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Web的多学科协同设计与仿真平台及其关键技术   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
虚拟样机多学科协同设计与仿真平台是虚拟样机支撑环境的重要组成部分,在航空、航天、造船、汽车等复杂产品虚拟样机开发中有着广泛的应用。通过对虚拟样机开发环境中多领域建模与仿真技术的需求分析,研究了协同设计与仿真平台的系统构成、关键技术和实现方案,支持跨平台和网络环境下对各设计与仿真工具之间的数据共享和各类工具的应用集成,并开发了基于Web的原型系统。通过初步应用实践,表明该系统能有效地支持复杂产品虚拟样机的协同开发。  相似文献   

基于虚拟样机技术,探讨了协同设计与仿真的实现过程,提出利用现有成熟软件之间的数据交换实现协同设计与仿真分析的方法,并建立了快捷有效的CAD/CAE协同设计与仿真的数据交换平台,有利于提高虚拟样机产品整机系统性能。  相似文献   

在高速铁路JL900t级架桥机设计制造中,为了降低设计试验成本,加快设计进度,采用了多软件协同虚拟试验方法。提出了智能关联主模型框架,研究了基于多软件协同仿真的虚拟试验和优化设计方法。通过分析数据在系统中的传递关系与接口交换模式,实现了多领域软件数据流的无缝链接,建立了多领域软件协同仿真试验平台,完成了900t级架桥机的6类典型工况模拟。该900t架桥机制造完成后,已经在哈大线高速铁路建设中投入使用。实物样机现场测试数据与数字样机预测结果基本吻合,证明该方法实用可靠。  相似文献   

虚拟样机多学科协同设计与仿真平台实现技术   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在分析产品协同开发平台的功能框架以及主要协同模式的基础上,深入研究了虚拟样机多学科协同设计与仿真平台的分布式计算模型,及其协同运行管理、协同产品开发资源库管理、分布数据的协同交互管理与系统实现技术。基于COM/DCOM的建模与仿真工具协同、支持仿真联邦管理的数据库设计和CORBA的应用实现技术,开发了原型系统。该系统支持Internet网络环境下各种建模与仿真工具跨平台、分布交互与异构集成,可有效支持复杂产品虚拟样机的协同开发。  相似文献   

以产品元件模型为载体,以不同的功能需求为线索,研究了不同领域产品信息的表达,提出了组件元的概念.采用组合建模法的恩想,提出并构建了基于组件元的机电产品多领域集成仿真平台,该平台中不同领域的工程技术和知识通过XML进行信息交换并封装起来,以提高虚拟样机技术中的不同领域设计人员的协同并行设计效率.  相似文献   

多连杆机构的运动与受力是杆系尺寸与杆系空间状态的非线性隐函数,它不能像四连杆机构一样用显函进行描述与解析,而是需要用状态方程组来构造数字模型。课题组在对多连杆机构设计、动力学分析、结构分析、参数优化,及网络化并行设计、虚拟样机技术研究的基础上,通过技术集成和系统集成,开发了多连杆压力机产品创新虚拟样机平台,不需物理样机制造即可实现性能预测、虚拟设计和虚拟装配,为多连杆压力机的产品创新提供了现代化手段。虚拟样机平台由下述六个系统支持:(1)多连杆机构参数化设计系统—以基本组建模法为基础,可实现多连…  相似文献   

文中构建了民用雷达结构工艺一体化研发平台框架,研究了基于模型状态的结构工艺协同机制、基于工艺物料清单(Process Bill of Material, PBOM)的装配工艺模型重构、基于轻量化技术的模型数据传递以及基于Web技术的三维工艺发布等关键支撑技术,解决了民用雷达研制过程中存在的不同专业研发过程不协同、信息不关联、传递不顺畅、管控不精细的问题,实现了三维数字样机在设计工艺制造过程中的传递与应用。该平台的建立与应用推动了以三维数字样机为特征的民用雷达并行协同研制模式的形成。  相似文献   

复杂机械产品虚拟样机多学科设计优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了以尽可能高的效率求得复杂机械产品虚拟样机尽可能优的设计方案,提出了一种将多学科设计优化方法与计算机仿真分析相结合的虚拟样机优化设计模式。通过将多学科设计优化方法应用于虚拟样机的并行设计过程,构建了虚拟样机的多学科设计优化集成平台,由多学科优化来驱动设计分析进程,形成虚拟样机集成的闭环自动迭代优化设计过程。针对汽车设计,给出了虚拟样机多学科设计优化的集成分析流程,同时利用虚拟样机的动态特性显示,直观地表现出复杂产品多学科设计优化过程中设计方案的变化。  相似文献   

针对现有虚拟样机开发模式存在的代码编写任务繁重、虚拟仿真技术难度较高、用户体验效果较差等问题,通过对公式编辑器解析变量、运动控制、剖切算法等的研究,设计出了一种全新的开放式架构虚拟样机开发平台。基于Unity 3D引擎,采用修改excel表格参数和公式的方式,直接控制虚拟样机的开发过程,避免了繁重的代码编写任务,大大减轻了工作强度和难度,利于研发人员将开发的重心放在产品人性化设计和用户体验方面。最后通过全自动磨边机虚拟样机开发实例,验证了此开发平台的高效性和实用性。  相似文献   

高功率横流CO2 激光器设计过程中光、机、电等制造信息难于集成,在对比分析传统设计模式与现代设计模式的基础上,提出将虚拟样机技术应用于高功率横流CO2 激光器设计,以虚拟样机为平台集成制造信息。在开发高功率横流CO2 激光器虚拟样机系统后,对比了采用虚拟样机技术前、后产品的主要性能指标。  相似文献   

基于设计仓库的虚拟产品开发方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出的设计仓库体系结构,对于提高计算机辅助设计系统的功能具有重要意义。设计仓库包含产品全生命周期所涉及到的各类信息,采用以产品为中心的基于关系数据库的多维数据组织结构的知识管理方法,建立了基于Web的“产品开发向导”作为设计仓库的导航机制,实现了信息共享与交换。在设计仓库的支持下,使用虚拟产品开发工具软件,产品开发人员可以进行基于知识资源信息化、集成化的并行协同产品设计。  相似文献   

Conventional tolerance analysis is tedious and time consuming, which makes engineers resist doing it. Complex assembly problems are generally beyond the capabilities of most design and manufacturing engineers. In this paper, genetic algorithm, a kind of non-traditional optimization technique is used as the basic foundation for optimal tolerance allocation to help design and manufacturing engineers to overcome the shortcomings in the conventional tolerance stack analysis and allocation system.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a design methodology for a Web-based collaborative system applicable to reverse engineering processes in a distributed environment. By using the developed system, design reviewers of new products are able to confirm geometric shapes, inspect dimensional information of products through measured point data, and exchange views with other design reviewers on the Web. In addition, it is applicable to verifying accuracy of production processes by manufacturing engineers. Functional requirements for designing this Web-based dimensional verification system are described in this paper. ActiveX-server architecture and OpenGL plug-in methods using ActiveX controls realize the proposed system. In the developed system, visualization and dimensional inspection of the measured point data are done directly on the Web; conversion of the point data into a CAD file or a VRML form is unnecessary. Dimensional verification results and design modification ideas are uploaded to markups and/or XML files during collaboration processes. Collaborators review the markup results created by others to produce a good design result on the Web. The use of XML files allows information sharing on the Web to be independent of the platform of the developed system. It is possible to diversify the information sharing capability among design collaborators. Validity and effectiveness of the developed system has been confirmed by case studies.  相似文献   

支持虚拟产品设计的分布式协同开发环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要报告了在虚拟产品设计方面的研究与实践。产品设计要求与该过程相关的设计工程师协同工作。为了支持这种工作方式,建立了一个分布式协同开发环境VCDE,并提供如下工具规划与管理设计过程的过程管理者,完成设计子任务的设计者空间和能够使设计者、设计工具方便交流的智能协调机制。VCDE原型系统的开发平台为MSWindowsNT4.0并支持某型飞机涡扇发动机高压压气机的某级叶片轮盘设计过程。  相似文献   

随着泵站综合自动化水平的提高,具有高可靠性,高安全性,免(少)维护性的直流电源,满足泵站综合自动化控制要求是工程设计与管理的重要方面.本文介绍了泗阳第二抽水站直流电源系统智能化改造的成功经验,可供其它工程参考.  相似文献   

With the emergence of a global market and the recent trend of outsourcing, it is necessary for companies to have tools for remote access of data and an ability to analyze and troubleshoot manufacturing processes remotely. This need is addressed by developing an Internet-based surface texture analysis and information system, and a peer-to-peer data-sharing tool. These systems will help companies to diagnose problems related to surface texture in manufacturing process remotely. The development of the system has provided engineers from industry and academia a common framework for sharing, analyzing and storing surface texture data, analysis results, documents and reports. The system also provides a platform for quick deployment of solutions developed anywhere in the world. This paper presents the design, development and applications of a framework for surface texture analysis and information system.  相似文献   

现代产品几何量技术规范(GPS)国际标准体系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
蒋向前 《机械工程学报》2004,40(12):133-138
现代产品几何量技术规范(GPS)是国际标准化组织“尺寸与几何技术委员会(ISO/TC213)”基于新一代GPS语言提出的新的国际标准体系,它以计量数学为基础,给出产品功能、技术规范、制造与计量之间的量值传递的数学方法,为产品设计、制造及计量测试人员提供了一个无歧义的信息交流平台。详细研究了新体系的框架、概念及运作方法,给出它的科学基础,提出实际应用的方法。  相似文献   

Many design engineers in cross-domain industries have attended training classes of TRIZ to improve their innovative abilities in China. Most of them are successful, but others are not. So the latest target of the trainers is to improve the training process used now in industry in China and to make the engineers to understand the basic principles of TRIZ better. Based on the mass-engineer-oriented training model (MEOTM) and mechanical engineers’ design cases, a relationship between managing activities about the opportunities for innovation and the training process is set up. It is shown that the inventive problems come first from opportunity searching for engineers. A training and gate system for evaluation is developed to involve the managing activities of the companies in the training process. Then comparison between the general analogous process and the application of TRIZ is made, which shows the advantages and depth principles of TRIZ for the engineers to apply them confidently. Lastly a new process is formed in which opportunity searching, engineers training, inventive problems identifying and solving,and three redesign paths are connected seamlessly. The research proposes an opportunity-driven redesign path that cooperates the training and opportunity searching, which will be applied in future training classes to make more and more engineers to follow.  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种矿山用增压系统的工作原理及结构设计。详细阐述了设计的结构特点及计算过程。在生产实际应用中,该系统效率高,性能可靠,安全性好。该系统的工作原理及结构设计,可以为工程技术人员在设计类似产品时,提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

Many design engineers in cross-domain industries have attended training classes of TRIZ to improve their innovative abilities in China. Most of them are successful, but others are not. So the latest target of the trainers is to improve the training process used now in industry in China and to make the engineers to understand the basic principles of TRIZ better. Based on the mass-engineer-oriented training model(MEOTM) and mechanical engineers' design cases, a relationship between managing activities about the opportunities for innovation and the training process is set up. It is shown that the inventive problems come first from opportunity searching for engineers. A training and gate system for evaluation is developed to involve the managing activities of the companies in the training process. Then comparison between the general analogous process and the application of TRIZ is made, which shows the advantages and depth principles of TRIZ for the engineers to apply them confidently. Lastly a new process is formed in which opportunity searching, engineers training, inventive problems identifying and solving,and three redesign paths are connected seamlessly. The research proposes an opportunity-driven redesign path that cooperates the training and opportunity searching, which will be applied in future training classes to make more and more engineers to follow.  相似文献   

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