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高温自润滑材料孔隙结构及其润滑剂驱动研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用有限元分析中的单元"生死"技术,对高温自润滑材料孔隙中润滑剂的动态析出过程进行了有限元分析,研究了摩擦热-热应力耦合作用对自润滑材料孔隙中润滑剂的驱动作用.研究表明:随着孔隙中润滑剂的减少,孔隙壁的变形逐渐增大;当孔隙中润滑剂高度小于孔隙高度的1/2时,孔隙壁变形对润滑剂的挤压驱动作用逐渐减小.当孔隙高度与孔隙直径之比大于4时,因摩擦作用而析出至摩擦表面的润滑剂体积量较稳定;当孔隙高度与孔隙直径之比小于4时,所析出润滑剂体积量变化较大,并且有明显减小的趋势.  相似文献   

采用真空热压成形工艺,通过添加不同体积分数的复合润滑剂,制备出了48Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr自润滑材料。建立了其高温抗摩擦磨损模型,考察了其磨损率影响因素,并通过高温磨损试验分析了其减摩机理。结果表明:添加固体润滑剂对自润滑材料的磨损率有很大影响,其中,当添加的复合润滑剂(38%CaF2—62%BaF2)的体积分数为109/6时自润滑材料的磨损率最低;自润滑材料在摩擦磨损过程中,能够在磨损表面形成一层较完整的固体润滑膜,膜的存在使得自润滑材料具有很好的减摩能力。模型的建立及成膜机理的分析为Ti—Al系合金高温环境下的使用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Sn-Ag-Cu系高温自润滑材料的摩擦学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用真空压力浸渗复合技术将熔融固体润滑剂熔渗到微孔金属陶瓷基体中,制备熔渗型Sn-Ag-Cu系高温自润滑复合材料;利用XP-2型高温摩擦磨损销盘型试验机考察其高温摩擦磨损性能,采用SEM和XRD分析其磨损表面形貌、成分,探讨其高温自润滑机制。研究结果表明:制备的自润滑复合材料在600℃高温下具有较低的摩擦因数和磨损率,这是因为在高温摩擦磨损过程中熔渗于基体材料中的固体润滑剂在高温、摩擦热和应力的作用下从微孔中析出,并在摩擦界面形成由Cu_3Sn、Cu_αSb_γ、Fe_3Sn、Ag_3Sn等金属间化合物组成的润滑膜。该润滑膜使材料具有良好高温自润滑性能,其中的Ag元素对摩擦因数的影响较大。  相似文献   

模拟生物体汗腺结构特征,以硬脂酸、TiH2和CaCO3的复合体为造孔剂,采用真空烧结法制备出互穿网络式微孔结构的TiC/FeCrWMoV金属陶瓷烧结基体,并在高温真空压力下浸渗Pb-Sn-RE系高温固体润滑剂得到高温发汗自润滑金属陶瓷.采用高温摩擦磨损试验机考察了其摩擦磨损性能,运用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光电子能谱(EDS)和X射线衍射(XRD)分析磨损表面成分、形貌和结构,探讨高温摩擦磨损机制.结果表明: 该自润滑复合材料硬质相与润滑相互相贯穿成网络状,在较宽的温度范围内具有良好的自润滑性能,特别是在400~700 ℃试验温度范围内,具有较低的摩擦因数(平均摩擦因数为0.26~0.29)和较低的磨损率(6.3×10-6~9.6×10-6 mm3/(N·m)).由于摩擦应力及摩擦热的作用,该类材料在高温下在磨损表面形成复合润滑膜(由PbMoO4、PbO、Ag2WO4和Ag3Sn等组成)是其具有良好自润滑性能的主要原因.  相似文献   

设计一种可用于300~800℃宽温度范围润滑的熔渗型Pb-Sn-Ag-RE复合固体润滑剂。基于润湿试验研究不同组分与配比对其润湿性能的影响;采用高频感应熔渗工艺,制备出熔渗型高温自润滑复合材料;利用XP-5型高温摩擦磨损试验机考察其摩擦磨损性能,运用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析磨损表面形貌、成分及结构。结果表明:不同组分组成对基体的润湿性有很大的影响,在Pb-Sn系固体润滑剂中添加Ag、RE既能提高其对母材的润湿性能,又能改善自润滑材料的摩擦磨损性能;熔渗Pb-Sn-Ag-RE复合固体润滑剂制备的复合材料具有良好的高温自润滑性能,其600℃下的平均摩擦因数约为0.28。  相似文献   

高温自润滑陶瓷刀具材料及其切削性能的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以TiB2为添加剂,Al2O3为基体,制备了Al2O3/TiB2陶瓷刀具材料。以该陶瓷刀具对淬硬钢进行高速干切削试验,利用其在切削高温作用下的摩擦化学反应,在刀具材料表面原位生成具有润滑作用的反应膜,从而实现Al2O3/TiB2陶瓷刀具材料本身的高温自润滑。研究了Al2O3/TiB2陶瓷刀具在切削高温作用下刀具表面的摩擦化学反应机理,分析了刀具表面自润滑膜的组成结构。结果表明:Al2O3/TiB2陶瓷刀具在干切削淬硬钢时,当切削速度大于120 m/min时,开始表现出高温自润滑性能。自润滑膜的组成为Al2O3/TiB2陶瓷刀具中TiB2的氧化产物,它能在刀具表面起到固体润滑剂的作用,进而降低前刀面的摩擦因数,减轻刀具的粘着磨损,提高刀具的耐磨性能,具有良好的减摩和抗磨作用。  相似文献   

在航空、航天、冶金、电力、石化、矿采等领域,零件高温摩擦磨损特性是影响装备寿命的重要因素,在关重零部件表面设计制备宽温域耐磨自润滑涂层是装备零件强化改性和再制造修复的重要手段。首先阐述了宽温域耐磨自润滑涂层设计中过渡层、基础相、增强相的材料选择依据;其次针对单一固体润滑剂适用温度范围窄的问题,梳理了从低温润滑剂发生氧化反应原位生成高温润滑剂,低温润滑剂与高温润滑剂长时协同作用,添加抑制剂减缓润滑相的损耗退化等三种宽温域耐磨自润滑涂层材料设计方法;而后总结了宽温域耐磨自润滑涂层的制备工艺,分析了不同喷涂工艺的技术特点和涂层制备实例,介绍了宽温域耐磨自润滑涂层在军事装备和工业设备上的典型应用;最后在此基础上对宽温域耐磨自润滑涂层的未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对自润滑烧结材料的特殊结构,建立了介观尺度的表层应力有限元分析模型,通过计算得出可用于表征的自润滑材料力学性能基本单元的基体与润滑膜厚比为10.研究了材料孔隙度以及润滑膜厚的变化对应力的影响,结果表明,当润滑膜的弹性模量与基体的弹性模量相比较小时,润滑膜的承载能力较低,在整个膜厚上受力基本相同; 材料的强度主要由基体决定,并且基体的承载能力受孔隙度的影响;基体材料中孔隙边缘附近的结构及其受力与变形,对自润滑材料的固体润滑剂补偿和输送有较大的影响.  相似文献   

腺汗式微孔结构金属陶瓷烧结体的制备及其性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别以TiH2和CaCO3为造孔剂,以Al2O3微细粉末为惰性弥散质点,采用液相烧结法制备出了具有汗腺式微孔结构的TiC-Fe-Cr-W-Mo-V系金属陶瓷烧结体,并分析了基体粉末粒度、造孔剂类型、烧结制度对烧结体孔隙度、孔隙结构、尺寸、分布以及压缩性能的影响。结果表明,以TiH2和CaCO3为复合造孔剂,辅以Al2O3微细粉末惰性弥散质点,在600 MPa压力下成形,于1230℃烧结60min制备出的TiC-Fe-Cr-W-Mo-V系金属陶瓷烧结体有典型的汗腺微孔结构特征,孔隙形状规则,分布均匀,孔径尺寸范围服从瑞利分布规律,且具有良好的力学性能,便于浸渍高温固体润滑剂以用作高温自润滑材料。  相似文献   

采用真空熔渗技术制备Sn-Ag-Cu高温自润滑滚子;在滚珠隔离式无保持架高温平面推力轴承试验装置上,对自润滑滚子轴承的高温摩擦特性进行试验研究;应用SEM/EDS技术分析轴承滚道摩擦表面的形貌和成分,研究试验温度、润滑剂合金与轴承滚动摩擦磨损之间的关系。研究表明:在400~600℃温度范围内,轴承的摩擦因数随着温度的的升高逐渐降低,当温度达到润滑剂合金熔点600℃时,摩擦因数达到最低值0.024;当温度为400℃时,轴承滚道摩擦表面以黏着磨损为主;随着温度升高,自润滑材料中的润滑剂合金逐渐析出涂覆在滚道表面,与滚道表面的高温氧化物共同影响轴承的摩擦学特性,因此在摩擦表面出现部分黏着磨损与氧化磨损;达到600℃后,滚道表面涂覆形成的润滑膜增多,因此氧化磨损和黏着磨损得到减轻,润滑效果最好。  相似文献   

Yan Lu  Zuomin Liu 《摩擦学汇刊》2013,56(4):581-591
The lubricant characteristics of porous self-lubricating composites with a realistic rough surface are incorporated into an improved elastohydrodynamic model. The evolved model demonstrates that the wear rate can be measured by examining the lubricant distribution at various fractal dimensions and porosities. The results show that the physical nature of the rough surface topography and the composite's physical properties must be understood, because the relative contact area is enlarged and friction forces are increased by the increase in the fractal dimension and the porosity. It is obvious that the method can significantly improve the lubricant properties to avoid wear by controlling these two coupled effects. The research also indicates that optimization of the design the microstructure of the porous self-lubricating composite should focus on the porosity based on the wear rather than the amount of lubricant.  相似文献   

The fluid lubricating film of a soft solid lubricant on a porous composite surface after a sliding process is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the self-lubrication mechanism of the porous composite can also result in a conventional hydrodynamic lubrication.A calculated model for porous self-lubricating composites with realistically rough surfaces is developed. The results show that the lubrication property is affected by the porosity. This effect does not change with the surface morphology even though the morphology promotes a hydrodynamic lubrication effect. The result indicates that the optimum porosity of the composite improves the lubricating properties. Therefore, the optimization of the composite microstructure can improve the lifespan of the mechanical component.  相似文献   

Porous anodic films containing molybdenum disulfide precursors were developed for self-lubricating purposes on aluminum by an initial anodizing and a subsequent re-anodizing process. The self-lubricating films were then examined with respect to the morphology, microstructure, and composition of the anodic film material and the lubricant, using X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy. The dry sliding wear of aluminum supporting such self-lubricating films was significantly reduced, as a result of greatly reduced coefficients of friction. The enhanced lubricity, due to the MoS2 precursors contained within the porous anodic film, leads to wear mode changes from severe abrasive and adhesive wear for uncoated aluminum, to a mild film fatigue wear, for aluminum supporting the self-lubricating anodic films. The wear mechanism change is suggested by the wear and friction curves, as well as confirmed by wear track morphology.  相似文献   

Analysis of oil supply phenomena by sintered porous reservoirs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Marchetti  M.  Meurisse  M.-H.  Vergne  P.  Sicre  J.  Durand  M. 《Tribology Letters》2001,10(3):163-170
Different ways of supplying a liquid film with lubricant initially contained in a porous structure have been investigated experimentally: centrifugation, creeping by roughness or thermal effects. Observations and measurements concerning sintered porous materials (polyimide, stainless steel) impregnated with conventional lubricants for space applications (MAC or PFPE) are presented and discussed in this paper. Centrifugation caused the release of lubricant from the porous structure when a threshold in rotational speed had been reached, proving consistent with an analytical model in which the threshold is a function of oil surface tension and pore radius. We also observed some leakage from porous samples deposited on rough stainless-steel substrates. But the lost volume did not depend on surface roughness. On the other hand, a temperature gradient representative of the temperature distribution in running ball bearings proved unable to make the oil spread out from the tank, although capillary effects due to roughness did.  相似文献   

An investigation is conducted on the unexplored synergistic effects of multilayer graphene (MLG) and Ti3SiC2 in self-lubricating composites for use in high-temperature friction and wear applications. The tribological properties of TiAl matrix self-lubricating composites with different solid lubricant additions (Ti3SiC2-MLG, MLG) are investigated from room temperature to 800°C using a rotating ball-on-disk configuration. Tribological results suggest the evolution of lubrication properties of MLG and the excellent synergistic lubricating effect of MLG and Ti3SiC2 as the testing temperature changes. It can be deduced that MLG has great potential applications as a promising high-temperature solid lubricant within 400°C, and a combination of MLG and Ti3SiC2 is an effective way to achieve and maintain desired tribological properties over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

A special self-lubricating mechanism of a novel kind of cermet sinter consisting of orderly micro-pores has been investigated at elevated-temperature. Solid lubricant can be stored in these orderly micro-pores and can diffuse to frictional surfaces to provide lubrication. Experiments show that when soft metal, such as Pb or Ag, is used as the solid lubricant the frictional coefficient of the cermet can be decreased about 60–65% compared with no such additives. Because of the controlled porosity (e.g. less than 20%), the side effects of such a micro-pore structure on the material mechanical properties (e.g. crushing strength) can be very limited. Obviously, because of the excellent lubricating property and the impressive loading capacity, such a kind of self-lubricating cermet sinter will have extensive potential uses, such as for heavily loaded bearings in metallurgy equipments.By using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), the differences between the diffusing processes of Pb and Ag are observed and discussed to give more details on this self-lubricating mechanism.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of a long journal bearing with a double-layer porous lubricant film using couple stress and Newtonian fluids. The porous layer with infinite permeability analyzed in this study simulates the surface layer. The Brinkman model was utilized to model the flow in the porous region. The effects of couple stresses were analyzed based on Stokes microcontinuum theory. A double-layer porous lubricant film configuration, with a low-permeability porous layer on top of a high-permeability bearing adherent porous layer, improved the journal bearing performance characteristics. A surface porous layered lubricant film configuration increased the load-carrying capacity and reduced the coefficient of friction in a journal bearing.  相似文献   

含油轴承模型的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对含油轴承的结构模型和理论模型的比较,介绍了含油轴承的结构模型发展状况,包括变渗透度模型、磁流体含油轴承、含油轴承材料技术等。同时对比研究了理论模型的特点,包括Darcy模型、Slip-How模型、Brinkman模型、Boltzmann模型、紊流模型,论述了影响含油轴承摩擦学性能的因素,包含热效应、粗糙度效应、非牛顿效应和回油循环效应等。并且提出了含油轴承的理论发展问题,包括温度问题、噪音问题、二相流问题、各种摩擦学影响因素的综合系统研究和含油轴承失效机理过程研究。  相似文献   

TiAl基合金成分对其高温摩擦学性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出TiAl基合金高温摩擦学性能主要由高温抗氧化性、高温强度及高温自润滑性能所决定;综述了TiAl基合金成分对其高温抗氧化性、高温强度以及高温自润滑性能的影响,最后探讨了TiAl基合金作为高温耐磨结构材料的设计方法。  相似文献   

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