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2005年4~6月研究了棘胸蛙Rana spinosa David输卵管繁殖期间组织结构变化的规律.结果表明,棘胸蛙输卵管结构町分为粘膜上皮层、固有层、浆膜层.产卵前,输卵管管壁最厚,固有层中的单管状腺充满胶质;产卵后,输卵管管壁变薄,固有层腺体细胞缩小,粘膜层在产卵时比产卵前明显增厚;产卵前和产卵后浆膜层无明显变化,产卵时厚度明显变薄.本研究为探讨棘胸蛙的分类学地位和棘胸蛙的人工繁殖性能等提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

莱氏拟乌贼缠卵腺的显微与超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解莱氏拟乌贼(Sepioteuthis lessoniana)缠卵腺的结构和功能,本研究采用组织切片技术和透射电镜技术对该腺体进行显微与超微结构观察。结果显示,缠卵腺由腺壁组织、分泌叶瓣和结缔组织组成。其中,腺壁组织由外膜层和肌肉层组成,位于腺体外部;分泌叶瓣是腺体的主要部分,由分泌细胞和支持细胞组成,分泌细胞具有分泌功能,支持细胞起到支持分泌细胞的作用。分泌叶瓣两侧为分泌细胞,分泌细胞较大,细胞内细胞器丰富,包括大量线粒体、内质网和高尔基体,此外分泌细胞内充满分泌物质,主要是蛋白泡。结缔组织夹杂在外膜层和分泌叶瓣中。分析认为,莱氏拟乌贼的缠卵腺是一种典型的分泌型腺体,其分泌的凝胶物质主要功能是形成第三层卵膜,以保护受精卵免受外界环境侵袭。  相似文献   

强壮粗体虫是鳜肠道最常见寄生蠕虫。通过光镜及电镜对自然感染强壮粗体虫的鳜肠道进行了组织病理观察。强壮粗体虫的寄生引起鳜肠上皮细胞脱落、肠固有膜层结缔组织增生及白细胞向病灶处浸润,并可观察到嗜酸性粒细胞附着在与肠上皮及固有膜接触的虫体的体壁及吻部。在虫体吻部与肠固有膜层接触处依次观察到纤维细胞、成纤维细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞等,其中嗜酸性粒细胞又可分为未成熟嗜酸性粒细胞、成熟的嗜酸性粒细胞及正在脱颗粒的嗜酸性粒细胞。另外在肠壁的固有膜层观察到包裹虫体的结缔组织纤维囊,囊壁由三层结构构成,同时在鳜肠壁相同的位置观察到被宿主细胞浸润了的组织空腔,推测其为结缔组织纤维囊退化所形成    相似文献   

松果体对“生物钟”的调节刘开乾(江西省永新县涅田中学343406)松果体是由原始脊椎动物的松果眼发展而来的一种内分泌腺体。腺体外有结缔组织被膜包着,被膜还伸人腺实质中,把腺实质分隔成不规则的小叶。腺实质里由松果体细胞和神经胶质细胞构成,神经胶质细胞围...  相似文献   

采用组织学和电镜技术对曼氏无针乌贼的墨囊及墨腺细胞进行了研究。结果表明:墨囊壁和导管壁由外膜、肌肉层和黏膜三部分组成;墨腺体集中在墨囊底部,呈索状,腺体中部含丰富的结缔组织;墨汁颗粒以游离态形式分布于索状腺体的间隙及墨囊腔中。实验观察到无分泌黑色素功能的A型细胞和有分泌黑色素功能的B型细胞;在B型细胞中可见黑色素颗粒储存在囊泡中,囊泡在移出细胞的过程中逐渐变大,泡内的黑色素颗粒逐渐变多。囊泡可能通过胞吐的方式排出细胞外,黑色素排出后以颗粒的形式游离于细胞间隙中,形成墨汁。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼消化道肥大细胞的组化性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实验采用改良甲苯胺蓝(MTB)、阿利新蓝-沙黄(AB/SO)、甲基绿-派洛宁(MG-P)、天青Ⅱ-伊红-瑞氏混合液和硫堇5种组化染色法,对尼罗罗非鱼(Nile tilapia)消化道组织中的肥大细胞(Mast cell,MC)组化性质进行研究。尼罗罗非鱼的食管、胃及小肠壁内均显示有肥大细胞,在食管和胃的切片标本上肥大细胞主要分布在黏膜固有层和胃腺体之间。在肠道中的肥大细胞主要分布在黏膜固有层和肠上皮下方,少量肥大细胞存在于黏膜下层结缔组织中。细胞呈圆形、椭圆形,也有长梭形的。而且肥大细胞有沿血管分布的特点。5种组化染色结果表明:AB/SO、MTB和MG-P显示的MC效果较好,尤其AB/SO染色效果最好,肥大细胞轮廓清楚,胞质颗粒较清晰;尼罗罗非鱼肥大细胞胞浆颗粒都呈红色,即肥大细胞胞浆主要含肝素,不含组胺。天青Ⅱ-伊红-瑞氏混合液染色效果也很好,但被染的肥大细胞较少;80%乙醇硫堇染色,在尼罗罗非鱼消化道各段组织中均未能鉴定出肥大细胞。尼罗罗非鱼消化道肥大细胞大多分布于浅层的黏膜或血管、腺体周围的结缔组织等易表露于环境抗原的位点。罗非鱼消化道黏膜层结缔组织中的肥大细胞与大多数脊椎动物的肥大细胞一样,具有沿血管分布的特性,说明硬骨鱼的肥大细胞如哺乳动物肥大细胞一样与血管有着密切的关系。    相似文献   

运用大体解剖和组织切片技术对秦岭滑蜥Scincella tsinlingensis排泄系统进行了组织形态学观察。结果显示:秦岭滑蜥的排泄系统包括肾脏、输尿管、膀胱和泄殖腔。肾脏由被膜与实质构成,实质包括许多泌尿小管与少量结缔组织。泌尿小管包括肾单位与集合管,肾单位的数量较两栖类有了明显增加。结缔组织中分布有少量弹性纤维、网状纤维和大量胶原纤维。输尿管由许多分支的集尿管汇聚形成,包括黏膜与外膜,黏膜由单层柱状上皮过渡为多层鳞状细胞,固有层零散分布有浆细胞,结缔组织中分布有胶原纤维与少量弹性纤维。膀胱由黏膜层、肌层与外膜构成,黏膜上皮为变移上皮,固有层分布有少量的浆细胞。消化道、生殖道和输尿管末端汇聚于泄殖腔,泄殖腔壁由黏膜、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮分布有黏液性细胞和少量浆细胞。秦岭滑蜥的排泄系统与其他卵胎生蜥蜴无明显差别。  相似文献   

张梅芬  赵翔 《动物学研究》1997,18(1):105-111
本文对产蛋期金丝雀输卵管内的贮精腺体进行了组织化学和组织化学观察。结果表明,贮精腺体分布于子宫-阴道交接处阴道一侧长度为0.21±0.07cm区域内固有膜中,该腺体为管状腺,少数具有分枝,由单层柱状上皮细胞构成。  相似文献   

长蛸生殖系统的形态学与组织学观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
运用解剖学和组织学方法对长蛸(Octopus variabilis)生殖系统的形态结构进行了研究.结果表明,长蛸雌雄异体并异形,雄性右侧第三腕茎化.长蛸雌性生殖系统由一个卵巢、成对的输卵管及输卵管腺组成.卵巢壁上发出一条线状具分支的生殖索,米粒状的滤泡以卵柄连接至生殖索上.每个滤泡是由单层滤泡细胞围绕着一个卵母细胞构成.输卵管形成丰富的纵行褶皱,黏膜上皮具有纤毛.输卵管腺含有两种类型腺细胞.雄性生殖系统包括精巢、输精管前段、储精囊、摄护腺、盲囊、输精管后段和精荚囊.精巢内部被结缔组织分隔成许多精小叶,精原细胞由小叶壁中的生殖上皮产生,并向小叶腔中逐步分化成精子.输精管前段、盲囊和摄护腺所分泌的黏液物质共同参与精荚的形成.储精囊和输精管后段形成较多的纵行褶皱,输精管后段上皮游离面的纤毛可运输生殖细胞.精荚囊的作用则是贮存精荚,囊壁中的平滑肌利于长蛸交配时精荚的排出.  相似文献   

金丝雀输卵管内贮精腺体的组织学及组织化学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对产蛋期金丝雀(Serinuscanaria)输卵管内的贮精腺体进行了组织学和组织化学观察。结果表明,贮精腺体分布于子宫-阴道交接处阴道一侧长度为0.21±0.07cm区域(以下简称UV区域)内的固有膜中。该腺体为管状腺,少数具有分枝,由单层柱状上皮细胞构成。腺细胞顶部无纤毛,细胞核排列整齐,位于细胞的基部。贮精腺体呈PAS阳性,糖原及酸性粘多糖的含量极微或未能检出。脂类含量较为丰富。酸性磷酸酶活性很高,不含碱性磷酸酶。在组织学及组织化学特征上,UV区域与毗邻的子宫及阴道区域存在明显差异,贮精腺体细胞与UV区域粘膜上皮细胞之间的差异也较为显著。  相似文献   

This article is the first ultrastructural study on the annual oviducal cycle in a snake. The ultrastructure of the oviduct was studied in 21 females of the viviparous natricine snake Seminatrix pygaea. Specimens were collected and sacrificed in March, May, June, July, and October from one locale in South Carolina during 1998-1999. The sample included individuals: 1) in an inactive reproductive condition, 2) mated but prior to ovulation, and 3) from early and late periods of gravidity. The oviduct possesses four distinct regions from cranial to caudal: the anterior infundibulum, the posterior infundibulum containing sperm storage tubules (SSTs), the uterus, and the vagina. The epithelium is simple throughout the oviduct and invaginations of the lining form tubular glands in all regions except the anterior infundibulum and the posterior vagina. The tubular glands are not alveolar, as reported in some other snakes, and simply represent a continuation of the oviducal lining with no additional specializations. The anterior infundibulum and vagina show the least amount of variation in relation to season or reproductive condition. In these regions, the epithelium is irregular, varying from squamous to columnar, and cells with elongate cilia alternate with secretory cells. The secretory product of the infundibulum consists largely of lipids, whereas a glycoprotein predominates in the vagina; however, both products are found in these regions and elsewhere in the oviduct. In the SST area and the anterior vagina, tubular glands are compound as well as simple. The epithelium of the SST is most active after mating, and glycoprotein vacuoles and lipid droplets are equally abundant. When present, sperm form tangled masses in the oviducal lumen and glands of the SST area. The glands of the uterus are always simple. During sperm migration, a carrier matrix composed of sloughed epithelial cells, a glycoprotein colloid, lipids, and membranous structures surround sperm in the posterior uterus. During gravidity, tubular glands, cilia, and secretory products diminish with increasing development of the fetus, and numerous capillaries abut the basal lamina of the attenuated epithelial lining of the uterus.  相似文献   

Summary The histology and ultrastructure of the oviduct of three ostriches are described. The ostriches were obtained at the stage just before oviposition. The oviduct wall consists of a mucous membrane carrying mucosal folds showing side branching. The pseudostratified columnar or tall simple columnar epithelium covering the lumen contains ciliated and non-ciliated cells. The ultrastructure of the two cell types and the glandular cells of the lamina propria is described. The vagina has no glands in the subepithelial connective tissue. Beyond the connective tissue, the oviduct wall has two layers of smooth musculature. The inner layer consists of circularly disposed fibres some of which continue into the subepithelial connective tissue to ultimately enter the core of the mucosal folds. The outer layer contains oblique and longitudinally arranged fibres and is peripherally bound by a serous covering.
Über den Eileiter vonStruthio camelus massaicus
Zusammenfassung Histologie und Ultrastruktur des Eileiters des Straußes werden anhand von drei Individuen beschrieben, die gerade vor der Eiablage geschossen wurden. Der Eileiter ist von einer Schleimhaut ausgekleidet, die in Falten mit Verzweigungen geworfen ist. Das mehrreihige oder einschichtige Zylinderepithel enthält sowohl mit Zilien versehene als auch zilienlose Zellen. Ihre Ultrastruktur und die der Drüsenzellen der Lamina propria werden dargestellt. Die Propria der Vagina enthält keine Drüsen. Peripher vom Bindegewebe der Lamina propria wird die Eileiterwandung durch zwei Lagen glatter Muskulatur vervollständigt. Die innere Schicht besteht aus circulär angeordneten Fasern, von denen einige in das subepitheliale Bindegewebe der Schleimhautfalten einstrahlen. Die äußere Muskelschicht enthält longitudinal und schräg verlaufende Fasern und ist außen von einer Serosa bedeckt.

An investigation has been carried out into the structure, ultrastructure, function and of the oviduct on the adult female of Rana ridibunda. The most important part of the oviduct comprises tubulary glands and a luminal epithelium which is composed of ciliated cells and vesicular cells. The discharge processes of secretory substances were studied. Injection of the mature females with estrogens and progesterone have show that progesterone was the most effective in provoking jelly release. It is probably that in Rana ridibunda the pituitary hormones act on the follicle cells of ripe oocytes, causing them to secrete a progesterone-like hormone which provodes the maturation of the oocytel and jelly release from the oviducal glands.  相似文献   

The annual oviductal cycle of the Cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus, is described using electron microscopy. This is only the second such study on a snake and the first on a viperid species. Specimens were collected in reproductive and nonreproductive condition throughout the year and five ultrastructurally unique regions were recognized: the anterior infundibulum, posterior infundibulum, glandular uterus, nonglandular uterus, and vagina. Except for the anterior infundibulum and vagina, which exhibit no seasonal variation in ultrastructure, the oviduct becomes highly secretory at the start of vitellogenesis. This includes the entire luminal border of the uterus, the tubular glands of the glandular uterus, and the luminal border and sperm storage tubules of the posterior infundibulum. The secretory materials produced in the oviduct vary among regions of the oviduct, and also can vary among time periods in the same region of the oviduct. Variation is especially evident in the sperm storage tubules. Secretory activity in the sperm storage tubules ceases after ovulation, but the tubular glands of the glandular uterus remain secretory until parturition, at which time secretory activity in the varying sections of the oviduct decreases dramatically. After parturition, the oviduct remains in a dormant state until the next reproductive season. The seasonal variation in oviducal morphology mirrors the temperate primitive reproductive cycle known for some pitvipers. Uterine glands of A. piscivorous are more similar in secretory activity to those of an oviparous lizard than a viviparous colubrid snake, suggesting variation in uterine gland morphology between snakes of different families. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The wall of the stomach of the tigerfish is described and compared with that of other vertebrates. Light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics of the stomach wall correspond to a large extent to those of other vertebrates, although some differences are found. The mucosa contains (1) surface epithelium characterized by narrow columnar cells with abundant mucous granules; (2) gastric glands consisting of pepsinogenic cells of variable height, containing tubulovesicles and bearing microvilli; (3) five granulated cell types located basally in the epithelium (types 1–5); and (4) lamina propria and muscularis mucosae. Connective tissue separating smooth muscle fibers of the muscularis mucosae constitutes a stratum compactum. The submucosa contains a loose connective tissue, a tunica muscularis of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers, and a serosa of mesothelium and subjacent connective tissue. Immunocytochemical tests with antisera to five polypeptides show gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactivities in some cells of the gastric glands, and somatostatin in cells lying among epithelial cells lining the gastric luminal surface or gastric pits.  相似文献   

金丝猴食管和胃连接部的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了金丝猴食管和胃连接处的组织结构。金丝猴的食管粘膜为典型的复民鳞状上皮,食管末端含有粘膜腺,粘膜表面有轻微的角质化。管壁外纵肌层有少量的横纹肌。与胃粘膜的连接均位于胃的贲门部以内,两种上皮的连接是突然的,不存在过渡。 贲门腺为少量的分枝管状腺,短而直,由粘膜细胞构成,对PAS染色呈阳性反应。  相似文献   

The "utero-vaginal junction" that connects the uterus and vagina of duck oviduct differs histologically and histochemically from the adjacent zones. The region is characterised by low, somewhat longitudinally arranged mucosal folds, lined by tall columner cilliated cells with apical nuclei alternating with mucous secreting goblet cells containing basal nuclei. Within the propria of the mucosa there are numerous tubular glands--the sperm host glands--which are responsible for sperm storage after copulation. The goblet cells of the utero-vaginal junction contain an admixture of neutral, sulfated and nonsulfated acid mucopolysaccharides, while the sperm host glands are devoid of any mucopolysaccharide and secrete complex lipoidal materials and exhibit intense acid phosphatase activity. The functional significance of the secretory materials of the sperm host glands have been discussed in the light of sperm release mechanism.  相似文献   

朱磊 《动物学杂志》2013,48(3):474-479
采用石蜡切片技术对白胸苦恶鸟(Amaurornis phoenicurus)的消化道进行了组织学观察.结果表明,食管皱襞发达,黏膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,食管腺发达,颈段多于胸段,黏膜肌层为一层纵肌,厚约0.06 ~0.26 mm.肌层为一层厚约0.19~0.27mm的环肌.腺胃被覆单层柱状上皮,固有层内有单管腺和复管腺两种腺体,单管腺仅深约0.11 ~0.20 mm;复管腺厚约1.19~1.26 mm,占管壁的77.8% ~80.4%.肌胃的类角质层发达,厚约0.16~0.24 mm.肌胃腺呈管状,与类角质层突起形成皱襞.肌层发达,由内环外纵两层平滑肌构成.肠绒毛无分支和中央乳糜管,十二指肠绒毛长而密集,空肠绒毛呈细长指状,直肠绒毛长且呈叶状.十二指肠与直肠肠绒毛内有大量致密淋巴小结,盲肠绒毛短,肠腺少.  相似文献   

On the basis of histological and histochemical characteristics the oviduct of adult Bufo vulgaris can be separated into six zones. These characteristics include mainly the relative abundance of secretory and ciliated epithelial cells, mucosal foldings, tubular glands and the staining properties of the secretory elements. The VI zone (uterine segment) is totally deprived of tubular glands and is prodoundly rich in epithelial secretory cells. These cells and the tubular glands, when well-developed, are rich in neutral and acid mucins in the preovulatory phase, whereas this content is greatly diminished after ovulation. Similarly, the weight and the length of the oviduct displays a marked seasonal pattern. The same is observed for its protein content and acid and alkaline phosphatases. These parameters show the highest values in the preovulatory period and lowest after ovulation. The toad oviduct also displays marked hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity along the mucosal epithelium. Its functional significance remains a matter of debate, however. A marked parallelism between the present data and those obtained by others in other amphibians indicates the existence of a common pattern of seasonal modifications correlated mainly with the release of the eggs and the formation of their multi-layered coat.  相似文献   

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