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讨论了双目标函数下需要安装时间的平行多功能机排序问题。在该问题中,每个工件对应机器集合的一个子集,且每个工件只能在相应子集中的任一台机器上加工,工件分组,不同组中的工件连续加工需要安装时间,目标函数为极小化最大完工时间和安装次数。根据实际应用背景确定双目标排序问题的形式,并证明了该问题是NP—难的。设计了一个求启发式有效解的算法,首先按照特定的规则将所有工件组都整组地安排到各台机器上,然后逐步改进最大完工时间和拆分工件组,从而得到一系列的启发式有效解。实验表明,该算法是实用而有效的。  相似文献   

针对最小化时间表长的流水车间调度问题,提出一种根据工件加工时间特征构建工件调度的瓶颈指向启发式算法。首先,为构建初始工件排序,充分利用各机器负荷一般不相等的特点,瓶颈阶段前加工时间较短而之后加工时间相对较长的工件优先开始加工;其次,当有工件等待加工时,根据工件在瓶颈机器前或后加工时间的特征调整工件加工顺序;最后,采用邻近工件成对交换和插入的方式改进初始调度。当瓶颈机器趋于中间阶段,或瓶颈机器上工件的加工时间趋于增加时,求解效果较好。数据实验表明算法是有效的。  相似文献   

合理的作业调度方案能提高加工机器的利用率。针对柔性作业车间调度求解难度更大的特点,采用免疫遗传算法求解。在疫苗技术方面,提出依据工件工序加工时间表,选择同工件同工序加工时间最短的机器作为疫苗,对相应工件个体机器码接种。最后对测试案例求解,结果表明所采取的方法能够求得更好的调度方案,减少机器空闲时间。  相似文献   

针对纺织生产广泛存在的带工件释放时间、以最小化总拖期工件数和总拖期时间为目标的大规模并行机调度问题,提出一种基于工件聚类的遗传算法。该算法将求解过程分为工件聚类和工件排序两个阶段。在工件聚类阶段,基于影响并行机调度性能的重要调度特征量,采用改进的模糊C-均值聚类方法将所有待上机工件分为多个聚类;在工件排序阶段,采用基于规则编码的遗传算法,优化各聚类内工件的加工顺序。数值计算结果及实际应用效果表明,所提出的算法适用于求解带工件释放时间的大规模并行机调度问题。  相似文献   

多处理器任务调度在制造业有着较广泛的应用,为了解决实际柔性流水车间环境下的多处理器任务调度优化问题,研究了考虑运输时间和释放时间的多阶段柔性流水车间多处理器任务调度问题,该问题为NP-hard问题,以最小化最大完工时间为目标建立了柔性流水车间多处理器任务调度整数规划模型。为有效求解该问题,首先研究了工件加工机器流生成机制、单工件加工机器流矩阵编码方案和批量工件加工机器流编码方案。进而设计了基于机器空闲随机筛选的工件安排机制,产生该规划的初始解生成方法,以最小化最大完工时间原则进行新解筛选。然后构建基于工件顺序与加工机器流同步交叉的新解更新过程、基于工件顺序与加工机器流同步变异的新解调整过程,并利用迭代贪婪算法完成调整和重建操作,产生全新方案以改善求解质量,最终形成结合迭代贪婪算法的混合遗传融合优化策略。仿真实验利用解的下界得出偏差百分比,分别用遗传算法、迭代贪婪算法和混合遗传融合优化算法对不同规模的问题进行测试,结果表明,混合遗传融合优化算法能够获得较好的近优解。  相似文献   

在制定调度计划时考虑设备预防性维护可以提高设备利用率和资产效率。首先,依据实际制造车间生产环境,在每台机器的可靠度降低到阈值的时候安排预防性维护,建立柔性作业车间设备预防性维护与调度集成优化的数学模型,以最小化最大完工时间、总生产成本和平均总维修成本为目标。然后,提出一种多目标混合殖民竞争算法求解该模型,设计相应的编码、解码、殖民国家同化过程以及多目标混合殖民竞争算法的流程,并采用改进加权TOPSIS方法在获得的Pareto解集中选择满意解,以达到提高设备的可靠性、按期交货和节省成本的目的。最后通过具体实例验证提出策略的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

可变机器约束的模糊作业车间调度问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在车间实际加工中,工件的加工时间和交货期是一个模糊数,而且工件的某道工序有多台机器可供选择。针对这类作业的车间调度,提出了以极大化最小客户满意度为指标的可变机器约束的模糊作业车间调度模型,并给出了算法设计。应用遗传算法在适应度函数处理中引入模糊数处理方法,解决作业车间模糊调度问题,实现调度优化。仿真实验结果表明了该调度方法的有效性,为可变机器约束的模糊作业车间调度提供了一种实现途径。  相似文献   

考虑到柔性作业车间分批调度中不同工序具有各自合适批量大小,提出了基于工序分批调度的概念,建立了以关键路径工序为中心的分批调度模型。该模型动态更新可加工工序子批集,同时更新可选加工机器,及时调整加工路线,为不同工序安排大小合适的批量,以达到优化完工时间、有效降低总加工批次的目的。实验结果表明,相比基于工件分批的调度,该模型在优化最长完工时间、提高机器利用率的同时,大幅减少了总加工批次数量(42%),降低了车间调度管理的复杂度。  相似文献   

基于智能体技术,提出了芯片制造生产线动态调度新方法,实现了投料调度、工件调度与设备维护调度的集成。首先,给出了基于智能体的动态调度模型,该模型中包括管理智能体、投料智能体、工件智能体、设备智能体、运输智能体与人员智能体。投料智能体用于实现投料控制,工件调度通过工件智能体与设备智能体之间的协商实现,设备维护调度由设备智能体实现。通过智能体间的合作,能够实现投料控制、工件调度与设备维护调度的协同进行。然后给出了工件智能体与设备智能体问协商使用的协商协议(即带有时间约束的单步协商协议),以及智能体决策中使用的调度算法(包括投料调度算法,工件调度算法与设备维护调度算法)。最后,通过实例,给出了方法的使用过程,并进行了模拟仿真。仿真结果表明,集成的调度方法能更好地优化模型的生产率、加工周期与设备利用率,最终提高准时交货率。  相似文献   

兼顾车间作业排序中的制造周期和机器利用率,建立了以最小化最大完工时间为主目标、以最大化机器利用率为从目标的优化模型。设计了引入自适应技术的惯性权重,使基本粒子群算法的学习因子可动态变化地改进粒子群算法,并用该改进后的算法对车间作业排序进行了优化设计。实例研究表明:改进后的粒子群算法在收敛速度和收敛可靠性上均优于未改进的粒子群算法,在求解车间作业排序问题的应用中具有更高的求解质量。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an extension of the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem, which schedules productions of products on multiple identical machines. The objective is to minimize the total average production and inventory costs per unit time for all products. We develop a genetic algorithm under the Common Cycle policy and compare it with an existing heuristic under the same policy. Computational results show that our genetic algorithm outperforms the existing heuristic and its running time does not increase much even for high utilization problems, while the latter requires substantial time to solve most of the high utilization problems. In addition, a genetic algorithm under the Extended Basic Period and Power-of-Two policy is proposed. This new heuristic performs much better, especially when the number of machines is small and the machine utilization is not very high.  相似文献   

为开发自动和手控设备混合的装配作业车间启发式调度算法,设计了装配作业和设备特性相结合的生产调度规则.分析了自动和手控设备的运作特性,以及设备和作业者的日可用时间约束对生产调度所产生的影响.首先以缩短工件平均流程时间和提高自动设备夜间运载率为目标,扩展了最短作业时间优先规则的内涵,设计了最短设备占有时间优先规则的系列;然后考虑了装配作业车间的装配特性,设计了将作业交货期最早优先规则与提出规则相结合的组合规则.经模具生产车间的仿真实验表明,所设计的组合调度规则对平均延期时间和其他相关评价指标具有较优的结果.  相似文献   

一种基于时间窗的多阶段混合流水车间调度方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑同时包含单处理机和批处理机的多阶段混合流水车间调度问题,设计一种基于时间窗的蚁群算法,以最小化最大完工时间为优化目标。在解决整体调度问题的过程中,通过蚁群算法实现工序分派、排序、组批三个阶段的协同优化调度;另外在工件组批阶段加入时间窗策略,利用前瞻性算法动态构建组批方案,通过分析批处理机的时空关系设计合理的组批时间窗,以获得较高的机器利用率。试验结果表明,与无时间窗的蚁群算法相比,时间窗策略在确保最小化最大完工时间的同时,提高了批处理机的利用率;与CPLEX相比,基于时间窗的蚁群算法在最大完工时间和计算效率方面均有较大优势。蚁群算法与时间窗的结合兼顾了多个阶段多种机型的生产特点,适用于解决多阶段混合流水车间的调度问题。  相似文献   

Wafer slicing in photovoltaic industry is mainly done using multi-wire saw machines. The selection of set of bricks (parallelepiped block of crystalline silicon) to be sawn together poses difficult production scheduling decisions. The objective is to maximize the utilization of the available cutting length to improve the process throughput. We address the problem presenting a mathematical formulation and an algorithm that aims to solve it in very short running times while delivering superior solutions. The algorithm employs a reactive greedy randomized adaptive search procedure with some enhancements. Computational experiments proved its effectiveness and efficiency to solve real-world based problems and randomly generated instances. Implementation of an on-line decision system based on this algorithm can help photovoltaic industry to reduce slicing costs making a contribution for its competitiveness against other sources of energy.  相似文献   

1800mm厚箔纵剪机在生产过程中产生的断带、细碎铝箔难以回收,为减少企业损失,设计用风机抽吸在废料坑里断带、细碎铝箔,再经过管道回收。该设计根据1800mm厚箔纵剪机产生的断带、细碎铝箔在废料坑空气里的密度和该机子剪切铝箔的最大厚度来计算风机参数,根据《通风机实用技术手册》选择风机的型号。应用管道设计原理,机械设计等知识进行管道设计。通过验收实验,该回收装置成功地吸取细碎的铝箔,解决了1800厚箔机生产产品的质量问题和废料回收问题。  相似文献   

In wafer fabrication processes, batch processing accounts for over 30% of the overall processing time. And it’s a trade-off between machine utilization and wafer waiting time. Therefore, batch machines have become one of the constraint resources during wafer fabrication. How to maintain the utilization and reduce the waiting time are important tasks for production control. Plenty of research in the past several years focused on the dispatching rules of batch processing. According to many researchers, look-ahead batch dispatching rules outperform MBS on waiting times and machine utilization. The look-ahead batching rules that have been developed are DBH, NACH, MCR, and DJAH. However, these rules do not take the due-date information of wafers into consideration, and can’t accelerate the wafer’s fabrication that will not be completed before the due-date. This study will develop a due-date oriented look-ahead batching rule, namely LBCR, that considers the due-date and expects to raise delivery rates and reduce the average tardiness. Firstly, this study will modify those batching rules to fit the manufacturing environment of wafer fabrication. There are serial simulation tests on those batching rules under various kinds of factors in terms of environment, including traffic intensity, product numbers and product mix rate. Finally, this study will compare the five batching rules on different performance indicators. After the simulation and statistic analysis undertaken, LBCR does outperform other batch dispatching rules on due-date related performance indicators, such as tardy rate and average tardiness.  相似文献   

陈勇  郑鑫帆  王亚良  鲁建厦 《机电工程》2013,(12):1455-1461
针对不确定因素和动态干扰事件下Job-Shop调度问题,基于模糊数理论和动态调度策略,综合考虑完工时间、机器加工成本和机器负荷,建立了作业车间多目标不确定性调度模型;为了求解该调度模型,结合遗传算法和模拟退火算法的特点,设计了遗传模拟退火混合算法,并针对作业车间的复杂性要求,对算法的编码解码、交叉变异算子以及保优策略等方面进行了改进;通过仿真,得到了初始调度方案,然后在此基础上,采用动态调度策略对紧急插单、机器故障、工件取消和交货期变更等不确定干扰事件进行了研究.通过对某电动产品生产公司车间进行的实证研究结果表明,根据上述研究得到的较好的调度方案,可以有效地提高机器利用率和客户满意度.该模型和算法能够较好地应用到企业实际生产中.  相似文献   

轴承锻件外圈和内圈整径工序一般在不同机床上进行。为节省机床,准备用一台机床对内、外圈整径,但换活时费时费力。针对存在的问题,改进了整径工装,提高了生产效率和机床利用率。  相似文献   

The general definition of the hybrid flow shop (HFS) environment is a set of S?≥?2 production stages where at least one of these stages includes more than one machine, which can process one job at a time. A job can be defined as several operations to be performed by none, one, or more machines at each stage. Usually, these jobs are completed in some sequence between the different production stages, and in the case of setup activities, products are grouped in batches with buffers of work in progress between different production stages. Today, flexible production systems permit in some instances to relax job precedence constrains with alternative process cycles and to group together different batches of similar products in order to reduce setup activity incidence. On the other hand, the availability of multiple parallel machines in a single production stage makes it possible to split the lot size between different resources. This paper aims to solve the HFS scheduling problem in a flexible multistage batch production system, offering a heuristic procedure, to minimize the production makespan and increase the productive capacity utilization using a batch aggregation/splitting strategy while introducing the “workload leveling function” concept. The results are compared with other important scheduling rules widely accepted in the industry and made part of an industrial application. The company used as a test sample is an Italian rotor shaft manufacturer. The final result is illustrated to validate the proposed heuristics.  相似文献   

Semiconductor wafer fabrication lines can be characterized by re-entrant product flow, long production lead-time, large variety of production processes, and large capital investment. These distinctive characteristics make the flow control in the fab very complicated. Throughput rate and lead-time are among the most important performance measures. The throughput rate is usually determined by a bottleneck resource, and the lead-time depends on the machine utilization level and the amount of variability in the system. Due to the high efficiency of material handling and reduced particles, automated material handling systems such as automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), overhead hoist transporters (OHTs), and overhead shuttles (OHSs) are being widely used in wafer fabrication lines (wafer fabs) instead of human operators. Although a material handling system itself is seldom a bottleneck of production in a fab, it is important for that to effectively support the bottleneck machines to maximize the throughput and reduce production lead-time. This paper presents a vehicle dispatching procedure based on the concept of theory of constraints, in which vehicle dispatching decisions are made to utilize the bottleneck machines at the maximum level. Simulation experiments have been performed to compare the proposed vehicle dispatching procedure with existing ones under different levels of machine utilization, vehicle utilization, and local buffer capacity.  相似文献   

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