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研究褐飞虱NilaparvatalugensStl在香稻上的危害与产卵特征,结果表明香稻田中褐飞虱的自然种群密度基数远高于非香型稻。从7月22日至8月31日香稻田中褐飞虱的自然种群密度一直增长,在武香988和鄂香1号田间的若虫分别从7月22日的7头丛和3头丛上升至8月31日的126头丛和73头丛。香型稻田间的褐飞虱的自然种群密度增长慢于非香型稻田间。香稻与非香稻田间褐飞虱成虫出现的高峰日相差不大。香稻田中褐飞虱产卵株率高于非香型稻田,其中最高的为鄂香1号,达到74.27%。香稻田间株平均产卵块数几乎为非香型稻上的2倍,但是香稻上的卵死亡率(鄂香1号为39.24%)显著高于非香型稻上的(鄂中5号为27.58%,两优培九为27.21%),且产卵部位有一定差异。鄂香1号第Ⅲ叶鞘上卵块最多,占总数的60.98%,武香988的第Ⅱ和第Ⅳ叶鞘上产卵较多,第Ⅰ叶鞘上没有稻飞虱产卵。非香型稻鄂中5号上产卵最多的是第Ⅳ叶鞘,第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ叶鞘上没有褐飞虱产卵。两优培九除第Ⅰ和第Ⅴ叶鞘上没有褐飞虱产卵外,第Ⅱ、第Ⅲ和第Ⅳ叶鞘上均有褐飞虱产卵,而且卵量差异不大。  相似文献   

湘北第三代二化螟对杂交晚稻危害特点的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
黄绍华  刘琴乐 《昆虫知识》1997,34(6):321-323
二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker)是湘北稻区的主要害虫之一。常年在早、中稻上危害较重,随着杂交晚稻的推广,其为害逐年加重[1],根据1990~1996年大田调查结果统计,杂交晚稻第三代造成的被害株率达13.2%,大大超过防治指标。1979~1981年,我们进行了三代二化螟对杂交晚稻危害特点的研究,并和常规蹈比较。现将试验结果报道如下。1材料与方法1.1供试品种(组合)杂交组合,四优4号、四化6号、V41×S;常规品种,闽晚6号(籼)、盐选203(籼)、桂东1号(粳)。1.2大田试验处理大田观察设四优4号、四优6号、闽晚6号(ck)3个处理…  相似文献   

白背飞虱迁入虫源与发生程度的关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horvath)是我县早、中稻上危害成灾的主要虫种之一。7月底前占稻田飞虱种群比例的80—90%。7月上、中旬田间第二若虫高峰期是危害的主要时期,危害孕穗、抽穗的早稻,造成枯死“通火”,危害分蘖期的中稻、杂优稻,造成麻秆“溶脚”。经1974年以来的田间越冬调查和室内、外越冬饲养结果,还没有发现白背飞虱在我县有越冬的情况。主害代虫源从何而来?迁入虫源与发生程度的关系等问题就成为测报上急待解决的问题。1975—1980年通过系统的田间调查、灯  相似文献   

用正交试验法优选二化螟人工饲料配方   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘慧敏  张国安 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):754-757
采用15因子2水平正交试验,优选出1种二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)人工饲料配方,筛选出影响二化螟发育的5个关键因子,分别是稻茎粉、麦芽粉、稻糠粉、酵母粉和蔗糖。其中稻茎粉、麦芽粉、酵母粉和稻糠粉影响二化螟的幼虫成活率,蔗糖和麦芽粉影响二化螟的幼虫历期,稻茎粉影响二化螟的蛹重。  相似文献   

我所看到的国内外文献报导,二化螟越冬代幼虫的化蛹部位,都是在稻草(茎稈)和稻根内化蛹。但在实际工作中,还发现有在稻根外部化蛹的。 1964年5月24日,检查二化螟发育进度时,从中晚稻田间拔起的稻根中,发现有两头活蛹,分别紧夹在两丛稻根基部软松的泥土上。其“根外”化蛹占总蛹数  相似文献   

一、越冬习性考查 1.越冬场所调查:台湾稻螟Chilotraea auricilia(Dudgeon)幼虫越冬场所主要是在稻根内,几年来的田间调查资料指出:以中稻田稻根内密度较大;晚稻田稻根内密度较小。此外,中、晚稻稻草内也有幼虫越冬,但密度很小,约占0.06%株。作者曾先后在百色专区的百色、田东、靖西、睦边、东兰、田林等县实地解剖观察高粱稈、玉米稈、小米稈、甘蔗宿根等均尚来发现有越冬幼虫。 2.虫口密度与稻田的关系:1)与稻田耕作制度有关。中稻田台湾稻螟越冬幼虫最多,每苗平均有效越冬幼虫4,745头,占4种稻螟总数的37.5%,二化螟次之,占30.39%,大螟较少,占25.2%,三化螟最少,占6.88%。晚稻田台湾稻螟越冬幼虫较少,每亩平均有效越冬幼虫540头,占4种稻螟总数的14.06%,二化螟也少,占13.14%,大螟最少,占  相似文献   

试论我县栽培技术对稻螟种群消长的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
严宏富  李青林 《昆虫知识》1991,28(3):132-133
<正> 桐城县地处安徽省中南部,长江北岸,大别山东南余脉。全县耕地面积54.4万亩,其中约有稻田45万亩。为害水稻的螟虫以三化螟Tryporyza incertulus(Walker)和二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)为主。常年三化螟发生3代,有少数4代,二化螟发生2代,有少数3代。 耕作制度的变化是影响稻螟种群盛衰演变的主要因素。 我县原为单季中稻区,以二化螟为主。  相似文献   

东北稻区二化螟越冬幼虫的生物学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
二化螟Chilosuppressalis是我国东北地区最重要的水稻害虫。连续 3年在东北稻区的二化螟越冬幼虫调查表明 ,在通河和方正两地 (北纬 46°附近 )出现不完全第 2代 ;在东北稻区 ,二化螟幼虫多以高龄幼虫在稻茎内越冬 ( 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年分别占总数的 44 47% ,5 3 47%和 63 48% )。在盘锦、五常、吉林和龙井 4地区的平均高度分别为 8 0 2 ,1 6 2 5 ,1 8 2 9和 2 0 3 4cm。同时 ,在东北稻区的越冬幼虫的头向多朝上 ( 65 74%~ 76 77% )。  相似文献   

在我国南方早中稻地区,用666防治一代二化螟的效果很好。但用于防治二代二化螟的效果往往不够稳定。为此,我们在中籼稻田进行了以下试验: 在二代螟卵孵化基本结束、田间有各龄幼虫时,用666处理稻田(用6%666粉剂),试验分不同用药量及不同施药方法两组处理,共11个小区,小区面积0.3亩,施药后3天检查田间各龄幼虫死亡率,结果如表1  相似文献   

白翅叶蝉(又称小白翅叶蝉)Empoasca subrufa(Motschulsky)是我县为害水稻的主要害虫之一,在5、6月往往暴发成灾,据在埔前稻区观察,主要为害早、中稻和秧苗,晚稻则发生较轻,个别年份早插和翻秋品种也受其害,冬春危害小麦。白翅叶蝉在我县,每年发生四代,第一代危害早、中稻,第二代危害早稻中迟熟种、  相似文献   

近年来,二化螟发生出现各代均偏重或大发生的新特点。为探索杀虫剂防治二化螟的新策略,采用田间小区试验在早晚稻田中分别研究5%氟虫腈加25%灭.水胺的不同施药时期和次数对二化螟幼虫的为害和防治效果及对水稻产量的影响。在试验地,二化螟第1和第2代发生在早稻田,第3和第4代发生在晚稻田。试验结果表明,在第1和第3代二化螟幼虫孵化高峰施药1次、隔10d再施药1次对早稻田和晚稻田的幼虫防效显著,分别达到了92.4%和92.6%。在早、晚稻田分别发生的第1和第3代2龄幼虫高峰期施药1次、同时在次代孵化高峰期再施药1次,均可显著降低虫伤株率和白穗株率,提高保穗效果,并显著提高单位面积上的水稻产量(3.98%~4.20%)。因此,对第1至第4代二化螟幼虫均进行1次药剂防治是二化螟各代均大发生的新形势下的防治策略。  相似文献   

在实验室中以转cry1Ab基因水稻 克螟稻 1号为材料 ,研究了不同温度下Bt水稻对二化螟Chilosuppressalis (Walker) 3龄和 5龄幼虫取食、生长及其存活的影响。结果表明 ,不同温度下 3龄和 5龄幼虫取食Bt水稻后 ,其取食量、体重增长和存活率均极显著低于对照。温度对 3龄幼虫取食、生长和存活无显著影响 ,但对 5龄幼虫的取食和体重增长则有显著影响。幼虫死亡率与其取食Bt水稻的累积食量间存在着正相关关系。  相似文献   

Characterizing the dynamics of nitrogen (N) leaching from organic and conventional paddy fields is necessary to optimize fertilization and to evaluate the impact of these contrasting farming systems on water bodies. We assessed N leaching in organic versus conventional rice production systems of the Ili River Valley, a representative aquatic ecosystem of Central Asia. The N leaching and overall performance of these systems were measured during 2009, using a randomized block experiment with five treatments. PVC pipes were installed at soil depths of 50 and 180 cm to collect percolation water from flooded organic and conventional paddies, and inorganic N (NH4-N+NO3-N) was analyzed. Two high-concentration peaks of NH4-N were observed in all treatments: one during early tillering and a second during flowering. A third peak at the mid-tillering stage was observed only under conventional fertilization. NO3-N concentrations were highest at transplant and then declined until harvest. At the 50 cm soil depth, NO3-N concentration was 21–42% higher than NH4-N in percolation water from organic paddies, while NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations were similar for the conventional and control treatments. At the depth of 180 cm, NH4-N and NO3-N were the predominant inorganic N for organic and conventional paddies, respectively. Inorganic N concentrations decreased with soil depth, but this attenuation was more marked in organic than in conventional paddies. Conventional paddies leached a higher percentage of applied N (0.78%) than did organic treatments (0.32–0.60%), but the two farming systems leached a similar amount of inorganic N per unit yield (0.21–0.34 kg N Mg−1 rice grains). Conventional production showed higher N utilization efficiency compared to fertilized organic treatments. These results suggest that organic rice production in the Ili River Valley is unlikely to reduce inorganic N leaching, if high crop yields similar to conventional rice production are to be maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract The Bt transgenic rice line, i.e. KMD1 containing a synthetic cry 1 Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner was tested in the laboratory for evaluating its effects on larval food consumption, growth and survival of striped stem borer (SSB), Chilo suppressalis (Walker) under different temperatures. The food consumption and body weight growth as well as the survival of both 3rd and 5th instar larvae fed on Bt rice were significantly reduced, as compared with those on the control. The temperature showed no marked effect on both food consumption and body weight growth of larvae fed on Bt rice stems since the onset of 3rd instar, conversely had significant effects as since the initial stage of 5th instar. In contrast, the temperature did not distinctly influence the survival of both 3rd and 5th instar larvae. There was a linearly positive relationship between the corrected mortality of larvae and the accumulative amount of Bt rice tissues ingested by larvae.  相似文献   

The mermithid Agamermis unka, a parasite of the brown planthopper (BPH), was found in many rice paddies in Gyeongnam Province, Korea. Nematode parasitism of adult BPH varied from year to year, reaching as high as 50% in paddies not treated with an insecticide. Parasitism was lower in insecticide-treated paddies. Generally, mermithid parasitism was higher in BPH adults collected from the lower part (19%) compared with adults collected from the upper part (8%) of the rice plant and in brachypterous (57%) compared with macropterous forms (8%). No difference in parasitism between first (54%) and second (57%) generation was observed.  相似文献   

褐边绿刺蛾的取食行为和取食量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
观察褐边绿刺蛾Parasa consocia Walker2个世代幼虫取食杨树叶片的习性。结果表明,第1代幼虫7龄,幼虫期平均取食量167.7cm2/头,取食持续时间26d;第2代幼虫8龄,幼虫期平均取食量170.5cm2/头,取食持续时间27d。2个世代末龄幼虫取食量最大,占整个取食量的80%左右,4~5龄幼虫是防治的关键龄期。  相似文献   

The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami hit the Pacific coast of eastern Japan on March 11, 2011 and disturbed various ecosystems, including rice paddies along the coast. In Miyagi Prefecture, located in the Tohoku Region, a total of 12685 ha, or about 11.5 % of the rice paddies, were inundated and damaged by the tsunami. Although rice paddies are artificially constructed, they have long been used by many kinds of aquatic animals as habitats. To assess impacts of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami on aquatic animals inhabiting the rice paddies, census surveys were conducted at inundated and non-inundated rice paddies at six sites along the coast of Miyagi Prefecture from June to July 2012. This was 30–60 days after the first transplanting of rice seedling in inundated rice paddies following the tsunami. In the surveys a total of 100 aquatic animal taxa, 72 from inundated and 86 from non-inundated rice paddies, were found. Although the taxonomic richness and composition differed among the sites, the total number of observations of walk dispersers and obligatory aquatic animals without resting stages were significantly lower in inundated than in non-inundated rice paddies. However, no notable difference was detected in taxonomic richness and the total number of observations of flight dispersers and obligatory aquatic animals with resting stages between inundated and non-inundated rice paddies. The results showed that the tsunami had a substantial impact on freshwater animals but that restoration of the paddies for rice cultivation enhanced rapid recolonization by aquatic animals with high dispersal abilities and resting stages.  相似文献   

A field test was conducted in rice paddies adjacent to Wufeng, Taichung County in Central Taiwan to evaluate the efficacy of control agents against mosquito larvae. The agents included Bacillus thuringienesis israelensis (Bti), two Lagenidium giganteum products (Lg product A and T), and temephos. The major mosquito species found in the rice paddies were Culex tritaeniorhynchus/vishnui and Anopheles sinensis. Compared to controls, a 7-day treatment with Bti or Lg products A and T caused overall reductions in the number of immatures (larvae and pupae) of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus/vishnui of 77.5%, 49.7%, and 21.9%, respectively, whereas temephos caused an increase of 66.9%. The overall reductions in An. sinensis were 85.4%, 8.6%, 44.6%, and 92.1%, respectively. There was no significant reduction in the number of mosquito larvae following 42 days of treatment with these agents. In summary, 1-week treatments with both biological control agents produced moderate overall reductions in mosquito larvae in rice paddies. The insecticide temephos, on the other hand, was very effective at suppressing the larvae of An. sinensis but significantly increased the number of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus/vishnui larvae in temephos-treated plots.  相似文献   

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