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新收集大豆种质资源主要品质鉴定与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对"十五"期间新收集、保存入国家种质资源库的841份大豆种质资源的蛋白质、脂肪两个主要品质性状进行了鉴定评价.结果表明,蛋白质、脂肪含量均近似正态分布,最大频度分别出现在41.01%~ 42.00%含量范围和20.01%~21.00%含量范围.与以前收集、保存的种质资源相比,新收集种质资源的蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,而脂肪含量和蛋脂总量呈上升趋势.不同类型种质资源的品质性状比较结果表明,地方品种的蛋白质总体水平明显高于育种材料、引进种质和选育品种3种类型,引进种质的脂肪、蛋脂总量的总体水平明显高于其他3种类型.国内种质资源高蛋白质大豆占有率高于引进种质资源;引进种质资源高脂肪、高蛋白兼高油的大豆占有率高于国内种质资源.  相似文献   

黄淮和长江中下游地区花叶病毒主要流行株系SC3,对大豆产量有很大的影响,本研究利用室内接种鉴定的方法研究217份大豆资源对SC3的抗性,同时调查田间接种SC3后,SC3对不同抗病品种的农艺性状和品质性状的影响。为大豆抗花叶病毒病抗病品种的生产应用提供数据支持,同时为选育抗病品种提供抗性亲本。2012-2014年连续3年采用人工汁液摩擦法接种SC3,在温室鉴定217份大豆种质的病毒抗性,根据分析结果,随机选取不同抗病类型材料30份,其中抗病品种10份,中感品种10份,高感品种10份,于2013-2014年间在藁城堤上试验站进行田间接种鉴定,研究SC3对不同品种的产量相关性状和品质性状的影响。217份大豆资源SC3的鉴定结果表明:第一类抗病品种,包括免疫品种4份,占1.84%;高抗品种2份,占0.92%;中抗品种35份,占16.13%;第二类中感品种,包括中感品种92份,占42.40%;第三类高感品种,包括感病品种3份,占1.38%;高感品种81份,占37.33%。SC3对不同抗性品种的单株粒重、株高、主茎节数、蛋白和油份影响不同。第一类抗性品种的单株粒重、株高、主茎节数、蛋白和油份含量下降不显著;第二类中感品种的单株粒重、主茎节数、蛋白和油份含量下降不显著,其株高因品种差异表现出不同程度的下降;第三类高感品种的单株粒重、株高、主茎节数、蛋白和油份含量下降显著。研究表明SC3对不同抗性品种的农艺性状和品质性状的影响不同,对同种抗病类型不同品种的农艺性状和品质性状的影响也不同。SC3对抗病品种和中感品种的多数农艺性状和品质性状的影响不显著,这两类品种适合作为育种材料进行抗性育种。  相似文献   

就大蒜种质资源对蒜蛆的抗性进行了虫圃田间鉴定,并对抗性与大蒜主要植物学性状和大蒜辣素含量的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:52份材料的感虫指数分布在7.14~90.38之间,种质资源间抗虫性差异达到了显著水平;聚类分析并结合感虫指数将52份种质资源分为高抗、抗、中抗、中感、感、高感6个类别,其中高抗和抗性材料分别为4份和8份。相关分析表明:感虫指数与植株的7个形态数量性状的相关性均未达到显著水平,而与鳞茎的鳞芽背宽、鳞茎的大蒜辣素含量均呈极显著的负相关,即抗性与二者显著正相关。表明大蒜辣素含量越高,大蒜对蒜蛆的抗性越强;从鳞芽背宽较宽和高大蒜辣素含量的大蒜资源中筛选抗蒜蛆的种质可能性更大。  相似文献   

以10个不同抗性水平的辣椒品种为材料,通过笼内释放烟粉虱的方法,研究了不同辣椒品种对烟粉虱寄主选择的影响,同时通过对辣椒叶片茸毛密度、维管束埋深、叶片蜡质含量、叶片颜色等4个主要物理性状的分析,探讨了辣椒叶片物理性状对烟粉虱的抗选择性机制。结果表明:烟粉虱对不同品种辣椒的选择性存在明显的差异,不同品种辣椒叶片茸毛密度、维管束埋深、蜡质含量以及叶片颜色也存在明显的差异;烟粉虱在不同品种辣椒上落虫量与物理性状的相关性分析发现,叶片茸毛密度与烟粉虱成虫量存在显著正相关,维管束埋深和叶片颜色与烟粉虱成虫量存在显著负相关,而蜡质含量与烟粉虱成虫量没有显著的相关性;释放24 h后,叶片茸毛密度、维管束埋深和叶片颜色与烟粉虱虫量的回归方程分别为:Y=0.632x+13.493(r=0.953,P=0.000)、Y=-587.572x+449.035(r=0.660,P=0.038)、Y=-209.815 x+259.088(r=0.642,P=0.046);成虫量(Y)与叶片茸毛密度(X_1)、维管束埋深(X_2)、叶片颜色(X_4)的多元逐步回归方程为:Y=0.583X1+26.999 X2-56.126 X4+56.953,通径系数分别为P茸毛密度→Y=-0.879、P维管束埋深→Y=0.030、P叶片颜色→Y=-0.172;释放72 h时叶片颜色与烟粉虱成虫量没有明显的相关性。表明在烟粉虱寄主选择的前期,叶片颜色起最主要的作用,72 h时后叶片茸毛密度起最主要的作用;产卵选择与取食选择趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

小白菜种质资源对小菜蛾的抗性评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文就小白菜种质资源对小菜蛾的抗性进行室内鉴定,结果表明268份材料的虫害指数分布在18.10~100.00之间,种质资源间抗虫性差异达到显著水平.聚类分析将268份种质资源分为6大类,与高抗、抗、中抗、中感、感、高感相对应,其中筛选出高抗和抗性材料分别为6和11份.对268份材料的主要形态性状与虫害指数和抗性级别的相关分析表明,小白菜种质资源叶面的皱缩度与抗虫性存在一定的相关性,认为从叶面平滑型的种质资源中筛选抗虫性材料的可能性更大.  相似文献   

为发掘上海地方毛豆资源中潜在优异性状,丰富菜用大豆种质资源,本研究对来自上海崇明岛屿的9份地方毛豆品种资源的主要农艺性状进行了鉴定,结果表明:9份资源的主要农艺性状差异明显。根据各品种的感光性反应,可将9份资源分成春播生态型和夏播生态型2种,其中,六月拔、早绿皮、骨粒青和乌大青为春播生态型,其余品种为夏播生态型。依据各品种的鲜豆粒品质,则将早绿皮、乌大青和黄牛踏扁等归为菜用型大豆优异种质,这些品种具有大荚(荚长大于6.0 cm,荚宽大于1.5 cm)、大粒(干子粒百粒重大于40 g)、茸毛灰白、荚色浅绿和鲜豆粒品质好等优点,而骨粒青的子叶碧绿、子叶大,可作为青豆苗资源开发。9份资源的干子粒粗蛋白含量均大于42%,其中六月拔和细八月白的含量高达45%以上,是优异高蛋白大豆种质。9份资源中未发现抗大豆花叶病毒病Sc-3和Sc-7株系的种质,也未发现抗大豆锈病的资源,有待进一步改良提高其抗病性。  相似文献   

为探明辽宁地区水稻品种对本地灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus(Fallén)的抗性水平及其抗虫机制,本研究利用改进的苗期集团鉴定法,以IR36为抗虫对照品种、武育粳3号为感虫对照品种,对42份辽宁地区主栽水稻品种和研究待推广品种进行了水稻苗期对灰飞虱抗性鉴定,并从中选取20份不同抗性水平的品种进行了排趋性和抗生性的测定。结果表明:从42份水稻材料中仅筛选出1份抗虫材料辽优5218,中抗品种11份,其余均为感虫或高感品种。在不同水稻类型中,杂交稻的抗虫性普遍较常规稻强,而从水稻株型上看,抗性品种大多为披散型。抗虫机制研究发现,抗虫品种辽优5218和中抗品种港育129兼具排趋性和抗生性,是非常理想的抗性种质资源,中抗品种港源8号和粳优558具有很强的排趋性,也是较为理想的抗性资源,为抗性机制的深入研究提供了材料。但大部分省内主栽主推品种不具备对灰飞虱的抗性,应引起重视。  相似文献   

利用野生大豆资源创新优质抗病大豆新种质   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
利用野生大豆与栽培大豆种间杂交中间材料与高产栽培大豆回交转育,创新选育出蛋白质含量45%以上,蛋脂总含量63%以上,分别抗大豆疫霉根腐病,抗大豆灰斑病,农艺性状优良的大豆创新种质资源3份。其中,龙品8802-1抗大豆疫霉根腐病兼抗大豆灰斑病,蛋白质含量45.64%,脂肪含量18.42%,蛋脂总含量64.06%;龙品01-757抗大豆灰斑病,蛋白质含量45.99%,脂肪含量19.4%,蛋脂总含量65.39%;龙品9501,中抗大豆灰斑病,蛋白质含量45.11%,脂肪含量18.32%,蛋脂总含量63.43%。研究结果表明,利用含有野生大豆血缘的种间杂交材料与高产栽培大豆回交,是拓宽大豆遗传基础,创新选育优质、抗病、农艺性状优良大豆新种质资源的有效途径。  相似文献   

对2002年全国14个主要大豆种植省(区)的大豆品种及其种质资源的蛋白质、脂肪含量进行了分析。结果表明,种质资源的蛋白质、脂肪平均含量均高于生产用品种。其中种质资源脂肪含量的变化幅度较大,显示了在未来的育种中更强的高脂肪含量的选择优势。国内种质资源蛋白质平均含量高于国外种质资源。国外种质资源脂肪含量总体上高于国内种质资源。黄淮海生态区品种蛋白质平均含量高于北方生态区品种。新育成黄淮海区域试验品种蛋白质平均含量高于目前黄淮海生态区生产用品种。同品种异地种植,其脂肪含量有明显变化。  相似文献   

中国黍稷种质资源研究与利用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
历时22年,从全国23省(区)搜集黍稷种质资源8515份,并进行了16项农艺性状鉴定,编写中国黍稷品种资源目录,繁种入国家长期库贮存.对其中6000余份种质资源进行了蛋白质、脂肪、赖氨酸分析,耐盐鉴定和抗黑穗病鉴定,筛选出一批单一性状突出和综合性状优良的优异资源,有5份直接提供生产利用,其中3份被农业部评为1级和2级优异种质资源,在全国大面积推广种植.优异种质资源提供育种单位利用后在全国培育出43个优良品种,成为当地的主干品种,取得明显的经济和社会效益.  相似文献   

Identification of resistance to reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) is the first step in developing resistant soybean (Glycine max) cultivars that will benefit growers in the mid-South region of the United States. This study was conducted to identify soybean (G. max and G. soja) lines with resistance to this pathogen. Sixty-one wild and domestic soybean lines were evaluated in replicated growth chamber tests. Six previously untested soybean lines with useful levels of resistance to reniform nematode were identified in both initial screening and subsequent confirmation tests: released germplasm lines DS4-SCN05 (PI 656647) and DS-880 (PI 659348); accession PI 567516 C; and breeding lines DS97-84-1, 02011-126-1-1-2-1 and 02011-126-1-1-5-1. Eleven previously untested moderately susceptible or susceptible lines were also identified: released germplasm lines D68-0099 (PI 573285) and LG01-5087-5; accessions PI 200538, PI 416937, PI 423941, PI 437697, PI 467312, PI 468916, PI 594692, and PI 603751 A; and cultivar Stafford (PI 508269). Results of previously tested lines evaluated in the current study agreed with published reports 69.6% of the time for resistant lines and 87.5% of the time for susceptible lines. Soybean breeders may benefit from incorporating the newly identified resistant lines into their breeding programs.  相似文献   

Plant germplasm collections may offer genetic variability useful in identifying insect resistance. The goal of this project was to evaluate buffalograss genotypes [Buchlo? dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.] for resistance to the chinch bug, Blissus occiduus Barber (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), and to relate resistance to ploidy level, chinch bug number, and pubescence. Forty-eight buffalograss genotypes from diverse geographic locations were evaluated in replicated studies under greenhouse conditions. Of the genotypes studied, four were highly resistant, 22 were moderately resistant, 19 were moderately susceptible, and three were highly susceptible to chinch bug damage. The mean number of chinch bugs was significantly different among the 48 genotypes. There was no significant correlation between chinch bug resistance and ploidy level or chinch bug resistance and pubescence. These results indicate the genetic source of resistance to chinch bugs exists in buffalograss germplasm. Highly resistant genotypes can be used in breeding programs to further improve buffalograss cultivars.  相似文献   

大豆种质对疫霉根腐病抗性特点研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对1027份中国和国外引进的大豆种质进行了大豆疫霉(Phytophthora sojae)根腐病的抗病性鉴定评价.结果表明,中国大豆种质的抗病性高于国外引进种质;中国南方的大豆种质抗病性较北方种质强,长江流域大豆中抗病种质比率最高,其次为黄淮海流域种质,而东北地区抗病种质较少;不同省份大豆种质的总体抗病性差异明显;育成品系的抗性好于改良品种和农家种,但不同省份来源的农家种、品系和品种抗性存在差异,黑龙江材料抗病性最低,这也是该省大豆疫霉根腐病严重发生的重要原因之一;在大豆籽粒脐色为黄色和褐色的材料中,抗病种质较多.  相似文献   

The potential of populations of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) to become resistant to insecticides has stimulated research into alternative tactics of integrated pest management such as the induction of host-plant resistance. Recent data have shown that silicon can increase the degree of resistance of host plants to insect pests. Therefore the aim of our work was to study the effects of silicon application on the vegetative development of soybean plants and on the induction of resistance to the silverleaf whitefly, B. tabaci biotype B. We performed choice and no-choice tests of oviposition preference on two soybean cultivars, IAC-19 (moderately resistant to B. tabaci biotype B) and MONSOY-8001 (susceptible), with and without application of silicon. Silicon did not affect silverleaf whitefly oviposition preferences, but caused significant mortality in nymphs. Thus, silicon increased the degree of resistance to silverleaf whitefly. Silicon decreased the production of phenolic compounds, but did not affect lignin production. However, when applied to cultivar IAC-19, it increased the production of non-protein organic nitrogen. Silicon had no effect on the vegetative development of soybean plants, but it increased the degree of resistance to the silverleaf whitefly. We conclude that silicon applications combined with cultivar IAC-19 can significantly decrease silverleaf whitefly populations, having a positive impact both on the soybean plant and on the environment.  相似文献   

The silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biotype B has become a serious problem for soybean cultivation because it can significantly reduce soybean productivity. The use of soybean cultivars resistant to whitefly attack is an important strategy in an integrated pest management (IPM) program. This study evaluated the preference for oviposition and colonization by B. tabaci biotype B on different soybean genotypes. In the free-choice test, the genotypes studied were 'IAC 17' and 'IAC 19' as the standards for resistance and 'IAC Holambra Stwart' as the standard for susceptibility, as well as BABR01-0492, BABR01-0173, BABR01-1259, BABR01-1576, BABR99-4021HC, BABR99-4021HP, 'Barreiras', 'Conquista', 'Corisco', 'BRS Gralha', PI274454, PI227687, and PI171451. In the no-choice test, the four best genotypes selected in the free-choice test, in addition to the susceptible and resistant standards were evaluated. Our data indicated 'Barreiras' as the most resistant genotype against B. tabaci biotype B. 'BRS Gralha', which was the least attractive to whitefly adults in the free-choice test, did not show resistance to insect attack when they were confined in cages in the no-choice test. Despite the high number of eggs observed, BABR01-1576 and BABR99-4021HC showed a reduced number of nymphs, indicating antibiosis. The genotypes with a high level of resistance can be used as a tool against B. tabaci in IPM or as a source of resistance in plant-breeding programs.  相似文献   

Cell-free translation of soybean mosaic virus (SMV), strain G2 or G7, RNAs in the presence of fractionated leaf extracts from the cultivars Davis or Williams‘82 revealed no differences that were associated with disease resistance of the cultivars to the virus strains. Extracts of leaf tissue from Davis (resistant to strain G2) and susceptible Williams‘82 were fractionated into three broad peaks. Apparent proteinase activity was detected in peak II of both soybean cultivars in the cell-free translation of SMV-G2 or -G7 RNAs. Inhibition of translation occurred in the presence of peak extracts from either of the soybean cultivars at levels of 500 μ/ml and/or 1000 μ/ml of protein. No inhibition of proteolytic processing was observed by extracts from either cultivar.  相似文献   

Four rice cultivars, susceptible or partially resistant to Pyricularia grisea were evaluated for their apparent infection rates (r) and for terminal severity values in seedlings grown in seedbeds. Susceptibility of partially resistant cultivars decreased when seeded in wet seedbed compared to those grown in raised or upland seedbed. The degree of blast reduction due to flooding varied with rice genotype, seeding rate, and environmental conditions. Flooding was effective in managing seedling blast of partially resistant cultivars but not of susceptible cultivar. Use of a lower seed rate in comparison to a higher seed rate also led to reductions in r-values and terminal disease severities. However, in case of the susceptible cultivar IR50, effect of seed rate was more pronounced, when low amount and short duration of rainfall occurred. Flooding of wet beds with low seed rate further reduced the blast incidence. Results of this study suggest that with appropriate use of water, seed rate, and partial host resistance there are prospects for effective control of leaf blast in the tropics.  相似文献   

The amount of soybean agglutinin (SBA) detectable by radioimmunoassay in seeds of resistant cultivars to Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae was approximately twice that of susceptible cultivars. SBA was preferentially released at earlier times (6-9 hours) and in higher amounts in the imbibate from resistant cultivars as compared to susceptible cultivars. The lectin in the imbibate was immunologically identical to the seed lectin, indicating little or no proteolysis had occurred, and was active in hemagglutination. Binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled SBA to mycelial cell walls could be abolished by adding N-acetyl galactosamine or galactose. Purified SBA at concentrations of 150 to 300 micrograms inhibited mycelial growth by 50%, and the imbibate from Govan (resistant) cultivar was more inhibitory than the imbibate from Shore (susceptible) cultivar. Removal of SBA from the imbibate by affinity chromatography abolished the inhibition of mycelial growth, but the inhibition could be recovered from the eluant containing lectin.  相似文献   

抗TMV烟草种质资源材料的筛选和综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选出可提供抗病育种选择使用的抗TMV烟草种质资源,2001-2003年对471个烟草品种资源进行抗性鉴定,并把这些资源对TMV的抗病性进行分类,初步筛选出抗病品种67个,中抗品种183个.2003年还进行了抗病植株的田间筛选,对抗性较好的品种进行综合评价和留种,并推荐用于烟草新品种选育.  相似文献   

Several abiotic and biotic stresses can affect soybean in a growing season. Heterodera glycines, soybean cyst nematode, reduces yield of soybean more than any other pathogen in the United States. Field and greenhouse studies were conducted to determine whether preemergence and postemergence herbicides modified the reproduction of H. glycines, and to determine the effects of possible interactive stresses caused by herbicides and H. glycines on soybean growth and yield. Heterodera glycines reproduction factor (Rf) generally was less on resistant than susceptible cultivars, resulting in a yield advantage for resistant cultivars. The yield advantage of resistant cultivars was due to more pods per plant on resistant than susceptible cultivars. Pendimethalin reduced H. glycines Rf on the susceptible cultivars in 1998 at Champaign, Illinois, and in greenhouse studies reduced dry root weight of H. glycines-resistant and susceptible cultivars, therefore reducing Rf on the susceptible cultivars. The interactive stresses from acifluorfen or imazethapyr and H. glycines reduced the dry shoot weight of the resistant cultivar Jack in a greenhouse study. Herbicides did not affect resistant cultivars'' ability to suppress H. glycines Rf; therefore, growers planting resistant cultivars should make herbicide decisions based on weeds present and cultivar tolerance to the herbicide.  相似文献   

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