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纳米纤维素作为包装材料的填充成分,可以提高材料的力学性能和阻隔性能,并可改善复合材料的热学性能及降解性能。本文简要介绍了纤维素及纳米纤维素,重点阐述了纳米纤维素的制备方法(化学法、生物法和物理机械法等)及其在食品包装材料中的应用(保鲜及抗菌包装材料、活性包装材料和高阻隔包装材料等)。最后,对纳米纤维素在食品包装材料领域的研究发展方向进行了展望,以期为食品包装材料的发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

食品包装材料是影响食品安全的重要因素之一,涉及食品生产、贮藏及销售等各个环节,本文主要分析食品包装材料中塑料包装材料、纸质包装材料、陶瓷包装材料及金属包装材料的应用及其有害成分的迁移研究,列举新型材料在食品包装方面的应用,为食品质量与安全的研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

食品包装材料研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品包装可以避免食品受外界因素影响,保持食品性能稳定,且具有方便运输、美观实用和广告的作用。随着生活水平的提高,人们对食品包装材料的要求逐渐趋于安全、环保和健康。综述了塑料、玻璃、金属、纸质、纳米等包装材料及其在各类食品中的应用,以及近年国内外食品包装材料的研究进展,指出食品包装材料存在的问题,并对其发展趋势进行了展望,食品包装材料正在逐步向绿色、安全、多功能方面发展,以便使可持续发展的新型包装材料在食品工业中得到广泛使用。  相似文献   

随着食品加工产业的进一步发展,食品质量和安全越来越受到公众重视,为了保护食品品质和延长食品货架期,开发新型包装材料具有重要意义。主要介绍了四种新型包装材料,包括抗菌材料、气调材料、控释材料和智能材料,总结各种包装材料的特点以及在食品包装领域的研究进展,并对未来食品包装材料的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

通过比较目前常用的食品包装材料,对日本,美国等发达国家的国际食品包装材料进行了对比分析。对于中国食品包装材料的安全管理模式,从设立、管理组织、管理、法律适用等方面与发达国家相比,发达国家有比较完善的法律法规体系和高效的管理程序。包装材料的安全和健康管理相对成熟。中国应尽快引入包装材料操作系统并尽快修订相关标准,加强包装材料安全评估和检测能力建设。  相似文献   

保鲜包装材料在食品包装中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了保鲜材料在食品包装中的应用,其中涉及到许多高新保鲜包装材料以及国内外保鲜包装材料研究开发现状和发展趋势。归纳了保鲜包装材料的种类,并对保鲜包装材料进行了分类。提出研究开发保鲜包装新材料对延长食品保鲜期和保存期的重要性。  相似文献   

我国食品包装材料现状及其安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国食品包装材料的现状,分析了不同食品包装材料的优缺点,指出了各类包装材料存在的食品安全隐患,并提出利用高新技术研发新的食品包装材料是解决食品包装安全问题的新思路。  相似文献   

国内外食品包装材料安全管理状况及对策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了解国际上食品包装材料的管理模式,为我国食品包装材料的安全管理提供借鉴,对美国、欧盟、日本、韩国等经济发达国家的食品包装材料管理模式进行了对比分析。从法规设置、管理机构、管理程序等角度进行比较,发达国家都建有比较完善的法规标准体系和高效清晰的管理程序,对包装材料的安全管理比较成熟。我国应尽快出台可操作性强的包装材料准入制度,对相关标准进行修订,并加强对包装材料安全评价和检测能力的建设。  相似文献   

食品包装材料安全保障体系的系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
食品安全不仅是食品本身的安全,而且也包括食品被包装后的安全,食品包装材料的安全性是食品安全不可分割的重要组成部分.在对食品包装材料引起安全事故的原因,食品包装材料的安全性检测要求,欧美关于食品接触包装材料及器具的法令法规分析的基础上,提出了我国应尽快建立由食品包装材料安全标准、法规及检测体系,食品包装材料及器具的市场准入制度,食品及包装全过程跟踪和追溯的安全管理系统RFID,食品及包装行政监管系统等4部分组成的食品包装材料安全保障体系,以应对当前频发的由包装材料引起的安全事故.  相似文献   

超高压(high pressure processing,HPP)处理技术在对食品杀菌、钝酶的同时较好的保留了食品风味与营养物质,具有良好的发展前景。为保障超高压食品安全,研究超高压对包装材料传质性能,即迁移、吸附和渗透的影响至关重要。此文综述了超高压技术对包装材料传质性能的影响,超高压处理条件、包装材料组成、扩散物和食品的性质等是影响超高压下包装材料传质性能的重要因素。通过阐述超高压影响包装材料的微观结构,探讨了超高压下包装材料中扩散物质进行缓慢蠕动的扩散机理,材料传质性能降低的原因。该文还展望了超高压食品包装安全领域研究的发展方向,旨在为超高压食品包装材料传质的研究、材料的设计与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Concerns on environmental waste problems caused by non-biodegradable petrochemical-based plastic packaging materials as well as the consumer's demand for high quality food products has caused an increasing interest in developing biodegradable packaging materials using annually renewable natural biopolymers such as polysaccharides and proteins. Inherent shortcomings of natural polymer-based packaging materials such as low mechanical properties and low water resistance can be recovered by applying a nanocomposite technology. Polymer nanocomposites, especially natural biopolymer-layered silicate nanocomposites, exhibit markedly improved packaging properties due to their nanometer size dispersion. These improvements include increased modulus and strength, decreased gas permeability, and increased water resistance. Additionally, biologically active ingredients can be added to impart the desired functional properties to the resulting packaging materials. Consequently, natural biopolymer-based nanocomposite packaging materials with bio-functional properties have a huge potential for application in the active food packaging industry. In this review, recent advances in the preparation of natural biopolymer-based films and their nanocomposites, and their potential use in packaging applications are addressed.  相似文献   

食品包装是食品的外部保护, 可以防止食品免受外界因素的影响而发生感官或营养成分的变化。传统的食品包装材料不仅会给环境带来巨大压力, 而且从食品包装迁移至食品中的化学物质也会给食品安全和质量带来负面影响。随着人们对食品包装材料的安全性越来越关注, 很多新型的食品包装材料成为研究热点。本文对几种具有较大应用前景的可降解材料、可食材料进行了综述, 包括天然高分子材料、微生物合成高分子材料、聚乳酸(poly lactic acid, PLA)等新型食品包装材料的研究现状和亟待解决的问题, 简要介绍了活性包装和智能包装的发展, 并对未来食品包装的发展趋势提出方向。  相似文献   

无菌包装中的杀菌技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
无菌包装技术是指在包装物、被包装物、包装辅助器材均无菌的条件下,在无菌的环境中进行充填和封合的一种包装技术。无菌包装技术的关键在于各类食品物料的杀菌、包装材料的灭菌及物料填充环境的无菌三个环节。简要介绍了无菌包装中常用的杀菌技术的原理、特点。  相似文献   

The active packaging materials fabricated using natural polymers is increasing in recent years. Electrohydrodynamic processing has drawn attention in active food packaging due to its potential in fabricating materials with advanced structural and functional properties. These materials have the significant capability in enhancing food's quality, safety, and shelf-life. Through electrospinning and electrospray, fibers and particles are encapsulated with bioactive compounds for active packaging applications. Understanding the principle behind electrohydrodynamics provides fundamentals in modulating the material's physicochemical properties based on the operating parameters. This review provides a deep understanding of electrospray and electrospinning, along with their advantages and recent innovations, from food packaging perspectives. The natural polymers suitable for developing active packaging films and coatings through electrohydrodynamics are intensely focused. The critical properties of the packaging system are discussed with characterization techniques. Furthermore, the limitations and prospects for natural polymers and electrohydrodynamic processing in active packaging are summarized.  相似文献   

Since early man first used a variety of natural containers to store and eat foods, significant developments in food packaging materials have provided the means to suppress microbial growth as well as protect foods from external microbial contamination. Throughout this progression, packaging materials have been developed specifically to prevent the deterioration of foods resulting from exposure to air, moisture, or pH changes associated with the food or the surrounding atmosphere. Both flexible and rigid packaging materials, alone or in combination with other preservation methods, have been developed to offer the necessary barrier, inactivation, and containment properties required for successful food packaging. Examples of flexible packaging used to inactivate microorganisms associated with foods include controlled atmosphere, vacuum, modified atmosphere, active, and edible packaging. Additionally, the combination of rigid packaging materials made from metal, glass, or plastic with heat provides the most effective and widely used method for inactivating microorganisms. As with all food products, it is necessary to integrate a HACCP-based program to assure quality throughout the packaging operation. In addition to packaging improvements, other novel technologies include the development of detectors for oxygen levels, bacterial toxins, and microbial growth, or the integration of time-temperature indicators for detection of improper handling or storage.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人们的食品安全和环境保护意识不断提高,对无毒可降解食品包装材料的需求不断增加。针对此现状,该文综述了涂布型食品包装纸生物聚合物基质的分类及应用的研究进展,分析了纸基材料作为食品包装的优势及性能缺陷,介绍了作为纸张涂料的生物聚合物基质(多糖、蛋白质、复合基质)及纸基材料所具有的功能特性,总结了涂布型纸张在食品包装方面的应用。将涂布纸作为食品包装,能有效地保持食品的品质,赋予纸张的功能特性还能够延长食品保质期,具有巨大的市场价值,有望为食品工业进一步开发绿色和可持续的纸基包装材料提供参考。  相似文献   

Biopolymer-based antimicrobial packaging: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The term antimicrobialpackaging encompasses any packaging technique(s) used to control microbial growth in a food product. These include packaging materials and edible films and coatings that contain antimicrobial agents and also techniques that modify the atmosphere within the package. In recent years, antimicrobial packaging has attracted much attention from the food industry because of the increase in consumer demand for minimally processed, preservative-free products. Reflecting this demand, the preservative agents must be applied to packaging in such away that only low levels of preservatives come into contact with the food. The film or coating technique is considered to be more effective, although more complicated to apply. New antimicrobial packaging materials are continually being developed. Many of them exploit natural agents to control common food-borne microorganisms. Current trends suggest that, in due course, packaging will generally incorporate antimicrobial agents, and the sealing systems will continue to improve. The focus of packaging in the past has been on the appearance, size, and integrity of the package. A greater emphasis on safety features associated with the addition of antimicrobial agents is perhaps the next area for development in packaging technology.  相似文献   

作为智能包装不可缺少的一部分——新鲜度指示剂,通过指示敏感材料,与食品腐败过程中产生的特定产物发生反应,并将反应结果转换成易于消费者直接观察和判断的信号,如:颜色信号、电信号、荧光信号等,为消费者提供实时质量监控信息,本文综述了食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的分类,包括CO2敏感型指示剂、TVB-N敏感型指示剂、pH敏感型指示剂及其成型工艺,涵盖了食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的应用,旨在为食品智能包装新鲜度指示剂的发展提供参考,为食品损失和污染等传统包装问题提供了潜在的解决方案,其后续发展应朝着方便、快捷、实时显示食品质量变化的方向,以减少因食品质量差和安全问题带来的健康问题,研发新型的新鲜度指示剂,有利于将智能包装技术推广至更多的包装应用中,为产品质量提供理论指导与技术支撑。  相似文献   

现代社会,随着可持续发展的理念深入人心,环保包装已经成为必然的趋势。鉴于天然植物对人体无毒、可再生、可降解、不污染环境的特性,可利用其制作食品包装材料。本文以粽叶、荷叶为代表,探讨了天然植物类包装的定义,分析和总结了危害分析的临界控制点(hazard analysis and critical control point,HACCP)体系的建立,相关标准与法规以及加工过程中检测指标等相关研究,总结了目前检测指标的实验方法和安全范围,为天然植物类食品包装材料的规范化使用提供参考,同时为此类包装材料的安全监管提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Active food packaging technologies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Active packaging technologies offer new opportunities for the food industry, in the preservation of foods. Important active packaging systems currently known to date, including oxygen scavengers, carbon dioxide emitters/absorbers, moisture absorbers, ethylene absorbers, ethanol emitters, flavor releasing/absorbing systems, time-temperature indicators, and antimicrobial containing films, are reviewed. The principle of operation of each active system is briefly explained. Recent technological advances in active packaging are discussed, and food related applications are presented. The effects of active packaging systems on food quality and safety are cited.  相似文献   

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