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一株海水异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌系统发育及脱氮特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
【目的】确定一株分离自海水的异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌的系统发育地位并探索其脱氮特性和机理,以期为解释异养硝化-好氧反硝化机理以及改进海水养殖及废水的生物脱氮工艺提供理论依据。【方法】通过形态观察、生理生化实验和16S rRNA基因序列分析,鉴定该菌株;通过测定菌株在不同无机氮源降解测试液中的生长和脱氮效率,分析其异养硝化和好氧反硝化性能。【结果】经鉴定该菌株属于盐单胞菌属(Halomonas);最适生长条件为盐度3%、pH 8.5、温度28℃、碳氮比10:1,在盐度为15%的培养液中仍能生长;可以同时去除氨氮、亚硝酸氮和硝酸氮,24 h时对NH4+-N、NO2--N、和NO3--N的去除率可分别达到98.29%、99.07%、96.48%,3种形态无机氮同时存在时,会优先利用NH4+-N,且总无机氮去除率较单一存在时更高,说明该菌株可实现同步硝化反硝化。【结论】该分离自海水的异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌属于盐单胞菌属(Halomonas),在高盐环境中仍能生长,同时具有高效的异养硝化和好氧反硝化能力,能够独立完成脱氮的全部过程。  相似文献   

好氧反硝化生物脱氮技术的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
好氧反硝化生物脱氮技术自提出以来,凭借能实现同步硝化反硝化、节省基建投资及运行费用等诸多优点,受到国内外环境领域学者的广泛关注。本文首先总结了近年来好氧反硝化菌种的筛选分离情况,以及环境因子对好氧反硝化菌脱氮效能的影响,包括溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)、碳氮比(C/N)、温度等。然后深入探讨了好氧反硝化生物脱氮技术的原理,好氧反硝化过程中的关键功能基因及酶,同时介绍了分子生物技术在好氧反硝化研究过程中的应用,以及好氧反硝化生物脱氮技术在实际应用方面的研究现状。最后,基于目前的研究瓶颈问题,对未来好氧反硝化生物脱氮技术的研究方向提出了科学展望。  相似文献   

水体氮素污染日益严重,如何经济、高效地去除水体氮素已成为研究热点。近年来,研究人员已从不同环境中分离到许多同时具有异养硝化和好氧反硝化功能的菌株,此类菌生长迅速,可在好氧条件下同时实现硝化和反硝化的过程,并可用于脱除有机污染物,是一类应用潜力巨大的脱氮菌。目前,异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌的脱氮途径和机制主要是通过测定氮循环中间产物或终产物、测定相关酶活性、注释部分氮循环相关基因及参考自养硝化菌和缺氧反硝化菌的氮循环途径等进行研究,其完整的氮素转化途径和氮代谢机制还需要进一步明确。总结了目前异养硝化-好养反硝化菌的脱氮相关酶系及其编码基因的研究进展,以期为异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌的理论研究及其在污水脱氮处理上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

极端条件下异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌脱氮的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
异养硝化-好氧反硝化(HN-AD)是对传统自养硝化异养反硝化理论的丰富与突破。HN-AD菌在好氧条件下可快速实现氨氮、硝态氮(NO_3~–-N)、亚硝态氮(NO_2~–-N)三氮同步脱除。它们不仅具有分布范围广、适应能力强、代谢通路特殊等特点,而且还具有世代时间短、脱氮速率快、高活性持久等独特优势,在高盐、低温、高氨氮等极端条件表现出了巨大的脱氮潜力,因此在废水生物脱氮领域受到广泛关注。文中在介绍HN-AD菌属类别及代谢机理的基础上,重点总结了在高盐、低温、高氨氮等极端条件下进行氨氮脱除的HN-AD种属,系统分析了它们在极端条件下的脱氮特性及潜力,并简述了HN-AD菌在极端条件下的工艺应用研究进展,最后展望了HN-AD脱氮技术的应用前景和研究方向。  相似文献   

废水脱氮,主要是将污水中过量的营养物质转化为N2和N2O等排放到大气中。从市政和工业污水中脱氮最普遍,有效的方法是生物法,包括传统自养硝化-缺氧反硝化,异养硝化-好氧反硝化,短程硝化和厌氧氨氧化相结合等。目前,氮污染是个很严重的问题。从脱氮方式来说,有传统自养硝化-缺氧反硝化脱氮,异养硝化-好氧反硝化脱氮、厌氧氨氧化脱氮等。本文综述了这几种脱氮方式的生物强化技术的研究进展与实际应用,并对其发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

好氧反硝化菌脱氮特性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
好氧反硝化菌的发现,是对传统反硝化理论的丰富与突破. 由于其在脱氮方面的独特优势,已成为目前废水生物脱氮领域研究的热点. 好氧反硝化菌能够在有氧条件下,利用有机碳源生长的同时将含氮化合物反硝化生成N2等气态氮化物,多数还能同时进行异养硝化作用,将铵态氮直接转化为含氮气体. 本文从电子理论、反硝化酶系等方面对目前已分离出的一些好氧反硝化菌的脱氮特性及其脱氮机理进行探讨,分析了溶解氧、碳源类型及C/N等环境条件对其脱氮作用的影响,介绍了好氧反硝化菌的筛选方法及应用现状,对其应用前景和发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化工艺的应用现状和问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
厌氧氨氧化(Anaerobic ammonium oxidation,ANAMMOX)工艺因其高效低耗的优势,在废水生物脱氮领域具有广阔的应用前景。在过去的20年中,许多基于ANAMMOX反应的工艺得以不断研究和应用。预计到2014年末,全球范围内的ANAMMOX工程将会超过100座。综述了各种形式的ANAMMOX工艺,包括短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化、全程自养脱氮、限氧自养硝化反硝化、反硝化氨氧化、好氧反氨化、同步短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化-反硝化耦合、单级厌氧氨氧化短程硝化脱氮工艺。对一体式和分体式工艺运行条件进行了比较,结合ANAMMOX工艺工程(主要包括移动床生物膜,颗粒污泥和序批式反应器系统)应用现状,总结了工程化应用过程中遇到的问题及其解决对策,在此基础上对今后的研究和应用方向进行了展望。今后的研究重点应集中于运行条件的优化和水质障碍因子的解决,尤其是工艺自动化控制系统的开发和特殊废水对工艺性能影响的研究。  相似文献   

OLAND生物脱氮系统中硝化菌群16S rDNA的DGGE分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了考察生物脱氮系统中硝化菌群(氨氧化菌和亚硝酸氧化菌)的种群多样性及硝化菌群随溶解氧降低的种群变化规律,并建立一套行之有效的用于自养生物脱氮系统中功能微生物菌群的快速分子检测技术,采用DGGE(变性梯度凝胶电泳)分子检测技术对硝化菌群的16SrDNA的特异性PCR扩增产物进行了分析,结果表明:OLAND生物脱氮系统中氨氧化菌和亚硝酸氧化菌随溶解氧的降低表现出了不同的种群变化规律,氨氧化菌种群多样性受溶解氧的影响非常大,而非亚硝酸氧化菌的种群多样性比较单一,且不受溶解氧的影响。结合FISH(全细胞荧光原位杂交)分析结果表明,在OLAND限氧稳定运行后期,亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)是主要的氨氧化菌,占OLAND限氧亚硝化阶段反应器中总细菌数的72.5%左右。  相似文献   

同步硝化反硝化机理的研究进展*   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
结合近年来国内外脱氮的最新研究成果,从宏观环境理论、微环境理论和微生物学理论方面对同步硝化反硝化的产生机理进行了综述,并提出了今后在好氧颗粒污泥实现同步硝化反硝化、脱氮除磷一体化等方面的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

全程硝化菌微生物学特性及在水处理领域的应用潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全程硝化菌是近期微生物氮循环领域的重大发现之一,引发了对其全球分布、系统发育特征和生理生化特性的广泛关注。本文综述了全程硝化菌在土壤、地表水、废水处理系统等生境的分布规律及影响因子;并从底物亲和力、代谢多样性等方面阐述了其与传统硝化微生物间的竞争互作和生态位分离机制;基于上述特征提出全程硝化菌在水处理领域中的应用前景,可能与其他脱氮微生物如反硝化菌、厌氧氨氧化菌和厌氧甲烷氧化菌等耦合实现在低氨氮、低溶解氧条件下的污水深度脱氮,从而节省能耗并降低温室气体排放。未来研究应继续深入研究全程硝化菌的生理生化特性,评价其生态功能和对氮素地球化学循环的贡献,并探索其在生物水处理等领域的应用潜力。  相似文献   

废水自养生物脱氮技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于短程硝化和厌氧氨氧化的自养脱氮工艺是生物脱氮领域研究的热点,它的发现为低碳氮比废水的处理提供了新的思路。近些年来,人们陆续开发了SHARON、ANAMMOX、CANON、OLAND等自养生物脱氮工艺,进一步推动了高效、低耗脱氮技术的开发和研究。本文从工艺原理、特点等方面,对自养生物脱氮工艺的国内外研究状况进行了总结和对比,并提出了存在的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

In recent years, various technologies have been developed for the removal of nitrogen from wastewater that is rich in nitrogen but poor in organic carbon, such as the effluents from anaerobic digesters and from certain industries. These technologies have resulted in several patents. The core of these technologies is some of the processes and patents described in this paper: Aerobic denitrification, Sharon, Anammox, OLAND, CANON, NOx process, DEMON. More specifically, one of the first innovative options described for removing nitrogen include partial nitrification under aerobic conditions (partial Sharon process) followed by autotrophic anaerobic oxidation (Anammox process). The partial Sharon-Anammox process can be performed under alternating oxic and anoxic conditions in the same bioreactor or in two steps in two separate bioreactors. This overview focuses on the technical and biological aspects of these new types of treatment system, and compares them to other technologies. Given the fact that nitrification is a sensitive process, special attention is paid to conditions such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, hydraulic retention time, free ammonia, nitrous acid concentration, and pH. A discussion of the pros and cons of such treatment systems is also included since autotrophic nitrogen removal has advantages as well as drawbacks. The paper concludes with a discussion of future research that could improve these systems by enhancing performance and reducing costs.  相似文献   

In this study, a vertical submerged biofilm reactor was applied to investigate autotrophic partial nitrification/denitrification and simultaneous sulfide removal by using synthetic wastewater. The appropriate influent ratios of ammonia and sulfide needed to achieve partial autotrophic nitrification and denitrification were evaluated with influent ammonium nitrogen ranging from 54.6 to 129.8 mg L?1 and sulfide concentrations ranging from 52.7 to 412.4 mg S L?1. The results demonstrated that the working parameter was more stable when the sulfur/nitrogen ratio was set at 3:2, which yielded the maximum sulfur conversion. Batch experiments with different phosphate concentrations proved that a suitable phosphate buffer solution to control pH values could improve synchronous desulfurization denitrification process performance.  相似文献   

An investigation was performed on the biological removal of ammonium nitrogen from synthetic wastewater by the simultaneous nitrification/denitrification (SND) process, using a sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR). System behavior was analyzed as to the effects of sludge type used as inoculum (autotrophic/heterotrophic), wastewater feed strategy (batch/fed-batch) and aeration strategy (continuous/intermittent). The presence of an autotrophic aerobic sludge showed to be essential for nitrification startup, despite publications stating the existence of heterotrophic organisms capable of nitrifying organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds at low dissolved oxygen concentrations. As to feed strategy, batch operation (synthetic wastewater containing 100 mg COD/L and 50 mg N-NH(4)(+)/L) followed by fed-batch (synthetic wastewater with 100 mg COD/L) during a whole cycle seemed to be the most adequate, mainly during the denitrification phase. Regarding aeration strategy, an intermittent mode, with dissolved oxygen concentration of 2.0mg/L in the aeration phase, showed the best results. Under these optimal conditions, 97% of influent ammonium nitrogen (80% of total nitrogen) was removed at a rate of 86.5 mg N-NH(4)(+)/Ld. In the treated effluent only 0.2 mg N-NO(2)(-)/L,4.6 mg N-NO(3)(-)/L and 1.0 mg N-NH(4)(+)/L remained, demonstrating the potential viability of this process in post-treatment of wastewaters containing ammonium nitrogen.  相似文献   

The oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification/denitrification (OLAND) process comprises one-stage partial nitritation and anammox, catalyzed by aerobic and anoxic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AerAOB and AnAOB), respectively. The goal of this study was to investigate whether quorum sensing influences anoxic ammonium oxidation in an OLAND biofilm, with AnAOB colonizing 13% of the biofilm, as determined with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). At high biomass concentrations, the specific anoxic ammonium oxidation rate of the OLAND biofilm significantly increased with a factor of 1.5 ± 0.2 compared to low biomass concentrations. Supernatant obtained from the biofilm showed no ammonium-oxidizing activity on itself, but its addition to low OLAND biomass concentrations resulted in a significant activity increase of the biomass. In the biofilm supernatant, the presence of long-chain acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) was shown using the reporter strain Chromobacterium violaceum CV026, and one specific AHL, N-dodecanoyl homoserine lactone (C12-HSL), was identified via LC-MS/MS. Furthermore, C12-HSL was detected in an AnAOB-enriched community, but not in an AerAOB-enriched community. Addition of C12-HSL to low OLAND biomass concentrations resulted in a significantly higher ammonium oxidation rate (p < 0.05). To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating that AHLs enhance the anoxic ammonium oxidation process. Future work should confirm which species are responsible for the in situ production of C12-HSL in AnAOB-based applications.  相似文献   

Energy-positive sewage treatment can, in principle, be obtained by maximizing energy recovery from concentrated organics and by minimizing energy consumption for concentration and residual nitrogen removal in the main stream. To test the feasibility of the latter, sewage-like nitrogen influent concentrations were treated with oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification/denitrification (OLAND) in a lab-scale rotating biological contactor at 25°C. At influent ammonium concentrations of 66 and 29 mg N L−1 and a volumetric loading rate of 840 mg N L−1 day−1 yielding hydraulic residence times (HRT) of 2.0 and 1.0 h, respectively, relatively high nitrogen removal rates of 444 and 383 mg N L−1 day−1 were obtained, respectively. At low nitrogen levels, adapted nitritation and anammox communities were established. The decrease in nitrogen removal was due to decreased anammox and increased nitratation, with Nitrospira representing 6% of the biofilm. The latter likely occurred given the absence of dissolved oxygen (DO) control, since decreasing the DO concentration from 1.4 to 1.2 mg O2 L−1 decreased nitratation by 35% and increased anammox by 32%. Provided a sufficient suppression of nitratation, this study showed the feasibility of OLAND to treat low nitrogen levels at low HRT, a prerequisite to energy-positive sewage treatment.  相似文献   

Energy-positive sewage treatment can be achieved by implementation of oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification/denitrification (OLAND) in the main water line, as the latter does not require organic carbon and therefore allows maximum energy recovery through anaerobic digestion of organics. To test the feasibility of mainstream OLAND, the effect of a gradual temperature decrease from 29 to 15 °C and a chemical oxygen demand (COD)/N increase from 0 to 2 was tested in an OLAND rotating biological contactor operating at 55–60 mg NH4 +–N?L?1 and a hydraulic retention time of 1 h. Moreover, the effect of the operational conditions and feeding strategies on the reactor cycle balances, including NO and N2O emissions were studied in detail. This study showed for the first time that total nitrogen removal rates of 0.5 g N?L?1?day?1 can be maintained when decreasing the temperature from 29 to 15 °C and when low nitrogen concentration and moderate COD levels are treated. Nitrite accumulation together with elevated NO and N2O emissions (5 % of N load) were needed to favor anammox compared with nitratation at low free ammonia (<0.25 mg N?L?1), low free nitrous acid (<0.9 μg N?L?1), and higher DO levels (3–4 mg O2?L?1). Although the total nitrogen removal rates showed potential, the accumulation of nitrite and nitrate resulted in lower nitrogen removal efficiencies (around 40 %), which should be improved in the future. Moreover, a balance should be found in the future between the increased NO and N2O emissions and a decreased energy consumption to justify OLAND mainstream treatment.  相似文献   

湖泊氮素氧化及脱氮过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范俊楠  赵建伟  朱端卫 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4924-4931
自然界中氮的生物地球化学循环主要由微生物驱动,由固氮作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用和氨化作用来完成。过去数十年间,随着异养硝化、厌氧氨氧化和古菌氨氧化作用的发现,人们对环境中氮素循环认识逐步深入,提出了多种脱氮途径新假说。对湖泊生态系统中氮素的输入、输出及其在水体、沉积物和水土界面的迁移转化过程进行了概括,对湖泊生态系统中反硝化和厌氧氨氧化脱氮机理及脱氮效率的最新研究进展进行了探讨,并对以后的氮素循环研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Due to serious eutrophication in water bodies, nitrogen removal has become a critical stage for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) over past decades. Conventional biological nitrogen removal processes are based on nitrification and denitrification (N/DN), and are suffering from several major drawbacks, including substantial aeration consumption, high fugitive greenhouse gas emissions, a requirement for external carbon sources, excessive sludge production and low energy recovery efficiency, and thus unable to satisfy the escalating public needs. Recently, the discovery of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria has promoted an update of conventional N/DN-based processes to autotrophic nitrogen removal. However, the application of anammox to treat domestic wastewater has been hindered mainly by unsatisfactory effluent quality with nitrogen removal efficiency below 80%. The discovery of nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (n-DAMO) during the last decade has provided new opportunities to remove this barrier and to achieve a robust system with high-level nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater, by utilizing methane as an alternative carbon source. In the present review, opportunities and challenges for nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation are discussed. Particularly, the prospective technologies driven by the cooperation of anammox and n-DAMO microorganisms are put forward based on previous experimental and modeling studies. Finally, a novel WWTP system acting as an energy exporter is delineated.  相似文献   

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