子结构和功能以及病理改变的新时代。伴随着"后基因组"时代的到来以及"个体化医疗"的兴起,分子影像学对医学领域带来了里程碑式的革命并日益发挥重要作用。在分子影像领域,寻找最佳的分子影像探针/对比剂以及成像方法,以获取更多的细胞或者分子的功能及病理改变的信息日益成为热门的研究领域。纳米金籍其自身的优点在分子影像学的发展中展示出日益广阔的前景。本文就分子影像学的相关技术及纳米金在分子影像学中的应用进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

目前临床普遍采用功能与分子影像检测手段能来评价头颈部肿瘤的放射治疗计划和疗效,可指导个体化治疗从而提高疗效。文章概述了功能与分子影像技术CT,MRI,PET-CT,超声检测技术在头颈部肿瘤放射治疗计划制定和疗效评价中的应用进展。结果显示,不同分子影像检测方法如在检查时机的选择、诊断和鉴别诊断的价值、观察放射治疗后肿瘤的残存和复发、预测放射治疗效果、指导后续治疗等方面均可起到重要作用。采用图像融合技术进行联合应用,如PET-CT和MRI-CT等,可提高检测的准确率。临床医生需在常规影像学手段的基础上,根据头颈部肿瘤患者病情和治疗方法的不同选用正确的功能和分子影像检测手段,更好地指导制定放射治疗计划及综合评价放射治疗后的疗效。  相似文献   

<正>中国科学院上海生命科学研究院/上海交通大学医学院健康科学研究所免疫调节与耐受研究组主要研究免疫和炎症信号的调控及在肿瘤和自身免疫性疾病等重大疾病中的作用机制,主要通过分子生物学、细胞生物学方法和肿瘤小鼠模型与临床患者样本分析等手段,研究炎症相关疾病的发病机理和防治策略,研发肿瘤分子诊断试剂、个体化治疗药物及免疫制剂。现招聘1~2名博士后、1名副研究员或助理研究员,  相似文献   

基因突变检测在肿瘤等疾病的早期诊断、个体化给药指导、疾病治疗进程与耐药监控等方面具有极其重要的意义。随着测序技术的 不断发展,DNA 突变的检测与分析已为病毒感染、血液病和实体瘤等疾病的个体化诊治提供重要参考。焦磷酸测序技术是一种基于生物发 光法测定焦磷酸盐的实时 DNA 测序技术,其用于 DNA 序列分析时不需电泳和荧光标记,定量性能好,结果准确,易于实现自动化,在基 因突变检测分析与肿瘤等疾病诊治中发挥巨大作用。综述基于焦磷酸测序技术的基因突变检测在分子靶向个体化治疗和疾病诊断中的应用 研究进展。  相似文献   

Translational medicine is a class of medicalresearch that proposes a two-way interaction betweenlaboratory and clinical research[1].Elias A.Zerhouni,the director of the National Institutes of Health(NIH),  相似文献   

Molecular imaging is a rapidly emerging field, providing noninvasive visual quantitative representations of fundamental biological processes in intact living subjects. Fundamental biomedical research stands to benefit considerably from advances in molecular imaging, with improved molecular target selection, probe development and imaging instrumentation. The noninvasiveness of molecular imaging technologies will also provide benefit through improved patient care. Molecular imaging endpoints can be quantified, and therefore are particularly useful for translational research. Integration of the two disciplines of molecular imaging and molecular medicine, combined with systems-biology approaches to understanding disease complexity, promises to provide predictive, preventative and personalized medicine that will transform healthcare.  相似文献   

Prospects for translational regenerative medicine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Translational medicine is an evolutional concept that encompasses the rapid translation of basic research for use in clinical disease diagnosis, prevention and treatment. It follows the idea "from bench to bedside and back", and hence relies on cooperation between laboratory research and clinical care. In the past decade, translational medicine has received unprecedented attention from scientists and clinicians and its fundamental principles have penetrated throughout biomedicine, offering a sign post that guides modern medical research toward a patient-centered focus. Translational regenerative medicine is still in its infancy, and significant basic research investment has not yet achieved satisfactory clinical outcomes for patients. In particular, there are many challenges associated with the use of cell- and tissue-based products for clinical therapies. This review summarizes the transformation and global progress in translational medicine over the past decade. The current obstacles and opportunities in translational regenerative medicine are outlined in the context of stem cell therapy and tissue engineering for the safe and effective regeneration of functional tissue. This review highlights the requirement for multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary cooperation to ensure the development of the best possible regenerative therapies within the shortest timeframe possible for the greatest patient benefit.  相似文献   

我国在精神分裂症的遗传学和生命组学研究方面取得了很大进展,如在全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS)方面工作获得了一系列成果.随着我国对重大疾病转化医学的逐步关注和重视,利用在精神分裂症上已经获得的广泛和深入的研究结果,寻找精神分裂症各种临床应用的生物标记物研究,系统性地建立适合于类似精神分裂症这类复杂疾病的早期诊断、干预和预防的临床咨询和应用体系等将是该疾病转化医学方面可实施的方法和案例.精神分裂症的转化医学方面还涉及精神分裂症患者的个体化用药方案建立.药物疗效和药物不良反应的个体差异具有较复杂的环境和遗传背景,结合精神分裂症的遗传学病因和药物作用的遗传学差异,将有效发挥治疗药物的功效,并降低重大不良反应在敏感个体上的发生.对精神分裂症这类给国家和社会带来极其重大负担的重大疾病,积极推动我国在此类疾病上的基础研究成果转化和转化医学的实施具有重要的社会效应和积极的带动作用.  相似文献   

分子生物学自问世以来在各个领域都有着非常广泛的应用。随着分子生物学手段的不断发展,其在医学诊断和疾病治疗等领域的作用也获得医护人员的认可。分子生物学方法在血液病诊断和治疗方面的应用也尤为突出。本文综述了PCR,荧光原位杂交技术、基因芯片和二代测序等分子生物学手段在血液病中的应用,为血液病的诊断、治疗监测以及用药指导等方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The integration of pathology with molecular biology is vital if we are to enhance the translational value of cancer research. Pathology represents a bridge between medicine and basic biology, it remains the gold standard for cancer diagnosis, and it plays an important role in discovery studies. In the past, pathology and cancer research were closely associated; however, the molecular biology revolution has shifted the focus of investigators toward the molecular alterations of tumors. The reductionist approach taken in molecular studies is producing great insight into the inner workings of neoplasia, but it can also minimize the importance of histopathology and of understanding the disease as a whole. In turn, pathologists can underestimate the role of molecular studies in developing new ancillary techniques for clinical diagnosis. A multidisciplinary approach that integrates pathology and molecular biology within a translational research system is needed. This process will require overcoming cultural barriers and can be achieved through education, a more effective incorporation of pathology into biological research, and conversely an integration of biological research into the pathology laboratory.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism measurements in spinal cord tumors, as well as in osseous spinal tumors/metastasis in vivo, are rarely performed only with molecular imaging (MI) by positron emission tomography (PET). This imaging modality developed from a small number of basic clinical science investigations followed by subsequent work that influenced and enhanced the research of others. Apart from precise anatomical localization by coregistration of morphological imaging and quantification, the most intriguing advantage of this imaging is the opportunity to investigate the time course (dynamics) of disease-specific molecular events in the intact organism. Most importantly, MI represents one of the key technologies in translational molecular neuroscience research, helping to develop experimental protocols that may later be applied to human patients. PET may help monitor a patient at the vertebral level after surgery and during adjuvant treatment for recurrent or progressive disease. Common clinical indications for MI of primary or secondary CNS spinal tumors are: (i) tumor diagnosis, (ii) identification of the metabolically active tumor compartments (differentiation of viable tumor tissue from necrosis) and (iii) prediction of treatment response by measurement of tumor perfusion or ischemia. While spinal PET has been used under specific circumstances, a question remains as to whether the magnitude of biochemical alterations observed by MI in CNS tumors in general (specifically spinal tumors) can reveal any prognostic value with respect to survival. MI may be able to better identify early disease and to differentiate benign from malignant lesions than more traditional methods. Moreover, an adequate identification of treatment effectiveness may influence patient management. MI probes could be developed to image the function of targets without disturbing them or as treatment to modify the target's function. MI therefore closes the gap between in vitro and in vivo integrative biology of disease. At the spinal level, MI may help to detect progression or recurrence of metastatic disease after surgical treatment. In cases of nonsurgical treatments such as chemo-, hormone- or radiotherapy, it may better assess biological efficiency than conventional imaging modalities coupled with blood tumor markers. In fact, PET provides a unique possibility to correlate topography and specific metabolic activity, but it requires additional clinical and experimental experience and research to find new indications for primary or secondary spinal tumors.  相似文献   

分子成像及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒋星军  任彩萍 《生命科学》2005,17(5):456-460
分子成像是近来新出现并迅速发展的一个生物医学领域,用它来显示和测定活体内生物过程在细胞和分子水平上的特征,可为深入揭示生理和病理过程的机制,以及对疾病及其治疗进行实时、动态、细致、无创、靶向性的探测和跟踪提供有效手段。预计在不远的将来,分子成像技术的迅速发展可能会带来临床医疗的重大变革。本文就分子成像及其应用作一综述。  相似文献   

转化医学是近年来提出的关于基础研究与临床密切结合的新概念,强调实现基础研究成果真正转化为临床实践,为疾病的诊断和治疗提供先进而有效的方法。胃癌是消化系统常见的恶性肿瘤,其早期诊断与治疗是转化医学研究的重点内容之一。microRNA(miRNA)是近年来发现的一类长约21-25个核苷酸的非编码单链小分子RNA,广泛存在于真核生物中。它的发现揭示了一种新的基因表达调控方式,为胃癌早期诊断与治疗的研究开辟了新路径。miRNA能够通过与靶基因特异性的结合使其降解或抑制其翻译,从而对靶基因进行转录后的表达调控。现有越来越多的研究发现,miRNA与了胃癌的发生、发展、治疗及预后都密切相关,此文从转化医学角度综述了miRNA在胃癌中对细胞周期、细胞凋亡、侵袭、转移、放化疗敏感性等的影响的研究进展。  相似文献   

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