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近年来,功能性食品成为世界食品工业新的增长点,为功能性食品配套的作为添加剂和配料的功能性成分也成为国内外竞相研究和开发的热点。水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、花生、芝麻及红薯等为我国主要的粮油作物,这些粮油作物含有丰富的对人体健康有益的功能活性成分。本文对这些粮油作物中可供开发的功能性成分进行了简要综述,为粮油作物中功能性添加剂及配料的开发提供参考,进而促进粮油资源价值的充分发掘。  相似文献   

特殊颜色谷物作为一种重要的特殊类型品种,因兼具功能性、营养性和观赏性,愈来愈受到人们的青睐,成为高端农产品创制的热点方向。这些天然色素不仅可以增添食品色泽,还具有抗氧化、抗癌、提高视力等特殊功能。围绕特殊颜色谷物中花青素、麦黄酮和类胡萝卜素等三种重要色素,介绍其生物合成、主要功能和相关作物品种,进而聚焦重要粮食作物小麦,介绍最新培育审定的两种色素类功能性小麦“山农蓝麦1号”和“山农101”(山农黄酮麦1号)。为特殊颜色农作物研究和品种创制提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

功能性食品配料的发展方针   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DevelopmentPrinciplesofFunctionalFoodIngredientYouXin1发展功能性食品配料的重要意义随着我国经济的发展,生活水平的提高,人们对健康就更加关注。食品作为人类生存和发展的物质基础,质量和成分对于人体健康影响是无容置疑的,特别是合理的食物结构,将对儿童的健康成长和全社会人群身体素质的提高有着极其重要的作用。当今世界食品科学工作者把食品誉为具有三大功能:一是营养:食物为人体提供蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素、微量元素等各类营养物质;二是享受:食物的色、香、味不仅增进食欲和健康,而且使人们生活丰富多采…  相似文献   

生物技术制取功能性食品配料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济的发展,生活水平的提高,人们对健康更为关注。食品作为人类生存和发展的物质基础,其质量和成分对于人体健康的影响是不容置疑的,特别是合理的食物结构,将对儿童的健康成长和全社会人民的身体素质的提高有着极其重要的作用。当今世界食品工作者把食品誉为具有三大功能:一是营养:食物为人体提供蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素、微量元素等各类营养物质;二是享受:食物的色、香、味不仅增进食欲和健康,而且使人民生活丰富多彩;三是食物含有某些生理活性物质,能调节人体功能、提高免疫力、防止衰老等。这就是功能性营养强…  相似文献   

食物最初是用来满足人类对营养、能量或者愉悦感的需求,但如今食品的概念已经发生了变化,食品不再只是单纯的为了解除饥饿和满足人体的营养需求,还用来预防营养相关疾病、提升机体和精神状态等.诸多的研究表明人体健康与宿主肠道微生物之间存在着微妙的平衡关系.因此以合适的方式控制和维护肠道微生物菌群平衡就变得格外重要.食品可以通过强化、添加或者提高某一特定成分生物活性的方式进行功能化.在功能性食品配料中,益生菌、益生元、可溶性膳食纤维、omega3不饱和脂肪酸、亚油酸、植物抗氧化物质、维生素、矿物质、蛋白质、多肽、氨基酸、磷脂等都是经常被使用的功能性成分.目前针对肠道健康的最主要和最重要的功能性食品配料为益生菌和益生元,具有调节人体微生态平衡的作用.  相似文献   

阿笑 《食品与药品》2005,7(8B):78-79
素食的好处 北京市疾病预防控制中心食品营养分析专家薛颖告诉记者,在国外很盛行素食,一定时间的素食对人体是有好处的,素食的脂肪含量低,不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,可以降低血脂胆固醇,常吃素食的人患高血压的很少。植物性食物里还含有多种被称之为“非营养性的天然活性成分”的物质,其具有调节人体免疫力、防癌作用,降血压的作用。这些功能性成分虽然在天然植物中含量不高,但却能对疾病的发生起到很好的预防作用。功能性食品和保健食品就是对这些物质进行加工浓缩提炼而成的,这些活性成分虽然没有营养作用,但对人体健康起着不可忽略的作用。  相似文献   

发酵法生产功能性醋酸饮料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
傅亚琴 《酿酒》1998,(3):57-59
发酵法生产功能性醋酸饮料傅亚琴庞志瑞(天津工业微生物研究所;300221)一、前言“功能性食品”(FunctionalFood),这一新名词,最初是由日本于1987年采用的,定义为:“其成分对人体能充分显示身体防御功能,调节生理节律,以及预防疾病和促...  相似文献   

所谓功能性食品,就是强调其成分对人体能充分显示身体防御功能,调节生理节律,预防疾病和促进康复等有关功能的工程之食品。它必须符合:一、由通常使用原材料加工而成并以通常的形态与方法摄入2二、属于日常摄取的食品;三、需标记有关的调节功能;因此,那些添加非食品原料或成分(如各种中草药或药效成分)加工而成的食品,不属于功能性食品的范畴。可以称之为“疗效食品”。根据功能性食品食用对象的不同,可分为两类,日常功能性食品和特种功能性食品。日常功能性食品,是依据各类不同健康状况消费者(包括孕妇、婴儿、老年人和学生…  相似文献   

碳水化合物在自然界中广泛存在,主要来源于植物、动物、微生物。碳水化合物一般被分为4类:单糖、双糖、寡糖和多糖。碳水化合物是人体必需的三大营养素之一,最基本的生理功能是为人体的生命活动提供能量。但是,随着近年来全球社会经济的快速发展,人们健康意识逐渐增强。大家对碳水化合物摄入有了新的需求,具备各种功能的碳水化合物成为人们研究的热点。同时,越来越多的功能性碳水化合物被人类发现并应用在食品中。功能性碳水化合物主要分为膳食纤维、抗性淀粉、抗性糊精、活性多糖、功能性低聚糖、糖醇等代糖。功能性碳水化合物具有与人体健康密切相关的多种生理功能,在提供能量、构成机体成分、调节蛋白质代谢、抗生酮、保护肝脏以及调节肠道菌群等方面发挥着重要的作用。阐述了碳水化合物的生理功能及常见功能性碳水化合物的研究进展,并展望了功能性碳水化合物的未来发展趋势。希望可以以此丰富人们对功能性碳水化合物的科学认识,为功能性碳水化合物的深入研究及相关食品开发提供理论参考。  相似文献   

功能性食品添加剂进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
我国功能性食品添加剂的发展已有一定基础,原有品种中新的生理活性的发现和新的功能性食品添加剂的增产,进一步推动了我国食品添加剂向营养多功能的方向发展。我们应加倍努力,开发更多更好的功能性食品添加剂。  相似文献   

Vinegars are one of only a few acidic condiments throughout the world. Vinegars can mainly be considered grain vinegars and fruit vinegars, according to the raw materials used. Both grain vinegars and fruit vinegars, which are fermented by traditional methods, possess a variety of physiological functions, such as antibacteria, anti‐infection, antioxidation, blood glucose control, lipid metabolism regulation, weight loss, and anticancer activities. The antibacteria and anti‐infection abilities of vinegars are mainly due to the presence of organic acids, polyphenols, and melanoidins. The polyphenols and melanoidins also provide the antioxidant abilities of vinegars, which are produced from the raw materials and fermentation processes, respectively. The blood glucose control, lipid metabolism regulation, and weight loss capabilities from vinegars are mainly due to acetic acid. Besides caffeoylsophorose (inhibits disaccharidase) and ligustrazine (improves blood circulation), other functional ingredients present in vinegars provide certain health benefits as well. Regarding anticancer activities, several grain vinegars strongly inhibit the growth of some cancer cells in vivo or in vitro, but related functional ingredients remain largely unknown, except tryptophol in Japanese black soybean vinegar. Considering the discovering of various functional ingredients and clarifying their mechanisms, some vinegars could be functional foods or even medicines, depending on a number of proofs that demonstrate these constituents can cure chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.  相似文献   

踨亭 《印染》2005,31(16):33-34
织物经防水预处理后,用耐酸碱、成膜性能好的改性丙烯酸酯涂层胶C-103进行涂层,涂层胶在面料表面形成薄膜,成膜手感柔软。涂层后经不同防水防油剂处理,发现AG-480效果较好。经过大生产试验,测得织物的防水性、防油性、防酸防碱性均达到国家标准。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定人参皂甙Rb1、Re、Rg1含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了高效液相色谱法检测功能食品中人参皂甙Rb1、Re、Rg1的含量。本法色谱条件:SymmetryShieldTMRP18色谱柱,乙腈-水作梯度洗脱流动相,二极管阵列检测器,检测波长205nm,流速0.9mL/min,柱温30℃。三种人参皂甙Rg1、Re和Rb1的平均回收率在95%以上,测定结果相对标准偏差≤6%。本法准确、省时、重现性好,可作为功能食品中人参皂甙质量控制的检测方法。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of adding nanopowdered eggshell (NPES) into yogurt to improve the functionality of yogurt and the effects of adding NPES on the physicochemical, microbial, and sensory properties of the products during storage. The pH and mean lactic acid bacteria counts of NPES-added (0.15–0.45%, wt/vol) yogurt ranged from 4.31 to 4.66 and from 6.56 × 108 to 8.56 × 108 cfu/mL, respectively, whereas these values ranged from 4.13 to 4.44 and 8.46 × 108 to 1.39 × 109, respectively, for the control samples during storage at 5°C for 16 d, which indicates a prolonged shelf-life with NPES-supplemented yogurt. Color analysis showed that the lightness (L*) and position between red and green (a*) values were not significantly influenced by the addition of NPES. However, the position between yellow and blue (b*) value significantly increased with the addition of the concentration (0.45%, wt/vol) of NPES at d 16 of storage. Sensory evaluation revealed that NPES-added yogurts showed a notably less sourness score and a higher astringency score than the control. An earthy flavor was higher in 0.45% NPES-supplemented yogurt compared with the control. Based on the results obtained from the current study, the concentration (0.15 to 0.30%, wt/vol) of NPES can be used to formulate NPES-supplemented yogurt without any significant adverse effects on the physicochemical, microbial, and sensory properties.  相似文献   

脱脂麦胚蛋白的制取和理化及其功能特性的研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
本文用碱提取后等电点沉淀法制取了脱脂麦胚蛋白 ,并对其理化和功能特性进行了研究。结果表明 :脱脂麦胚蛋白氨基酸含量高达 2 6 .793g/ 10 0g ,且种类齐全 ,八种必需氨基酸含量均较高 ;脱脂麦胚蛋白的等电点为 4 .0 ,pH >6 .0时蛋白质溶解指数NSI值可达 70 % ,具有较高的溶解度 ;脱脂麦胚蛋白的乳化活性EA和乳化稳定性ES与牛血清白蛋白近似 ,并略高于酪蛋白 ;脱脂麦胚蛋白具有很好的起泡性FC ,其泡沫稳定性FS稍差 ,但可通过物理、化学或酶处理方法来克服 ;脱脂麦胚蛋白具有非常理想的持水性WR ,在pH=8.0和温度 70℃时有最高持水性。  相似文献   

Buttermilk is a dairy ingredient widely used in the food industry because of its emulsifying capacity and its positive impact on flavor. Commercial buttermilk is sweet buttermilk, a by-product from churning sweet cream into butter. However, other sources of buttermilk exist, including cultured and whey buttermilk obtained from churning of cultured cream and whey cream, respectively. The compositional and functional properties (protein solubility, viscosity, emulsifying and foaming properties) of sweet, sour, and whey buttermilk were determined at different pH levels and compared with those of skim milk and whey. Composition of sweet and cultured buttermilk was similar to skim milk, and composition of whey buttermilk was similar to whey, with the exception of fat content, which was higher in buttermilk than in skim milk or whey (6 to 20% vs. 0.3 to 0.4%). Functional properties of whey buttermilk were independent of pH, whereas sweet and cultured buttermilk exhibited lower protein solubility and emulsifying properties as well as a higher viscosity at low pH (pH ≤ 5). Sweet, sour, and whey buttermilks showed higher emulsifying properties and lower foaming capacity than milk and whey because of the presence of milk fat globule membrane components. Furthermore, among the various buttermilks, whey buttermilk was the one showing the highest emulsifying properties and the lowest foaming capacity. This could be due to a higher ratio of phospholipids to protein in whey buttermilk compared with cultured or sweet buttermilk. Whey buttermilk appears to be a promising and unique ingredient in the formulation of low pH foods.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate the genetic correlations between CH4 production and body conformation, fertility, and health traits in dairy cows. Data were collected from 10 commercial Holstein herds in Denmark, including 5,758 cows with records for body conformation traits, 7,390 for fertility traits, 7,439 for health traits, and 1,397 with individual CH4 measurements. Methane production was measured during milking in automatic milking systems, using a sniffer approach. Correlations between CH4 and several different traits were estimated. These traits were interval between calving and first insemination, interval between first and last insemination, number of inseminations, udder diseases, other diseases, height, body depth, chest width, dairy character, top line, and body condition score. Bivariate linear models were used to estimate the genetic parameters within and between CH4 and the other traits. In general, the genetic correlations between CH4 and the traits investigated were low. The heritability of CH4 was 0.25, and ranged from 0.02 to 0.07 for fertility and health traits, and from 0.17 to 0.74 for body conformation traits. Further research with a larger data set should be performed to more accurately establish how CH4 relates to fertility, health, and body conformation traits in dairy cattle. This will be useful in the design of future breeding goals that consider the production of CH4.  相似文献   

The development of a suitable technology for the production of probiotics is a key research for industrial production, which should take into account the viability and the stability of the organisms involved. Microbial criteria, stress tolerance during processing, and storage of the product constitute the basis for the production of probiotics. Generally, the bacteria belonging to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have been used as probiotics. Based on their positive qualities, probiotic bacteria are widely used in the production of food. Interest in the incorporation of the probiotic bacteria into other products apart from dairy products has been increasing and represents a great challenge. The recognition of dose delivery systems for probiotic bacteria has also resulted in research efforts aimed at developing probiotic food outside the dairy sector. Producing probiotic juices has been considered more in the recent years, due to an increased concern in personal health of consumers. This review focuses on probiotics, prebiotics, and the microencapsulation of living cells.  相似文献   

The potential of potato juice in relieving gastrointestinal disorders has already been proven. Work continues on implementation of this active component into products that are widely consumed. In this article, results of an attempt to fortify pasta with potato juice are presented and discussed. Fortification is performed using fresh and dried juice. The influence of the addition on culinary properties of the final product, such as cooking weight and cooking loss, as well as microstructure, color, texture, and consumer acceptance were evaluated. It was found that potato juice can be used for fortification of pasta both in its fresh and dried forms, however the effects on different responses depend on the potato juice form used. The addition of potato juice influenced the color of the product reducing its lightness and shifting color balances from green to red, yellow color saturation was decreased as well. Changes in color were more significant in the case of fresh juice addition. The firmness and microstructure of pasta was also influenced. The surface microstructure of pasta containing fresh potato juice was different from that of the other 2 products being a likely explanation of the lower cooking loss observed in its case. In contrast, the consistency of dough was strengthened by addition of dried potato juice. Principal components analysis indicated that the color change had the most pronounced effect on consumer acceptance. Other physicochemical changes were slightly less significant. Nevertheless, sensory evaluation proved that functional pasta produced with fresh potato juice finds consumer acceptance comparable with that of classic pasta.  相似文献   

以现代营养知识和传统中医理论为依据,研究以番茄、柑橘、芹菜为原料,经现代饮料加工技术,提取其汁,采用正交试验,研制出最佳生产配方和最佳工艺条件,生产出风味独特营养丰富并极具保健作用的功能性复合饮料。  相似文献   

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