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The wine industry has become fiercely competitive worldwide and as a result, consumers are increasingly exposed to a wider range of wines in retail outlets. This expanding consumer choice means that there is a need for Australian wineries to develop and build consumer loyalty toward their brands. This paper aims to empirically examine the factors influencing consumer loyalty to wine brands. Using data from Australian wine consumers, the authors empirically test a model of antecedents of wine brand loyalty. The model considers wine brand trust, wine brand satisfaction, wine knowledge, and wine experience. Hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling. The findings of this study show that wine knowledge and wine experience affect wine brand loyalty indirectly through wine brand trust and wine brand satisfaction. In addition, it is demonstrated that consumer satisfaction with a wine brand is the strongest driver of wine brand loyalty. The result of this study has value for Australian wineries, wine retailers, and wine marketers.  相似文献   

Understanding quality perception requires focusing both on product proprieties and consumers’ representations. The goal of this study was to access the representations of perceived extrinsic wine quality of consumers from two different wine regions in two European countries with an important wine tradition: La Rioja-RJ-(Spain) and Côtes du Rhône-CdR-(France).Twenty commercial red wines (ten from RJ and ten from CdR) were evaluated in terms of quality by means of a categorization task. Ninety-five French and 93 Spanish consumers had to categorize the 20 wines according to four levels of quality going from very low to very high quality.Three clusters of French and two of Spanish consumers have been identified. Country-of-origin of wine arises as the most important extrinsic cue for less-involved French and Spanish consumers, while more-involved consumers with higher knowledge in wine are able to interpret and use a wider range of cues. Consumers’ knowledge, involvement and nationality appear to be good predictors of quality perception.These results are relevant for the field of sensory analysis in that they help understanding the construction of quality perception. The wine industry can benefit also from these results, especially when exporting wines. This cross-cultural study may help them to develop marketing strategies able to enhance the quality perception of wines and to make use of different extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

分别测定干红树葡萄酒与2种干红葡萄酒(法国干红葡萄酒、国产干红葡萄酒)中的总多酚、总黄酮、白藜芦醇、单宁、酚酸、维生素、花青素及矿物质等功能性成分,采用DPPH法、ABTS法、邻二氮菲法和FRAP法分析3种酒的抗氧化能力,并对其差异进行分析比较。结果表明:干红树葡萄酒与2种干红葡萄酒功能成分种类及含量各有特点和优势。干红树葡萄酒中没食子酸、VA、VC、Mn与Zn含量均极显著高于国产干红葡萄酒和法国干红葡萄酒;法国干红葡萄酒中总多酚、总黄酮、白藜芦醇、儿茶素、咖啡酸、香豆酸、阿魏酸、矢车菊色素及Fe含量均极显著高于国产干红葡萄酒和干红树葡萄酒;国产干红葡萄酒中单宁、VD、飞燕草色素、矮牵牛色素、天竺葵色素、芍药色素、锦葵色素、Ca和Mg含量均极显著高于法国干红葡萄酒和干红树葡萄酒。3种酒抗氧化活性亦各具特色,树葡萄红酒对DPPH·的清除能力最强,法国干红葡萄酒对·OH的清除能力最强,国产干红葡萄酒对ABTS~+的清除能力及对铁离子的还原能力最强。  相似文献   

A red Rioja wine was aged in barrels made of Spanish oak wood for 21 months. The evolutions of colour percentage intensity, families of phenolic compounds and low molecular weight phenolic compounds were studied in these wines and compared with those of the same wine aged in barrels made of French and American oak. The analysis of chromatic parameters and total anthocyanins indicates that the wines aged in Spanish and French oak wood barrels have similar chromatic characteristics, but are significantly different to those of wines aged in barrels made of American oak wood, indicating a different degree of modification of the colour. The ageing process also had an important influence on the low molecular weight polyphenols composition of wine. The evolution of these components allowed the production of wines with different characteristics, in relation to the type of wood used in barrel making process. On the other hand, Spanish oak wood can be considered suitable for barrel production for quality wines, since a wine aged in barrels made of Spanish oak wood showed similar and intermediate characteristics to those of the same wine aged in French and American oak woods.  相似文献   

China's rapidly expanding wealthy population has expressed a new desire for imported red wines. Using data collected in China's major red wine consumption region of Beijing, this study analyzes the impact of country of origin, price, wine age, and brand on consumer-derived utility and willingness to pay for red wines. Findings from a conditional logit model and a mixed logit model indicate that price remains the key factor in Chinese consumers' red wine choices. For gift purchases, consumers are willing to pay an additional $20 to move from a US wine to a French wine. For own consumption, French wines are preferable if their price is within a reasonable range of $13–20 above Chinese or US wines. Chinese consumers also strongly favor branded and matured red wines. China's rapid and sustainable economic growth and its stronger integration to the global economy have led to greater disposable income and the expanding consumer demand for luxury beverage of red wines.  相似文献   

<正> 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催,唐人王翰的一首堪称为千古绝唱的《凉州曲》,给葡萄酒平添了多少传奇色彩?据史记记载,公元前138年,西汉张骞出使西域,将葡萄及其酿造技术从波斯带回中华。无独有偶,在欧亚大15击的另一端,罗马人也将源于波斯的葡萄栽培技术在高卢地区广泛推广。从公元1纪起,葡萄次第出现在罗纳河谷、布根地、波尔多、香滨地区……遍  相似文献   

<正> 在很多人心目中,法国葡萄酒很有名,在那些法国葡萄酒的爱好者眼里,一提起法国葡萄酒的圣地,首先想起的是波尔多。这当然不错,但这次笔者到了法国实地考察才知道,同为法国葡萄酒法定产区的普罗旺斯区,在法国人眼中,其地位一点也不亚于波尔多,在产品的品种上,甚至还有优于波尔多之处,尤其是它的玫瑰红(亦称桃红)葡萄酒,更以其产量之高、名气之大而闻名全法国。  相似文献   

Italian wine is increasingly appreciated in new world consumer countries and, in particular, in Russia where consumers associate its consumption with an Italian lifestyle. In this paper, market value for wine search attributes is measured through the estimation of a hedonic price model using online data from a Wine Searcher website and the information contained in the labels of wines marketed in Russia. Results show a premium price for wines from Piedmont and Tuscany, and in particular for non-native varieties and for Indicazione Geografica Tipica and Protected Geographical Indication wines. Additionally, vintage and higher alcohol content have a significant positive impact on the prices that consumers are willing to pay for wines. The knowledge of the implicit price of wine quality attributes has important implication for producers to aid in the adoption of effective marketing strategies, and for decision-makers for the adoption of effective measures to improve regional competitiveness in the world market.  相似文献   

Proteins are typically present in wines in low concentrations, contributing little to their nutritive value. However, they assume a considerable technological and economical importance because they greatly affect the clarity and stability of wines. Although exhibiting a large diversity, the majority of the wine proteins are structurally related and have been identified as pathogenesis related (PR) proteins. Thus, different wines are essentially composed by identical sets of polypeptides. They derive from the grape pulp, and survive the vinification process simply because they are highly resistant to proteolysis and to the low pH characteristic of wines. There is increasing evidence suggesting that although protein-dependent, the development of turbidity in wines is controlled by a number of factors of non-protein origin, such as polyphenols, the wine pH and the presence of polysaccharides. A variety of procedures has been developed and tested for the specific removal of proteins from wines. Even though bentonite fining is nonspecific and can impair the quality of wine, it remains the only effective method to stabilize wines.  相似文献   

通过分析各类果酒的主要成分及其功能性,阐述了明确果酒的营养成分,寻找果酒营养健康卖点,精准营销理念,加强品牌建设是中国果酒企业未来发展应采取的措施。  相似文献   

This study adds to the knowledge base on the level of product involvement, brand loyalty, and preference for country-of-origin wine brands of Japanese wine consumers. A highly structured, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from Japanese wine consumers from six of the eight major regional divisions across Japan. A 17-item wine product involvement scale measured consumers' involvement levels and formed the basis for analysis. Regression analysis on brand loyalty and involvement show a low positive association between them. Involvement is influenced by the age demographic, and increases with age until the 35–45-year age group (Generation-X) and then slowly decreases. A strong positive relationship exists between consumption frequency and quantity, and the level of involvement. High involvement consumers show a strong preference for Old World-produced wines, mainly from France and Italy. Consumers living in Chubu have the highest level of involvement, followed by Hokkaido and Kanto, which suggests that wine exporters should look beyond Tokyo for the opportunities in the regional areas of Japan. Further studies should be undertaken to examine the relationship between risk, brand loyalty, and wine purchase behaviour, and the way in which brand loyalty interacts with wine product involvement.  相似文献   

The study aimed to determine the relationship between perceived mineral character in wine and wine chemical composition. We investigated the sensory properties and chemical composition of sauvignon blanc wines from two major sauvignon-producing countries, New Zealand and France. Sensory experiments employing 16 wines (8 French, 8 New Zealand) were conducted in Marlborough, New Zealand and in three regions of France, namely Bordeaux, Burgundy, and the Sancerre/Loire region. Wine professionals (31 New Zealanders and 32 French professionals) sensorially characterised the 16 wines under three conditions, bouquet only (ortho-nasal olfaction), palate only (nose clip condition), and full tasting (global condition: ortho-nasal olfaction, retronasal olfaction, taste, trigeminal stimulation). Sensory data from the global condition only are reported in this article. Physical and chemical analyses conducted on all wines included wine standard parameters, elemental composition, volatile aroma composition, and measures of organic acids. Major results demonstrate that (i) on average French and New Zealand wines were perceived similarly in intensity of mineral character, although judgments to individual wines differed as a function of participant culture; (ii) French and NZ participants drew on different information to make their sensory judgments; and (iii) several aspects of wine composition associated positively with perception of mineral character while others associated negatively, the significant associations differing as a function of participant culture.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the concept of complexity in wine as a function of domain-specific expertise. Thirty-nine wine professionals and 30 wine consumers participated in interviews aimed at inducing verbal responses concerning their representations of (i) wine complexity in general, (ii) wine complexity in relation to white wine with perceived ageing ability, and (iii) wine complexity in relation to red wine with perceived ageing ability. The verbal data were analysed with the textual data analysis software ALCESTE ( [Reinert, 1983], [Reinert, 1986], [Reinert, 2001] and [Reinert, 2008]). Results showed that wine professionals as a group tended to represent complexity in wine in terms of extrinsic factors such as oenological processes (e.g., lees stirring; use of oak) and terroir variables (e.g., soil; viticulture: see Moran, 2006). On the other hand, wine consumers’ representations of wine complexity were dominated by intrinsic factors relating to their experience of consuming wine (e.g., smell and taste of wines) and were personalised and subjective (e.g., about their own enjoyment and pleasure). Further, wine professionals’ representations clearly differentiated between characteristics of white wine with ageing potential and characteristics of red wine with ageing potential whereas those of wine consumers did not. The results are discussed in terms of the salient components of the concept of complexity in wine, including wine judged to have ageing ability, along with the cognitive processing associated with wine expertise.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: This study investigated flavonoid composition and C13-norisoprenoids (β-damascenone and β-ionone) in Shiraz grapes and wines, their relationships and links to wine sensory properties. Methods and Results: Differences in the grape berry flavonoid profile were created by exposing bunches to varying levels of sunlight intensity through canopy manipulation. Grapes were harvested at similar maturity and three replicate wines were made for each treatment in both vintages. Grapes produced under shaded canopy conditions had reduced anthocyanins and skin tannins, but little effect on seed tannins was observed. Pigmented polymers and tannins in wines were related to berry flavonoid composition (anthocyanins, skin and seed tannins, and their ratios). In grapes and wines, no significant effects were observed in response to canopy manipulation for two hydrolytically released C13-norisoprenoids, β-damascenone and β-ionone. Relationships were established for wine flavonoid composition, wine colour density, sensory perception of the astringency-related mouth-feel attributes and a quality scale. A positive relationship between wine quality score and hydrolytically released β-damascenone in both berries and wines was found, but not for free β-damascenone or any quantified forms of β-ionone. Conclusion: Higher concentrations of anthocyanins and skin tannins in berries, coupled with a lower concentration of seed tannins were associated with higher wine quality. The ratio anthocyanins*skin tannins/seed tannins is proposed as an indicator of wine flavonoid composition, wine colour and wine quality. Excessive canopy shade was detrimental to berry and wine composition and intensified sensory detection of ‘straw’ and ‘herbaceous’ characters in the wines. Significance of the Study: This study increases the understanding of the balance and composition of flavonoid compounds and C13-norisoprenoids in berries and their relationship with wine composition and wine sensory properties, but also highlights the importance of a canopy microclimate assessment.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the ability of experienced wine tasters to consistently assign quality scores to both red and white wines. Methods and Results: Wine quality scores were collected over a 15‐year period from 571 experienced wine tasters. Consistency was measured by correlating the scores given to duplicate presentations of wines, calculating the pooled variation in repeat scores and assessing their ability to allocate duplicate presentations of the same wine to the same quality category. Although the majority of tasters showed statistically significant consistency, their individual abilities varied considerably and, in general, their ability to consistently score one wine type was a poor predictor of their consistency in scoring the other. Tasters were better able to allocate duplicate presentations of red wines to the same category than white wines, and red wine consistency was improved by combining the scores of three assessors as is done in the Australian wine show system. Conclusions: The ability of experienced wine tasters to consistently rate wines for overall quality varied greatly between individuals, but was generally better for red wines than for whites. Consistency was improved by combining the scores from a small team of tasters. Significance of the Study: The study demonstrates the need to conduct replicate tastings when assessing wines for quality as adequate taster repeatability cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, using the combined score of a small team of tasters generally results in more consistent quality assessments.  相似文献   

In this paper, the changes in the composition of a red wine obtained from Tempranillo grapes (Vitis vinifera L.), stored from 12 to 24 months in bottles were studied. The wine was previously aging for 21 months in barrels made of Spanish oak wood (Quercus spp.). The changes of chromatic data, global polyphenolic families assessment (polyphenols, catechins, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins) and individually polyphenols by HPLC during their storage time in bottles were studied and compared with these of the same wine aged in barrels made of French oak and American oak and stored in bottle for 24 months. Samples of wines obtained after 12 months in bottle were also compared with those after 24 months. The stepwise discriminant analysis with data of chromatic parameters and global polyphenolic families indicates that the wines aged in Spanish and French oak wood barrels, after 24 months stored in bottle, have similar characteristics, but they are significantly different to those of wines aged in barrels made of American oak wood. Regarding the analysis of individually non-anthocyanic polyphenols, discriminant analysis shows that wines stored for 24 months in bottle, aged in barrels made of Spanish, French and American oak woods, show overlapping results, while those from wines after 12 months in bottle are more dispersed. The discriminant analysis carried out on anthocyanidin concentrations of wines stored 24 months in bottles has shown three groups according the kind of wood used, indicating that wines aged in Spanish and French oak barrels are much more similar in anthocyanidin concentrations than those aged in the American barrels.  相似文献   

Complexity is often stated as a mark of wine quality but there are no quantitative data supporting this assumption. The effect of partial alcohol reduction on the perceived complexity, temporality of sensations and liking of a Syrah wine was investigated.An Australian Syrah wine was partially dealcoholized using the reverse osmosis technique to obtain five wines with different alcohol content (13.5–8%). 71 French wine consumers evaluated their liking for these wines as well as the perceived intensity of overall complexity and eight items reported to be linked to perceived complexity in wine (familiarity, persistence, etc.) using continuous scales, anchored with pictures (Medel, Viala, Meillon, Urbano, & Schlich, 2009). In addition, eight trained panelists described temporality of sensations in the same wines with the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method. The overall complexity scale was well understood by consumers with a significant discrimination of wines according to their alcohol content. Wines with higher alcohol content were perceived as more complex, persistent, strong and with many aromas. They were associated to more complex temporal sensory profiles, with many sensations that blend in-mouth along time.  相似文献   

Biogenic amines are compounds produced mainly by microorganisms from the decarboxylation of some amino acids which may cause several health issues in susceptible people. In the winemaking process, one of the factors with the greatest impact on the final concentration of biogenic amines in wine is the malolactic fermentation, which mainly involves the action of lactic acid bacteria. This article gathers scientific literature on the importance of the use of inoculation in winemaking, especially for the potential formation of biogenic amines in spontaneous fermentations, with emphasis on malolactic fermentation. It establishes the set of attributes that influence the formation of biogenic amines in winemaking and aspects related to their toxicity, especially histamine and tyramine. With the growing interest of the market in products with less chemical appeal, the safety of wines, whether from non‐conventional or traditional winemaking, must increasingly be observed. Therefore, the importance of using cultivated starter cultures is discussed, along with the safety of organic wines and the presentation of articles that seek to reconcile the production of organic wine with the preservation of the ‘microbiological terroir’ in a safe way, using selected wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

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