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<正> 随着我国工业技术的发展,精密金刚石刀具的需要量增加,而我国目前许多加工金刚石刀具的研磨机仍采用磨制手饰戒指用的磨钻机,其精度低、振动大,致使精密金刚石刀具的磨制遇到困难和不便。我所为进行光栅刻划需用精密金刚石刻刀,因而于1975年研制成光栅磨刀机,取得了一些经验,现将其技术关键介绍如下。一、光栅刻划和光栅刀光栅是一种精密分光元件,用光栅刻划刀在镀铝膜上刻出间距不同的刻槽即成光栅。若刻制每毫米1200条线的光栅,其间距a 为0.8μ,如图1所示。铝膜镀在玻璃坯上。为获得集光效率很高的光栅,要求刻刀光洁度达▽_(14),刀  相似文献   

倪坤  孙鹏  冯艳秋 《工具技术》2010,44(12):42-45
刃口半径是金刚石刻划刀的重要参数之一,影响光栅的衍射效率、刻划刀的刻划深度及刻划力。本文利用计算公式分析刃口半径对衍射效率、刻划深度的影响;另外,利用有限元软件模拟光栅的刻划过程,得出不同刃口半径对刻划力的影响曲线,为正确选择刃口半径提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

机械刻划长焦距凹面金属光栅的研制   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
对大曲率半径(即长焦距)金属基底凹面光栅的机械刻划技术做了研究。为了刻制长焦距凹面光栅,设计和研制了弹性顶针式光栅刻划刀刀架,它具有适用于刻划平面光栅和长焦距凹面光栅的双重功能。给出了描述光栅刻划刀圆弧形刀刃曲率半径与凹面光栅曲率半径、光栅口径、金刚石刀头横向尺寸之间关系的数学表达式,理论分析了光栅刻划刀圆弧形刀刃曲率半径的取值范围,研制了10.6 μm激光系统用曲率半径为30 m的凹面金属光栅。检验结果表明,光栅的槽形质量较好,光栅的衍射效率可达96.8%以上。  相似文献   

衍射光栅机械刻划属于超精密刻划,其刻划过程是利用金刚石刻刀对铝膜材料进行的多线顺序刻划。由于光栅槽面精度要求较高,而光栅槽面精度与其表面应力分布有很大关系,为此我们以衍射光栅为研究背景,通过CATIA对金刚石尖劈刀进行三维建模并利用缩小比例功能在DERORM-3D中建立衍射光栅机械刻划的有限元仿真模型,以更好地分析衍射光栅机械刻划过程中光栅槽面的应力分布情况,揭示衍射光栅机械刻划过程中槽面的弹塑性变形规律,为提高槽形质量提高依据。  相似文献   

在超精密加工领域,在工件原始表面进行加工(如机械刻划)是非常重要的加工方式,而对刀间距的检测精度直接制约着加工精度。根据激光衍射测量原理设计了一种激光衍射对刀装置的结构方案,并通过软硬件开发,应用到了衍射光栅的机械刻划工艺试验装置的对刀间距检测过程中,获得了对刀间距的特征衍射条纹图像。通过检测两个一级次极大衍射条纹光强峰值点的间距实现了对精密对刀间距的有效测量,验证了该装置的可行性。为后续工艺研究和工程应用研究提供了软硬件平台基础。  相似文献   

大多数现代光栅是在刚性基片上的有金属镀层的胶膜复制品,胶膜复制品由母光栅复制得来。母光栅的制作方法有两种:一种是机械刻划,即用金刚石刀具在柔软的金属薄膜上划出一些间距均匀的刻槽;另一种是用涂有光致抗蚀剂的毛坯对大功率激光器产生的干涉条纹进行曝光。本文对平面和凹面光栅制作的主要方法做了叙述。性能测试主要是衍射效率和衍射波前的完善度。成象缺陷主要表现是降低了分辨率。刻槽间距缺陷则表现为鬼线、杂散光和伴线。这些都将予以评论。  相似文献   

本文介绍影响衍射光栅集光效率的几个因素。我们做了关于钻石刀安装角、刀尖角的选取和刻划的调整等方面的工作,并相应地注意了钻石刀、镀膜和刻槽的质量,刻制出了集光效率较好的衍射光栅。  相似文献   

目前,绝大部分使用的平面衍射光栅,是在光栅刻划机刻出的光栅上复制出来的复制光栅.因此,由光栅刻划机刻出的光栅叫原刻光栅或母光栅.光栅刻划机是制造光栅的最主要设备.由于衍射光栅有精度要求高(一般在0.01微米数量级),刻划周期长(一般约五昼夜)的特点,光栅刻划机以及机器所处的条件必需与之相适应.我们已设计制造成功四台平面衍射光栅刻划机,机器所需恒温、隔振条件也已解决,现正着手设计第五台光栅刻划机,下面谈几点体会.  相似文献   

掌握机刻光栅刀具磨损机理是稳定制备大面积光栅的关键,由镀制工艺决定的具有层分结构铝膜是机刻光栅的首选膜坯。为获取光栅机械刻划过程中层分构铝膜对金刚石刻划刀具磨损影响规律,首次开展层分构铝膜力学性能测试与刀具刻划磨损规律研究,采用纳米压痕实验测得层分构铝膜硬度与弹性模量分别为0.48 GPa与65.2 GPa,满足Hall-Petch强化理论。据此,首次运用Deform 3D有限元分析软件建立层分构铝膜模型,将刻深位置设置在铝膜层分界面位置,分别对刻深在2μm与4μm的单层与4层铝膜进行刻划仿真后发现,分层膜界面对于其应力传递影响作用明显,且刻深突破第一、二层铝膜界面时,该界面对于应力传递的阻碍作用消失;不同刻深刻划单层和4层铝膜时刀具磨损形式与磨损部位大体相同,但刻划4层铝膜时刀具磨损较小,与后续机刻试验结果相符。  相似文献   

本文介绍影响衍射光栅集光效率的几个因素。我们做了关于钻石刀安装角、刀尖角的选取和刻划的调整等方面的工作,并相应地注意了钻石刀和刻槽的质量,刻制出了集光效率较好的衍射光栅。  相似文献   

金刚石刀具的制造方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金刚石的性能非常优异,随着机械加工技术要求的提高,金刚石刀具的应用越来越广泛,文中论述了制造金刚石刀具的几种主要方法。  相似文献   

金刚石刀具研磨非常困难,影响研磨质量的因素较多。  相似文献   

The parameterized mechanical model is proposed to optimize chisel-edge grating ruling tool parameters, eliminate corrugated grating lines, improve surfaces roughness of blaze plane, and reduce complex fabrication works such as step-by-step modification of tool guide angle. A mathematical model of force and torque between the diamond tool and the metallic film during the ruling process is deduced to realize optimized diamond tool geometrical parameter design. Then, grating ruling experiments are performed by tools with different guide angles of 75°, 95°, 115° and 135°, respectively. The experiments results agree well with the theoretical calculation value of force and torque. Experiments show that our proposed method is an effective way to solve the corrugated line and fluctuating problems on grating grooves, and can avoid complex and time-consuming technical operations such as step-by-step modification of tool guide angle. This illustrates the significance of our model for practical applications in the ruling of high-performance gratings.  相似文献   

石材锯切机理与金刚石工具磨损机理的研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对金刚石工具切割石材等硬脆材料时的锯切机理、锯切过程中金刚石工具的磨损机理以及锯切力的国内外研究现状及各种观点进行了综合评述。由于石材等硬脆材料锯切过程的复杂性 ,对锯切机理的认识迄今尚不统一 ,对金刚石工具磨损机理和锯切力的理论研究也亟待深入。  相似文献   

The measurement and evaluation technology of high precision diamond tools is critically important for supporting the ultra-precision machining. In practical cutting process, the edge profile quality of the diamond tool, including sharpness, micro defects, roughness and tip arc waviness, greatly affects the cutting quality. It is very difficult to measure and evaluate the diamond tool edge profile due to the high precision of tool edge profile and complexity of various measurement parameters. In this paper, an integrated method for measurement and characterization of diamond tools is proposed, which is based on an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) module. Multiple technical indexes of diamond tools are obtained and validated based on the presented research and cutting experiments, and the evaluation model for each technical index is also proposed. The integrated measurement equipment, including an AFM, precision adjustment device and aerostatic bearings, has been established based on the accuracy requirement of measurement parameters. The edge sharpness, micro defects, surface roughness and tip arc waviness have been obtained based on the evaluation model and experimental data. The experimental results show that the measurement accuracy meets the requirements of the comprehensive evaluation of the diamond tool edge profile. The research work will also contribute to the development of ultra-precision machine.  相似文献   

用表面活化技术提高金刚石与镀层的结合性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别用活化处理和未活化处理的金刚石磨粒制备了电镀金刚石工具,通过扫描电子显微镜观察金刚石与镀层的结合状况。对氧化铝陶瓷材料进行钻削加工,对比电镀金刚石钻头在耐用度期间的陶瓷材料去除体积。结果表明,经活化处理的金刚石表面沉积分散的钯质点,工具电镀过程中,在金刚石与镀层间的结合面上形成分散的连接点。应用表面活化技术制作电镀金刚石工具,可使金刚石与镀层形成牢固连接,改善镀层与金刚石的结合性能,其氧化铝陶瓷材料去除体积是未经活化处理金刚石电镀钻头的1.5倍,明显提高了电镀金刚石工具的磨削性能和使用寿命。  相似文献   

0 INTRODUCT[ONDiamond is a kind Of excellent cutting tool material for cutting non-fermus metal and nonmetallicmaterials. Because of the limited supply and high cost of natural diamond it has been mainly used forspecial aPPlications Where no other tools can Perform satisfactorily.The study of dePOsition of diamond film on cutting tools and its wide aPPlications began in 1980.Great Progress has been made at the same time. The [ypical principles used in coated-cutting tool are thehacrow…  相似文献   

It is difficult to machine polymer matrix composites reinforced by carbon fibre, and the holemaking process is the most necessary machining process for composite plate products. Conventional drills have a very short life in the drilling of this kind of composites and the quality of the hole is very poor. In this paper, the cemented or plated diamond core tools are tested to make holes in carbon fibre/epoxy composite plates. The effects of machining parameters, cooling and chip removal on the tool life, and the hole quality are investigated. The results indicate that the material removal mechanism of the two kinds of diamond tools is not like the cutting effect of the conventional drilling but similar to that of grinding. Satisfactory effects in making holes in the composites are obtained—quite acceptable machined hole quality, low costs, and long wear-resistant endurance.  相似文献   

CVD金刚石厚膜焊接刀具的制造及切削性能   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
用于制造金属切削刀具的金刚石主要有四种类型:(1)天然单晶金刚石;(2)人工合成单晶金刚石;(3)聚晶金刚石复合片(PCD);(4)化学气相沉积(CVD)金刚石膜。近年来,随着CVD金刚石工艺的发展,CVD金刚石对具的应用越来越广泛。CVD金刚石对具有两类:CVD金刚石薄膜涂层刀具和CVD金刚石厚膜焊接刀具。由于金刚石厚膜焊接刀具兼有单晶金刚石和金刚石薄膜涂层刀具的优点,从而具有广阔的应用前景。本文主要介绍金刚石厚膜的制备、厚膜刀具的制造及厚膜刀具的切削性能。  相似文献   

A.G. Thornton  J. Wilks 《Wear》1980,65(1):67-74
Previous experiments on the wear of diamond tools turning mild steel have shown that the very high rates of wear of the diamond arise from the degeneration of the diamond to graphite, the details of the wear mechanisms depending on the cutting conditions. The present experiments on a larger number of tools show much greater differences in the wear rates of different diamonds than have been reported previously. It appears probable that these differences in wear rates arise from differences in the chemical constitution of the diamonds.  相似文献   

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