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图1示出的是工业用磁感头的最常用形式,它由一个磁铁和绕以细测量线圈的磁极组成。只有一小部分有用磁通穿过线圈和磁极。工作磁通几乎是一个杂散/漏磁场,很易受感应或调制。典型的装置把传感装置磁极靠近旋转的铁质齿轮放置,齿轮转动时强烈地改变穿过磁极表面的磁通曲线。产生的磁通变化与探测线圈紧密耦合,因此感应的电动势与磁场扰动的频率和幅度有关。  相似文献   

阐述了利用电磁感应法测量脉冲磁场的磁感应强度,首先测量放置在标准的已知正弦波磁场里的探测线圈的线圈常数,再用这种已知线圈常数的探测线圈进行脉冲磁场的测量。介绍了微型磁场探测线圈的绕制和固定方法,设计了脉冲磁场的实际测量装置,给出了线圈平面的调整方法,利用该装置实际测量了感应式磁声成像系统中的脉冲磁场,并对测量结果进行了误差分析。  相似文献   

磁通门张量探头在非零的地磁场环境下存在稳定性差、非线性误差大等不足。为克服此类缺陷,需采用磁补偿技术使磁通门工作在零磁场环境。以提高磁通门张量探头的探测精度为目的,采用球形线圈及对应的驱动模块作为磁补偿装置,利用一阶数字控制系统的方法建立磁补偿装置的数学模型,并对其进行参数优化实现最优控制。实验结果显示,当带有球形反馈线圈磁通门张量探头的稳态误差在52.56 nT之内时,系统的带宽将扩展至4.75 Hz,该结果能够同时满足磁张量梯度仪的探测精度及带宽要求,提高了其在航空地球物理探测中的应用价值。  相似文献   

为了解决井下高温环境下微弱磁场的高精度测量问题,以提高在正钻井中对井眼附近磁性物质的探测距离,在分析噪声抑制方法基础上,从系统结构、高温器件选型、信号滤波与模数转换、电源稳压处理等方面进行了设计和优化。系统采用斩波技术和低噪声运算放大器降低了测量电路的固有噪声水平,选用高温三轴磁通门传感器Mag-610L及32位模数转换器ADS1282H实现了高温下磁场的高精度随钻测量。结果表明,静磁场强度测量分辨率达到0.1 nT,满足高温下测距的测量精度需求。  相似文献   

用于高分辨核磁共振仪的静磁场必须有高度的稳定性。在由电磁铁建立的静磁场中,稳定励磁的电流,最佳情况只能将磁场稳定于10~(-6)量级,且由于温度与外界磁场变化等影响,磁场的稳定度可能还更低些。通常采用磁通稳定器将磁场稳定度进一步提高。本文分析了磁通稳定器的工作原理并提出了一种较好的磁通稳定器,它由拾磁线圈、反馈线圈、低漂移放大器及有源校正网络组成闭环反馈系统。通过观察乙基苯(或乙醛)的NMR信号,确认加装磁通稳定器后可使磁场的稳定度提高二个数量级以上。  相似文献   

针对传统磁场检测设备分辨率低、测量精度低的现状,提出了一种基于金刚石NV色心微波频率调制进行磁检测的方法。通过频率调制方法,可以降低测量系统中低频噪音干扰,提高测量灵敏度。首先通过扫描微波频率得到ESR谱线,然后利用混合高频正弦调制信号进行频率调制,并使用锁相放大器对频率进行锁定,得到频率与光谱一阶导数成比例的信号。实验结果表明,磁场检测灵敏度可达17.628nT/Hz~(1/2)。该方法实现了高分辨率、高灵敏度的磁场检测。  相似文献   

直流叠加脉冲电流波形宽频带电流传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种用于测量直流叠加脉冲电流波形的电流传感器。该传感器由两个磁芯组成,一个工作于磁通门状态,另一个基于罗氏线圈原理。为了将磁通门与罗氏线圈检测技术集成在一起,引入了一个反馈绕组,有效克服了脉冲磁场与直流磁场对磁芯工作状态的影响。基于理论分析制作了样机。实验结果表明,所提出的电流传感器能有效测量直流叠加脉冲电流波形:有效测量频带为340 k Hz,直流分量的测量误差为0.6%;低频段与高频段交点处的测量误差最大,最大测量误差为1.5%。  相似文献   

感应式磁传感器是频率域电磁法(FEM)中使用最广泛的磁传感器,通常由感应线圈和前置放大器组成,其中前置放大电路是影响磁感应式磁传感器性能指标的核心因素。为了增加感应式磁传感器探测深度和微弱磁场信号的能力,要求前置放大电路具有宽频带和低噪声等性能。基于磁通负反馈的原理设计并研制了斩波前置放大器,有效抑制了感应线圈的输出噪声,使感应线圈谐振频率两侧具有平坦的幅频特性曲线,拓宽了感应式传感器的响应频带。在屏蔽室内对斩波前置放大器的性能指标进行了测试,其频带范围为0.001Hz~10 k Hz,输入噪声为槡3.75 n V/Hz,为感应式磁传感器在实际中的应用提供了性能保障。  相似文献   

磁电阻率(MMR)探测方法作为一种新型的堤坝渗漏探测方法,采集数据时主要依靠线圈传感器,针对MMR信号对要求灵敏度高,需要精准矢量采集的特点,本文设计了一款三分量MMR空心线圈传感器。通过对传感器灵敏度与线圈结构参数的分析,对线圈的结构、匝数进行了设计;通过对传感器噪声源分析,选定了适宜的放大器,进一步降低了系统的本底噪声;通过对三分量不正交角度的分析,对线圈的不正交角度进行了参数校正。最终研制了一款三分量MMR线圈传感器。其体积控制在0.027m3,X、Y、Z三分量本底噪声为5.030 435nV/(Hz)1/2@380Hz,三通道的磁场探测灵敏度为0.189 95pT/(Hz)1/2@380Hz,三通道一致性良好,三分量校正误差控制在0.2%以内。  相似文献   

磁电阻率(MMR)探测方法作为一种新型的堤坝渗漏探测方法,采集数据时主要依靠线圈传感器,针对MMR信号对要求灵敏度高,需要精准矢量采集的特点,本文设计了一款三分量MMR空心线圈传感器。通过对传感器灵敏度与线圈结构参数的分析,对线圈的结构、匝数进行了设计;通过对传感器噪声源分析,选定了适宜的放大器,进一步降低了系统的本底噪声;通过对三分量不正交角度的分析,对线圈的不正交角度进行了参数校正。最终研制了一款三分量MMR线圈传感器。其体积控制在0.027m3,X、Y、Z三分量本底噪声为5.030 435nV/(Hz)~(1/2)@380Hz,三通道的磁场探测灵敏度为0.189 95pT/(Hz)~(1/2)@380Hz,三通道一致性良好,三分量校正误差控制在0.2%以内。  相似文献   

This paper describes an apparatus which allows the routine measurement of the magnetization of small ferrite samples using the well-known extraction method. In contrast to the classical extraction method, however, this device makes use of a high-permeability magnetic circuit that serves both to apply the bias field and to collect the sample flux. This design, together with a signal sampling technique, allows an unusually high sensitivity for this type of method (magnetic moment resolution is 5 x 10(-5) microem). The apparatus is described in detail and a brief theory of its function is given. Finally, the device usefulness is illustrated by some measurement results referring to Ga YIG spheres that are used in ferrimagnetic resonators.  相似文献   

A novel device to produce a rotating magnetic field was designed, constructed, and tested. The system consists of a Helmholtz coil pair which is mechanically coupled to a dc electric motor whose angular velocity is controlled. The coil pair generates a uniform magnetic field; the whole system is rotated maintaining the coils energized using brushes. The magnetic field strength is uniform (≈5.8 mT) for a workspace of about 100 mm along the rotation axis. The system remains free of undesirable high amplitude mechanical vibrations for rotation frequencies below 10 Hz. We verified the performance of the apparatus by conducting experiments with magnetic swimmers.  相似文献   

交流励磁三维定位系统中磁传感器设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
交流励磁定位系统可以对介入式微型医疗装置在人体内的三维位置实现非接触式遥测。在定位系统中,为了测量磁场分布范围宽、下限磁场微弱的交变磁场,本文设计开发了感应线圈式磁传感器。根据电磁感应原理,感应线圈先将交变的磁信号转换为电信号,再通过后级信号处理电路在强大的噪声背景中提取出有用的电信号,结合传感器的输入输出特性,即获得待测磁场大小。实验结果表明:磁传感器能准确测量微弱交变磁场,且具有宽测量范围、高分辨率、高稳定性和高精度的优点。磁传感器还能适用于一切非导磁环境中跨度大的交变磁场的测量,具有通用性。  相似文献   

This article describes a fiber-optic interrogation device based on the pulsed time-of-flight technique. The apparatus is capable of measuring time delays between wideband reflectors, such as connectors, along a fiber path with a precision of about 280 fs (rms value) and a spatial resolution of about 3 ns (0.30 m) in a measurement time of 25 ms. Potential application areas include measuring integral strain and its derivatives such as cracks, deflections, and displacements, particularly in large civil engineering and composite structures. The operation and basic blocks of the measurement system are presented in detail together with measurement results obtained in laboratory and field conditions. It is shown that by using a fiber loop sensor with a reference fiber, it is possible to achieve a strain precision below 1 microstrain and a measurement frequency of 4 Hz. System performance proved adequate for the study of both static and dynamic phenomena in a bridge deck.  相似文献   

基于电感测量技术与微流体技术的油液检测芯片, 不仅可以区分出铁磁性和非铁磁性金属颗粒, 还可以对油液中的颗粒进行计数统计和颗粒大小测量,从而判断金属颗粒污染物的来源及设备的磨损状态。通过理论分析、数值模拟及实验验证, 分析不同形态铁磁颗粒退磁场, 研究铁磁颗粒形态对电感式传感器的输出影响。建立理论模型描述不同形状颗粒的退磁因子、磁化场, 以及磁化的金属颗粒产生磁场从而导致线圈电感发生变化。基于模型计算并验证同体积下球形、不同轴长比的圆柱、椭球颗粒的磁场和电感输出, 分析结果显示颗粒越细长、退磁因子越小则越容易磁化, 因此细长颗粒引起传感器的电感变化更大, 另外圆柱形颗粒的电感变化大于旋转椭球型颗粒。  相似文献   

传感器是磁性液体的重要应用领域之一。为弥补现有磁性液体微压差传感器的不足,设计了一种新型的磁性液体微压差传感器,该传感器的复合磁芯由磁导率高的1Cr13和永久磁铁构成,磁性液体被吸附在永久磁铁的端部形成环状起到润滑和密封的作用,敏感元件采用1Cr13,转换元件采用对称线圈。当磁芯进入线圈后,使得线圈电感发生变化,电桥电路输出明显的电压信号。在此基础上,提出了回复力的线性程度和磁性液体环的耐压能力决定了磁性液体微压差传感器的量程范围,并通过理论推导、仿真分析和实验研究的手段证明了磁性液体环的密封耐压能力能够满足磁性液体微压差传感器的测量要求。该传感器体积小、成本低、便于安装,具有很强的实用价值。  相似文献   

Based on electromagnetic flux leakage (EMFL), a nondestructive testing (NDT) technique for the detection of gas pipe wall thickness is presented, and its principle and feasibility is evaluated by means of equivalent magnetic circuit analysis and finite element analysis. An online NDT device adopting this technique is developed, and its structure and working principle are introduced in detail. This device is composed of a detector array with 32 pipe wall thickness sensors that employ a Hall element as the element for sensing the magnetic flux density, and it can be adapted to pipe diameters from Ø400mm to Ø650 mm. On the basis of the experimental investigation for this device, the influences of some factors on thickness measurement, namely the excitation current, excitation coil turns, gap distance, concentrator of the magnetic field, magnetization time, and number of sensors in the detector array, are revealed and the optimal excitation voltage for the sensors of the detector array is selected. The measuring calibration is given to establish the relationship between the pipe wall thickness and the output voltage of the sensors. The results show that the proposed EMFL for measuring the wall thickness of ferromagnetic pipe is feasible, the technical parameters of the sensor are important for improvement of measurement precision and resolution, and the developed device has precision, resolution, and a linear output curve. Carried by the developed gas pipeline inspection robot through a universal joint, this NDT device can move inside the gas pipeline and monitor the state of the pipe wall.  相似文献   

针对前期研制的电磁式直线时栅位移传感器高信噪比和高时间插补分辨力难以兼顾的问题,设计了一种提高传感器信噪 比的新传感器结构,另外提出了一种高信噪比、高时间插补分辨力的测量新方法,并研制了基于气隙磁场分层耦合的直线时栅位 移传感器。 建立传感器气隙磁场数学模型,分析气隙磁场空间分布特性,研究平面线圈气隙磁场分层耦合的原理;根据气隙磁场 分层耦合原理,建立传感器气隙磁场分层耦合位移测量模型;对传感器测量模型进行电磁场仿真和误差分析;最后,搭建实验平台 进行对传感器的性能进行测试。 实验结果表明,采用气隙磁场分层耦合的结构提高了传感器的信噪比,传感器的测量精度在原有 的基础上提高了 31. 4% ;采用的高信噪比和高时间插补分辨力测量方法,传感器的测量精度在原有的基础上提高了 37. 3% 。  相似文献   

A nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus for experiments in pulsed high magnetic fields is described. The magnetic field pulses created together with various magnet coils determine the requirements such an apparatus has to fulfill to be operated successfully in pulsed fields. Independent of the chosen coil it is desirable to operate the entire experiment at the highest possible bandwidth such that a correspondingly large temporal fraction of the magnetic field pulse can be used to probe a given sample. Our apparatus offers a bandwidth of up to 20 MHz and has been tested successfully at the Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden, even in a very fast dual coil magnet that has produced a peak field of 94.2 T. Using a medium-sized single coil with a significantly slower dependence, it is possible to perform advanced multi-pulse nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. As an example we discuss a Carr-Purcell spin echo sequence at a field of 62 T.  相似文献   

An integrated ultrahigh sensitive current amplifier based on a niobium dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) has been developed. The sensor design is based on a multiturn signal coil coupled to a suitable SQUID magnetometer. The signal coil consists of 60 square niobium turns tightly coupled to a superconducting flux transformer of a SQUID magnetometer. The primary coil (pick-up coil) of the flux transformer has been suitably designed in order to accommodate the multiturn input coil. It has a side length of 10 mm and a width of 2.4 mm. In such a way we have obtained a signal current to magnetic flux transfer coefficient (current sensitivity) as low as 62 nA∕Φ(0). The sensor has been characterized in liquid helium by using a direct coupling low noise readout electronic and a standard modulated electronic in flux locked loop configuration for the noise measurements. Beside the circuit complexity, the sensor has exhibited a smooth and free resonance voltage-flux characteristic guaranteeing a reliable and a stable working operation. Considering a SQUID magnetic flux noise of S(Φ)(1∕2) = 1.8 μΦ(0)∕Hz(1∕2) at T = 4.2 K, a current noise as low as 110 fA∕Hz(1∕2) is obtained. Such a value is about a factor two less than the noise of other SQUIDs of the same category. As an application, Nyquist noise measurements of integrated test resistors using the current sensing noise thermometer technique are reported. Due to its high performance such a sensor can be employed in all applications requiring an extremely current sensitivity like the readout of the gravitational wave detectors and the current sensing noise thermometry.  相似文献   

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