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自动化立体仓库是现代物流系统的重要组成部分。文章在对自动化立体仓库的出入库作业方式进行分析的基础上,提出了一种求解自动化立体仓库货位分配与优化的混合禁忌搜索算法HTS(Hybrid Tabu Search)。HTS通过启发式算法生成货位分配的初始解,然后由禁忌搜索算法对货位分配进行优化,从而提高立体仓库的运作效率。在实施应用的过程中,对HTS算法的有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

基于遗传退火算法的AS/RS货位分配问题求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为自动化立体仓库出入库作业的起点,货位分配对立体仓库的性能和效率都有着重要的影响,文章在分析立体仓库作业特点的基础上,运用遗传退火算法求解优化模型,并基于MATLAB对优化算法进行了实验仿真验证,结果显示,遗传退火算法对解决货位优化分配问题是有效可行的.  相似文献   

基于调度策略的自动化仓库系统优化问题研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
为提高自动化立体仓库出入库操作的效率,提出了库区分配策略、任务分配策略和货位分配策略3种调度策略。分析了某企业自动化立体仓库货架布局。在一般库区分配策略的基础上,提出了基于映射的货品一货位耦合库区分配策略。该策略采用货品按出库频率高低排列形成不同优先级的货品链,货位按照距离出入库台的远近划分为优先级不同的货位链,优先级高的货品链和优先级高的货位链相匹配耦合,形成相应的货位分区。研究了基于库区分配策略和货位分配策略的优化问题,建立了相应的数学模型,并应用基于Pareto最优解的遗传算法对问题进行了求解。实践证明,该策略可以较好地分配自动化立体仓库的库区货位。  相似文献   

近年来,随着自动化立体仓库技术不断的发展和成熟,许多领域开始大量使用自动化立体仓库,不仅提高了企业生产效率和物流效率,同时降低了企业的成本,给企业带了巨大的经济效益。堆垛机是自动化立体仓库的重要组成部分之一,因此提升堆垛机运行效率,将很大程度上提高整个自动化系统的水平。从上位机给双伸位堆垛机分配货位地址的角度,通过货位分配的完美程度和堆垛机运行最快两个因素来分析货物地址的分配情况,最终给货物分配一个合适的货位地址。  相似文献   

为提高单载具自动化立体仓库动态工况下的进出库效率,针对自动化立体仓库作业集成优化问题建立了仿真优化模型。模型根据货物重质、出入库频率划分货架区域,以指令内最小化单载具堆垛机运行时间为研究目标,设计了一种两阶段狼群算法对其进行优化。该算法使用狼群算法对货位分配和作业调度进行集成优化,求解过程体现出两优化问题之间的关联和反馈。实验结果表明,在不同的订单规模下,相比其他优化方式,两阶段狼群算法能得到满意解,并有效缩短自动化立体仓库的作业时间。  相似文献   

基于模拟退火遗传算法的自动化立体仓库路径优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高自动化立体仓库出入库操作的效率,提出了将遗传算法和模拟退火算法相结合的路径优化策略,遗传算法的每个染色体都代表一组货单组合,遗传操作包括选择、交叉、变异3种类型。为获得适应度函数,建立了货位分配优化的目标函数,并在适应度函数中融入模拟退火算法,以提高遗传算法的收敛速度。仿真和工程应用结果均表明,该方法能大大缩短堆垛机的运行时间,提高自动化立体仓库的使用效率。  相似文献   

入库货位分配系统是影响自动化立体仓库运行效率的关键因素之一。针对制造业立体仓库的特点,提出了基于模糊逻辑的方法对入库货位进行分配,选取货品重量、货品周转率和货位的仓库空闲状态作为模糊逻辑的输入变量,通过模糊推理,得到货品的入库货位。在数字化车问的运行验证了该入库货位分配方法的有效性和先进性。  相似文献   

以一条轨道两台堆垛机模式的自动化立体仓库货架的货位分配问题为研究对象,引入历史专家知识库,减少堆垛机的碰撞、避让、等待,建立以堆垛机出入库的运行距离最短为目标函数的动态货位分配模型。通过比较动态货位分配方法与货位就近分配策略两种方法,动态货位分配策略减少了一轨双机自动化立体仓库中堆垛机的作业路程,计算验证得出动态货位分配是有效的。  相似文献   

针对自升式穿梭立体仓库中穿梭车无需提升机即可实现跨层移动的运行特点,以该立体仓库模型为研究对象,进行货位优化。分别建立以提高出入库效率、货物分类存放、提高货架稳定性和平衡各巷道穿梭车工作量为优化目标的数学模型,并通过权重系数法将多目标优化函数转化为单目标优化函数。在标准细菌觅食算法的基础上,通过自适应策略对趋化步长和迁徙概率进行动态调整,提出了一种自适应细菌觅食算法,并利用该算法对货位优化数学模型进行仿真求解。仿真结果表明改进后算法的收敛速度提升,自适应改进策略有效,优化后目标函数值降低,货位优化效果显著。研究成果为立体仓库货位分配提供了一个综合、高效的优化方案,同时经立体仓库实际应用也验证了自适应细菌觅食算法的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

自动化立体仓库三级结构货位管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于现代物流技术的应用和发展要求,结合计算机技术、通信技术以及信息技术,着重研究自动化立体仓库货位管理的具体方案,并介绍了在网络环境下将自动化立体仓库管理机的货位管理与监控机的动态模拟联接起来的工作原理及方法。  相似文献   

烟丝原料立体仓库堆垛机出入库作业优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高烟丝原料立体仓库堆垛机的作业效率,解决多台堆垛机作业不均衡问题,提出了以各堆垛机作业时间总和最小与作业时间均衡为目标的出入库作业优化模型.在该模型中,用出入库优化作业的规则替代原有作业规则.为了寻求最佳的出入库货位序列,该模型通过构建货位坐标系,采用堆垛机在全速和减速运行状态下联合作业和单作业两种模式的作业时间计算方法,提高了出入库的作业效率.在相同参数下,对一个具体烟丝立体仓库实例进行了作业优化前后的比较.结果表明,通过采用优化作业方法,作业效率每小时可以提高82个烟包,各堆垛机的作业不均衡性大为减小.  相似文献   

自动化立体仓库控制系统设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍的自动化立体仓库控制系统采用由一台工业控制计算机和3台PLC怕集散型控制网络,实现了集监控、调度、诊断、货位分配、堆垛机运行参数给定等功能于一体的自动化立体仓库控制系统和堆垛机制系统以及立体仓库数据库管理系统。工业现场运行证明了这种设计、控制思路的先进性。  相似文献   

为提高出库效率,优化自动化仓库的货物布局,提出了基于分层序列法思想的自动化仓库倒库优化算法。根据“货物距离出口最近”和“空筐距离出口最远”原则生成仓库货物的最佳布局位置,以单目标序列优化法对倒库作业进行优化。该算法已应用于某机场大型自动化周转仓库监控管理系统,提高了出入库效率。  相似文献   

Dynamic scheduling of the storage/retrieval (S/R) requests and increasing the utilization of the storage spaces, are the two common approaches to improve the efficiency of the automated storage/retrieval systems (AS/RS) in industry practice. However, the actual improvement of the AS/RS has to be justified from the perspective of computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) because the ultimate objective of the AS/RS is to assist the CIMS in enhancing its material handling efficiency as well as synchronizing the production. Targeting on this crucial requirement, a dynamic availability-oriented controller (DAOC) is developed in this paper to minimize the mean request fulfilment time of the AS/RS. Firstly, while considering the three types of critical dynamic constraints from the CIMS’ shop floor: the availabilities for both machines and the AS/RS, the process plan of the product, and the production schedule, DAOC is capable of determining the optimal execution sequence of the S/R requests issued from the CIMS and activating dynamic storage space consolidation commands of the AS/RS. Secondly, simulation experiments are conducted and the results show that DAOC successfully improves the S/R request control scheme of the traditional class-based assignment method and significantly outperforms four comparable approaches under various CIMS configurations.  相似文献   

Optimal random storage allocation for an AS/RS in an FMS   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) comprises, automated machine tools, automated material handling, and an automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) as essential components. Optimal performance of each element of this system would improve the productivity and efficiency of the total FMS. In this context, this paper attempts to link the operation of the AS/RS with the production schedule and suggests two different classes of algorithms, namely, heuristics and genetic algorithms to improve the performance of the AS/RS operation by allocating the materials with minimum movement of the shuttle.  相似文献   

自动化仓库模块化单元式货架的优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种模块化单元式货架自动化仓库。根据仓储空间损失最小的原则,建立了货架的数学模型,对结构进行了优化,并与普通单元式货架进行了比较分析。用此仓库频繁存储不同种类、不同大小的货物,能更有效提高空间利用率和存储灵活性。  相似文献   

Flexible and timely warehousing activities provide a strong foundation for logistic systems. However, increasing B2C e-commerce with a variety of small internet orders may have a tremendous impact on warehousing. Automated storage/retrieval systems (AS/RSs) are a valid alternative for warehousing. Typical AS/RSs design and control problems in a static environment and cannot effectively manage parcel, small, and irregular items. This study proposes a new AS/RS that is more efficient and flexible for handling B2C e-commerce logistics. An auto-access multilevel conveying device (IMCD) with three-dimensional movement is integrated into the AS/RS. The ant colony system algorithm locates near-optimal routes for the IMCD. Typical travel distance/time measures evaluate the performance of an S/R device running on a warehouse floor. However, the performance index in this study looks at the IMCD’s travel time with three-dimensional movement in completing a batch order. To validate the new AS/RS, two simulation experiments were conducted to examine the effects of three-dimensional velocity and rack shape. Finally, this study compares a typical S/R system with the new AS/RS and makes recommendations for practical applications and further research.  相似文献   

The current mathematical models for the storage assignment problem are generally established based on the traveling salesman problem(TSP), which has been widely applied in the conventional automated storage and retrieval system(AS/RS). However, the previous mathematical models in conventional AS/RS do not match multi-tier shuttle warehousing systems(MSWS) because the characteristics of parallel retrieval in multiple tiers and progressive vertical movement destroy the foundation of TSP. In this study, a two-stage open queuing network model in which shuttles and a lift are regarded as servers at different stages is proposed to analyze system performance in the terms of shuttle waiting period (SWP) and lift idle period (LIP) during transaction cycle time. A mean arrival time difference matrix for pairwise stock keeping units(SKUs) is presented to determine the mean waiting time and queue length to optimize the storage assignment problem on the basis of SKU correlation. The decomposition method is applied to analyze the interactions among outbound task time, SWP, and LIP. The ant colony clustering algorithm is designed to determine storage partitions using clustering items. In addition, goods are assigned for storage according to the rearranging permutation and the combination of storage partitions in a 2D plane. This combination is derived based on the analysis results of the queuing network model and on three basic principles. The storage assignment method and its entire optimization algorithm method as applied in a MSWS are verified through a practical engineering project conducted in the tobacco industry. The applying results show that the total SWP and LIP can be reduced effectively to improve the utilization rates of all devices and to increase the throughput of the distribution center.  相似文献   

姜晓强  叶俊  郭伟强 《机电工程》2011,28(7):846-849
为了实现对基于柔性制造系统(FMS)的自动化立体仓库(AS/RS)的监控与管理,以浙江机电职业技术学院示范院校建设FMS项目为背景,根据具体实验教学的要求,进行了自动化立体仓库集成监控系统设计,实现了一套功能完备、规范化、工程化的集成监控软件。研究结果表明,该系统的运行效果令人满意。  相似文献   

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