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新时代环境背景下,传统食品安全风险治理模式暴露出脆弱性弊病,探索食品安全风险长效治理机制十分必要。文章以韧性治理为研究视角,构建食品安全风险韧性治理框架,并进一步分析韧性治理与食品安全风险治理在价值、主体、机制方面的多元契合性。最后,以韧性治理为指导,提出构建食品安全风险治理的多元协同机制、智治运行机制、公众参与机制的实践路径。  相似文献   

李林 《食品工业》2020,(3):349-349
随着网络信息技术的飞速发展,互联网基础设施建设不断完善,固定及移动终端设备不断推广,以此推动了我国电子商务行业的长足发展。近年来,我国网购人群不断发展壮大,特别是广大年轻群体,越来越倾向于通过互联网上买到各式各样的生鲜食品,在此背景下,生鲜食品电子商务企业应运而生。生鲜电商如何有效结合生鲜食品流通规律,解决生鲜食品电子商务物流配送中存在的一系列问题,优化传统的生鲜食品流通模式,对促进生鲜食品流通有序健康发展具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

正为确保群众饮食安全,黔南州食品药品监督管理局以问题为导向,深入贯彻《中华人民共和国食品安全法》《国务院办公厅关于加快推进重要产品追溯体系建设的意见》中关于建立食品安全追溯体系的决策部署,以消费数量较大、安全风险程度较高的生鲜食品为突破口,积极创新食品安全监管技术手段,在全省率先推行黔南州生鲜食品二维码追溯系统。黔南州生鲜食品二维码追溯系统,是通过系统采集生鲜食品生产者  相似文献   

近几年来,江苏省电商企业发展迅速,电商平台、服务越发成熟,各大电商企业逐渐开始拓展其业务范围,而随着生活水平的提高,人们对于生活便捷程度要求不断增强,为电商企业发展生鲜食品业务提供了良好的条件。生鲜食品电商主要是利用互联网的即时通讯技术,实现了在信息平台进行下单与确认,通过本地物流将生鲜食品送达到消费者手中的经济行为。生鲜食品电商早在2005年就在国内市场崭露头角,经过十多年的发展,逐渐形成以不同企业为代表的生鲜食品电商运作模式,各模式发展相对成熟,形成了相对稳定的生鲜食品电商市场格局,但相较于整体的发展,生鲜食品电商物流体系的发展相对缓慢,生鲜食品物流在发展过程中仍存在一定的问题。本文以江苏省为例,探究江苏省生鲜食品电商物流模式的优化发展策略,以期为江苏省生鲜食品电商物流行业的发展提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

目的研究目前我国公共卫生的现状及改革方面的研究。方法采用调研分析和定量研究法等。结果目前在我国公共卫生中对于顶层的框架设计仍然存在着一定的缺陷、公共卫生治理理念也不够充分、让人才储备不足及装也能力有待提升等方面。结论针对公共卫生顶层框架设计、治理理念、人才需求和培养能问题提出更好的解决方案,对我国公共卫生事业做出展望并希望能够对公共事业提供有效的建议。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒在全球范围内大流行,冷链生鲜食品及外包装作为新型冠状病毒潜在远程传播载体,增加了病毒通过“物传人”的感染风险。非热杀菌技术是一类新型杀菌技术,无需热能消耗即可杀灭食品中有害或致病微生物,避免了传统热杀菌技术传热相对较慢和对杀菌对象产生热损伤等缺点,将该技术应用于生鲜食品中不仅能有效阻断病毒传播,还能在食品保鲜和延长货架期方面发挥积极作用。本文主要介绍了适用于冷链环节中生鲜食品表面及外包装的非热杀菌技术,包括化学消毒剂、紫外线辐射、臭氧消毒、低温等离子体等,并从不同非热杀菌技术的工作机制、对病原体的灭活作用、对冷链过程中生鲜食品的保鲜效果进行阐述,以期为非热杀菌技术在冷链生鲜食品中的杀菌消毒应用提供理论指导,为保障冷链生鲜食品安全提供一定参考。  相似文献   

我国生鲜食品资源丰富,需求量逐年增加。尽管新的食品保鲜技术不断涌现,生鲜食品产后贮运过程中腐烂损失率还很严重,其中微生物所引起的食品腐败是重要原因。近年来,动物性产品和果蔬等生鲜食品腐败过程中群体感应现象的不断被发现,提示了细菌群体感应与食品腐败变质之间的紧密相关性。本文围绕着生鲜食品的微生物腐败,介绍了细菌产生的各种信号分子,重点分析群体感应对生鲜食品腐败的调控作用,探讨阻断群体感应系统的天然抑制剂,为更好地理解食品腐败中的群体感应现象,开发阻断群体感应系统新的抑制剂作生物保鲜剂,保障食品品质及食用安全提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

食品安全问题是一种公共卫生问题,而现代社会存在着风险多发性、不确定性、复杂性,再加上我国正处于信息化、现代化、社会转型的重要时期,所面临的食品安全风险较多,这意味着我国在今后的很长一段时间内都需要采取有效措施来治理食品安全风险。食品安全风险评估需要结合各个国家的具体条件,还需要考虑人与动物的健康安全问题。  相似文献   

正为了保障生鲜和其加工食品的生产安全,必须优化管理其食品检测流程。本文将围绕生鲜食品安全检验存在的问题和解决措施进行阐述。最近几年来,食品卫生安全事故频发,引起了社会各界的广泛关注,其将我国现行的食品安全监管系统中存在的问题直接暴露出来,这无形中给国家和相关政府部门带来了压力。因此,强化管理和优化生鲜食品和加工产品的检测流程非常重要,从根本上保证消费者的生命安全。我国生鲜食品检验工作中的弊端安监部门监察生鲜食品的力度不够将从目前产地的批发市场出发,经过销售地的批发市场,再到超市或  相似文献   

本文依据国际食品法典委员会和我国卫生部门规定和认可的食品安全风险分析原理和程序,按照风险评估、风险管理和风险交流对从印度尼西亚进口的燕窝进行了系统风险分析。通过对2013~2015年进口的部分燕窝样品进行危害因素监测,结合燕窝中可能存在的动物卫生和公共卫生风险、有毒有害物质风险以及燕窝加工过程中的二次污染风险进行分析,认为禽流感病毒、沙门氏菌、致病性大肠杆菌、亚硝酸盐和染色剂等危害属于高风险危害,铅、镉、砷、汞等重金属以及二氧化硫危害属于低风险危害。通过综合考虑燕窝风险分析结果、印尼产地的燕窝卫生控制体系情况和我国及世贸的相关规定,对燕窝进口提出了合理化的控制风险的措施建议。  相似文献   

食品安全是世界范围内都极为重视的社会公共卫生问题,科学、完善的食品安全风险监测体系,对于政府掌握食品安全情况和解决食品安全隐患意义重大。我国现已初步建成能够覆盖全国、覆盖食品生产经营各环节的国家食品安全风险监测网络体系。但在食品安全风险监测的制度建设、计划实施、技术支撑和数据应用等方面,与发达国家相比尚有一定差距。该文对国际组织和发达国家食品安全风险监测先进经验进行了比较,分析了我国目前食品安全风险监测的现状。通过比较研究,对我国在建立科学有效的食品安全风险监测体系,保证监测工作的系统性、针对性和有效性方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

The current quality assurance and control tools and methods to prevent and/or to control microbiological risks associated with fresh produce are challenged due to the following pressures upon the food supply chain, i.e. changing consumption patterns, globalization and climate change. It demonstrates the need for scientific research and development of new and/or improved tools, techniques and practices to adapt the current risk management systems. In this paper, a conceptual research approach is presented to analyse the complexity of the climate change and globalization challenge on the fresh produce supply chain taken as a case study. The factors which affect the vulnerability of the fresh produce chain demand a multidisciplinary research approach. The proposed knowledge-based modelling system is believed to be a most appropriate way to identify problems and to offer solutions to monitor and prevent microbiological food safety risks during all phases of food production and supply. To explore the potential impact of climate change and globalization, baseline information can be obtained by surveillance and performance measurement of implemented food safety management systems. Simulation of climate change scenarios and the logistic chain of fresh produce, along with mathematical models to optimize packaging technology to maintain quality and safety of fresh produce are tools to provide insights in the complex dynamic ecosystem. They are the basis for elaboration of risk assessment studies to scientifically support management options and decisions to new microbiological threats related to globalization and climate change in the fresh produce supply chain. This research concept as such will contribute to develop strategies in order to guarantee the (microbiological) food safety of fresh produce on the long term.  相似文献   

高源 《粮油加工》2014,(5):80-82
保健品风险从保健品产生便已经存在,尤其是近年来保健品市场的火热,在巨大经济利益的吸引下,一些保健品生产商通过对法律的规避,钻营法律的空白和漏洞,对社会经济和消费者权益造成了较大危害。虽然《食品安全法》对此有一定作用,但是,我国有关保健品风险的相关立法依然有所不足,全面规制保健品风险显得力有不逮。规范保健品市场,保护消费者合法权益,需要加快完善国内保健品相关立法,特别是保健品市场准入制度、广告制度、损害连带赔偿制度、产品召回制度,在实践的基础上不断完善,才能有效规制保健品风险。  相似文献   

Health risks are front-page news. Be it bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE), surface ozone, or radiation from transmitter stations or mobile phones, the popular press puts out a constant stream of risk warnings and sensational reports about potential health threats. This paper examines how the general public perceives and assesses such information when it comes to food and food packaging risks. In the first part, the basic components of food risks are discussed and then compared with the perceptions of these risks. The main emphasis is on the risks from food packaging. The term 'perception' as used in cognitive psychology applies to the mental processes through which a person takes in, deals with and assesses information from the environment (physical and communicative) via the senses. The last part of the paper deals with the consequences of risk assessment and risk perception for risk management and risk communication.  相似文献   

危害分析在食品安全风险管理的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危害分析源自HACCP体系即"危害分析与关键控制点",应用危害分析并建立的HACCP体系,在国内外已经有较长久的应用发展历史。危害分析着重强调食品中存在危害的预防,应用于从初级生产到最终消费整个食品链中,是以科学性和系统性为基础,以对人体健康风险的科学证据为指导,识别特定危害,确定控制措施,从而有效确保食品的安全性。本文主要以保健食品为例,克服依靠食品安全控制的传统方法和传统经验进行风险管理的方法,而是通过科学应用危害分析,导入风险评估的原理进行定性定量分析,从源头对危害识别、危害分析、危害解决和监视等,提出在保健食品安全风险管理的预防性实际应用方案,从而将产品中典型、潜在的危害消除或降低到可接受水平。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Poor quality irrigation water is a major cause of disease transmission for urban inhabitants consuming fresh produce in many developing countries. Irradiation of food is an alternative approach to reducing health risks for consumers, but its implementation depends heavily on consumer acceptance. RESULTS: In this pilot study, we show that most respondents consider the water quality of Mexico City to be poor and a health risk, and would be willing to pay for irradiated food as a means of pasteurizing fresh iceberg lettuce. CONCLUSION: Irradiated food could, potentially, be accepted in developing countries that have problems with water quality. Such acceptance would presumably be due to the perception that such a novel technology would (1) alleviate water impairment, and (2) lead to economic improvement. It is then possible that the public considers that water quality is a more pressing concern than any potential side effects of food irradiation. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

当前全球新冠肺炎疫情形势依然严峻, 而突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情对我国食品安全提出了全新的挑战。我国在疫情防控中取得的成效来之不易, 在现阶段疫情防控长期化和常态化时期, 绝对不能轻视食品安全意识的缺失和管理漏洞, 如何保障食品安全至关重要。本文主要分析了新冠肺炎疫情下我国进口冷链食品和生鲜市场凸显的食品安全问题, 并提出疫情防控常态化时期保障食品安全的有效措施, 进一步加强对进口冷链食品的风险防控, 建立控制新冠病毒传播的预防体系和溯源体系, 切实保障冷链食品的安全; 加强对生鲜市场的监督管理和防疫防控体系设计, 完善食品安全应急响应机制, 以期为保障人民群众的食品安全和身体健康提供参考, 维护好当下疫情防控的胜利果实。  相似文献   

近年来随着我国预制菜市场的兴起,复合调味料在食品工业、餐饮业、家庭烹饪中的地位越发重要,市场规模发展迅速,出现多样化的发展趋势,然而其中存在的安全风险也越发突显出来,不仅危及消费者的身体健康,而且制约了预制菜产业的发展。该研究从复合调味料的原料、生产工艺、包装材料、贮藏和销售等方面介绍复合调味料中存在的安全风险,并建议生产企业应加强供应链的管理、建立灵活高效的HACCP体系和创新发展生产工艺及技术,监管部门需完善添加剂的使用规范、开展复合调味料的安全性评估和组织从业人员的培训,以保障我国复合调味料行业的健康发展、推动预制菜产业的提质增效。  相似文献   

Climate change may be a factor leading to increased risks of food- and waterborne illnesses from consumption of existing and emerging biological hazards. It is beneficial to develop integrated approaches to evaluate, and provide scientific assessments of, potential climate change adaptation measures to inform risk management related to climate and weather events. To this end, a risk modeling framework was created to facilitate estimations of the impact of weather and climate change on public health risks from biological hazards in food and water and to compare potential adaptation and risk mitigation strategies. The framework integrates knowledge synthesis methods, data storage and maintenance, and stochastic modeling. Risk assessment models were developed for food and water safety case studies for demonstrative purposes. Scenario analyses indicated that implementing intervention measures to adapt to changing climate impacts might mitigate future public health risks from pathogens to varying degrees. The framework brings a generic approach to allow for comparison of relative public health risks and potential adaptation strategies across hazards, exposure pathways, and regions to assist with preventive efforts and decision-making.  相似文献   

Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a food risk that is gaining recognition and concern. Regardless of the cause of the food risk, adulteration of food is both an industry and a government responsibility. Food safety, food fraud, and food defense incidents can create adulteration of food with public health threats. Food fraud is an intentional act for economic gain, whereas a food safety incident is an unintentional act with unintentional harm, and a food defense incident is an intentional act with intentional harm. Economically motivated adulteration may be just that-economically motivated-but the food-related public health risks are often more risky than traditional food safety threats because the contaminants are unconventional. Current intervention systems are not designed to look for a near infinite number of potential contaminants. The authors developed the core concepts reported here following comprehensive research of articles and reports, expert elicitation, and an extensive peer review. The intent of this research paper is to provide a base reference document for defining food fraud-it focuses specifically on the public health threat-and to facilitate a shift in focus from intervention to prevention. This will subsequently provide a framework for future quantitative or innovative research. The fraud opportunity is deconstructed using the criminology and behavioral science applications of the crime triangle and the chemistry of the crime. The research provides a food risk matrix and identifies food fraud incident types. This project provides a starting point for future food science, food safety, and food defense research. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a food protection threat that has not been defined or holistically addressed. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, led to the development of food defense as an autonomous area of study and a new food protection discipline. As economically motivated adulteration grows in scope, scale, and awareness, it is conceivable that food fraud will achieve the same status as an autonomous concept, between food safety and food defense. This research establishes a starting point for defining food fraud and identifying the public health risks.  相似文献   

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