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为探究水质因子对冷萃咖啡主要成分及感官风味的影响,本研究选择6种不同的市售水通过冷萃的方式制备咖啡萃取液,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术和顶空固相微萃取-气质联用(HS-SPME-GC-MS)技术鉴定6组冷萃咖啡液,比较分析6组冷萃咖啡理化指标、非挥发性成分、挥发性成分、感官评价的差异,并进行相关性和主成分分析(PCA)。结果显示,不同类型的水样主要离子含量差异较大,水中离子对冷萃咖啡的萃取浓度、萃取率、pH、可滴定酸、咖啡因、葫芦巴碱和呋喃类挥发性化合物整体有较大影响,对总酚、绿原酸、咖啡酸、抗氧化活性影响较小。水中的Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-与冷萃咖啡的萃取浓度、萃取率、咖啡因、葫芦巴碱呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与可滴定酸值呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。糠醇、5-甲基糠醛、1-糠基吡咯、糠基甲基硫醚、2-异丁基-3-甲氧基吡嗪、乙酸糠醇酯这些挥发性化合物与水中总离子含量有较大关联。PCA图分析显示,水中较低的离子含量能促进咖啡花果风味的体现,随着水中Ca2+  相似文献   

为探究不同萃取时间对冷萃咖啡液香气影响,以同一款焙炒咖啡豆为原料,分别选用12、16、24h的萃取时间经萃取得到冷萃咖啡液样品,采用热脱附法提取样品的香气成分,并利用气相色谱-质谱及氢火焰离子检测器法(GC-MSD-FID)分析,深入研究不同萃取时间冷萃咖啡液的香气差异。其中萃取时间为12h的冷萃咖啡液分析出91种挥发性成分,萃取时间为16h的冷萃咖啡液分析出85种挥发性成分,萃取时间为24h的冷萃咖啡液分析出86种挥发性成分。  相似文献   

分析了各地的16种烘焙咖啡豆的挥发性成分及其含量,研究了各地咖啡豆香气成分的差异性。采用同时蒸馏萃取法提取各样品的挥发性香气成分,采用了气相色谱-质谱联用仪对咖啡中的挥发性成分进行了分析检测,对数据进行了定性定量分析,应用SPSS19.0软件对数据进行聚类分析和主成分分析。从数据分析可以看出,不同产地的咖啡在中度烘焙的条件下,香气成分基本相似,含量较高的成分如:2-甲基吡嗪、糠醇、5-甲基呋喃醛、2-乙基-5-甲基吡嗪、2-乙基-3,5-二甲基吡嗪等,成分的含量有差别。经过聚类分析可以看出,用咖啡的挥发性香气成分进行聚类分析可以反映不同产地咖啡香气上的相似性。对咖啡的挥发性成分的主成分分析,提取的前5个主成分可以用来解释咖啡的香气品质。  相似文献   

为探究萃取过程中各阶段咖啡液的香气化合物组成与质量分数的动态变化规律,选用危地马拉咖啡豆,连续恒压900 kPa萃取咖啡液,并采用顶空固相微萃取-气质联用法测定咖啡液香气化合物的质量分数。结果表明,挥发性关键香气化合物的恒压萃取进程符合幂定律方程,极性是决定动态萃取速率的关键因素。萃取初期,2-甲基吡嗪等强极性物质的萃取速率常数是弱极性物质β-大马酮的7~35倍;萃取末期,弱极性物质的总质量分数由20%增加至30%,香气平衡改变。连续萃取过程中,关键化合物的香气活度值在浅度和中度烘焙咖啡中的下降速率高于深度烘焙咖啡。基于实验数据并结合精品咖啡协会金杯萃取规则,研究提出:为获得滋味和香气平衡度更佳的咖啡萃取液,浅度和中度烘焙咖啡可控制在每17 g咖啡粉萃取杯量为30~40 g,深焙咖啡则可以适当增加至每17 g咖啡粉萃取杯量40~50 g。  相似文献   

本文利用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱(HS-SPME/GC-MS)结合电子鼻对海南兴隆地区咖啡豆不同烘焙度分别为极浅度(JQ)、浅度(Q)、浅中度(QZ)、中度(Z)、中深度(ZS)、深度(S)、极深度(JS)和法式重度(FZ)的挥发性成分进行分析。结果表明:JQ到FZ分别检出61、68、72、72、72、68、70、70种,在JQ、Q和QZ时,挥发性物质主要为吡嗪类和酸类,呈现坚果味和酸味;在Z及ZS时,呋喃类、吡咯类和酮类等起主要作用,为焦糖味和烧焦味;而S、JS和FZ时,主要是酚类和吡啶类贡献烟熏味和愉悦的丁香味。电子鼻可分析不同烘焙度咖啡的香气差异,除LY2/g CT和LY2/AA外,其他4个传感器对8种不同烘焙度咖啡样品的响应值均有明显差异性。本研究明晰了海南兴隆地区咖啡豆烘焙过程中香气成分的变化规律,为兴隆咖啡的烘焙工艺改进提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

为探究咖啡冷萃和热萃的香气差别,用云南阿拉比卡咖啡冷萃和热萃为原料,采用热脱附进行香气成分提取,用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析其香气成分,再用氢焰离子化检测器(FID)进行峰面积对比含量。同种豆两种萃取方式的香气成分展开剖析,由香气挥发成分的相同点与不同点,为萃取液的应用提供选择的依据。  相似文献   

不同烘焙强度对云南咖啡主要挥发香气成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以云南保山铁比卡、卡蒂姆2个品种咖啡豆为原料,使用固相微萃取-气相色质谱联用的方法,测定在不同烘焙强度下,2种咖啡豆的主要挥发香气成分,即吡啶、愈创木酚、2-甲基吡嗪、2,6-二甲基吡嗪、2-乙基-3,5-二甲基吡嗪、呋喃甲醇、5-甲基糠醛及麦芽酚的质量比变化;并使用扫描电镜,观察到咖啡豆内部多孔结构孔径可随烘焙强度的增强而变大,提高了香气成分的挥发率。  相似文献   

烘焙时间对云南小粒咖啡挥发性成分影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了云南小粒咖啡在烘焙过程中挥发性成分及含量的变化。在230℃烘焙温度条件下,对不同烘焙时间的小粒咖啡采样,采用两种方法对样品进行分析:一、同时蒸馏萃取法提取挥发性成分,采用了气相色谱-质谱联用仪对云南小粒咖啡中的挥发性成分进行了分析检测;二、顶空直接进样,气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行分析检测。对数据进行了定性定量分析、以及聚类分析。方法一分析了160种挥发性化合物,方法二分析了15种挥发性化合物。从数据可以看出,咖啡在此温度条件下,烘焙6 min后,咖啡的主要挥发性成分已经产生,如:2-甲基吡嗪、糠醇、5-甲基呋喃醛、2-乙基-5-甲基吡嗪等。随着烘焙时间增加,咖啡中的挥发性成分种类及含量变化明显。经过聚类分析可以看出,可以分为4类,可以作为判别咖啡烘焙程度一个方法。  相似文献   

海南兴隆地区不同烘焙度咖啡豆的滋味特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用化学指标、电子舌技术与主成分分析(PCA)对海南兴隆地区不同烘焙度咖啡豆的滋味特性进行研究。结果表明:随着烘焙度增加,总固形物、总可溶性固形物、有机酸含量及可滴定酸度先增加后减少,p H值先减少后增加,葫芦巴碱含量逐渐减少,咖啡因含量基本不变,导致不同烘焙度的咖啡豆具有不同的滋味特性。原始电子感官数据经归一化处理后,采用PCA对其进行解析,可将样品大致分为四类:第一类包括极浅度(JQ);第二类包括浅度(Q)、浅中度(QZ)和中度(Z);第三类包括中深度(ZS)和深度(S);第四类包括极深度(JS)和法式重度(FZ)。电子舌技术能有效鉴别不同烘焙度咖啡,且各类样品对传感器响应强度差异明显,在PCA的二维投影图上可区分开,并与滋味特性化学指标具有相关性。  相似文献   

本文利用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱(HS-SPME/GC-MS)结合电子鼻对海南兴隆地区咖啡豆不同烘焙度分别为极浅度(JQ)、浅度(Q)、浅中度(QZ)、中度(Z)、中深度(ZS)、深度(S)、极深度(JS)和法式重度(FZ)的挥发性成分进行分析。结果表明:JQ 到 FZ 分别检出 61,68,72,72,72,68,70,70 种,在 JQ、Q 和 QZ 时,挥发性物质主要为吡嗪类和酸类,呈现坚果味和酸味;在 Z 及 ZS 时,呋喃类、吡咯类和酮类等起主要作用,为焦糖味和烧焦味;而 S、JS 和 FZ 时,主要是酚类和吡啶类贡献烟熏味和愉悦的丁香味。电子鼻可分析不同烘焙度咖啡的香气差异,除 LY2/g CT 和 LY2/AA 外,其他 4 个传感器对 8 种不同烘焙度咖啡样品的响应值均有明显差异性。本研究明晰了海南兴隆地区咖啡豆烘焙过程中香气成分的变化规律,为兴隆咖啡的烘焙工艺改进提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

To identify chemical parameters that might be used as discriminators, pH, soluble solids, caffeine, trigonelline, total caffeoylquinic acids, 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, total dicaffeoylquinic acids, 3,4-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, total feruloylquinic acids, 3-O-feruloylquinic acid, and 5-O-feruloylquinic acid were measured in Arabica and Robusta coffees submitted to three roasting levels. It was found that the fraction of soluble solids increased with roasting level, being slightly higher in Robusta roasted coffee. The contents of caffeine did not vary significantly between roasting degrees within the Arabica and Robusta samples, respectively, revealing a considerable stability during browning. The contents of trigonelline in Arabica and Robusta coffee decreased significantly with browning intensification. Overall, the levels of chlorogenic acids remained higher in Robusta roasted coffee beans but decreased sharply with roast increase. With roasting intensification, the ratio of total caffeoylquinic acids, total dicaffeoylquinic acids, and total feruloylquinic acids varied markedly in both species, with the proportion of total caffeoylquinic acids and total feruloylquinic acids increasing significantly, whereas the opposite occurred with dicaffeoylquinic acids. One can conclude, through the application of a multivariate analysis, that these chemicals form four clusters, constituting caffeine, trigonelline, total dicaffeoylquinic acids, and total feruloylquinic acids a relevant group for T3 roasting level discrimination, in both coffee species. Additionally, detailing discriminators for roasting intensity in Arabica coffee might be caffeine, trigonelline, 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, and 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid, whereas in Robusta roasted coffee are trigonelline, 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 3,4-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3-O-feruloylquinic acid, and 5-O-feruloylquinic acid.  相似文献   

Aroma recovery as determined by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS) was compared in coffees resulting from conventional grinding processes, and from wet grinding with cold and hot water. Freshly roasted coffee as well as old, completely degassed coffee was ground in order to estimate the relationship of internal carbon dioxide pressure in freshly roasted coffee with the aroma loss during grinding. The release of volatile aroma substances during grinding was found to be related to the internal carbon dioxide pressure, and wet grinding with cold water was shown to minimize losses of aroma compounds by trapping them in water. Due to the high solubility of roasted coffee in water, the use of wet-grinding equipment is limited to processes where grinding is followed by an extraction step. Combining grinding and extraction by the use of hot water for wet grinding resulted in considerable losses of aroma compounds because of the prolonged heat impact. Therefore, a more promising two-step process involving cold wet grinding and subsequent hot extraction in a closed system was introduced. The yield of aroma compounds in the resulting coffee was substantially higher compared to conventionally ground coffee.  相似文献   

采用气相色谱-离子迁移谱(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry,GC-IMS)结合主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)的方法,分析不同焙炒程度留胚米挥发性风味物质,旨在比较不同焙炒程度留胚米挥发性风味物质的差异,建立不同焙炒程度留胚米挥发性成分指纹图谱。结果显示:不同焙炒程度留胚米样品的挥发性物质可通过GC-IMS技术实现较好分离,在留胚米所有焙炒阶段的4个样品中共检测出61种风味化合物。醛类物质、酯类物质和杂环类化合物对焙炒留胚米的特征性风味贡献较大,醇类和酮类化合物对焙炒留胚米的特征性香气成分也有一定贡献。不同焙炒程度的留胚米香气种类与含量都具有明显差异。PCA表明,留胚米不同焙炒程度挥发性风味成分GC-IMS呈现出一定差异,两个PC累计贡献率达到94%,说明基于GC-IMS技术可以成功建立不同焙炒程度留胚米样品的风味指纹图谱。  相似文献   

焙炒条件对咖啡风味影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以云南产的两种咖啡豆为分析对象.研究了焙烤过程中咖啡抽提液一些成分的变化以及对咖啡香气的影响。利用高效液相色谱对在焙烤过程中葫芦巴碱、绿原酸、烟酸、咖啡因含量的变化进行分析,并对绿原酸/咖啡因比率与色度值的相关关系建立了相应的模型。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to characterize the chemical composition of Neapolitan coffee brew in comparison to espresso, American, and moka coffee brews. Despite the similarity of brewing principle of Neapolitan and American coffee-making techniques, i.e. percolation of hot water through ground coffee, the characteristics of Neapolitan coffee brew in terms of antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds and total solids were more similar to moka coffee brew. Espresso and moka showed higher antioxidant activity, and espresso exhibited higher caffeine concentration, total phenolic compounds, and total solids with respect to other coffee brews studied. For the first time a characterization of the Neapolitan coffee aroma, a traditional Italian brewing procedure, was reported. A significant higher amount in hexanal, β-damascenone and some pyrazines was found in Neapolitan coffee aroma with respect to other procedures. These compounds could be considered as a distinctive characteristic of Neapolitan coffee aroma. Moka was characterized by higher guaiacol content with respect to other procedures, while espresso showed significantly higher levels in aldehydes and 2-furanmethanol acetate.  相似文献   

Pistacia terebinthus fruit was roasted by either the traditional pan-roasting method or by coupled convection-microwave oven roasting (at two different settings). Cold pressing to reduce the oil content was carried out on samples either before or after the various roasting processes. Oil content of all samples was reduced to approximately 21.8 g/100 g by cold pressing. This allowed the grinding of the roasted fruit into powder form. The volatile compounds of these samples were investigated using direct thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography. The main compounds found in all samples were acetic acid, limonene, α-pinene, β-pinene, 2-carene and δ-muurolene. Removal of oil was seen to decrease the number of volatile compounds found in roasted fruit (irrespective of roasting method) when compared with previous studies. Compounds specifically relating to coffee aroma (pyrazines, furans and furanones) were seen to be increased when cold pressing was carried out before the roasting process rather than afterwards.  相似文献   

The influence of coffee cultivar, roasting degree and brewing procedure in the presence and transfer of caffeine and caffeoylquinic acids (CQAs) from ground roasted coffee to the brew was evaluated. Two coffee cultivars were roasted in three roasting degrees and brewed using two different procedures. Compounds were determined simultaneously by HPLC‐DAD. Caffeine levels ranged from 87.3 to 122.5 mg/100 mL for Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Amarelo and from 123.3 to 192.0 mg/100 mL for C. canephora cv. Apoatã. The sum of CQA isomers ranged from 24.2 to 41.3 mg/100 mL for brews prepared with dark roasted coffee and from 187.7 to 295.6 mg/100 mL for light roasted ones. Brews prepared by boiling showed higher content of the compounds than the corresponding filtered ones. C. arabica cv. Catuaí Amarelo light roasted coffee brew presented the lowest caffeine/CQA ratio, regardless of the brewing procedure used, in comparison with the highest ratio of the dark boiled brews.  相似文献   

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