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爆裂玉米的膨爆机理、影响因子及高产育种的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨金慧 《西北植物学报》2001,21(6):1278-1282
对爆裂玉米的膨爆机理、膨爆特性、影响膨爆的因素及高产育种进行了综述。爆裂玉米的膨爆关键取于籽粒内部高压的形成,果皮和胚乳的致密结构是籽粒内部高压形成的重要保证;适宜的水分含量是籽粒内部产生高压水汽的物质基础,而导致这种高压水汽产生的外部则是来自于加热温度。此外,品种特性和籽粒性状等对爆裂玉米的膨爆特性也有一定的影响。爆裂玉米的品质特性与选育高产品种之间似无很大矛盾,可以单独进行改良。而且营养丰富,应用前景广泛。  相似文献   

玉米籽粒性状的遗传模型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用10个遗传上和籽粒形态性状上具有差异的玉米自交系,依多种可能的交配方法获得亲本P1、P2、F1(P1× P2)、F2、B1(F1×P1)、B2(F1× P2)及其相应反交RF1、RF2、RB1、RB2共10个种子世代。种植2年。依广义遗传模型建立包括种子胚乳加性、胚乳显性、母体加性、母体显性和细胞质效应的遗传模型,运用种子数量性状的精细鉴别法[1]和混合模型分析法[2,3],对粒长、粒宽、粒长宽比、粒厚及百粒重作了性状表达遗传机制的鉴别与探讨。单个组合的遗传模型精细测验表明,5个籽粒性状的遗传主要受母体显性和胚乳基因型(包括加性和灵性)的控制,一个组合的粒宽、粒厚和百粒重上还检测到细胞质效应。对25对 F1正反交组合世代均值依MINQUE法分析的结果表明,5个籽粒性状的遗传方差中,母体遗传方差占60%以上,胚乳基因型方差低于40%,粒长和百粒重还有细胞质效应,约占10%~30%。可见,籽粒性状的遗传特点是受多套遗传系统控制,其中以母体基因型的作用最大。  相似文献   

玉米籽粒性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李玉玲  张泽民  许自成  席章营 《遗传》2000,22(3):133-136
采用二倍体胚和三倍体胚乳种子遗传模型及其分析方法,以5个玉米自交系及其配制的F1,F2,BC1,BC2世代为材料,研究5个玉米种子性状的胚直接效应、胚乳直接效应、母体效应和细胞质效应。分析结果表明,除粒宽外,各性状的遗传同时由细胞质效应和胚、胚乳、母体基因效应所控制,百粒重主要受胚乳和母体效应的影响,粒长的遗传以母体效应为主,粒宽和粒厚以胚乳效应为主。各部位籽粒百粒重的胚乳直接加性效应与母体加性效应的协方差达到显著或极显著水平,其余性状的胚、胚乳直接效应与母体效应间的协方差均不显著,通过母体植株的遗传表现可以对这些性状进行有效的选择。S22 是改良百粒重的优良亲本。 Abstract:The embryo,endosperm and cytoplasm effects of seven seed traits were studied by genetic model for diploid embryo and triploid endosperm plant seeds using five inbreds and their F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 generations. The estimates of genetic variance components indicated that the inheritance of all other kernel traits was controlled by the four effects except kernel width. The 100?kernel weight was mainly controlled by endosperm and maternal effects , and kernel length was controlled by the maternal effects,while endosperm conrrolled kernel width and kernel thickness. Except the significant or highly significant covariances between the endosperm direct additive and maternal additive effects for 100-kernel weight,all other traits between the embryo or endosperm direct effect and the maternal were not significant. So,maize inbreds could be developed by direct selection based on maternal plants for these traits. S22 was the best inbred of the improvement for kernel weight in this study.  相似文献   

普通玉米籽粒性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用二倍体种子遗传模型及其分析方法,研究了5个玉米籽粒性状的直接效应、母体效应和细胞质效应.分析结果表明,各性状的遗传同时受种子直接效应和母体效应的影响,细胞质基因对百粒重和粒宽具有极显著影响.除粒长、粒厚的直接显性效应与母体显性效应间的协方差外,直接效应与母体效应间的协方差均不显著.因此,通过母体植株的表现可对这些性状进行有效的选择.S_22和 87-1是改良粒重的优良亲本.选择粒较宽的自交系作母本有利于提高后代选系及F_1的百粒重.  相似文献   

大豆粒形性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梁慧珍  李卫东  王辉  方宣钧 《遗传学报》2005,32(11):1199-1204
采用双子叶植物种子数量性状的遗传模型,分析了大豆品种双列杂交F1和F2种子的粒重、粒宽、粒厚和粒长/粒宽、粒长/粒厚、粒宽/粒厚粒形性状的遗传效应。结果表明:7种粒形性状同时受制于种子直接遗传效应,而且还不同程度的受制于母体和细胞质效应。其中,百粒重、粒长、粒长/粒宽、粒长/粒厚和粒宽/粒厚的遗传以细胞质效应为主;粒宽和粒厚以母体遗传效应为主。粒重、粒长和粒长/粒宽、粒宽/粒厚的种子直接遗传率和细胞质遗传率均属中等,对其4个性状选择可以在较高世代单株和单粒选择均有效果。粒宽和粒厚母体遗传率数值较大,对其性状应以母体单株为单位早代选择,以增加粒宽和粒厚。P2和P7可作为增加百粒重、粒长/粒宽、粒长/粒厚和粒宽/粒厚的理想亲本;P1、P4和P6分别是提高粒长、粒厚和粒宽的理想亲本。  相似文献   

用4个广亲和粳型品种和5个籼型品种为材料,按NCⅡ设计配制杂交组合,获得同一环境下的亲本及F_1植株上的籽粒群体(F_2),对其稻谷千粒重、糙米千粒重、出糙率、总精米率以及整精米率等粒重和加工品质性状进行测定,并按胚乳性状遗传模型和混合线性模型的分析方法对籼粳亚种间杂交稻粒重及加工品质性状的遗传效应进行了研究,结果表明:籼粳交籽粒的粒重及各加工品质性状同时受到胚乳直接基因效应、母体基因效应以及微弱的细胞质效应的影响,但其主要受制于母体加性效应,并且存在一定的胚乳杂种优势和母体杂种优势;不同亲本品种对于粒重及加工品质性状的遗传改良具有不同的作用.  相似文献   

爆裂玉米膨化倍数QTL分析及其环境稳定性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
膨化倍数是爆裂玉米最重要的品质指标。以普通玉米自交系丹232和爆裂玉米自交系N04杂交构建的259个F2:3家系为定位群体,采用完全随机区组设计在郑州春播和夏播条件下测定了膨化倍数。利用覆盖玉米10条染色体的183对多态性分子标记构建连锁图,采用复合区间作图法(CIM)进行QTL定位分析,采用多区间作图法(MIM)分析定位QTL间的互作效应。共检测出22个QTLs,单个QTL的贡献率为3.07%~12.84%,累计贡献率为66.46%和51.90%。其中5个QTLs在两种环境条件下均检测到,3个QTLs(qPF-6-1、qPF-8-1和qPF-1-3)的贡献率大于10%。大多数QTLs的加性效应值大于显性效应,表现为加性、部分显性、显性和超显性基因作用方式的QTLs数目在两种环境下分别为4、5、0、2和2、5、2、2。仅6对(占2.60%)QTLs或标记区间存在显著互作效应,表现为AA、DA或DD互作方式。  相似文献   

采用禾谷类作物种子数量性状的遗传模型,分析了灿型黑米稻品种双列杂交F1和F2种子的粒重,粒长,粒宽和粒长/粒宽等粒形性状的遗传效应及其与米粒中矿质元素Fe,Zn,Mn和P含量的遗传相关性,结果表明:4种粒形性状同时受制于种子直接遗传效应,母体效应和细胞质作用影响,其中种子直接遗传效应比母体效应和细胞质效应的作用更大,且种子直接遗传效应以加性效应占主导,粒重,粒宽和粒长/粒宽的种子直接遗传率较高,杂种早代单粒选择效果较好,粒长的种子直接遗传率和母体遗传率均属中等,较高世代的杂种进行单株选择和单粒选择均有一定效果,4种粒形性状与其米粒中矿质元素Fe,Zn,Mn和P含量表现较强的种子直接加性相关,直接显性相关,细胞质相关,母体加性相关和母体显性相关,在特种稻育种实践中,可以通过粒形性的间接选择,达到改良其矿质元素含量等营养品质性状的目标。  相似文献   

吉林爆玉米遗传距离与杂种优势关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据吉林省80个爆玉米自交系数量性状的表现,估算了它们之间的遗传距离。又估算了这80个自交系间随机组配的67个杂交组合F1代小区产量、爆粒率和膨胀倍数的杂种优势。相关和回归分析表明,F1代产量的对照优势与其双亲之间的遗传距离呈显著的二次曲线关系,而F1代品质特性爆粒率和膨胀倍数的对照优势与其双亲之间的遗传距离无确定性关系。因此,可以根据亲本间数量性状的综合遗传差异——遗传距离来预测吉林省爆玉米杂种一代的产量优势。 An experiment was conducted in 1990 to 1991 at the university,to study the relationships between genetic distance,cluster analysis and heterosis in popcorn(Zea mays var.everta).Results showed that there is no sense in cludtering parental lines for prediction of yield heterosis,but blood pedigree can beidentifed from cluster analysis.The relation between genetic divergence or distance and yield heterosis of F1 hybrids can be predicted from the genetic distances of their parental lines according to this model,but no definite relation could be found between parental genetic divergence and the quality heterosis of F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

籼稻稻米外观品质的细胞质,母体和胚乳遗传效应分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用浙协2号A等9个籼型不育系和T49等5个籼型恢复系进行不完全双列杂交,研究了籼稻稻米外观品质的遗传效应.结果表明,稻米外观品质性状的表现受制于胚乳、母体和细胞质三套遗传体系.糙米长、长宽比和长厚比等性状以母体遗传率为主,而糙米宽和糙米厚则以胚乳直接遗传率为主,糙米长和长宽比等性状的细胞质遗传率亦很重要.结果还发现外观品质性状间存在着较强的遗传相关,其中糙米长与糙米宽、糙米长与糙米厚、糙米宽与糙米厚、糙米宽与长宽比、糙米厚与长厚比以及糙米长宽比与长厚比性状间以胚乳直接加性和母体加性相关为主.而糙米长与长宽比、糙米长与长厚比、糙米宽与长厚比以及糙米厚与长宽比性状间则以胚乳直接显性和母体显性相关为主.就外观品质的总体情况而言,遗传效应预测值表明参试亲本以V20A、作5A和测早2-2较好,其各种遗传效应能够显著改善稻米品质性状。V20A/102和作5A/测早2-2等组合具有较好的稻米外观品质.  相似文献   

Popping expansion volume is the most important quality trait in popcorn ( Zea mays L.), but its genetics is not well understood. The objectives of this study were to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for popping expansion volume in a popcorn x dent corn cross, and to compare the predicted efficiencies of phenotypic selection, marker-based selection, and marker-assisted selection for popping expansion volume. Of 259 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primer pairs screened, 83 pairs were polymorphic between the H123 (dent corn) and AG19 (popcorn) parental inbreds. Popping test data were obtained for 160 S(1) families developed from the [AG19(H123 x AG19)] BC(1) population. The heritability ( h(2)) for popping expansion volume on an S(1) family mean basis was 0.73. The presence of the gametophyte factor Ga1(s) in popcorn complicates the analysis of popcorn x dent corn crosses. But, from a practical perspective, the linkage between a favorable QTL allele and Ga1(s) in popcorn will lead to selection for the favorable QTL allele. Four QTLs, on chromosomes 1S, 3S, 5S and 5L, jointly explained 45% of the phenotypic variation. Marker-based selection for popping expansion volume would require less time and work than phenotypic selection. But due to the high h(2) of popping expansion volume, marker-based selection was predicted to be only 92% as efficient as phenotypic selection. Marker-assisted selection, which comprises index selection on phenotypic and marker scores, was predicted to be 106% as efficient as phenotypic selection. Overall, our results suggest that phenotypic selection will remain the preferred method for selection in popcorn x dent corn crosses.  相似文献   

Many endosperm traits are related to grain quality in cereal crops. Endosperm traits are mainly controlled by the endosperm genome but may be affected by the maternal genome. Studies have shown that maternal genotypic variation could greatly influence the estimation of the direct effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying endosperm traits. In this paper, we propose methods of interval mapping of endosperm QTLs using seeds of F2 or BC1 (an equal mixture of F1 x P1 and F1 x P2 with F1 as the female parent) derived from a cross between 2 pure lines (P1 x P2). The most significant advantage of our experimental designs is that the maternal effects do not contribute to the genetic variation of endosperm traits and therefore the direct effects of endosperm QTLs can be estimated without the influence of maternal effects. In addition, the experimental designs can greatly reduce environmental variation because a few F1 plants grown in a small block of field will produce sufficient F2 or BC1 seeds for endosperm QTL analysis. Simulation studies show that the methods can efficiently detect endosperm QTLs and unbiasedly estimate their positions and effects. The BC1 design is better than the F2 design.  相似文献   

Normal maize germplasm could be used to improve the grain yield of popcorn inbreds. Our first objective was to locate genetic factors associated with trait variation and make first assessment on the efficiency of advanced backcross quantitative trait locus (AB-QTL) analysis for the identification and transfer of favorable QTL alleles for grain yield components from the dent corn inbred. A second objective was to compare the detection of QTL in the BC2F2 population with results using F2:3 lines of the same parents. Two hundred and twenty selected BC2F2 families developed from a cross between Dan232 and an elite popcorn inbred N04 were evaluated for six grain yield components under two environments, and genotyped by means of 170 SSR markers. Using composite interval mapping (CIM), a total of 19 significant QTL were detected. Eighteen QTL had favorable alleles contributed by the dent corn parent Dan232. Sixteen of these favorable QTL alleles were not in the same or near marker intervals with QTL for popping characteristics. Six QTL were also detected in the F2:3 population. Improved N04 could be developed from 210 and 208 families with higher grain weight per plant and/or 100-grain weight, respectively, and 35 families with the same or higher popping expansion volume than N04. In addition, near isogenic lines containing detected QTL (QTL-NILs) for grain weight per plant and/or 100-grain weight could be obtained from 12 families. Our study demonstrated that the AB-QTL method can be applied to identify and manipulate favorable QTL alleles from normal corn inbreds and combine QTL detection and popcorn breeding efficiently.  相似文献   

基于F3种子的胚乳性状QTL区间定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温永仙  吴为人 《遗传学报》2007,34(5):429-436
文章提出了包括胚乳效应和母体效应的胚乳性状QTL定位的统计方法,该方法的实验设计是分子标记基因型信息来自F2母体植株和F3种子胚(或植株),胚乳性状表型值来自F3单粒种子胚乳,称之为两步等级设计。同时,用计算机全面模拟以验证该模型的可行性,模拟结果表明,只要群体足够大,该模型能较有效地进行胚乳性状QTL定位并精确地估计出胚乳QTL的各种遗传效应和母体效应。  相似文献   

A large proportion of the nuclei in developing endosperm of Zea mays L. undergoes endoreduplication. Nuclear preparations of the entire endosperm from maize kernels of inbred lines, their reciprocal hybrids, and in some cases, F2 and F3 endosperm tissue were evaluated using flow cytometry. Data relative to DNA endoreduplication patterns, percentage of nuclei undergoing endoreduplication, and mean DNA content per nucleus were obtained. The patterns of endoreduplication and extent of DNA amplification differ among some inbreds. In all experiments, the endoreduplication patterns show that the F1 endosperm is more similar to the maternal parent than to the paternal parent. F2 endosperms reveal little difference in endoreduplication patterns among individuals within an F2 family and no more variation than the F1 endosperms. In contrast, F3 endosperms showed greater variation among their endoreduplication patterns. These results indicate a maternal effect on endoreduplication; that is, the genotype of the maternal parent's nuclear genome exerts control over the endoreduplication activities of endosperm tissue.  相似文献   

Popping expansion volume (PEV) in popcorn (Zea mays L.) is a distinct heritable character and defined as the ratio of the volume after popping to the volume before popping. PEV is quantitatively inherited and 3–4 genes/quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been implicated. In the present study, we have dissected the quantitative PEV into two component traits, viz., flake volume (FV) and percent unpopped kernels (UPK), and mapped QTLs using SSR markers for all three traits with 194 F3 families derived from a popcorn (A-1-6) × flint corn (V273) cross. Heritability (broad sense) estimates for PEV, FV and UPK based on F3 mean bases were 0.72, 0.54 and 0.68, respectively. The QTL analyses for the three traits based on combined environment data were performed by composite interval mapping using QTL cartographer. Four QTLs were identified for PEV on chromosomes 1, 3, 8 and 10, which together explained 62% of the phenotypic variance (σ2p). Four QTLs were found on chromosomes 1, 5, 9 and 10 for FV (explaining 44% of σ2p) and five QTLs for UPK on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 9 (explaining 57% of σ2p). The relative efficiency estimates of marker-based selection in comparison to phenotypic selection for PEV (1.10), FV (1.22) and UPK (1.11) indicated that marker-based selection could be relatively more efficient. The QTL on chromosome 1S for PEV was found to be most significant, where QTLs for hard endosperm starch concentration had been detected earlier. A. Kumar and H.S. Rao contributed equally to this research work.  相似文献   

黑米中矿质元素铁、锌、锰、磷含量的遗传效应研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
采用禾谷类作物种子胚乳数量性状模型,分析黑米稻品种双列杂交F1和F2种子的Fe、Zn、Mn、P含量的遗传效应。结果表明,4种矿质元素含量同时受制于种子直接遗传效应、母体效应和细胞质作用影响。其中,Fe、Zn、Mn含量的种子直接效应比母体效应和细胞质效应的作用更大;P含量则主要受种子直接加性、母体加性和显性效应共同作用。Fe、Zn、Mn含量的种子直接遗传率较高,在杂种早代分别结合农艺性状选择单株上各  相似文献   

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