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经典与非经典生物操纵理论及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖泊是我国的重要水资源之一,为人类提供了无法替代的生态及社会服务功能。但我国湖泊富营养化日趋严重。以食物网为基础的经典与非经典生物操纵成为湖泊富营养化修复的重要理论支撑。论文综述了经典与非经典生物操纵理论的原理、发展与应用,分析了鱼类(肉食性、滤食性)、浮游动物在控制藻类数量上发挥的功能,并讨论了两种理论的适用条件及实际应用中遇到的问题,以期为我国富营养化湖泊修复工作提供参考。经典与非经典生物操纵理论均是通过改变食物网结构控制藻类,分别利用浮游动物、滤食性鱼类控制藻类数量,但两者都未降低水中N、P含量。因此,实施有效的藻类水华生物操纵应与其它修复措施联合使用。  相似文献   

近年来,水体富营养化已成为全球范围内日趋严重的水环境问题之一,而生物操纵则是通过改变水生食物网结构、降低浮游植物生物量、使水体变清,成为富营养水体生态修复的有效途径.论文综述了生物操纵理论的产生和发展、概述其在国内外湖泊生态修复中的应用、总结其在实际应用中面临的挑战,重点讲述了生物操纵后幼鱼暴发的原因及所产生的负面效应...  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化是全球性的生态学问题。长江中下游浅水湖泊群作为我国八大湖泊群之一, 近30年来水体富营养化以及生态系统功能退化极为严重, 亟待系统性修复。水生植物生态修复技术则是面向富营养化浅水湖泊生态治理的重要技术。然而, 选择合适的水生植物恢复种来保证恢复效果以及长期的生态安全与稳定性仍是目前恢复工程中的重要且薄弱环节。结合长江中下游湖泊中水生植物的生长、分布、繁殖、来源及污染耐受性等提出了以乡土物种操控为理念适合该区域湖泊的生态恢复先锋物种建议名录, 并依据所筛选的物种特性和淡水生态学相关理论, 提出不同的优化组合方案来指导长江中下游不同类型湖泊的水生植物生态恢复。  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化是全球性的生态学问题。长江中下游浅水湖泊群作为我国八大湖泊群之一,近30年来水体富营养化以及生态系统功能退化极为严重,亟待系统性修复。水生植物生态修复技术则是面向富营养化浅水湖泊生态治理的重要技术。然而,选择合适的水生植物恢复种来保证恢复效果以及长期的生态安全与稳定性仍是目前恢复工程中的重要且薄弱环节。结合长江中下游湖泊中水生植物的生长、分布、繁殖、来源及污染耐受性等提出了以乡土物种操控为理念适合该区域湖泊的生态恢复先锋物种建议名录,并依据所筛选的物种特性和淡水生态学相关理论,提出不同的优化组合方案来指导长江中下游不同类型湖泊的水生植物生态恢复。  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊溶解性有机碳生物可利用性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
富营养化湖泊溶解性有机碳(DOC)包括内源和外源性碳源,不同来源碳源在物质化学结构组成和分子量级等方面具有显著差异,进而影响到对细菌的生物可利用性和碳素在食物网中的传递效率。根据国内外文献,综述了内外源DOC在碳稳定同位素值域上的显著差异,建议通过对DOC碳稳定同位素的分析来识别富营养化湖泊中DOC的主要来源;通过对比内外源DOC在碳水化合物、结合态中性糖和腐殖质含量上的差异,并结合细菌生长参数如细菌二级生产力、细菌呼吸作用及细菌生长效率来分析内外源DOC对细菌的生物可利用性。从富营养化湖泊DOC来源的角度探讨其生物可利用性和碳素传递效率,有助于了解富营养化湖泊食物网中碳素循环特征,加强对湖泊生态学的认识,为湖泊环境治理与保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

我国湖泊富营养化呈现高速发展,对全国130余个湖泊的调查表明,富营养化和中富营养化湖泊已达到88.6%。本文简要介绍了湖泊富营养化成灾机理研究进展,以及富营养化湖泊除藻技术研究进展,为富营养化湖泊藻华治理提供了一些借鉴。  相似文献   

东湖是一个集饮水、用水、水上运动、旅游和养殖为一体的多功能湖泊。随着湖区工农业生产迅速发展和居民人数的急增,大量工业废水和生活污水排入东湖,加之过度放养草食性鱼类等不合理发展的渔业生产,加速了东湖的富营养化的进程,导致水质日趋恶化,影响了水域其它正常功能和湖区居民的健康。依据“生物操纵”(Biomanipulation)的原理放养鳜鱼[Sinipercachuatsi(Basilewsky)],能否具有既能调整湖泊的营养结构,促使浮游植物生物量的下降,达到改善水质,增加透明度的目的;并且,在鱼产量下降的同时又能保持一定的产值,以合理…  相似文献   

苏南地区湖泊群的富营养化状态比较及指标阈值判定分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
借助综合营养状态指数法、箱须图法以及拐点探测分析法,分析了苏南地区11个主要湖泊的富营养化特征以及各湖之间的差异性,并探讨湖泊由轻度富营养化向中度富营养化状态转换的相关指标阈值。结果显示苏南地区各湖泊的营养物水平存在明显的阶梯状特征,不同湖泊所处的富营养化阶段有所不同。典型封闭型湖泊水源地尚湖与傀儡湖水质最好,总体为Ⅱ—Ⅲ类,评价为中营养状态。典型过水性湖泊淀山湖与澄湖水质最差,TN和TP均劣于Ⅴ类,评价为中度富营养状态,其他湖泊属于轻度富营养化状态。基于拐点分析,提出苏南地区湖泊群富营养化状态由轻度向中度转变的指标阈值:COD Mn为4.7mg/L,NH3-N为1.0mg/L,TN为2.3mg/L,TP为0.125mg/L,Chl-a为25μg/L,透明度为50cm;尚湖和傀儡湖处于富营养化最轻的下游区,元荡和阳澄湖目前处于敏感的拐点区域,而淀山湖、澄湖、长荡湖等其他湖泊处于富营养化程度较重的上游区。苏南湖泊群的富营养化状态差异性主要是由不同人为干扰强度和水资源管理模式引起的,实现管理目标由资源利用向资源保护合理转变是解决富营养化问题的关键。  相似文献   

通过对不同富营养化程度的湖泊(滇池及红枫湖)沉积柱剖面进行不同形态磷以及生物硅含量分析,对比了磷及生物硅的沉积分布特征,并探讨了其与湖泊富营养化演化的关系。结果表明:滇池沉积物中碎屑磷和有机磷在总磷中占50.5%~80.8%,是影响总磷趋势的主要原因;红枫湖中有机磷对总磷的贡献较大,占总磷的53%~60.9%;且两湖各形态磷均随深度的增加而减少;两湖总磷、有机磷、铝磷以及滇池沉积柱中的碎屑磷等的快速增长,表明其主要来源于人为污染;生物硅含量呈现从下层沉积物向上逐渐增加,在上层沉积物中逐渐减少的趋势;总磷、有机磷、铁结合态磷、铝结合态磷、弱结合态磷以及生物硅都能较好地反映富营养化污染的演变和现状。  相似文献   

湖滨带生态退化现状、原因分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖滨带是湖泊的一道天然保护屏障,是健全的湖泊生态系统不可缺少的有机组成部分。总结了中国湖滨带存在的主要问题,包括高等水生植物衰减、水质富营养化、浮游藻类浓度增高、底栖动物耐污种类优势度增加、鱼类种群数量减少、陆地生物栖息地破坏等,并分析了退化原因,主要是人为因素的干扰,包括湖滨大规模的围湖造田、围网养殖的迅猛发展、水利工程的不合理修建、点面源的严重污染等,针对上述存在的现状和原因,提出了湖滨带生态修复的对策及建议。  相似文献   

In small shallow lakes and ponds, the clear-water state can generally be maintained at higher nutrient concentrations compared to larger shallow lakes. The main objective of this study was to identify thresholds for total phosphorus (TP), submerged vegetation cover and zooplankton size that determine biomanipulation success in peri-urban eutrophic ponds. Additionally, the relationship between transparency and TP is discussed with regard to similar relationships and thresholds reported for shallow lakes. Using classification trees, a threshold TP concentration of 0.300 mg P L?1 was determined below which a clear-water state was generally maintained after biomanipulation. When the average TP concentration was >0.300 mg P L?1, the stability of the clear-water state largely depended on the presence of sufficiently large zooplankton (>0.87 mm) or a submerged vegetation cover of >82% at some point during the year. This threshold TP concentration is considerably higher than the threshold of 0.1 mg L?1 which is generally suggested for longer-term success of biomanipulation in shallow lakes. Such threshold nutrient concentration is important when restoring ecological quality in eutrophic small lakes and ponds. Extended follow-up of biomanipulation success in eutrophic ponds could provide more insight into the feasibility of these thresholds on the longer term.  相似文献   

Some well-documented studies on restoring eutrophic lake systems in The Netherlands by fish stock management have been evaluated with the emphasis on the role of macrophytes. Furthermore, the factors determining the light climate for submerged macrophytes in a large shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Veluwe) have been assessed and the potential success of biomanipulation in large scale projects is discussed. Today relatively little attention has been paid to macrophyte management although the importance of macrophytes in lake restoration has been recognized regularly. The biomanipulation strategy was successful in small scale projects. In a large scale project, however, wind-induced resuspension may largely determine the underwater light climate through attenuation by the water column and periphytic layer. Therefore, restoration of relatively large waterbodies by fish stock management only is expected not to lead to any noteworthy improvement of the light climate for submerged macrophytes. Additional measures aimed at reducing wind-induced resuspension of sediment particles and reestablishing of the macrophyte stands are required for successful biomanipulation strategies. Water quality managers should pay more attention to macrophyte stands in biomanipulation projects because macrophytes enhance a more stable and diverse ecosystem. Restoration objectives and the methods of their achievement must be carefully planned since an abundant submerged macrophyte vegetation may have undesirable effects as well.  相似文献   

McLoone  Paul  Shephard  Samuel  O’Reilly  Sinead  Kelly  Fiona 《Hydrobiologia》2019,829(1):205-216
Hydrobiologia - Removal of cyprinid fish is a widely used biomanipulation tool to transform turbid shallow eutrophic lakes in north temperate regions into a clear water state. We here evaluate the...  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to identify problems, find general patterns, and extract recommendations for successful biomanipulation. An important conclusion is that the pelagic food chain from fish to algae may not be the only process affected by a biomanipulation. Instead, this process should be viewed as the “trigger” for secondary processes, such as establishment of submerged macrophytes, reduced internal loading of nutrients, and reduced resuspension of particles from the sediment. However, fish reduction also leads to a high recruitment of young-of-the-year (YOY) fish, which feed extensively on zooplankton. This expansion of YOY the first years after fish reduction is probably a major reason for less successful biomanipulations. Recent, large-scale biomanipulations have made it possible to update earlier recommendations regarding when, where, and how biomanipulation should be performed. More applicable recommendations include (1) the reduction in the biomass of planktivorous fish should be 75% or more; (2) the fish reduction should be performed efficiently and rapidly (within 1–3 years); (3) efforts should be made to reduce the number of benthic feeding fish; (4) the recruitment of YOY fish should be reduced; (5) the conditions for establishment of submerged macrophytes should be improved; and (6) the external input of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) should be reduced as much as possible before the biomanipulation. Recent biomanipulations have shown that, correctly performed, the method also achieves results in large, relatively deep and eutrophic lakes, at least in a 5-year perspective. Although repeated measures may be necessary, the general conclusion is that biomanipulation is not only possible, but also a relatively inexpensive and attractive method for management of eutrophic lakes, and in particular as a follow-up measure to reduced nutrient load. Received 14 April 1998; accepted 31 August 1998  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - A biomanipulation experiment was carried out in the eutrophic lake, Frederiksborg Slotssø (Denmark). During 1987 and 1988, densities of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and bream...  相似文献   

A. F. Richter 《Aquatic Ecology》1986,20(1-2):165-172
Biomanipulation as a tool for lake restoration is discussed mainly using literature data. It is based on the exploitation of the interactions both within and between the trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. Important among the interactions are: competition for light and nutrients between aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton and among different phytoplankton species; grazing by planktonic and benthic filter feeders; and size-selective predation by fish. In several case studies biomanipulation has proved to be successful in restorating mildly eutrophic small waterbodies. However, for long-term stability of the restored ecosystems supplementary measures like reducing the external nutrient loadings are needed. The feasibility of the different biomanipulation measures to improve the water quality in shallow Dutch lakes is discussed. Preliminary results on biomanipulation experiments in enclosures withOscillatoria agardhii and the benthic filter feederDreissena polymorpha are given.  相似文献   

Biomanipulation is a method of controlling algal blooms in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems. The most common approach has been to enhance herbivores through a reduction of planktivorous fish and introduction of piscivorous fish. The method was originally intended to reduce grazing pressure on zooplankton, thereby increasing grazing pressure on phytoplankton to increase water clarity and promote the growth of aquatic macrophytes. Biomanipulation has received considerable attention since it was proposed in 1975 where innovative approaches and explanations of the processes have been developed. Although many successful biomanipulation exercises have been conducted internationally, it has received comparatively little attention in the Southern Hemisphere and has not been trialled in the southern temperate climate of South Australia. This is a review to speculate upon the criteria for and against the application of biomanipulation in southern temperate Australia using the native species Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) and to suggest future research.  相似文献   

Biomanipulation via fish regulation combined with submerged plant introduction is an effective measure to restore eutrophic shallow lakes. Improved water quality and clarity promote growth of benthic algae, which with submerged plants may limit sediment phosphorus (P) release, thereby reinforce lake recovery. Our study sought to evaluate the effect of such a biomanipulation on water quality, benthic algal development and sediment P release in a shallow, tropical lake by (1) comparing porewater and lake water quality, light intensity and benthic algal development in restored and unrestored sections; (2) conducting a 32P radiotracer experiment to track P release from sediment cores sampled from both sections. The biomanipulation led to lower total P, total dissolved P, and soluble reactive P concentrations in lake water, lower phytoplankton biomass, and increased light intensity at sediment surface, stimulating benthic algal development. Moreover, sediment 32P release was lower in the restored than unrestored section. Concurrently, dissolved oxygen levels in upper layers of the sediment cores were higher in the restored section. Our study indicates that the biomanipulation improved water quality and enhanced growth of benthic algae, thereby reducing sediment P release, which may be one of the main mechanisms to create successful restoration.  相似文献   

《L' Année biologique》1999,38(2):91-106
The possibility of controlling algal growth through food web manipulation led to a strong interest in documenting top-down effects of fish. Several biomanipulation experiments confirmed the potential of the classical approach based on the removal of planktivorous fishes. However, as pointed out by several authors, successes and failures of this classical approach demonstrated that there are real obstacles to oligotrophication of lacustrine ecosystems. So an alternative biomanipulation based on direct phytoplankton grazing by filter-feeding planktivores has recently been considered. Most of the experiments testing this ecotechnology involved the silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. We present the main characteristics of this fish and its impact on plankton communities and water quality of different ecosystems. All literature data together with the mesocosm experiments we have realised in a temperate eutrophic reservoir allow us to specify the parameters involved in the success of phytoplankton control by the silver carp.  相似文献   

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