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烤烟灌溉与排水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了烤烟灌溉和排水的重要性,并介绍了烤烟的需水规律与灌溉方法.即在正常情况下移栽时应适量浇水,移栽后20~30d适当控制烟田水分供给,一般不浇水;移栽30 d后至现蕾(旺长期)烟株耗水量大,需浇水2~3次;打顶后10~15d(成熟期)需水量减少,浇水1次.灌水方法有穴灌、沟灌和喷灌等,穴灌适宜于缺水烟区,沟灌可用于水利条件好的烟区,喷灌需要整套设备,适用于经济条件好的烟区.降雨较多的地区应注意烟田排水.  相似文献   

对庆阳塬区烟田不同覆膜时间土壤水分变化及烤烟大田生长发育、产质量进行了分析研究,结果表明,庆阳烟区提早抢墒覆膜,可有效保蓄土壤水分,提高土壤含水量,并能促使烟株早发快长,缩短烤烟大田生育期,提高烟叶产量、质量,增加效益。  相似文献   

1991年河南省农科院烟草研究所植保室与农业部植检所协作,对许昌平原烟区烟草上的病毒种类作了初步调查检测。共检测出CMV、PVY、TNV、TOBRV 四种病毒,现将调查检测方法及经过扼要报告如下。1991年6月下旬在许昌平原烟区田间采集了表现症状类似病毒病的样品18份,送农业部植检所帮助鉴定。这些样品大都是当年田间发生较普遍的,有的发生相当严重,对烟叶品质有很大影响,有的表现症状类似气候斑点。为  相似文献   

以玫瑰香和赤霞珠为试材,利用覆膜灌溉技术,控制灌水次数,测定田间土壤含水量,调查葡萄产量及生长情况。结果表明,此项技术在达到节水效果的同时,能使果实提早成熟,未影响果实品质和产量。  相似文献   

连续两年在湘南烟-稻轮作区进行烤烟地膜覆盖栽培试验,结果表明,烟-稻轮作区烤烟覆膜栽培能提高5~20cm土层地温1.5~1.8℃;烤烟大田生育期缩短6天。覆膜栽培能抑制烟田杂草生长,降低气候斑点病发病率,减轻肥料流失,烟叶产量提高6.9个百分点,产值增加13个百分点。  相似文献   

氮磷钾用量对烤烟红花大金元产质量的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
探讨不同氮磷钾施用量对烤烟红花大金元产量和品质的影响,为凉山烟区红花大金元的进一步推广示范提供科学依据。试验设N1(60kg/hm^2)、N2(82.5kg/hm^2)、N3(105kg/hm^2)3个处理水平,采用正交L9(3^4)设计,田间调查了各处理烟叶的农艺性状、主要经济性状和质量。结果表明,各处理的产量、产值、均价、上等烟比例和上中等烟比例均有显著差异,处理N(82.5)P(105)K(210)的经济性状较好,烟叶化学成分较适宜,烟叶评吸最好。凉山烟区土壤中等肥力下红花大金元的氮磷钾最佳施用量为N:P:K=82.5:105:210。  相似文献   

施肥方法对烤烟生长发育及产、质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在南雄烟区进行了施肥方法对烤烟生长发育及产、质量的影响试验。结果表明:烟苗生长发育前期施足基肥,在旺长-圆顶期追肥时,将钾肥分次兑水淋施能平衡烟株对营养的吸收,促进烟株生长发育和上部叶的开片,提高烟叶的产、质量及可用性。在南雄烟区烤烟以70%烟草专用肥作基肥在移栽时施入,30%烟草专用肥作追肥在大培土时施入,100%硝酸钾作追肥在旺长-圆顶期分3次兑水淋施的施肥方法效果最佳。  相似文献   

植烟海拔对烤烟红花大金元质体色素及其降解产物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大田试验条件下,在1 700~2 200 m植烟海拔范围内,研究了四川会东烟区海拔对烤烟红花大金元质体色素及其降解产物的影响。结果表明,随着海拔高度的升高,烟叶中叶绿素、类胡萝卜素及其降解产物的含量均呈现先增加后降低的趋势。2 000 m海拔的色素各成分含量最高,其次为海拔2 100 m和2 200 m,较低的是1 900 m、1 700 m和1 800 m。叶绿素降解产物新植二烯和类胡萝卜素降解产物含量较高的β-大马酮、法尼基丙酮、二氢猕猴桃内酯和巨豆三烯酮等成分以海拔2 000 m的最高,其次为2 100 m和2 200 m。且叶绿素、新植二烯含量显著高于其他处理。2 000~2 200 m海拔区域内更有利于彰显红花大金元的清香型特色品质。  相似文献   

施氮量与移栽时穴施化肥种类对中烟100 产质量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过大田试验,研究了4种施氮水平和移栽时穴施化肥种类(提苗肥)对烤烟品种中烟100产质量的影响。结果表明:中烟100品种在中等肥力土壤条件下,以施纯氮6~7kg/667m2时烟叶经济性状较好;以施纯氮5~6kg/667m2的原烟外观质量和评吸质量较好。综合考虑烟叶质量和经济性状,以施纯氮6kg/667m2为宜。磷酸二铵作提苗肥能促进大田烟株前期生长;硝酸钾作提苗肥时,大田前期烟株长势相对较弱,但最大叶面积较大,烤后烟叶外观质量表现较好,产值相对较高。综合分析,以硝酸钾作提苗肥效果较好。  相似文献   

烟草双条施肥、覆膜机研制开发与应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国受人均耕地面积少、种烟面积小等原因的影响,多年来,在烟草种植过程中一直使用人工施肥、垄顶造型和覆膜的办法。其缺点在于,施肥量不均匀,施肥位置不合理,劳动强度大,用工多,大田整齐度不够,分层落黄不一致,直接影响到烟叶产、质量的提高。为使烟草施肥、覆膜环节有新的突破,诸城分公司从1999年开始研制开发烟草双条施肥、覆膜机,历经4年的研制开发获得成功,并在潍坊烟区大面积推广应用,取得了显著效果。  相似文献   

Pulp and papermaking industries generate high volumes of carbohydrate-rich effluents. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology is based on organic materials’ consumption?and efficient power production. Using a classical two-chamber lab-scale MFC design with an external resistance of 2000 W, we investigated the effects of anode chamber biofilm adaptation (ACBA) and cathode chamber redox solutions (CCRS) on the operation efficiency of MFC when treating wastewater. In ACBA studies, biofilm growth activation showed an increase in the power density to 20.48, 35.18, and 36.98 mW/m2 when the acetate feeding concentrations were 3, 6, and 12 g/L, respectively. Improvement by biofilm adhesion on granular activated carbon (GAC) was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The obtained power density increased to 25.47, 33.42, and 40.39 mW/m2 when the GAC particles concentrations were 0, 50, and 100 g/L, respectively. The generated power densities were 51.26 and 40.39 mW/m2 as well as the obtained voltages were 0.41 and 0.72 V when the electrode area increased from 16 to 64 cm22, current density of 0.094 A/m2, and voltage of 1.20 V with a successful organic removal efficiency of 86.0% after 264 h of operation.  相似文献   

农药混配剂防治烟蚜的田间药效试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为筛选出药效较好的杀虫混配剂,同时降低高效农药的使用成本,选取了两种复配剂在不同地区进行了田间小区试验。结果表明:敌百虫+敌杀死的混剂有增效作用,与单剂相比,防效增加了10.23~21.42个百分点,用药量和成本分别减少0.135kg/667m2和1.02元/667m2。方差分析表明,混剂与单剂间防治效果的差异达极显著水平。  相似文献   

"高效氯氰菊酯"防治地老虎试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为选择对地老虎有较好防效的农药,用10%"高效氯氰菊酯"EC(20mL/667m2,结合移栽水法)和90%"敌百虫"(80g/667m2,用毒饵法)将药剂施于烟苗根部周围土壤进行防治地老虎试验。施药后10、15、20、25、30和35d后调查田间烟株的被害情况,结果表明,"高效氯氰菊酯"对地老虎的防治效果较好,对烟草生长没有明显不利的影响。  相似文献   

A dual-isotope and solute flux mass-balance was used to elucidate the processes that lead to attenuation of nitrogen contamination in an agriculturally impacted river. The River Wensum drains a lowland catchment with an area of 570 km2 in East Anglia, eastern England. Analysis of nitrate concentration, δ1?N(NO?) and δ1?O(NO?) of samples from the River Wensum collected from upstream locations to the catchment outlet through all seasons and flow conditions showed a consistent pattern of increasing isotope values with decreasing nitrate concentrations downstream. δ1?N(NO?) and δ1?O(NO?) of catchment surface water and groundwater samples revealed a dominant influence from microbially cycled and nitrified source-nitrogen, which results in high nitrate concentrations in Chalk groundwater and upstream in the River Wensum. Denitrification of Chalk groundwater-baseflow in the hyporheic zone results in the downstream trend observed in the river. Hyporheic denitrification is estimated to remove 931 kg/day of nitrate-nitrogen by the catchment outlet, representing 31% of the potential riverine nitrate load. The use of dual-isotope and solute flux modeling at the catchment scale is a novel application to quantify denitrification within the river valley, demonstrating the importance of hyporheic zone processes in attenuating the impacts of anthropogenic contamination of hydrologic systems.  相似文献   

To take appropriate measures to minimize agricultural herbicide inputs into surface waters, detailed knowledge is required about all the factors that control the losses of a given compound from point sources (i.e., farmyards) as well as from the diffuse sources (i.e., the fields) within a given catchment. In this and in a companion paper, we present the results of a comprehensive field study, in which the temporal and spatial variability of the losses of three herbicides (atrazine, dimethenamid, and metolachlor) into the surface waters within a small catchment (2.1 km2) were investigated on different scales (i.e., field scale to whole catchment) after a controlled application of the compounds. In this paper, we discuss the loss dynamics of the three herbicides (and some of their metabolites) from the whole catchment over a period of 67 d after application. An identical mixture of the three herbicides was applied on 13 cornfields within 12 h, allowing for a comparison of their losses under identical meteorological conditions. Thanks to a high temporal sampling resolution, it was possible to distinguish between losses from a farmyard and losses from the fields. Farmyard losses contributed less than 20% to the total loads but caused the highest concentrations. The major herbicide losses from the agricultural fields occurred during the first two rain events after application that led to significant surface runoff and preferential flow into tile drains. In the soils of all fields, dimethenamid declined somewhat faster than atrazine and metolachlor, whereas atrazine was mobilized most effectively to runoff water. Relative losses of the three compounds did not vary by more than a factor of 3 (0.82, 0.27, and 0.41% of the mass applied for atrazine, dimethenamid, and metolachlor, respectively). Highest peak concentrations at the outlet of the catchment were found for atrazine (i.e., approximately 8 microg L(-1) for a short period (<2 h) due to point source losses and between 1 and 3.5 microg L(-1) during more than 24 h due to diffuse losses).  相似文献   

湖北双环公司矿区在对三号采区的一对盐井实施压裂时,意外地与二号采区的一对老井溶腔连通。为了提高投资回收率,充分利用资源,矿区将这两对盐井配对采卤。本文针对这一情况进行了初略分析,仅供参考。  相似文献   

对无溶剂体系中C.lipolytica脂肪酶催化大豆油水解反应过程中的油水界面面积与反应初速度进行了研究.对超声波反应器和振荡水浴两种不同的方式进行了比较,超声波较振荡水浴具有更好的分散作用,油滴粒径更小,界面面积更大;提高振荡速度和超声波强度,均可以增大界面面积;振荡水浴中,界面面积随油相体积分数的增加而减少;超声波反应器中,界面面积随油相体积分数的增加先增加后减少;反应初速度与界面面积呈线性相关,反应初速度随界面面积的增加而增大,当油相体积分数为0.7,超声波强度为1.64 W/cm~2时,反应初速度最大,为161 mol/(m~3·min).  相似文献   

在清代严格的盐法制度下,鄂西北地区本属淮盐引地,但远离淮盐产区,却毗邻川盐、潞盐、芦盐产地或引地,为私盐的盛行创造了便利条件。私盐贩和鄂西北地区的人民共同开拓了庞杂的运盐通道,部分解决了当地人们的吃盐问题。同时也使本区出现了严重的私盐问题,即便是政府花费了极大的气力,终有清一代也没有解决,这当然与鄂西北地区庞杂的私盐运输孔道有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

目的 分析湖北省2013年~2015年347份虾产品中硝基呋喃类药物的残留情况,以期为硝基呋喃代谢物的来源和危害分析提供科学依据。方法 采用超高效液相色谱串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)检测湖北9个地区多种虾产品中四种硝基呋喃类代谢物残留量,并用Excel 和SPSS16.0对实验数据进行统计学分析。结果 硝基呋喃类药物的代谢产物的总体检出率为27.09%,检出的代谢物均为氨基脲(SEM),河虾的检出率最高,为61.54%,其次是基围虾为6.78%;最低是小龙虾为1.38%;对于整体匀浆的带壳河虾样品,检出率高达91.67%,而去壳的河虾虾肉样品没有检出SEM。结论 湖北地区的虾产品中存在不同程度的硝基呋喃污染情况,同时,发现河虾中有内源性的SEM的存在。结合湖北地区居民的膳食消费结果,进行虾中SEM的风险评估,发现虾中SEM暴露对人类健康危害较小。  相似文献   

长碳链烷基聚硅氧烷的成膜性与膜形貌   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解功能性聚硅氧烷的柔软作用机理,用原子力显微镜(AFM)、扫描电镜(SEM)等仪器研究了长碳链烷基聚硅氧烷的成膜性和膜形貌。结果表明,在纤维及其模拟基质单晶硅表面,长链烷基聚硅氧烷均可定向排列形成粗糙的疏水性硅膜,在2μm2扫描范围内,该硅膜的均方根粗糙度达到了0.199 nm。  相似文献   

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