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中国东北香蒲属植物花粉的营养价值及开发潜力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香蒲属(Typha)系香蒲科(Typhaceae)一单属,水生或沼生。全国共11种[‘],东北地区约7种。香蒲属植物是重要的经济植物和珍贵的药材,香蒲花粉用于止血,效果很好;叶片可用于纺织、造纸等;幼叶基部和根状茎先端可作蔬菜食用;雌花序成熟后可作枕芯和坐垫的填充物.从营养学角度来看,目前对香蒲花粉还缺乏较系统的研究和开发利用.作者着重从香蒲花粉的营养价值的角度来展示其具有巨大开发潜力的野生资源.l材料与方法选取三种香蒲,即宽叶香蒲TyphalatdoliaL.(No.l)、水烛TangustifoliaL.(No.2)和无苞香蒲Tla。anniiLe…  相似文献   

张秀实   《广西植物》1984,(2):113-122
<正> 本种与尖叶榕(F. henryi Warb.)相似,但叶多变异,长披针形或为琴形,全缘或两侧裂片状,背面被极少白色糖毛,榕果近球形或圆锥状,表面散生白色糙毛,榕果体下部收缢;总花梗长约5毫米,雄花长约2毫米,花被片4,倒卵形,雄蕊2—3枚,雌花长5毫米,有梗,花被片4,倒披针形,子房具柄,花柱侧生,柱头漏斗形;瘿花与雌花相似,但  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》2017,37(5):641-644
描述了自重庆市江津区四面山发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种和楼梯草属二新种:(1)四面山赤车,与融安赤车近缘,区别在于新种的叶的二级脉较少,2枚雌花被片有短角状突起,以及长圆形瘦果;(2)稀柱毛楼梯草,可能与托叶楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种的叶较小,雌总苞苞片,以及雄、雌小苞片均在背面具龙骨状突起,柱头由只3~4根毛组成;(3)四面山楼梯草,与长尖楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种茎的顶端被短柔毛,雄头状花序的花序梗较短,以及雄总苞苞片呈条状船形,背面具龙骨状突起。  相似文献   

我国西南地区竹类二新属:香竹属和筇竹属(二)筇竹属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花序轴各节具一大型苞片,并着生一至数枚分枝,此分枝简短,不再分枝,顶端具一小穗,下部为一组小苞片所包被,形似小穗柄(可称假柄);小穗含3—8花,微作两侧扁压,绿色或暗绿色;小穗轴脱节于颖之上及诸小花之间,扁平,无毛,基部微被白粉;颖2或3枚,常呈苞片状;外稃先端渐尖或长渐尖(基部小花之外稃常呈苞片状),无毛,具7—9脉;内稃短于外稃,先端钝或微二裂,背部具2脊,脊间具不明显的纵  相似文献   

鹅耳枥和虎榛子(桦木科)雌性生殖器官的形态发生   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
为了进一步理解类群之间的系统发育关系,在扫描电镜下,对桦木科植物鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii Hance)和虎榛子(Ostryopsis davidiana Decne.)的雌花序、小花序和雌花的原基形成和发育过程进行了观察。两种植物均具单性花、雌雄同株。其雌花序为复合的穗状花序,每两朵小花构成一个小聚伞花序,多个这样的小花序螺旋排列在一个总花序轴上。小花序由5枚苞片组成,1枚初级苞片,4枚次级苞片。后分别由两个半环状的共同原基发育而来。鹅耳枥的近轴面次级苞片生物缓慢,远轴面的生长较快,成熟时呈扩展的叶片状;虎榛子的近轴面和远轴面次给苞片均生长较快,成熟时靠全呈囊状。花被原基为环状,花被随着子房的发育而而逐渐长大包围子房并与之愈合。研究对前人有关小花序的苞片数目和两个二心皮子房的定位方式等方面的认识作了澄清或纠正。每个小花序的苞片数目不像Abbe观察的那么多;二心皮子房定位方式在鹅耳枥属是互成直角,而非相互平行。  相似文献   

描述了自重庆市江津区四面山发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种和楼梯草属二新种:(1)四面山赤车,与融安赤车近缘,区别在于新种的叶的二级脉较少,2枚雌花被片有短角状突起,以及长圆形瘦果;(2)稀柱毛楼梯草,可能与托叶楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种的叶较小,雌总苞苞片,以及雄、雌小苞片均在背面具龙骨状突起,柱头由只3~4根毛组成;(3)四面山楼梯草,与长尖楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种茎的顶端被短柔毛,雄头状花序的花序梗较短,以及雄总苞苞片呈条状船形,背面具龙骨状突起。  相似文献   

基部被子植物金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)的单性花或两性花结构十分简单,雪香兰(Hedyosmum orientale)花单性、雌雄异株,花的形态及结构与其它属物种具有显著的差异,对于研究被子植物花特别是花被的起源和系统进化具有重要意义。该研究采用电子显微镜和光学显微镜观察了雪香兰单性花的器官发生及发育过程。结果表明,雌、雄花均为顶生和腋生,多个小花呈聚伞圆锥状排列。雄花外侧是苞片,每朵雄花上着生150–200个雄蕊,花轴基部着生少数退化的叶原体。苞片原基及其腋生的花原基最初呈圆丘状,随后伸长。在雄花发育过程中,苞片原基比雄蕊原基生长快,雄花原基纵向伸长,叶原体原基在基部发生,雄蕊原基自下而上发生。每2朵雌花底部合生形成小聚伞花序,每朵雌花被一苞叶包裹,由单心皮和三棱型子房构成,外覆三裂叶状花被。在雌花发育过程中,雌花原基比苞片原基生长快,花被原基首先于花顶端发生,随后花顶端中心凹陷,进一步发育成具有单心皮的子房原基。雪香兰的单性花发育不经过两性同体阶段,花分生组织只起始雄蕊器官或雌蕊器官的发育。研究结果支持雪香兰单性花是原始性状的观点,雄花叶原体与雌花三裂叶状花被同源,可能是花被(萼片与花瓣)的起源。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(5):541-546
该文描述了荨麻科三新种:(1)自中国重庆市发现的荨麻科荨麻属一新种,城口荨麻。此种与异株荨麻有亲缘关系,区别特征为此种的茎被少数刺毛,叶片多为心形,雄、雌花序均不分枝,瘦果在中央稍凹陷。(2)自中国广西发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种,来宾赤车。此种与特产云南东南部的富宁赤车相近缘,与后者的区别在于本种茎的毛开展或向上弯曲,叶片长椭圆形,基部斜楔形,雌花具3~4枚花被片,其中1~2枚较大花被片在背面顶端具一长筒状突起。(3)自缅甸北部发现的荨麻科楼梯草属一新种,克钦楼梯草。此种在体态上与骤尖楼梯草甚为相似,与后者的区别在于本种的每一茎节具正常叶和一退化叶,托叶狭披针状条形和无脉,雌总苞苞片无角状突起,雌小苞片较大,呈楔状长圆形,雌花具一小花被片,以及雌蕊具一宽倒卵球形柱头。  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》2018,38(6):804-808
描述了自重庆市江津区四面山发现的荨麻科楼梯草属的一新组和三新种:(1)雌伞楼梯草组Sect.Gynosciadion具一新种,雌伞楼梯草Elatostema femineocymosum,其特征为雌花序为3~4回分枝的聚伞花序,无花序托和总苞,根据这些特征可与楼梯草属的其他组相区别;(2)圆微叶楼梯草E.gyronanophyllum,与对叶楼梯草E.sinense H.Schr ter近缘,区别特征为此新种的叶较小,具较少二级脉,退化叶圆形或近圆形,雌总苞具12枚三角形苞片,雌花具2花被片,柱头扁球形;(3)正宇楼梯草E.zhengyuanum,与四面山楼梯草E.simianshanicum W.T.Wang近缘,区别特征在于新种的茎无毛,有时为营养茎,其叶片、钟乳体和托叶均较小,雌总苞的苞片呈倒披针状长圆形,在背面无鸡冠状突起。  相似文献   

邓琳  黄玲  初彩华  王茜  詹卉  王曙光 《植物研究》2019,39(6):801-807
棉花竹(Fargesia fungosa)是箭竹属重要经济竹种,有关其花器官的形态与解剖结构研究至今尚无报道。本文通过对棉花竹花器官的形态与解剖结构进行观察和分析,结果显示棉花竹花序为“混合花序”,小穗基部具潜伏芽,由单个叶片形成的“佛焰苞”包裹多枚小穗。小穗单次发生,均长3.05±0.390 cm,每枚小穗具有3~7朵小花,小花均长1.85±0.167 cm,颖片2枚。每朵小花皆具有内、外稃各1片,3枚浆片,雄蕊3枚,雌蕊1枚组成。未成熟花药具有4药室,花药壁由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层。花药成熟后纵裂散粉。成熟花粉粒为2或3细胞型,且具有1个萌发孔。子房1室,上位,侧膜胎座,倒生胚珠,雌蕊具2分叉羽毛状柱头。花药发育异常,导致出现大量败育现象。  相似文献   

香蒲属(Typha L.)为多年生水生或沼生草本植物, 种间存在十分普遍的杂交现象, 其中一些杂种在湿地生态系统中有重要的作用。在查阅大量腊叶标本基础上, 结合野外居群生物学工作, 作者发现中国一新记录杂种, 即T.×glauca Godr. (T. angustifolia L.×T. latifolia L.), 并新拟“粉绿香蒲”作该杂种的中文名。对粉绿香蒲的形态特征进行了研究, 讨论了其与亲本水烛和宽叶香蒲的区别, 并给出检索表。  相似文献   

Flowering plants have modified their floral organs in remarkably diverse ways to optimize their interaction with pollinators. Although floral organs represent a major source of floral diversity, many plants also use extrafloral organs, such as bracts and bracteoles, in interacting with pollinators; however, the evolutionary dynamics of non-floral organs involved in pollination are poorly studied. The genus Macaranga is characterized by protective mutualisms with ants that potentially interfere with pollinators on flowers. Macaranga flowers lack perianths and, notably, bracteoles serve the dual function of rewarding pollinators and protecting them from guarding ants; in one group of species, bracteoles provide a nectar reward to generalist pollinators, while in another group, bracteole “chambers” protect thrips or hemipteran pollinators that use these structures as feeding and breeding sites. We examined the diversity and evolutionary dynamics of inflorescence morphology in Macaranga, focusing on bracteoles. We recognized three inflorescence types based on examination of herbarium materials: Discoid-gland, which possess disc-shaped glands on the bracteole surfaces (including all the generalist-pollinated species); Enclosing, in which bracteoles cover flowers (including all the thrips- and hemipteran-pollinated species); and Inconspicuous, in which bracteoles are small, narrow or absent. Ancestral state reconstruction indicated that inflorescence morphologies have changed multiple times in the genus. These findings suggest that morphological changes in non-floral characters (bracteoles) of Macaranga species have occurred as frequently as in the floral structures of many flowering plants. The multiple evolutions of the Enclosing bracteoles, which protect pollinators, might have been facilitated by pollination interference from mutualistic ants.  相似文献   

报道了浙江薹草属一新种,即近头状薹草Carex subcapitata X.F.Jin,C.Z.Zheng&B.Y.Ding。新种以秆侧生,叶片狭,小穗1-2个生于各节及小穗雄雌顺序,而与大舌薹草C.grandiligulata K kenth.相近,区别在于苞鞘无毛,小穗宽卵形,近头状,长5-7mm,具4-7 朵雌花,雌花鳞片近卵形,果囊的喙长1.5-2mm。  相似文献   

Decapitation induced an additional formation of secondary shoots and anomalous spikes in all the species. The moan numbers of nodes, spikelets per spike, seeds per spikelet and spike, and the mean length of the stem and spike were reduced on secondary shoots of decapitated plants, while the mean and peak numbers of flowers per spikelet and the peak number of seeds per spikelet increased. The increase in the number of flowers per spikelet was the most striking on spike base; the seeds regularly occurred even in spikelets with an expressively increased number of flowers. The post-decapitation changes of the spike could be well expressed quantitatively according to the increased mean number of the flowers per one seed. Morphological ohanges in anomalous spikes of all the wheat species resemble phylogenetic reversions described in literature. Moreover, the peak numbers of flowers and seeds per spikelet were recorded in 52 varieties belonging to 21 wheat species. As compared with the decapitation trial, the greatest variability and the greatest differences between the speoies were also reoorded in the tetraploid group, and the smallest variability and differences between the species in the diploid group. We suppose that the striking morphological differences in post-decapitation spikes take place because the apical dominance was interrupted before differentiation of the recent form had been controlled in meristems on the decapitated stem base. Ancestral forms were morphologically realized with the help of an assimilating part of the decapitated stem.  相似文献   

Myristica fragrans and M. malabarica are dioecious. Both staminate and pistillate plants produce axillary flowering structures. Each pistillate flower is solitary, borne terminally on a short, second-order shoot that bears a pair of ephemeral bracts. Each staminate inflorescence similarly produces a terminal flower and, usually, a third-order, racemose axis in the axil of each pair of bracts. Each flower on these indeterminate axes is in the axil of a bract. On the abaxial side immediately below the perianth, each flower has a bracteole, which is produced by the floral apex. Three tepal primordia are initiated on the margins of the floral apex in an acyclic pattern. Subsequent intercalary growth produces a perianth tube. Alternate with the tepals, three anther primordia arise on the margins of a broadened floral apex in an acyclic or helical pattern. Usually two more anther primordia arise adjacent to each of the first three primordia, producing a total of nine primordia. At this stage the floral apex begins to lose its meristematic appearance, but the residuum persists. Intercalary growth below the floral apex produces a columnar receptacle. The anther primordia remain adnate to the receptacle and grow longitudinally as the receptacle elongates. Each primordium develops into an anther with two pairs of septate, elongate microsporangia. In pistillate flowers, a carpel primordium encircles the floral apex eventually producing an ascidiate carpel with a cleft on the oblique apex and upper adaxial wall. The floral ontogeny supports the morphological interpretation of myristicaceous flowers as trimerous with either four-sporangiate anthers or monocarpellate pistils.  相似文献   

This study deals with the phenology, pollination biology and floral morphology of Myrsine laetevirens , a neotropical dioecious tree. In Punta Lara (Argentina), its flowering period occurs during January-February. Both pistillate and staminate flowers are small, with a yellowish-green perianth and produce neither nectar nor odour. Staminate flowers have five stamens and a vestigial gynoecium while pistillate flowers, have non-functional anthers and a conspicuous stigma. The floral characteristics of staminate and pistillate plants are related to the syndrome of anemophily. Fruit set in inflorescences covered with mesh bags and observations prove that animals are not involved in the pollination process. A provisional cladistic analysis of Myrsinaceae shows that dioecy evolved as one of the most recent apomorphies of Myrsine and is part of the anemophilous syndrome.  相似文献   

CAMARA-HERNANDEZ J. & GAMBINO, S., 1991. Early ontogenetic development of the pistillate inflorescence in a diploid perennial teosinte (Zea diploperennis , Poaceae). The early ontogeny of pistillate inflorescences of %ea diploperennis in plants grown at the latitude of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is investigated using the scanning electron microscope. The pattern of development of the inflorescence is similar to that in staminate and mixed inflorescences, starting with the formation of a pair of spikelets from a common branch primordium initiated in the axil of a bract on the ear axis. This bract arrests its development and aborts early. After initiation of an outer glume on both spikelet primordia, the pedicellate spikelet arrests its growth and aborts resulting in the mature inflorescence having two rows of solitary spikelets arranged distichally. This is significantly different from the pattern observed by other authors in plants grown in different environments (such as in natural populations in Mexico).  相似文献   

The variability of pistillate flower qualitative morphology and size in the palm species Astrocaryum urostachys in the Ecuadorean Amazon is analysed. In total 4393 flowers were sampled from 145 inflorescences born on 135 individual palms. Sampling was performed in 4 regions, north, western centre, southwestern centre and south. The results show that (i) qualitative morphology and relative proportions of flower parts are weakly variable, (ii) size of pistillate flowers is very variable within the total sample, within a region, within an individual palm and even within one inflorescence, (iii) no significant difference exists in flower size between the northern, western central and southwestern central regions, and (iv) there is a significant tendency to produce smaller pistillate flowers in the southern region. The low variation in qualitative morphology and in the relative proportions of pistillate flower parts within Astrocaryum urostachys provides new arguments in favour of the relevance of these characters in the taxonomy of Astrocaryum section Ayri.  相似文献   

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