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保持两个等价关系的变换半群的Green关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Let Tx be the full transformation semigroup on a set X. For a non-trivial equivalence F on X, let
TF(X) = {f ∈ Tx : arbieary (x, y) ∈ F, (f(x),f(y)) ∈ F}.
Then TF(X) is a subsemigroup of Tx. Let E be another equivalence on X and TFE(X) = TF(X) ∩ TE(X). In this paper, under the assumption that the two equivalences F and E are comparable and E lohtain in F, we describe the regular elements and characterize Green's relations for the semigroup TFE(X).  相似文献   

In this paper we study the closed subsemigroups of a Clifford semigroup. shown that{∪- αεY' Gα, [ Y' ε P(Y)} is the set of all closed subsemigroups of It is a Clifford semigroup S = {Y; Gα; Фα,β}, where Y'- denotes the suhsemilattice of Y generated by Y'. In particular, G is the only dosed subsemigroup of itself for a group G and each one of subsemilattiees of a semilattiee is closed. Also, it is shown that the semiring P(S) is isomorphic to the semiring P(Y) for a Clifford semigroup S = [Y; Gα; Фα,β].  相似文献   

Lagrange's variation-of-constants method for solving linear inhomogeneous ordinary differential equations (ode's) is replaced by a method based on the Loewy decomposition of the corresponding homogeneous equation. It uses only properties of the equations and not of its solutions. As a consequence it has the advantage that it may be generalized for partial differential equations (pde's). It is applied to equations of second order in two independent variables, and to a certain system of third-order pde's. Therewith all possible linear inhomogeneous pde's are covered that may occur when third-order linear homogeneous pde's in two independent variables are solved.  相似文献   

We show that the subordination induced by a convolution semigroup(subordination in the sense of Bochner)of a C0-semigroup of sub-Markovian operators on an Lpspace is actually associated to the subordination of a right(Markov)process.As a consequence,we solve the martingale problem associate with the Lp-infinitesimal generator of the subordinate semigroup.We also prove quasi continuity properties for the elements of the domain of the Lp-generator of the subordinate semigroup.It turns out that an enlargement of the base space is necessary.A main step in the proof is the preservation under such a subordination of the property of a Markov process to be a Borel right process.We use several analytic and probabilistic potential theoretical tools.  相似文献   

In this paper, for an arbitrary regular biordered set E, by using biorder-isomorphisms between the w-ideals of E, we construct a fundamental regular semigroup WE called NH-semigroup of E, whose idempotent biordered set is isomorphic to E. We prove further that WE can be used to give a new representation of general regular semigroups in the sense that, for any regular semigroup S with the idempotent biordered set isomorphic to E, there exists a homomorphism from S to WE whose kernel is the greatest idempotent-separating congruence on S and the image is a full symmetric subsemigroup of WE. Moreover, when E is a biordered set of a semilattice Eo, WE is isomorphic to the Munn-semigroup TEo; and when E is the biordered set of a band B, WE is isomorphic to the Hall-semigroup WB.  相似文献   

The concepts of L*-inverse semigroups and left wreath products of semigroups are introduced. It is shown that the L*-inverse semigroup can be described as the left wreath product of a type A semigroupΓand a left regular band B together with a mapping which maps the semigroupΓinto the endomorphism semigroup End(B). This result generalizes the structure theorem of Yamada for the left inverse semigroups in the class of regular semigroups. We shall also provide a constructed example for the L*-inverse semigroups by using the left wreath products.  相似文献   

Let Gn(C) be the sandwich semigroup of generalized circulant Boolean matrices with the sandwich matrix C and Gc(Jr~) the set of all primitive matrices in Gn(C). In this paper, some necessary and sufficient conditions for A in the semigroup Gn(C) to be primitive are given. We also show that Gc(Jn) is a subsemigroup of Gn(C).  相似文献   

Let X be a (real or complex) Banach space with dimension greater than 2 and let B0(X) be the subspace of B(X) spanned by all nilpotent operators on X. We get a complete classification of surjective additive maps Ф on B0(X) which preserve nilpotent operators in both directions. In particular, if X is infinite-dimensional, we prove that Ф has the form either Ф(T) = cATA^-1 or Ф(T) = cAT'A^-1, where A is an invertible bounded linear or conjugate linear operator, c is a scalar, T' denotes the adjoint of T. As an application of these results, we show that every additive surjective map on B(X) preserving spectral radius has a similar form to the above with |c| = 1.  相似文献   

It is shown that an n × n matrix of continuous linear maps from a pro-C^*-algebra A to L(H), which verifies the condition of complete positivity, is of the form [V^*TijФ(·)V]^n i,where Ф is a representation of A on a Hilbert space K, V is a bounded linear operator from H to K, and j=1,[Tij]^n i,j=1 is a positive element in the C^*-algebra of all n×n matrices over the commutant of Ф(A) in L(K). This generalizes a result of C. Y.Suen in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 112(3), 1991, 709-712. Also, a covariant version of this construction is given.  相似文献   

We present here that F(E,F), the space of all r-compact operators from E into F, is a generalised sublattice of L^r(E, F) for arbitary Banach lattices E and F, and that the characterization of the regular norm on F(E, F) is order continuous. Some conditions for F(E, F) to be a KB-space or a band in .L(E, F) are also provided.  相似文献   

Let ${\cal T}_X$ be the full transformation semigroup on the set $X$, \[ T_{E}(X)=\{f\in {\cal T}_X\colon \ \forall(a,b)\in E,(f(a),f(b))\in E\} \] be the subsemigroup of ${\cal T}_X$ determined by an equivalence $E$ on $X$. In this paper the set $X$ under consideration is a totally ordered set with $mn$ points where $m\geq 2$ and $n\geq 3$. The equivalence $E$ has $m$ classes each of which contains $n$ consecutive points. The set of all order preserving transformations in $T_{E}(X)$ forms a subsemigroup of $T_E(X)$ denoted by \[ {\cal O}_{E}(X)=\{f\in T_{E}(X)\colon \ \forall\, x, y\in X, \ x\leq y \mbox{ implies } f(x)\leq f(y)\}. \] The nature of regular elements in ${\cal O}_{E}(X)$ is described and the Green's equivalences on ${\cal O}_{E}(X)$ are characterized completely.  相似文献   

In this paper,\ we study fractional nonlinear Schrodinger equation (FNLS) with periodic boundary condition $$ \textbf{i}u_{t}=-(-\Delta)^{s_{0}} u-V*u-\epsilon f(x)|u|^4u,\ ~~x\in \mathbb{T}, ~~t\in \mathbb{R}, ~~s_{0}\in (\frac12,1),~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(0.1) $$ where $(-\Delta)^{s_{0}}$ is the Riesz fractional differentiation defined in [21] and $V*$ is the Fourier multiplier defined by $\widehat{V*u}(n)=V_n\widehat{u}(n),\ V_n\in\left[-1,1\right],$ and $f(x)$ is Gevrey smooth. We prove that for $0\leq|\epsilon|\ll1$ and appropriate $V$,\ the equation (0.1) admits a full dimensional KAM torus in the Gevrey space satisfying $ \frac12e^{-rn^{\theta}}\leq \left|q_n\right|\leq 2e^{-rn^{\theta}}, \theta\in (0,1),$ which generalizes the results given by [8-10] to fractional nonlinear Schrodinger equation.  相似文献   

文章对$3\times 3$阶三角矩阵环$$\Gamma = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}T & 0 & 0 \\M & U & 0\\{N \otimes _U M} & N & V \\\end{array}\right)$$上的模作了研究,其中T,U,V均是环, M,N分别是U-T, V-U双模.通过用一个五元组$(A,B,C;f,g)$来描述一个左$\Gamma$-模 (其中$A \in \mod T, B\in {\rm mod} U, C \in {\rm mod} V$, $f:M \otimes _T A \to B \in {\rm mod} U, g:N \otimes _U B \to C \in {\rm mod} V$), 文章分别刻画了$\Gamma$上的一致模、空的模、有限嵌入模,并且确定了${ }_\Gamma (A \oplus B \oplus C)$的根和基座.  相似文献   

设T_X为X上的全变换半群,E为X上的等价关系,令T_E(X)={f∈T_X:■(x,y)∈E,(f(x),f(y))∈E},则T_E(X)是T_X的子半群,如果X是一个全序集,E是X上的一个凸等价关系,设OP_E(X)为T_E(X)中所有保向映射作成的半群。对于有限全序集X上一类特殊的凸等价关系E,本文刻画了半群OP_E(X)的正则元的特征,并且描述了这个半群上的Green关系。  相似文献   

图G的顶点集V(G)的一个二部划分V_1和V_2叫做平衡二部划分,如果||V_1|-|V_2||≤1成立.Bollobas和Scott猜想:每一个有m条边且最小度不小于2的图,都存在一个平衡二部划分V_1,V_2,使得max{e(V_1),e(V_2)}≤m/3,此处e(V_i)表示两顶点都在V_i(i=1,2)中的边的条数.他们证明了这个猜想对正则图(即△(G)=δ(G))成立.颜娟和许宝刚证明了每个(k,k-1)-双正则图(即△(G)-δ(G)≤1)存在一个平衡二部划分V_1,V_2,使得每一顶点集的导出子图包含大约m/4条边.这里把该结论推广到最大度和最小度相差不超过2的图G.  相似文献   

对于一个有穷非零复数$q$, 若下列$q$差分方程存在一个非常数亚纯解$f$, $$f(qz)f(\frac{z}{q})=R(z,f(z))=\frac{P(z,f(z))}{Q(z,f(z))}=\frac{\sum_{j=0}^{\tilde{p}}a_j(z)f^{j}(z)}{\sum_{k=0}^{\tilde{q}}b_k(z)f^{k}(z)},\eqno(\dag)$$ 其中 $\tilde{p}$和$\tilde{q}$是非负整数, $a_j$ ($0\leq j\leq \tilde{p}$)和$b_k$ ($0\leq k\leq \tilde{q}$)是关于$z$的多项式满足$a_{\tilde{p}}\not\equiv 0$和$b_{\tilde{q}}\not\equiv 0$使得$P(z,f(z))$和$Q(z,f(z))$是关于$f(z)$互素的多项式, 且$m=\tilde{p}-\tilde{q}\geq 3$. 则在$|q|=1$时得到方程$(\dag)$不存在亚纯解, 在$m\geq 3$和$|q|\neq 1$时得到方程$(\dag)$解$f$的下级的下界估计.  相似文献   

Let $D_n $ (${\cal O}_n$) be the semigroup of all finite order-decreasing (order-preserving) full transformations of an $n$-element chain, and let $D(n,r) = \{\alpha\in D_n: |\mbox{Im}\alpha| \leq r\}$ (${\cal C}(n,r) = D(n,r)\cap {\cal O}_n)$ be the two-sided ideal of $D_n $ ($D_n \cap {\cal O}_n$). Then it is shown that for $r \geq 2$, the Rees quotient semigroup $DP_r(n)= D(n,r) / D(n,r-1)$ (${\cal C}P_r(n)= {\cal C}(n,r)/{\cal C} (n,r-1)$) is an ${\cal R}$-trivial (${\cal J}$-trivial) idempotent-generated 0*-bisimple primitive abundant semigroup. The order of ${\cal C}P_r(n)$ is shown to be $1+ \left(\begin{array}{c} n-1 \\ r-1 \end{array} \right) \left(\begin{array}{c} n \\ r \end{array} \right)/(n-r+1)$. Finally, the rank and idempotent ranks of ${\cal C}P_r(n)\,(r<n)$ are both shown to be equal to $\left(\begin{array}{c} n-1 \\ r-1 \end{array} \right)$.  相似文献   

考虑回归模型:Y~((j))(x_(in),t_(in))=t_(in)β+g(x_(in))+σ_(in)e~((j))(x_(in)),1≤j≤m,1≤i≤n,其中σ_(in)~2=f(u_(in)),(x_(in),t_(in),u_(in))为固定非随机设计点列,β是未知待估参数,g(·)和f(·)是未知函数,误差{e~((j))(x_(in))}是均值为零的NA变量.给出基于g(·)和f(·)一类非参数估计的β的最小二乘估计和加权最小二乘估计,并在适当条件下得到了它们的强相合性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have studied the separation for the biharmonic Laplace-Beltrami differential operator\begin{equation*}Au(x)=-\Delta \Delta u(x)+V(x)u(x),\end{equation*}for all $x\in R^{n}$, in the Hilbert space $H=L_{2}(R^{n},H_{1})$ with the operator potential $V(x)\in C^{1}(R^{n},L(H_{1}))$, where $L(H_{1})$ is the space of all bounded linear operators on the Hilbert space $H_{1}$, while $\Delta \Delta u$\ is the biharmonic differential operator and\begin{equation*}\Delta u{=-}\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det g}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial x_{i}}}\left[ \sqrt{\det g}g^{-1}(x)\frac{\partial u}{{\partial x}_{j}}\right]\end{equation*}is the Laplace-Beltrami differential operator in $R^{n}$. Here $g(x)=(g_{ij}(x))$ is the Riemannian matrix, while $g^{-1}(x)$ is the inverse of the matrix $g(x)$. Moreover, we have studied the existence and uniqueness Theorem for the solution of the non-homogeneous biharmonic Laplace-Beltrami differential equation $Au=-\Delta \Delta u+V(x)u(x)=f(x)$ in the Hilbert space $H$ where $f(x)\in H$ as an application of the separation approach.  相似文献   

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