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目的掌握广西主要食品中砷污染的水平,评估居民膳食无机砷暴露量及其潜在健康风险。方法利用2010-2015年广西主要食品中总砷及无机砷含量数据和食物消费量数据,采用简单分布评估的方法 ,计算广西居民膳食中无机砷暴露水平及其分布情况,并利用暴露限值(MOE)法评估其潜在健康风险。结果 16 567份食品样品中,总砷检出率为42.71%(4 735/11 087),无机砷检出率为48.07%(2 634/5 480)。总砷平均含量以海洋甲壳类最高,其次是海水鱼类和软体动物;检测无机砷食品样品中,平均含量为0.018~0.072 mg/kg,其中以大米无机砷平均含量最高。除大米、新鲜水果、蛋及其制品、畜禽内脏直接采用其检测的无机砷结果外,其他食品均通过总砷转换到无机砷而进行暴露评估。一般人群和高消费量人群膳食中无机砷的平均每天暴露量MOE值均1,但18~34岁男性组高消费量人群每天无机砷暴露量的MOE值≤1。大米的贡献率远高于其他食物,是居民膳食中无机砷的主要来源。结论广西居民膳食中无机砷暴露风险总体上是安全的,而对于18~34岁男性组高暴露量人群可能存在一定的健康风险,大米是广西居民的主要食品,大米的安全问题需加以关注。  相似文献   

目的 评估我国居民经大米摄入无机砷的暴露水平及其健康风险。方法 系统检索PubMed、 CNKI等数据库中2001—2020年发表文献中关于我国大米无机砷含量数据,结合2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,采用半参数蒙特卡罗模拟法估计我国居民经大米的无机砷摄入量水平;采用目标风险系数法、终生癌症风险法对居民经大米摄入无机砷产生的健康风险进行评估。结果 我国各地大米中无机砷含量范围为0.038~0.1 mg/kg。我国居民经大米的无机砷暴露平均水平整体呈现出南方高于北方的特点(P<0.05),尤其是南方的江西[1.00、0.59、0.48 μg/(kg·BW·d)]、湖南[0.58、0.39、0.38 μg/(kg·BW·d)]、广西[0.57、0.40、0.34 μg/(kg·BW·d)]等省及自治区暴露水平较高。对各省、市及自治区不同年龄段人群的风险评估结果表明,大米高消费人群的无机砷暴露可能有健康风险,其中以江西、湖南等省份的2~17岁居民中大米高消费人群(P95)的风险较高。各省、市及自治区THQ值范围为0.08~6.96,LCR值范围为0.38× 10-4~3.13× 10-3。结论 经大米摄入无机砷对我国居民中的大米高消费人群可能产生一定的健康风险。  相似文献   

目的对广西某金属冶炼厂区周围农村居民膳食无机砷暴露情况进行风险性评估,为预防控制慢性砷危害提供依据。方法在广西某金属冶炼厂周围农村村屯,按照随机抽样的原则对该村屯居民自种自供的大米、蔬菜和养殖的鸡、鸭等食品采样,用GB/T5009.11—2003《食品中总砷及无机砷的测定》方法检测上述食品无机砷的含量,按照国家标准进行评价;同时结合当地居民膳食摄入量(食物频次法),并参考2002年广西营养与健康调查得出的农村居民各类食物每日消费量分别计算出当地居民膳食无机砷暴露量,利用JECFA提出的无机砷每公斤体重每周允许摄入量[PTWI为0.015mg/(kgBW·week)]进行风险性评估。结果该村种植的食用植物性农产品无机砷总体超标率为60.29%,其中大米超标率高达87.10%,平均含量为0.65mg/kg,最大超标15.5倍;蔬菜超标68.42%,平均含量0.16mg/kg;饲养家禽类食物总体无机砷超标率54.76%。每标准人每日平均、P90、P97.5膳食无机砷摄入量分别为0.2149mg、0.3900mg、0.4642mg,分别是JECFA提出的无机砷每日允许摄入量(ADI)的1.66倍、3.02倍、3.60倍(其中参考2002年农村居民食物摄入量计算为ADI的2.0倍)。结论该厂区周围村屯食用农产品无机砷污染严重,居民尤其是高消费人群膳食无机砷暴露量明显超过ADI值,存在危害健康风险。  相似文献   

将12份稻谷样品,分别制成糙米、大米,利用原子荧光光谱法逐一测定稻谷、糙米和大米试样中无机砷含量,结果表明:稻谷样品的无机砷含量明显高于其制成的糙米样品中的含量;糙米样品的无机砷含量明显高于其制成的大米(粳米二级)样品的含量.无机砷含量为国家卫生标准最高限量4倍左右时稻谷样品经碾磨成大米后,无机砷含量在国家卫生标准限量范围之内.  相似文献   

就我国近海海带中砷含量、砷的存在形态及其毒性、国内外相关标准中砷的限量、砷检测方法及脱砷技术等5方面的问题,综合阐述并分析前人对海带中有害元素砷的研究状况。据此,并结合我们的工作,提出关于海带脱砷研究的现状、面临的问题及可能的前景:根据砷的价态、形态及毒性机理,海带中具有毒性的砷的形态为无机砷;我国国标(2005版)对干海藻无机砷的限量(≤1.5 mg/kg),而国产海带无机砷含量已超国标;提取分离技术是海带深加工产业的基石,此过程实际上富集了提取物中的砷,在国内外少有海藻提取物砷限量的背景下,建议参照国际食品添加剂标准中特定海带提取物中无机砷限量(≤3 mg/kg)。  相似文献   

稻米中总砷及无机砷含量的测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氢化物原子荧光光度法测定13份稻米样品中的总砷和无机砷含量,结果表明:所测稻米样品中均检出总砷与无机砷,总砷含量范围为0.06~0.20 mg/kg,无机砷含量范围为0.039~0.150 mg/kg,无机砷占总砷的含量为50.0%~93.1%,无机砷含量在国家限量卫生标准以内;未冲洗大米样品中总砷含量仅为糙米的72.7%~90.0%,无机砷含量为糙米的62.7%~87.7%;多次冲洗的大米样品中总砷含量仅为未冲洗大米的75.0%~91.7%,无机砷含量为83.0%~93.6%。提高加工精度和用水淘洗均能在一定程度上降低总砷与无机砷的含量,减轻人们食用后对身体的危害。  相似文献   

研究无机砷在不同品种糙米中的含量及其分布规律。选取宜昌地区8个不同品种的糙米,分别测定大米和米糠中无机砷的含量及砷类物质的组成。大米中无机砷含量范围为0. 080~0. 142 mg/kg,平均值为0.092 mg/kg,米糠中无机砷含量范围为0.371~0.875 mg/kg,平均值为0.609 mg/kg,米糠中无机砷含量约为大米中无机砷含量的5. 3~8. 2倍。每千克糙米中无机砷的质量范围为0. 147~0. 313 mg,平均值为0. 198mg,其中米糠中无机砷比重占55. 27%~66. 26%,约为大米中无机砷比重的2倍。糙米中砷的形态主要为无机砷,主要分布于米糠中。  相似文献   

目的评估中国居民水产品中铅、镉、汞、砷四种重金属的暴露水平和健康风险。方法利用2013—2017年水产品中铅、镉、汞、砷的含量监测数据和相应食物消费量数据,采用简单分布评估方法,计算中国居民水产品中四种重金属的摄入情况,依据相应健康指导值或基准剂量评估其潜在危险。结果各性别-年龄组人群镉、甲基汞的暴露量均低于其相应健康指导值,但除66岁以上女性组镉平均暴露量外,平均暴露量均在相应健康指导值的5%以上,高端暴露量(P95)超过健康指导值的20%。各人群铅、无机砷的暴露限值(MOE)均高于1。2~6岁性别-年龄组除无机砷外,另三种重金属平均暴露量和P95在各性别-年龄组中均最高。水产品中四种重金属贡献率最高的为海蟹和鱼类。结论中国居民通过水产品的铅、镉、汞、砷暴露量总体上低于相应的健康指导值或基准剂量,但达到通过制定限量标准进行管理的水平。鱼类和海蟹是对四种重金属暴露贡献率最高的水产品,高消费人群的重金属暴露需要加以关注,建议进一步开展重金属的累积暴露评估研究,明确水产品中重金属的累积暴露风险。  相似文献   

目的 了解松江区消费环节大米中铅、镉、无机砷和总汞等重金属污染状况及摄入风险, 掌握本地区大米质量安全情况。方法 采集松江区消费环节大米样品344个, 测定铅、镉、无机砷和总汞含量, 采用单因子污染指数和内梅罗综合污染指数对大米中重金属污染程度进行评价, 并用可耐受摄入量对膳食风险进行初步评估。结果 大米中无机砷、铅、镉、和总汞的含量均符合食品安全国家标准, 平均含量分别为0.054、0.032、0.018和0.0023 mg/kg; 在344件样品中, 97%以上的单因子污染指数小于0.6, 综合评价为安全、处于清洁水平的样品占99.4%, 没有轻度污染以上的样品存在; 通过大米摄入铅、镉、无机砷和总汞的量远远低于可耐受摄入量, 但无机砷、镉在高暴露点位的膳食风险贡献率大于10%。结论 松江区消费环节大米重金属的污染情况比较乐观, 对人体健康的风险处于较低水平, 重金属安全情况总体可控。  相似文献   

目的掌握吉林省主要食品中砷污染水平,评估吉林省居民砷暴露风险及对人体潜在的健康危害。方法 2012—2017年吉林省居民主要食品中砷的含量数据来自国家食品风险监测,共11种类别4 532份样品。食物消费量的数据来自2012年吉林省居民营养与健康调查。采用确定性评估方法 ,结合无机砷的原暂定每周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)和暴露边距(MOE),评价吉林省居民膳食中砷暴露情况。结果 11类食品中砷平均含量为0.030 mg/kg,谷物类、蔬菜类和水产类是膳食中砷的主要来源,三者贡献率之和为76.59%,其中谷物类贡献率高达54.44%。10个不同性别-年龄组平均摄入量为0.73~1.31μg/kg BW,一般人群暴露量MOE均1。结论吉林省居民膳食中砷暴露风险总体上是安全的。  相似文献   

Arsenic is a metalloid that occurs in food and the environment in different chemical forms. Inorganic arsenic is classified as a class I carcinogen. The inorganic arsenic intake from food and drinking water varies depending on the geographic arsenic background. Non-dietary exposure to arsenic is likely to be of minor importance for the general population within the European Union. In Europe, arsenic in drinking water is on average low, but food products (e.g. rice and seaweed) are imported from all over the world including from regions with naturally high arsenic levels. Therefore, specific populations living in Europe could also have a high exposure to inorganic arsenic due to their consumption pattern. Current risk assessment is based on exposure via drinking water. For a good estimation of the risks of arsenic in food, it is important to investigate if the bioavailability of inorganic arsenic from food is different from drinking water. The present study further explores the issue of European dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic via rice and seaweed and its associated health risks. The bioavailability of inorganic arsenic was measured in in vitro digestion experiments. The data indicate that the bioavailability of inorganic arsenic is similar for rice and seaweed compared with drinking water. The calculated dietary intake for specific European Union populations varied between 0.44 and 4.51 µg kg–1 bw day–1. The margins of exposure between the inorganic intake levels and the BMDL0.5 values as derived by JECFA are low. Decreasing the intake of inorganic arsenic via Hijiki seaweed could be achieved by setting legal limits similar to those set for rice by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in July 2014.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the health risk of arsenic exposure by consumption of rice and its products marketed in northwestern Mexico. Sixty-six national and imported rice products were purchased in markets in northwestern Mexico, an endemic arsenic region. Total and inorganic arsenic in rice samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and the risk assessment was evaluated according to the hazard quotient (HQ) and carcinogenic risk (CR). Total and inorganic arsenic in rice samples ranged from 0.06 to 0.29 mg/kg and from 0.03 to 0.13 mg/kg, respectively, and 40% of the analysed samples exceeded FAO/WHO arsenic recommended levels. The inorganic/total arsenic ratio ranged from 15% to 65%. The HQ and CR values for total and inorganic arsenic did not exceed safety levels. Therefore, rice supply in the northwestern of Mexico appears to be safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Although the need for policy development on arsenic (As) in rice has been recognized and a legally enforceable maximum contaminant level (MCL) for inorganic arsenic (Asi) in rice has been established in China, evidence reported in this article indicates that the risk of exposure to As for the Chinese population through rice is still underestimated. Polished rice from various production regions of China was analyzed for total As and arsenic species using HPLC–ICPMS. Total As concentration ranged 65.3–274.2 ng g?1, with an average value of 114.4 ng g?1. Four arsenic species, including arsenite (As(III)), arsenate (As(V)), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), were detected in most rice samples. The Asi (As(III) + As(V)) species was predominant, accounting for approximately 72% of the total As in rice, with a mean concentration of 82.0 ng g?1. In assessing the risk from As in rice, we found that As intake for the Chinese population through rice is higher than from drinking water, with a 37.6% contribution to the maximum tolerable daily intake (MTDI) of As recommended by World Health Organization (WHO), compared with 1.5% from drinking water. Compared to other countries, the risk for the Chinese from exposure to As through rice is more severe due to the large rice consumption in China. Therefore, not only the scientific community but also local authorities should take this risk seriously. Furthermore, more stringent legislation of the MCL for rice should be enacted to protect the Chinese consumer from a high intake of As.  相似文献   

Rice is more elevated in arsenic than all other grain crops tested to date, with whole grain (brown) rice having higher arsenic levels than polished (white). It is reported here that rice bran, both commercially purchased and specifically milled for this study, have levels of inorganic arsenic, a nonthreshold, class 1 carcinogen, reaching concentrations of approximately 1 mg/kg dry weight, around 10-20 fold higher than concentrations found in bulk grain. Although pure rice bran is used as a health food supplement, perhaps of more concern is rice bran solubles, which are marketed as a superfood and as a supplement to malnourished children in international aid programs. Five rice bran solubles products were tested, sourced from the United States and Japan, and were found to have 0.61-1.9 mg/kg inorganic arsenic. Manufactures recommend approximately 20 g servings of the rice bran solubles per day, which equates to a 0.012-0.038 mg intake of inorganic arsenic. There are no maximum concentration levels (MCLs) set for arsenic or its species in food stuffs. EU and U.S. water regulations, set at 0.01 mg/L total or inorganic arsenic, respectively, are based on the assumption that 1 L of water per day is consumed, i.e., 0.01 mg of arsenic/ day. At the manufacturers recommended rice bran solubles consumption rate, inorganic arsenic intake exceeds 0.01 mg/ day, remembering that rice bran solubles are targeted at malnourished children and that actual risk is based on mg kg(-1) day(-1) intake.  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination of rice plants by arsenic-polluted irrigation groundwater could result in high arsenic concentrations in cooked rice. The main objective of the study was to estimate the total and inorganic arsenic intakes in a rural population of West Bengal, India, through both drinking water and cooked rice. Simulated cooking of rice with different levels of arsenic species in the cooking water was carried out. The presence of arsenic in the cooking water was provided by four arsenic species (arsenite, arsenate, methylarsonate or dimethylarsinate) and at three total arsenic concentrations (50,?250 or 500?µg?l?1). The results show that the arsenic concentration in cooked rice is always higher than that in raw rice and range from 227 to 1642?µg?kg?1. The cooking process did not change the arsenic speciation in rice. Cooked rice contributed a mean of 41% to the daily intake of inorganic arsenic. The daily inorganic arsenic intakes for water plus rice were 229, 1024 and 2000?µg?day?1 for initial arsenic concentrations in the cooking water of 50, 250 and 500?µg?arsenic?l?1, respectively, compared with the tolerable daily intake which is 150?µg?day?1.  相似文献   

无机砷具有较高的毒性,对人体健康有很多严重的危害,如导致心血管疾病、癌症等。由于水稻比其他谷类作物更容易累积更多的砷,因此降低米中无机砷的含量从而降低人们通过食用大米而摄入无机砷的风险,对人们的身体健康至关重要。本文主要总结探讨了国外从水稻到熟米不同阶段有利于去除无机砷污染的不同方法和技术。而国内相关的研究很少,因此,方便且更适于中国居民膳食习惯的去除中国大米中无机砷的方法和技术需要进一步地研究和开发。  相似文献   

目的 评估辽宁地区大米中无机砷残留量暴露对我省居民健康的潜在危险。方法 辽宁省随机选择在大型商场和小型农贸市场共采集样品300份, 采用液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)的含量。基于点评估和概率评估两种评估方式,对大米中无机砷膳食暴露进行风险评估。结果 经检测的大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)的慢性膳食摄入风险(%ADI)值均远小于100%,急性膳食摄入风险(%ARfD)值均远小于100%。运用风险评估软件@risk7.6概率评估中,在50%,75%,90%,99%暴露量位点下,大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)的风险商(Hazard Quotient,HQ)值均远小于1。表明辽宁地区大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)残留量在人体可接受范围内,无明显膳食风险。结论 辽宁地区大米中无机砷含量的暴露对人体健康处于安全水平。  相似文献   

Although exposure to inorganic arsenic is a health concern, especially in developing foetuses and children, dietary exposure levels among pregnant women and children have not been extensively studied in Japan. To address this shortcoming, we completed a 3-day duplicate diet study for 104 children and 101 pregnant women in two cities, Shimotsuke, Tochigi and Asahikawa, Hokkaido. The levels of intake of total and inorganic arsenic were estimated using the concentrations of total and inorganic arsenic in food and drinking water measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Estimated intakes of total and inorganic arsenic were 8.46 ± 3.02 [µg/kg BW/week] and 1.74 ± 1.07 [µg/kg BW/week] in pregnant women and 20.07 ± 3.53 [µg/kg BW/week] and 8.46 ± 3.02 [µg/kg BW/week] in children, respectively. Weekly arsenic exposure per kg body weight was significantly higher in children than in pregnant women. Concentrations of total arsenic were generally very low in collected drinking water samples with a small number of exceptions, and drinking water was not considered as a major source of inorganic arsenic exposure in Japan. We found that total and inorganic arsenic intake were higher among frequent consumers of hijiki seaweed, in both pregnant women and children. Although rice and rice products that are staple foods of the Japanese have been reported to be major sources of inorganic arsenic exposure in Japan, our results indicate that hijiki consumption elevates levels of inorganic arsenic in Japanese children and pregnant women. More efforts are necessary to reduce the risk of exposure to inorganic arsenic in populations highly sensitive to environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

Arsenic intake in the world is linked with drinking water and food; the main sources of inorganic As (i-As) exposure in food are rice and rice-based products. The consumption of rice in Ecuador is 53.2 kg year?1 and it is the most commonly used cereal for the preparation of many popular dishes especially for subjects with celiac disease. Objectives of this research were: (i) to determine the content of i-As in foods widely consumed by Ecuadorians with celiac disease, (ii) to calculate the i-As dietary intake, and (iii) to model and predict the health risks of the population under study as a result of their exposure to i-As from rice-based food. The estimated daily intakes of Ecuadorian children (below 3 years of age) and adults were established at 0.52 and 0.55 μg kg?1 body weight d?1, respectively. These values were above the lower BMDL01 value established for i-As established by the EFSA; consequently, it can be concluded that health risk cannot be excluded for the Ecuadorian population with celiac disease.  相似文献   

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