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5种苹果微粉的理化品质与行为特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了制备高品质的苹果纯粉,给苹果制粉加工和新产品开发提供理论支持,以国家苹果种质资源圃中常见的5个加工兼鲜食苹果品种(长富2号、寒富、黄元帅、国光、秦冠)为原料,采用中短波红外干燥联合普通粉碎技术制备苹果微粉,对苹果微粉的理化指标及加工过程中的行为特征进行测定与分析,采用主成分分析法对苹果微粉的品质评价指标进行简化。结果显示,在理化指标方面,色泽上寒富苹果微粉的亮度显著高于其他品种苹果微粉,秦冠苹果微粉的亮度最小;长富2号微粉的总酚含量最高;富士系苹果微粉的总糖含量最高。在行为特征方面,长富2号和寒富在高应力条件下的黏结性较小且在输送过程中表现较好。对测定的20项指标依据主成分解释总变量和碎石图,从中提取了反映原来变量90.38%信息的3个主成分,综合各项指标得出富士系苹果是制备高品质苹果微粉的优选品种。  相似文献   

以33个不同苹果品种(系)为材料,对其果汁及发酵苹果酒进行理化分析,并对苹果酒进行了感官评价.结果表明,不同品种间加工特性差异较大,其中95-109、95-152、红玉、瑞林、94-9-11w、7-c-104、95-117表现出良好的酿酒特性,出汁率和糖度较高,发酵原酒澄清透明,果香、酒香良好,酒体协调,纯正无杂,风味典型性明显,可作为果酒加工的优良品种(系).  相似文献   

以华北地区常见的6个品种苹果为研究材料,分析研究其加工过程中果皮和果肉颜色、物性、褐变率、糖酸比等的差异,选取果皮、肉颜色、物性、褐变速率、糖酸比、出汁率等为指标,评价不同苹果品种加工适宜性。结果显示,不同品种苹果果肉颜色存在显著性差异,短枝红星的果肉黄值显著高于其他品种,达到15.14±2.84;不同品种苹果的果形指数差异不显著,但果肉物性存在显著性差异,王林的硬度最大,富士的可咀嚼性最大,达(0.75±0.06)MJ;不同品种苹果理化指标存在显著性差异,富士苹果的总酸与Vc含量均最高,分别为0.45±0.03(苹果酸%)和(5.80±0.05)mg/100 g;富士苹果褐变速率最快,但短枝红星的糖酸比最高。富士苹果的加工品质最好,适合加工果汁、苹果酒、醋与罐头。试验结果为果农和苹果汁生产者选择适宜的苹果品种提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以6个苹果品种为研究原料,分析研究了不同苹果品种在加工过程中果肉色度、果汁颜色和果汁澄清度的差异,同时分析了果皮对果汁变色的影响。实验结果显示:6种苹果品种的果肉颜色有显著差异,抗坏血酸对不同的苹果品种的护色效果也不同,加热会使6个品种果汁澄清度降低,去除果皮在一定程度上能控制果汁变色。  相似文献   

为研究不同马铃薯品种(系)加工面条的适宜性,以13个旱作品种(系)的新鲜马铃薯为原料制备马铃薯面条,在对13个不同品种(系)基本成分分析和比较的基础上,以纯小麦为对照,研究不同品种(系)马铃薯对面条感官、蒸煮和质构特性的影响。结果表明,不同品种(系)马铃薯面条的感官、蒸煮和质构特性存在显著差异性(P<0.05)。感官综合评分较高的品种(系)是陇薯9号、中薯18号、LY08104-12、L1036-34、天薯11号;断条率较低的品种是陇薯7号、陇薯9号、陇薯11号、陇薯14号、天薯11号;蒸煮损失率较小的品种(系)是天薯11号、L1027-10、中薯18号、L1036-34、L1149-2;硬度、弹性和咀嚼性较好的品种(系)是L1149-2、陇薯7号、陇薯14号、青薯9号、中薯18号。综合评价面条的感官、蒸煮和质构特性,供试的13个品种(系)中,陇薯9号、天薯11号、中薯18号和新品系L1036-34、L1149-2表现较好,制得的面条感官品质较好,硬度适中,口感劲道,质构品质也较优。与CK相比,所筛选品种制得的面条感官评分范围为82.98~88.66分,较CK降低5.31~11.34个百分点;断条率与CK相当;损失率范围为2.44%~4.76%,较CK高出1.86~4.18个百分点;面条的质构特性与CK之间不存在显著差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

以香蕉为原料,通过单因素试验确定低糖低热量香蕉醋饮料的最佳生产工艺条件,以感官评价作为指标,采用正交试验优化香蕉原醋、香蕉汁、复配甜味剂添加量的配方;以透光率为指标,优化香蕉醋饮料的澄清条件。结果表明饮料的最佳配方:香蕉原醋添加量7% 、香蕉汁添加量20% 、复配甜味剂(赤藓糖醇与甜菊糖苷质量比1 000∶4)添加量6% ;最优澄清条件:壳聚糖添加量0.5% 、澄清温度40℃、澄清时间60 min。产品能量值≤80 kJ/100 mL,含糖量≤5 g/100 mL,符合低糖、低热量的饮料标准。香蕉醋饮料呈金黄色,有浓郁的香蕉果香,澄清透亮,酸甜可口。  相似文献   

6种国产膜在苹果汁加工中的应用比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以小国光苹果为原料 ,采用聚砜 (PS)、磺化聚砜 (SPS)、聚砜 磺化聚砜共混膜 (PS SPS)、聚丙烯腈 (PAN)、羧基化改性的PAN板式膜、中空纤维PAN膜等 6种国产膜材料对苹果汁进行超滤澄清处理 ,比较了 6种国产膜在苹果汁澄清超滤中通量的变化、不同清洗方式对膜通量的恢复情况和不同膜材料对苹果汁理化指标和感官指标的影响。结果发现 ,6种国产膜均适合对苹果汁进行超滤澄清 ,其中PS SPS混膜在苹果汁的超滤工艺中具有更好的应用前景 ;PS SPS共混膜和改性PAN膜具有较高的抗污染能力。另外 ,采用 0 .1 %酶清洗(NOVOFERM5 8)与 0 .5 %碱液 (pH 1 2 )结合的方式 ,能显著性地提高膜清洗后的通量。  相似文献   

为了分析东乡族自治县15个马铃薯品种(系)的主要营养品质,对该地区马铃薯块茎的干物质、粗淀粉、粗蛋白、还原糖、维生素C、钾和锌含量进行了测定和相关性分析,并采用主成分分析和隶属函数法对各品种(系)马铃薯块茎主要营养品质进行了综合评价。结果表明,马铃薯块茎营养品质在不同品种(系)间存在较大的差异,其中还原糖含量的变异系数最大为55.5%,钾含量的变异系数最小为7.5%;主成分分析表明参试马铃薯品种(系)的营养品质指标可以用4个主成分(累积贡献率达89.592%)来表示;根据隶属函数分析法得到参试马铃薯品种(系)的主要营养品质从好到差依次为:陇薯14号 > 庄薯3号 > 陇薯11号 > 天薯13号 > L08104-12 > 天薯11号 > 定薯4号 > 定薯3号 > 定扶引4号 > 民薯2号 > 天薯12号 > L0529-2 > 青薯9号 > 陇薯10号 > L0109-4。本研究结果不仅为后期开展马铃薯加工提供科学依据,也为消费者选择所需的马铃薯品种提供指导。  相似文献   

调配型山楂果醋饮料工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以出汁率为评价指标通过L9(34)正交试验确定了酶法制取山楂汁的最佳工艺参数为果胶酶添加量0.16%,酶解时间3.5h,酶解温度35℃,加水量为6倍果重.以感官评价作为指标确定了调配型山楂果醋饮料的最佳工艺配方为山楂汁60%,9°米醋2%,糖10%.并对调配型山楂果醋和市售食醋中黄酮的含量行了对比研究,结果表明调配型山楂果醋中的黄酮含量明显高于其它几种醋.  相似文献   

以明胶、果胶酶、壳聚糖、硅藻土四种澄清剂单一和复合使用的处理方法对山药醋进行澄清处理,以发酵山药醋透光率为考察指标,运用响应面法优化山药醋复合澄清工艺。结果表明:山药复合澄清响应面模型的建立具有可靠稳定性,最佳复合澄清工艺条件为硅藻土与壳聚糖配比5:2(g:g),复合澄清剂添加量4 g/L,澄清温度36.5℃,澄清时间83 min。在此优化条件下,山药醋透光率达到95.8%,比原醋升高27%,同时对山药醋其他各项指标均无明显影响,氨基酸态氮0.27 g/100 mL,总酸5.29 g/100 mL,可溶性固形物8.74 °Bx,处理后的山药醋外观呈浅黄棕,透明无悬浮物质,口感柔和。  相似文献   

Vinegars contain several bioactive compounds that are characterized according to the type of the raw material, such as grape vinegars and apple vinegars. Liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was used for identification and quantification of phenolic compounds. Antioxidant properties of vinegars were determined by 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl and 2,2′‐azino‐bis‐3‐ethylbenzthiazoline‐6‐sulphonic acid assays. Antimicrobial activities of vinegars were examined with an agar disc diffusion method with Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Gallic acid and chlorogenic acid were found to be the major phenolic acids accounting for the largest proportion of the total phenolic acid contents in grape vinegars and apple vinegars. Within the flavonols, quercetin‐3‐O‐galactoside and quercetin were detected as the major compounds in grape vinegars. Apple vinegars were characterized by phloridzin, phloretin and high chlorogenic acid content. Antimicrobial activity results indicated that grape vinegars exhibited higher antimicrobial activity against tested bacterial strains correlated with their higher antioxidant capacity. Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

不同品种苹果液态酿醛适应性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
试验以五种苹果汁为原料,采用液态发酵法酿醋,分析了五个试样醋酸发酵前后的主要理化指标及色泽变化,结果认为以国光、陆奥、金帅为原料可酿出具有苹果风味及色泽特征的果醋,国光最有利于良好酸味及色泽品质的形成,富士及浓缩汁不适于良好色泽果醋的酿造。  相似文献   

This work describes using 1H NMR data and pattern recognition analysis to classify vinegars. Vinegar authenticity is linked to raw ingredient source and manufacturing conditions. Application of PCA and HCA methods resulted in the natural clustering of the samples according to the raw material used. Wine vinegars were characterized by a high concentration of ethyl acetate, glycerol, methanol and tartaric acid, while glycerol and ethyl acetate signals were not visible in alcohol/agrin vinegars. Apple vinegars showed to be richer in alanine. The KNN, SIMCA and PLS-DA methods were used to build predictive models for classification of vinegar type wine, apple and alcohol/agrin (27 samples - 22 as training set). The models were tested using an independent set (5 samples), no samples were wrongly classified. Validated models were used to predict the class of 21 commercial samples, which, as expected, were correctly classified. Eight commercial vinegars (honey, orange, pineapple and rice) were discriminated from these samples using PCA method. Honey vinegars did not present ethanol signals and pineapple vinegars presented the largest amount of tartaric acid. Rice and orange vinegars are richer in lactic acid and did not present the methanol signal. Alanine signals were not visible in orange vinegars.  相似文献   

木瓜复合果醋的酿制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
周帼萍  汪芳安  张佑红 《食品科学》2005,26(10):274-276
以湖北长阳县的木瓜为基料,配以含糖量较高的苹果汁,制备营养丰富的复合木瓜果醋。结果表明,木瓜汁与苹果汁制成的复合果醋,色泽清亮自然,具有两种果汁的复合香味,口感和香味都优于纯木瓜醋和木瓜菠萝复合果醋。  相似文献   

采用GC-MS法对'95-54'、'95-117'苹果酒、醋中的香气物质的种类与含量进行检测分析.95-54苹果酒中检测出48种香气物质,占总峰面积的90.36%.95-54苹果醋中检测出42种香气物质,占总峰面积的98.66%.95-117苹果酒中检测出43种香气类物质,占总峰面积的86.59%.95-117苹果醋中检测出49种香气物质,占总峰面积的99.37%.这些香气物质主要是醇类、醛类、酮类、酸类、酯类、缩醛类和萜烯类.分析得出不同品种的苹果酒和苹果醋都存在一定的共性和差异,苹果酒和醋之间的香气差异也均符合酒醋基本特征.  相似文献   

Five kinds of vinegars (two kinds of persimmon vinegars, unpolished rice vinegar, polished rice vinegar, and apple vinegar) were evaluated for their scavenging activity towards 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals, superoxide radicals, and hydroxyl radicals, and for their antioxidant activity in tuna homogenate. The total phenolic content was also determined by the modified Folin-Ciocalteu method. Markedly high phenolic contents and radical-scavenging activities were found for vinegar made from persimmon Saijyo varieties, and unpolished rice vinegar. When incorporated into fatty tuna homogenates, persimmon vinegar effectively inhibited lipid oxidation in the homogenates. Persimmon vinegar may be as useful in fish processing as are other naturally occurring antioxidants, helping to prevent the formation of off-flavour in fish and their products and to increase shelf life.  相似文献   

以实验室自制的柑橘、苹果、猕猴桃、柿子四种果醋为筛选原料,经过菌种的富集培养,采用稀释涂布法分离菌株,最终从柿子醋中分离到8株产醋酸优势菌株,对8株优势菌株进行传代培养,筛选出了在传代培养过程中,产醋酸酸度高且产量稳定的菌株F9,其产算量高达56.26g/L,酒精转化率为78.12%。根据菌株F9形态观察,以及生理生化特征初步确定菌株F9为醋杆菌属菌种。  相似文献   

The rapid stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP) method was used to determine copper, lead, cadmium, and zinc in different kinds of vinegars (date, white grape, red grape, and apple) produced in Iran. The results of SCP were compared with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) as a reference method. There were no significant differences (p > 0.5) between the two methods. The range of concentration (ng/ml) of the analytes for heavy metals in different kinds of vinegars was as follows: copper (12.79–1,129), lead (3.32–253), cadmium (non-detectable concentration to 78), and zinc (26.12–3,725). The results demonstrated that it is possible to accurately determine the copper, lead, cadmium, and zinc content by direct analysis of vinegar samples using SCP method. The metal concentrations in all samples were lower than the maximum allowable limits legislated by the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran.  相似文献   

以八种不同原料发酵的原醋为研究对象,采用固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用(SPME-GC-MS)技术对其挥发性物质成分进行分析。结果表明,八种原醋中共检测出128种挥发性成分,其中大枣、葡萄、山楂、桑葚、柿子、大米、梨、香蕉原醋分别检出60种、51种、47种、47种、38种、37种、35种、29种。八种原醋中共有成分6种,为苯甲醛、乙酸乙酯、乙醇、苯乙醇、醋酸、3-乙酰基-2-丁酮。结合相对气味活度值(ROAV)分析,筛选出31种对八种原醋风味有重要贡献的关键化合物,其中,酯类和酸类物质对八种原醋的风味有着最重要的贡献,是发酵原醋中独特香味来源的主要物质。  相似文献   

This work describes an improved, simple high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the simultaneous determination of furfuraldeydes (2-furfural (2-F), 5-methylfurfural (5-MF) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF)) and patulin in food products. The compounds were simultaneously determined by reversed-phase HPLC using a C18 column and photodiode array (DAD) detection. The method, simple and accurate, showed recoveries of furfuraldeydes from 6% to 100% and the recovery of patulin is about 90%. The method was applied to different commercial food matrices: honey, white and demerara table sugars, white and red balsamic vinegars, caramel, nutritional supplement, sugar substitute, apple juices (clear and cloudy) and also to a mould infected apple. The one-step, sensitive (the limits of detection (LODs) for patulin, 5-HMF, 5-MF and 2-F were 0.09, 0.06, 0.23 and 0.73 ppb, respectively), no time consuming methodology will contribute to characterize and quantify the presence of these compounds in human diet and to determine the quality of foods.  相似文献   

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