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为探究生物电化学强化厌氧氨氧化(anaerobic ammonia oxidation,anammox)脱氮作用过程,采用双室微生物电解池(microbial electrolysis cell,MEC)富集电活性微生物,构建耦合厌氧氨氧化阴极的生物电化学系统。具体地,在外加0.2 V电压条件下改变不同总氮进水浓度于30°C进行暗培养批次实验研究,结合循环伏安法、电化学阻抗谱、高通量测序方法等多种表征手段研究了强化脱氮机理。结果表明,在初始总氮浓度分别为200、300和400 mg/L时对应获得了96.9%±0.3%、97.3%±0.4%和99.0%±0.3%的总氮去除率,且阴极电极生物膜表现出良好的电化学活性。高通量测序结果表明外加电压富集了除厌氧氨氧化菌以外的其他脱氮功能菌群:反硝化菌(Denitratisoma)、Limnobacter和氨氧化菌SM1A02和Anaerolineaceae、亚硝化菌(Nitrosomonas europaea)和硝化螺菌属(Nitrospira)等,这些具有电化学活性的微生物构成了体系的氨氧化胞外产电菌(ammonium oxidizing exoelectrogens,AOE)和反硝化电养菌(denitrifying electrotrophs,DNE),它们连同厌氧氨氧化菌Candidatus Brocadia构成了系统的脱氮微生物群落结构。AOE和DNE的种间直接电子传递作用协同厌氧氨氧化是强化系统总氮去除的关键原因。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化菌脱氮机理及其在污水处理中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王惠  刘研萍  陶莹  刘新春 《生态学报》2011,31(7):2019-2028
厌氧氨氧化细菌(anammox)可以将亚硝酸盐和氨氮转化为氮气从而缩短氨氮转化的过程,它已经成为新型生物污水脱氮技术研究的热点之一。当前,有关厌氧氨氧化菌特有的生理结构特点、种群分类及其功能酶等方面的研究取得了一定突破,为实现其工业应用奠定了良好的理论基础;同时分子生物学技术在厌氧氨氧化细菌种群分布、群落多样性及其共生关系等方面的应用也大大促进了污水生物脱氮技术的革新和进步。总结了厌氧氨氧化菌主要的生理生化特点、细胞结构特点、脱氮机理、污水处理体系中的应用以及分子生物学方法对污水处理体系中厌氧氨氧化菌种群分析的研究现状,并指出未来anammox细菌在生物特性及在污水脱氮处理实际应用的研究中的热点问题。生物特性方面的主要研究热点有:(1)anammox细菌除厌氧氨氧化作用外,其它新陈代谢途径有待探索;(2)anammox细菌在不同环境中分布的倾向性问题;(3)新型anammox细菌的确定。污水处理的实际应用方面的主要研究热点有:(1)anammox污泥的快速高效富集问题;(2)设计高特异性引物;(3)anammox细菌和其他微生物的共生关系。  相似文献   

湖泊氮素氧化及脱氮过程研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范俊楠  赵建伟  朱端卫 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4924-4931
自然界中氮的生物地球化学循环主要由微生物驱动,由固氮作用、硝化作用、反硝化作用和氨化作用来完成。过去数十年间,随着异养硝化、厌氧氨氧化和古菌氨氧化作用的发现,人们对环境中氮素循环认识逐步深入,提出了多种脱氮途径新假说。对湖泊生态系统中氮素的输入、输出及其在水体、沉积物和水土界面的迁移转化过程进行了概括,对湖泊生态系统中反硝化和厌氧氨氧化脱氮机理及脱氮效率的最新研究进展进行了探讨,并对以后的氮素循环研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

自然生态系统中的厌氧氨氧化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈李东  郑平  胡宝兰 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4447-4454
厌氧氨氧化(anaerobic ammonium oxidation,anammox)是由anammox菌在缺氧条件下以氨为电子供体、以亚硝酸为电子受体的生物反应,反应产物为氮气,该反应的发现为全球氮素循环增添了新的内容。参与anammox反应的微生物是anammox菌,anammox菌是一群分支很深的浮霉状菌,目前已发现的anammox菌有5个属8个种。催化anammox反应的是一特殊的细胞结构-厌氧氨氧化体,每种已发现的anammox菌中都存在该特殊结构。有关anammox反应的生化机理目前普遍认为,NO和联氨(N2H4)是anammox反应的重要中间体,NO可将NH4 直接氧化,形成N2H4,N2H4在联氨氧化酶的作用下最终转化为氮气。Anammox最初发现于人工脱氮系统,已发现的8种anammox菌中7种来自于人工系统。但越来越多的证据表明,anammox菌广泛分布于自然界的海洋、淡水和陆地生态系统中,在区域氮素循环中起着不同程度的作用。影响自然生态系统中anammox反应的主要环境因子包括有机质含量、NO3-浓度和盐度等,但在不同的生态系统,anammox反应的主导影响因子存在较明显差异。本文综述了anammox菌的类群和生化反应机理,总结了anammox菌在各种自然生态系统中的分布与生态多样性,并论述了anammox反应在全球氮素循环中的重要性以及影响此过程发挥的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥聚集机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
厌氧氨氧化(anaerobic ammonium oxidation,anammox)工艺被认为是当前污水生物脱氮领域最经济的处理工艺,有利于实现污水处理厂的能源自给。厌氧氨氧化菌是该工艺的核心功能微生物。以厌氧氨氧化菌为主导微生物形成的厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥具有沉速大、污泥持留能力强及对不利环境抵抗能力强等突出优势,是实现厌氧氨氧化工艺最有前景的污泥形态。本论文围绕厌氧氨氧化颗粒,介绍了厌氧氨氧化菌的特性、种类及代谢途径,综述了厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥的形成假说及与厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥聚集密切相关的胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substance,EPS)和群体感应研究现状,并对今后厌氧氨氧化颗粒的研究进行了展望,以期为后续厌氧氨氧化颗粒的研究及厌氧氨氧化颗粒工艺的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

牛晓倩  周胜虎  邓禹 《生物工程学报》2021,37(10):3505-3519
脱氮是大部分污水处理系统中不可缺少的一环。由于具有经济高效、工艺简单和无二次污染等显著优势,生物脱氮工艺在最近数十年中备受关注。根据脱氮微生物的生理特性和脱氮机制不同,文中分类综述了近年来生物脱氮工艺的研究进展,重点对比分析了硝化菌、反硝化菌和厌氧氨氧化菌以及以这些菌为基础的不同生物脱氮工艺的优缺点,为复杂污水环境的脱氮工艺选择提供参考。基于微生物脱氮机制,通过合成生物学技术开发高效脱氮菌株,结合不同工艺优点并应用自动化模拟最佳条件,从而建立经济高效的脱氮工艺将是未来发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

异养硝化复合菌强化处理含氮废水脱氮性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统污水处理脱氮工艺过程中工艺流程复杂、处理高氨氮废水效率低等问题,利用三株不同种属的高效异养硝化-好氧反硝化细菌构建异养硝化复合菌YM,探讨其异养硝化-好氧反硝化特性及其生物强化脱氮效能研究,从而为异养硝化菌强化处理高氨氮废水工程应用提供理论依据。结果表明:异养硝化复合菌YM的增殖速率、异养氨氧化、好氧反硝化能力均优于单一菌种,YM强化后的污泥系统氨氧化速率较未强化系统从7.04 mg/L/h提高到12.2 mg/L/h,并且生物强化作用可有效提高污泥系统的抗冲击负荷能力,一定程度上提高了系统的处理能力。研究表明异养硝化菌强化污水脱氮处理具有显著的应用潜能,尤其对于目前尚缺少经济高效处理技术的高污染物浓度废水处理而言,无疑是一条具有高潜在应用价值的新途径。  相似文献   

苏雷  向韬  李倩倩  马哲 《微生物学报》2023,63(4):1379-1391
厌氧氨氧化菌(anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, AnAOB)的代谢多样性,使得该菌群能够在海洋、湿地和陆地等不同的自然生态系统中广泛分布,甚至在一些极热和极寒环境中也检测到了该菌群的存在。本文回顾并总结了厌氧氨氧化菌在不同生态系统中的发现、分布及脱氮贡献等方面的研究,分析了厌氧氨氧化菌分布的主要环境影响因素。该综述将帮助我们更好地理解全球氮循环中厌氧氨氧化菌的实际角色和功能,并基于厌氧氨氧化(anaerobicammoniaoxidation,anammox)过程,探究能与其进行协作的新型生物脱氮工艺,以期为这些工艺的研发和推广提供生态学基础和新的思考,从而实现脱氮工艺的技术变革。  相似文献   

废水脱氮,主要是将污水中过量的营养物质转化为N2和N2O等排放到大气中。从市政和工业污水中脱氮最普遍,有效的方法是生物法,包括传统自养硝化-缺氧反硝化,异养硝化-好氧反硝化,短程硝化和厌氧氨氧化相结合等。目前,氮污染是个很严重的问题。从脱氮方式来说,有传统自养硝化-缺氧反硝化脱氮,异养硝化-好氧反硝化脱氮、厌氧氨氧化脱氮等。本文综述了这几种脱氮方式的生物强化技术的研究进展与实际应用,并对其发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化工艺的应用现状和问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
厌氧氨氧化(Anaerobic ammonium oxidation,ANAMMOX)工艺因其高效低耗的优势,在废水生物脱氮领域具有广阔的应用前景。在过去的20年中,许多基于ANAMMOX反应的工艺得以不断研究和应用。预计到2014年末,全球范围内的ANAMMOX工程将会超过100座。综述了各种形式的ANAMMOX工艺,包括短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化、全程自养脱氮、限氧自养硝化反硝化、反硝化氨氧化、好氧反氨化、同步短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化-反硝化耦合、单级厌氧氨氧化短程硝化脱氮工艺。对一体式和分体式工艺运行条件进行了比较,结合ANAMMOX工艺工程(主要包括移动床生物膜,颗粒污泥和序批式反应器系统)应用现状,总结了工程化应用过程中遇到的问题及其解决对策,在此基础上对今后的研究和应用方向进行了展望。今后的研究重点应集中于运行条件的优化和水质障碍因子的解决,尤其是工艺自动化控制系统的开发和特殊废水对工艺性能影响的研究。  相似文献   

Due to serious eutrophication in water bodies, nitrogen removal has become a critical stage for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) over past decades. Conventional biological nitrogen removal processes are based on nitrification and denitrification (N/DN), and are suffering from several major drawbacks, including substantial aeration consumption, high fugitive greenhouse gas emissions, a requirement for external carbon sources, excessive sludge production and low energy recovery efficiency, and thus unable to satisfy the escalating public needs. Recently, the discovery of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria has promoted an update of conventional N/DN-based processes to autotrophic nitrogen removal. However, the application of anammox to treat domestic wastewater has been hindered mainly by unsatisfactory effluent quality with nitrogen removal efficiency below 80%. The discovery of nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation (n-DAMO) during the last decade has provided new opportunities to remove this barrier and to achieve a robust system with high-level nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater, by utilizing methane as an alternative carbon source. In the present review, opportunities and challenges for nitrate/nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation are discussed. Particularly, the prospective technologies driven by the cooperation of anammox and n-DAMO microorganisms are put forward based on previous experimental and modeling studies. Finally, a novel WWTP system acting as an energy exporter is delineated.  相似文献   

Many countries strive to reduce the emissions of nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrate, NOx) to the surface waters and the atmosphere. Since mainstream domestic wastewater treatment systems are usually already overloaded with ammonia, a dedicated nitrogen removal from concentrated secondary or industrial wastewaters is often more cost-effective than the disposal of such wastes to domestic wastewater treatment. The cost-effectiveness of separate treatment has increased dramatically in the past few years, since several processes for the biological removal of ammonia from concentrated waste streams have become available. Here, we review those processes that make use of new concepts in microbiology: partial nitrification, nitrifier denitrification and anaerobic ammonia oxidation (the anammox process). These processes target the removal of ammonia from gases, and ammonium-bicarbonate from concentrated wastewaters (i.e. sludge liquor and landfill leachate). The review addresses the microbiology, its consequences for their application, the current status regarding application, and the future developments.  相似文献   

接种A^2/O回流污泥启动Anammox-UASB反应器,研究了上升流速对系统脱氮性能影响,利用高通量测序对反应器中微生物群落结构变化进行了研究。结果表明,历时35 d成功启动Anammox反应器。上升流速升高可以明显促进脱氮效果,在最佳上升流速为1.14 m/h时TN去除率达84.74%,去除速率高达0.766 gTN/(L·d)。高通量分析表明,Anammox污泥群落Alpha多样性较接种污泥明显减少,Anammox污泥中的Anammox菌主要为Candidatus Jettenia和Candidatus Brocadia两个属,同时检测到大量的其他脱氮微生物菌属,系统中这些脱氮微生物的大量增值使系统脱氮能力逐步提高。  相似文献   

The biodegradation-electron transfer with sulfur metabolism integrated (BESI®) process was used for the treatment of real flue gas desulfurization wastewater. The BESI® process consists of an anaerobic activated sludge reactor, an anoxic activated sludge reactor, and an aerobic bio-film reactor. The performance of the integrated process was evaluated by the removal efficiencies of organics and nitrogen pollutants. The sulfate in the wastewater was used as an abundant sulfur source to drive the integrated process. The removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, ammonia nitrogen, and total nitrogen of the integrated process were 87.99, 87.04, 30.77, and 45.17%, respectively. High-throughput 454-pyrosequencing was applied for the analysis of microbial communities in the integrated process. From the anaerobic activated sludge (Sample 1), anoxic activated sludge (Sample 2), and aerobic bio-film (Sample 3), totals of 1701, 1181, and 857 operational taxonomic units were obtained, respectively. The sulfur cycle was associated with the removal of organics and nitrogen pollutants. The sulfate-reducing bacteria participated in the organics removal in the anaerobic reactor, and the sulfide oxidation was related with the denitrification in the anoxic reactor. A complete nitrogen degradation chain was built in the integrated process. Through the degradation chain, the nitrogenous organic pollutants, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate could be removed. The participant functional bacteria were also detected by pyrosequencing.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal with the anaerobic ammonium oxidation process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (anammox) bacteria convert ammonium to N2 with nitrite as the terminal electron acceptor in the absence of O2. Nitritation–anammox bioreactors provide a cost-effective and environment-friendly alternative to conventional nitrification/denitrification nitrogen removal systems. Currently, this process is only applied for ammonium removal from wastewater with high ammonium load and temperature. Nevertheless, recent results obtained with laboratory-scale bioreactors suggest new possible routes of application of the Nitritation–anammox technology including (1) municipal wastewater treatment, removal of (2) methane in combination with nitrite-reducing methane-oxidizing bacteria, (3) nitrate coupled to organic acid oxidation and (4) nitrogen oxides. The current review summarizes the state-of-the-art of the application of Nitritation–anammox systems and discusses the possibilities of utilizing these recent results for wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Adaptation of a freshwater anammox population to high salinity wastewater   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
For the successful application of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in wastewater practice it is important to know how to seed new anammox reactors with biomass from existing reactors. In this study, a new high salinity anammox reactor was inoculated with biomass from a freshwater system. The changes in activity and population shifts were monitored. It was shown that freshwater anammox bacteria could adapt to salt concentrations as high as 30 gl(-1) provided the salt concentration was gradually increased. Higher salt concentrations reversibly inhibited anammox bacteria. The nitrogen removal efficiency and maximum anammox activity of the salt adapted sludge was very similar to the reference freshwater sludge. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis revealed that the freshwater anammox species Candidatus "Kuenenia stuttgartiensis" was the dominant in both salt adapted sludge and freshwater sludge. These results show that gradual adaptation may be the key to successful seeding of anammox bioreactors.  相似文献   

This work studied the formation of molecular nitrogen by the microbial population of immobilized activated sludge of the domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) that employ the technology developed by ZAO ECOS Company. The technology includes physicochemical water pretreatment and treated water recycling. A hard flexible fibrous brush carrier is used for the immobilization of microorganisms. The presence of both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and functioning of the methanogenic microbial community was shown in the biofilms developing on the carrier fibers and in suspended sludge. The high efficiency of nitrogen removal at a low C/N ratio was established to be due to the conjugated nitrification, denitrification, and anammox processes, whose functioning was demonstrated by laboratory cultivation methods and by studying the processes in batch and continuous reactors. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes (FISH) revealed bacteria belonging to the order Planctomycetales, particularly their anammox group. This work is the first evidence of the important role of the anammox process in the combined system of physicochemical and biological treatment of weak wastewater (BCDEAMOX).  相似文献   

In wastewater treatment plants with anaerobic sludge digestion, 15-20% of the nitrogen load is recirculated to the main stream with the return liquors from dewatering. Separate treatment of this ammonium-rich digester supernatant would significantly reduce the nitrogen load of the activated sludge system. Some years ago, a novel biological process was discovered in which ammonium is converted to nitrogen gas under anoxic conditions with nitrite as the electron acceptor (anaerobic ammonium oxidation, anammox). Compared to conventional nitrification and denitrification, the aeration and carbon-source demand is reduced by over 50 and 100%, respectively. The combination of partial nitritation to produce nitrite in a first step and subsequent anaerobic ammonium oxidation in a second reactor was successfully tested on a pilot scale (3.6 m(3)) for over half a year. This report focuses on the feasibility of nitrogen removal from digester effluents from two different wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with the combined partial nitritation/anammox process. Nitritation was performed in a continuously stirred tank reactor (V=2.0 m(3)) without sludge retention. Some 58% of the ammonium in the supernatant was converted to nitrite. At 30 degrees C the maximum dilution rate D(x) was 0.85 d(-1), resulting in nitrite production of 0.35 kg NO(2)-N m(-3)(reactor) d(-1). The nitrate production was marginal. The anaerobic ammonium oxidation was carried out in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR, V=1.6 m(3)) with a nitrogen elimination rate of 2.4 kg N m(-3)(reactor) d(-1) during the nitrite-containing periods of the SBR cycle. Over 90% of the inlet nitrogen load to the anammox reactor was removed and the sludge production was negligible. The nitritation efficiency of the first reactor limited the overall maximum rate of nitrogen elimination.  相似文献   

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