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Integrated knowledge-based assembly sequence planning   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
This paper presents a novel approach and system for the automatic generation, selection and evaluation, optimisation, and simulation of assembly plans. The information and knowledge about a product and its assembly (e.g. assembly constraints, solid model and CAD database, heuristic rules) are described using a hybrid approach and model with numeric and symbolic representation. A new methodology is presented to generate all feasible assembly sequences of the product by reasoning and decomposing the feasible subassemblies, and representing them by the assembly Petri net modelling. Qualitative strategic constraints are then used to evaluate the feasible assembly sequences. In order to obtain a good assembly sequence, some quantitative criteria such as assembly time and cost, workstation number, operator number, and part priority index are applied to select the optimal assembly sequence. Based on DFA analysis, MTM time analysis, and assemblability analysis, estimates are made of the assembly time and cost of the product when each of these sequences is used. A knowledge-based system KAPSS has been developed to achieve the integration of generation, selection evaluation, and visualisation of the assembly sequences.  相似文献   

基于虚拟现实和仿生算法的装配序列优化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
针对自动装配规划和交互式规划都存在不足,将虚拟现实和仿生算法结合起来,提出一种生成优化装配序列的新方法.建立基于几何约束的虚拟装配环境,在该环境中根据经验和知识进行交互式拆卸,定义优先约束表来表达零件间的优先约束关系.应用蚁群算法规划出初始优化的装配顺序,再在虚拟环境下进行仿真、评价和优化,考虑装配位置可达性和工具操作等因素,识别新的优先约束和评价准则,重新规划出更优的装配顺序,不断反复和完善,直到得到满意的最佳装配顺序为止.通过实例验证该方法有效性.  相似文献   

An important aspect of design for the life cycle is assessing the disassemblability of products. This paper presents a novel approach to automatic generation of disassembly sequence from hierarchical attributed liaison graph (HALG) representation of an assembly through recursively decomposing the assembly into subassemblies. In order to increase the planning efficiency, the HALG is built according to the knowledge in engineering, design and demanufacturing domains. In this method, the boundary representation (B-Rep) models are simplified by removing the hidden surfaces to reduce the computational complexity of disassembly planning. For each layer of HALG, the subassembly selection indices defined in terms of mobility, stability, and parallelism are proposed to evaluate the extracted tentative subassemblies and select the preferred subassemblies. To verify the validity and efficiency of the approach, a variety of assemblies including some complicated products are tested, and the corresponding results are presented.  相似文献   

为了提高产品装配的效率,提高装配序列的并行性,提出了基于约束解除和简化配合关联图的装配序列并行优化方法。给出了装配效率的评价指标一并行性评价因子的数学模型。将模糊逻辑用于装配约束的量化过程,通过约束归约方法将无约束条件下可自由运动零件的自身约束与零件间通过点、线、面之间几何约束关系所表达的装配约束进行求交,建立零件间的等价约束评价值即联接度,联接度概念的提出清晰地表达了配合关联图中的薄弱环节;在此基础上,建立装配体的赋权配合关联图,并根据联接度值的大小对零件间的虚联接进行简化,给出了一个基于阈值的追求装配最高并发度的配合关联图分解与重组策略,实现了装配序列并行优化,并通过实例说明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了支持机械产品自上而下、不断细化的设计过程,本文提出了一种以产品的装配结构为核心,由多个分析计算agent组成的,支持异构分布环境的协同工作设计模式。产品的装配模型描述零部件的层次关系、位置关系等几何信息和装配语义信息、设计参数及其约束关系等工程语义信息,能够向各分析计算agent提供必要的信息,以实现机械产品几何造型系统、装配建模系统、分析计算系统之间的有效集成。基于集成框架的分析计算agent能够完成异构分布环境下协同设计过程中的逻辑推理、判断、分析计算等复杂工作  相似文献   

Assembly sequence planning is a typical of NP-complete problem which will spend a large amount of computation time or disk memory once the assembly becomes complex. The complex product or assembly is composed of many parts and the number of assembly relationships between them is numerous. To decrease the difficulty of assembly sequence planning of complex products, the subassembly identification methods are focused on. It aims to decompose a complex assembly into a limitative number of subassemblies. Each subassembly contains a relatively smaller number of parts and the assembly sequence planning tasks of them can be handled efficiently. The subassembly identification methods for assembly sequence planning are summarized with respect to assembly constraints. The assembly constraints including the topological, geometrical, and process constraints are considered and merged into the assembly models for subassembly identification. The assembly models are generally represented as directed or undirected assembly diagrams including these considered constraints. It is generally taken as the input information to generate appropriate subassemblies complying with the requirements. The graph theories and graph search algorithms, integer programming methods and the emerging techniques, such as the knowledge-based methods, the intelligent algorithms and the virtual technology, etc. are advocated to resolve the subassembly identification problem with respect to the assembly models. The hierarchical assembly tree is widely used to represent the results of subassembly identification. These useful methods are not only used to subassembly identification for assembly sequence planning, but also successfully referred to by product disassembly.  相似文献   

对二维装配图尺寸驱动进行了理论研究和实践 ,通过零件特征定义及装配约束定义使以简单低级几何元素组成的二维图形在更高层次上具有了装配信息。在用联接图表示产品装配模型基础上 ,提出了基于装配的约束的顺序求解法 ,并解决了装配图尺寸驱动的三个关键问题  相似文献   

基于推理的有向图拓扑排序装配顺序规划及优化研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
装配顺序规划是虚拟装配中的重要研究内容。在阐述有向图拓扑排序技术原理的基础上,研究了基于推理的将有向图拓扑排序技术应用到产品装配顺序规划中的方法,探讨了应用可装配性评价技术得出最优装配顺序的途径。依据这些理论和算法在MDT平台上开发了一个箱体类产品的装配顺序自动规划系统,并以一个齿轮减速器为例进行了验证。  相似文献   

基于语义推理的产品装配设计技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保证产品具有良好的结构设计和零件可装配性,研究了装配语义模型,详细讨论了设计尺寸约束和装配几何约束的符号化表达方法,并给出了书写规则。在此基础上建立了装配语义图,通过节点描述零件属性信息,通过有向边描述装配语义信息。介绍了基于装配语义的产品装配设计工作流程,重点阐述了零件设计尺寸约束、装配规划信息和装配操作序列的推理过程。给出了语义修改和语义变动两种情况下装配语义图的维护机制。应用实例表明,该模型可以有效地支持产品的协同装配设计。  相似文献   

基于约束的虚拟装配技术研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了实现基于约束的虚拟装配操作,给出了虚拟环境中装配约束的统一表达方法,以及约束与自由度的等价关系和运动自由度的归约等,提出了一套虚拟装配中的约束处理算法。首先,利用装配关系自动识别算法,判断两个零件几何约束元素之间的位姿关系是否在给定的误差范围内;其次,使用定位求解算法,使主动体零件在满足已经确认约束的基础上,以最小的位姿调整量满足新约束;最后,提出了基于广义坐标系的运动导航算法,根据装配零件满足的约束对其运动进行引导。这些算法已经应用于集成虚拟装配环境的系统中,实践证明它们能很好地支持集成虚拟装配环境的约束处理,实现了虚拟装配过程与实际装配过程的高度统一。  相似文献   

提出图集表达方式的机械结构部件信息建模方法,它由拓扑关系属性图,连接件约束图,特殊工艺过程约束图和公差图组成,该方法不仅可以全面,直观地表达工艺设计所需要的信息,而且非常便于在装配工艺设计是使用。  相似文献   

基于装配结构相似的零件三维模型检索方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
提出一种基于装配结构相似的零件三维模型检索方法.将零件功能表面类型、相对位置、朝向以及面与面之间拓扑关系抽象成定性符号集合,并分别用功能面邻接图和定性几何约束图来定义零件功能表面间的拓扑关系和定性空间关系,建立零件装配结构定性模型.功能面邻接图中的环结构和分支结构分别通过断环和圆括弧描述,这样,零件装配结构就可以用字母和数字的线性序列来表示.借鉴化学数据库中化合物的线性符号表示法,对装配结构进行编码,通过装配结构码,建立零件装配结构的检索机制.并以轴承端盖为例验证方法的有效性.  相似文献   

多工位装配序列粒子群优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统单工位装配序列求解上的不足,将粒子群算法应用于多工位多目标装配序列优化的求解,提出一种面向复杂多工位产品的装配序列优化方法。采用优先序列图(Assembly precedence graph,APG)来描述零件间的优先约束关系,构建优先关系矩阵、装配干涉矩阵、工位能力表和装配信息表,描述装配部件干涉及工位之间的关系;给出粒子群算法编码体系和装配关系算法模型表达方法;综合考虑装配操作成本、装配工具更换成本和装配夹装变更成本和运输成本的影响,提出有工程意义的适应度函数的表达式;根据APG生成随机的可行初始装配序列,并利用粒子群算法(Particle swarm algorithm,PSO)对装配序列和装配工位进行优化。以飞机起落架装配序列规划实例验证多工位粒子群装配序列优化算法有效性。  相似文献   

基于语义关联与驱动的产品概念装配模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面向概念设计的装配模型表示是机械产品装配建模技术研究的一个重要问题,现有的基于几何约束关系的CAD系统不能很好地解决这一问题。基于装配语义“三位一体”性给出了面向概念设计的产品装配模型表示方法,提出采用装配语义关联图表达零件之间的装配语义关系,通过装配语义关联图建立起支持概念装配模型的多层次语义关联和基于语义的装配驱动,从而实现机械产品从概念设计出发的自顶向下和从详细设计出发的自底向上的双向设计。  相似文献   

Assembly sequences planning for simultaneous engineering applications   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper describes a Generative Assembly Process Planner (GAPP) used to generate and evaluate assembly sequence alternatives which can be used in simultaneous engineering applications. Given a graph model of the product to be assembled, optimal assembly sequences are automatically generated and evaluated in a single process. Geometric feasibility and accessibility constraints on assembly operations which help prune the search space are presented. Assembly-related criteria which guide the search to an optimal solution are described. These include: number of reorientations, concurrent execution of assembly tasks, grouping of similar tasks and stability criteria. The relative weights of various criteria can be varied interactively resulting in different optimal assembly sequences. The ability of GAPP to generate and evaluate assembly alternatives when various criteria are enabled or disabled or their relative importance is changed makes it an effective tool for simultaneous engineering/manufacturing applications. Examples are included to demonstrate GAPP's use and potential for assessing assembly, disassembly, repair and maintenance procedures.  相似文献   

基于图分解的装配序列生成算法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对装配序列生成中几种常用的方法进行了详细的探讨与比较 ,提出基于图分解的装配序列生成算法 ,并对图分解法中序列数随零件数剧增的问题 ,采用增加更多的可行性判断标准 ,利用闭环规则、超集规则和子集规则简化计算 ,并预先从部件层次图提取优选子装配体 ,从而使装配序列能够简单、准确、高效生成。  相似文献   

并行装配与串行装配相比可以缩短装配时间,提高装配效率。为了实现产品的并行装配,提出了基于有向约束图的装配序列并行化方法。定义了装配约束矩阵和零件约束度的数学模型来描述装配体在装配过程中各零件的干涉状态,建立了装配体的有向约束图描述零件间的约束关系,给出了基于关联解除的有向约束图分解方法生成装配序列,采用装配序列并行化策略产生了基于多叉树结构的并行装配序列。通过机用虎钳装配实例验证结果表明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

机械产品精密配合中的选配方法研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在对配合精度要求较高的产品(或部件)进行装配时,为了得到它的最优装配组合,运用网络流规划建立了一种特定装配关系的选配模型,通过合理定义模型网络的中间点、弧的容量和方向以及模型的一般约束条件,将最优装配组合的问题转化成网络最大流问题。结合关联图模型和产品层次装配模型的特点,建立了一种便于选配模型求解的装配模型,采用了分层自底向上的选配方法,利用选配模型进行局部选配最终获得最优解。并通过实例对上述方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

三维装配尺寸链的自动生成   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
提出了一种基于CAD模型的三维装配尺寸链自动生成方法。该方法从定义装配性能特征入手,首先对CAD装配模型进行深层次的解析及预处理,以获取隐含在模型内部的公差分析所需信息。然后利用图论理论,通过构建特征-尺寸邻接矩阵、特征-装配约束关系邻接矩阵、装配关系传递图等,将装配体中参与装配的零件和特征以及其之间的装配约束关系、尺寸及形状等信息的传递过程以图的形式进行表达。最后将三维尺寸链分为显式和隐式两类,对于显式尺寸链,由装配关系传递图搜索连通通路可直接获取尺寸链图和方程:对于隐式尺寸链,提出了尺寸方向差异度的概念、封闭环方向优先的搜索策略以及构建过渡尺寸链的方法,最终可获取尺寸链图和方程。该方法已在自主开发的三维装配尺寸链自动生成系统中得到了验证。  相似文献   

Assembly planning considers the product, process, and production system. The existence of constraints makes the assembly planning process difficult and time consuming. The planning degree of freedom (PDOF) for designers will be increased if the number of constraints is decreased on either the product or the other sides. A higher PDOF means that companies can be more flexible in responding rapidly to the assembly of parts. In this paper, a constraint ratio (CR) has been defined to measure the influence of the product constraints on assembly planning. Some rules have been established to simplify the evaluation procedures of the constraint ratio of the product. Examples are illustrated and explained.  相似文献   

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