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为提升风干牛肉的品质,筛选具有优良特性的乳酸菌发酵剂进行风干牛肉的制作。分别将3种产蛋白酶乳酸菌(乳酸乳球菌(S-1)、戊糖片球菌(S-2)、格氏乳球菌(S-3))接种于牛肉,研究牛肉腌制、发酵、风干、成熟等不同阶段的水分、pH、硫代巴比妥酸(TBARS)值、色泽、质构和微生物等品质指标变化。另外,采用高效液相色谱法分析样品中生物胺质量分数变化,并对添加的菌株安全性进行评价。结果表明,3种产蛋白酶乳酸菌均可以显著降低风干牛肉的pH和TBARS值(P<0.05),改善色泽和质构,但对水分质量分数变化没有显著影响(P>0.05);3种发酵剂均能有效抑制产品中大肠菌群的生长,其中S-2抑菌作用最强;3种发酵剂均可以有效抑制风干牛肉中生物胺(腐胺、尸胺、组胺、酪胺)的形成,其中S-2、S-3的抑制效果更好。因此,3株乳酸菌作为发酵剂应用于风干牛肉可以提升产品品质及安全性,可以为产蛋白酶乳酸菌在风干牛肉中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

谢爱英  陈祎  党亚丽  周玲 《食品科学》2014,35(15):188-192
以0、30、60、90 d促熟干酪中生物胺(组胺、色胺、苯乙胺、尸胺、酪胺)和游离氨基酸含量为指标,研究了添加复合处理发酵剂对干酪产生游离氨基酸和生物胺量的影响。结果表明:不同处理发酵剂添加量对各种生物胺产生的影响不同;添加处理发酵剂干酪中生物胺和游离氨基酸含量增加,其含量随着复合处理发酵剂添加量增加而增加。  相似文献   

目的 控制带鱼加工下脚料低盐发酵鱼露中的生物胺含量。方法 以耐盐性高效生物胺降解乳酸菌Limosilactobacillus fermentum FSCBAD033为功能发酵剂控制带鱼加工下脚料发酵鱼露中的生物胺含量,并研究其对鱼露发酵过程中的pH值、NaCl含量、总可溶性氮(Total Soluble Nitrogen,TSN)含量、氨基酸态氮(Amino Acid Nitrogen,AAN)含量、挥发性盐基氮(Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen,TVB-N)含量以及发酵结束时感官风味的影响。结果 与Control组相比,接种L. fermentum FSCBAD033发酵剂对鱼露发酵过程中的NaCl含量影响不大(p>0.05),但可促进pH值下降以及TSN和AAN含量上升,并显著抑制TVB-N的产生(p<0.05);显著降低发酵结束时鱼露中52.38%尸胺、40.21%组胺、45.44%酪胺、23.74%腐胺、52.67%苯乙胺和43.26%总生物胺(p<0.05),对含量较低的色胺、精胺和亚精胺影响不大;此外,接种L. fermentum FSCBAD033发酵剂可增强发酵结束时鱼露的鲜味和肉味,减弱氨味、腥味和臭味,整体提升鱼露感官风味。结论 L. fermentum FSCBAD033可作为带鱼加工下脚料低盐发酵的功能发酵剂,用于生产低盐、营养丰富、感官风味好且生物胺含量低的高品质鱼露产品。  相似文献   

董春晖  石硕  钟强  万伟  李芳菲  夏秀芳 《食品科学》2021,42(19):317-324
酪胺是以酪氨酸为前体物质,经脱羧后形成的一种生物胺。消费者从食品中摄入过量的酪胺会导致头痛、高血压等健康问题。发酵肉制品由于富含蛋白质,且经长期发酵产生了复杂的微生物菌群和大量的酪氨酸,因此易形成酪胺并在产品中大量积累。应用不产生酪胺或具有降解酪胺功能的发酵剂是降低发酵肉制品中酪胺含量的新方法。本文介绍了发酵肉制品中酪胺的形成及其影响因素,重点综述了发酵剂的种类、特性和发酵剂抑制酪胺形成的机制和效果,旨在为通过发酵剂法抑制发酵肉制品中的酪胺形成与积累、提高发酵食品安全提供理论支持。  相似文献   

发酵剂对牦牛乳硬质干酪成熟过程中生物胺的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳酸菌产生物胺的能力具有菌株特异性,因此,为了探究不同种类发酵剂对牦牛乳硬质干酪中生物胺形成的影响,该试验利用高效液相色谱对3种不同发酵剂制作的硬质干酪成熟过程中生物胺进行了测定和分析。结果表明,嗜热和嗜温发酵剂牦牛乳硬质干酪中检测出2-苯乙胺、腐胺、尸胺、组胺和酪胺,混合发酵剂干酪中检测出腐胺、2-苯乙胺、尸胺和酪胺。各生物胺之间呈现正相关性。3种不同发酵剂干酪在1~6个月成熟过程中,其各生物胺整体呈现增加趋势,嗜热、嗜温和混合发酵剂干酪中总生物胺最高含量分别为(448.3±9.6)、(456.8±58.4)、(293±24.5)mg/kg。组胺和酪胺是2种毒性相对高的生物胺,嗜热发酵剂干酪中组胺和嗜温发酵剂干酪中酪胺最高,其最高含量分别为(20.8±7.9)、(92.9±6.7)mg/kg,混合发酵干酪中未检测出组胺,酪胺含量次之,3种不同发酵剂干酪中组胺、酪胺含量均低于推荐安全剂量50 mg/kg和100 mg/kg。这为合理选择发酵剂和控制干酪中生物胺形成提供了依据。  相似文献   

为解决咸鱼加工、贮藏过程中生物胺的安全问题,本研究在咸鱼加工过程分别添加3 种食用级添加物(山梨酸钾、姜辣素、混合乳酸菌液),采用生物胺初筛培养基检测产生物胺微生物的变化,高效液相色谱法检测咸鱼中腐胺、尸胺、组胺、酪胺等含量变化,比较3 种添加物对咸鱼中生物胺的抑制效果。结果表明:腌制后的咸鱼,在干燥过程和贮藏过程产生物胺菌数量和生物胺含量较高,3 种添加物均对咸鱼中生物胺的产生有一定抑制效果。其中,山梨酸钾对咸鱼中腐胺和尸胺的抑制效果最显著,抑制率分别为65.30%和69.77%,姜辣素对咸鱼中组胺的抑制效果最显著,抑制率为76.75%,乳酸菌对腐胺、尸胺和组胺有一定的抑制效果,但不及山梨酸钾和姜辣素;3种添加物对酪胺有一定的抑制效果,但均不明显。  相似文献   

以清酒乳杆菌、戊糖片球菌及木糖葡萄球菌为复合发酵剂(1:2:2)制作发酵牛肉干,通过色差计及高效液相等仪器测定不同阶段牛肉干的pH、水分活度、色泽及生物胺含量等指标的变化,旨在探究复合发酵剂对发酵牛肉干理化品质和生物胺组成的影响。结果表明:接种上述复合发酵剂促使肉干中乳酸菌快速成为优势菌群,加快产品酸化速率,发酵结束时清酒乳杆菌+戊糖片球菌+木糖片球菌复合发酵剂组(LSS组)pH降为4.43,显著低于对照组(CO组)(P<0.05);pH的快速下降促进肉干中水分快速蒸发和Aw的降低,显著抑制了肉干中肠杆菌的数量,使得LSS中肠杆菌数量降低到2.04 CFU/g。复合发酵剂的快速繁殖抑制了肉干中腐胺和尸胺的积累,LSS组尸胺和腐胺含量显著低于CO组(P<0.05)。随着加工温度和优势菌群数量的变化,对组胺产生较大抑制作用,使添加复合发酵剂的LSS组组胺含量(22.56 mg/kg)仅为CO组的1/2。因此,添加上述复合发酵剂有利于缩短发酵牛肉干加工周期、提高产品品质和安全性能。  相似文献   

通过检测乳酸菌对产品感官、微生物、pH值、水分活度、水分含量、生物胺含量、蛋白质降解指数、游离氨基酸含量指标的影响,研究乳酸菌发酵剂对羊肉风干香肠品质的影响。结果表明,添加乳酸菌发酵剂对产品的感官性质具有显著的影响,可以改善产品的色泽和风味,对产品的微生物数量、pH值、生物胺含量、蛋白质降解指数和氨基酸含量都有显著的影响,而对产品的水分含量和水分活度影响不大,通过乳酸菌的发酵作用,乳酸菌发酵剂实验组最终产品pH值为5.18,蛋白质降解指数为17.97%,氨基酸总量达到3 933.67 mg/100 g,都要高于空白组产品。因此,通过添加乳酸菌,可以显著改善产品的感官品质和营养品质,同时降低安全隐患。  相似文献   

发酵香肠中生物胺含量影响因素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍生物胺的种类、危害及在发酵香肠中存在的可能,重点分析了原料肉、发酵剂、工艺条件(温度、pH值、香肠直径、辅助配料、贮藏条件)等因子对发酵香肠中生物胺含量的影响,并提出了通过控制原料肉的卫生质量、使用优良的发酵剂、控制蛋白质的水解程度、使用添加剂等措施降低发酵香肠中生物胺含量。  相似文献   

发酵肉制品中生物胺的危害及控制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
发酵肉制品中的生物胺是由微生物中的酶对游离氨基酸发生脱羧作用而形成,生物胺种类复杂,并易在人体内积累产生毒性,本文综述了生物胺的特点、毒性、产生物胺微生物的种类及发酵肉制品中生物胺的控制因素(原料肉的控制、优良发酵剂的开发、生产工艺条件的控制等),目的是为了控制发酵肉中生物胺含量,确保发酵肉制品安全。  相似文献   

Different concentrations of potassium sorbate were examined for their effect on the formation of biogenic amines during sausage fermentation using Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici as starter cultures. Microbiological examination revealed that there was a slight decrease in bacterial counts during aging period of fermented sausages. No differences in bacterial counts could be observed between treatment up to 0.06% potassium sorbate, although they were lower than that of control. Tyramine development continued, although potassium sorbate was used in concentration up to 0.06%. Histamine, tryptamine and phenylethylamine concentrations increased, then decreased in the later stage of aging to reach undetectable levels. Putrescine, cadaverine and spermidine were not detected in any sample throughout the study. Statistical analyses proved that there was a positive relation between total biogenic amine (TBA) content of fermented sausage and aging period. On the contrary, a negative relation between TBA and potassium sorbate concentration was found. The interrelationship between the concentration of TBA and the two factors (aging period and potassium sorbate concentration) with higher determination coefficient (R2 = 0.94) was given.  相似文献   

Bozkurt H  Erkmen O 《Meat science》2002,61(2):149-156
The effects of starter cultures and additives on the quality of Turkish style sausage (sucuk) were investigated during ripening and storage. Total aerobic plate counts (aerobic bacteria), mould and yeast counts, pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value and biogenic amine formation were followed. Aerobic bacteria increased (P<0.05) during the first 10 days of ripening to 9.26 log CFU/g and they decreased (P<0.05) to 5.70 at the end of the storage. Larger reductions (P<0.05) were observed in sausages made with high levels of potassium sorbate, nitrite and nitrate than in those containing low levels of additives and those without additives at the end of storage. During the first 3 days of ripening, the pH values of all sausages decreased (P<0.05) from 5.98 to about 4.53. Later, the pH values increased slowly, due to decomposition of acids to an approximately constant value of about 5.20. TBA values were higher (P<0.05) in the sausages made without additives than in the others. Sausages prepared using high concentration of additives had lower (P<0.05) concentrations of biogenic amines than the others. Addition of starter culture with high concentration of additives (nitrite, nitrate, α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, potassium sorbate, potassium pyrophosphate and di-potassium hydrogenphosphate) decreased the formation of biogenic amine.  相似文献   

为破坏生物胺结构、抑制生物胺产生、有效去除生物胺,通过HPLC-柱后衍生-FLD检测技术分析了7种生物胺(酪胺、腐胺、尸胺、组胺、胍丁胺、亚精胺、精胺)在不同加工处理后的变化情况。结果表明,超声、微波、加热对生物胺没有破坏作用,超声和山梨酸钾前处理对鲅鱼生物胺的抑制率分别为45.89%和58.36%。醋酸、泡菜汁对生物胺的去除率为17.59%和27.76%。因此,生物胺不能通过超声、微波、加热技术来消除,可以通过控制细菌生长和酸液浸提等方式来抑制和去除。  相似文献   

传统中式香肠成熟过程中生物胺的生物控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以传统中式香肠成熟过程中生物胺含量的变化为研究对象,重点介绍了色胺、腐胺、尸胺、组胺、酪胺的变化。在香肠加工过程中添加发酵剂和复合植物提取物来控制香肠中生物胺的积累,利用高效液相色谱仪检测成熟过程中生物胺的变化。结果表明,添加发酵剂可有效地抑制色胺、腐胺、尸胺、酪胺的生成;复合植物提取物只是在抑制酪胺含量的增加上有显著效果;同时加入发酵剂和复合植物提取物对色胺、尸胺、组胺和酪胺的抑制效果更显著,特别是组胺,在生产结束时含量为0。发酵剂和复合植物提取物对精胺和亚精胺基本没有影响。  相似文献   

Gençcelep H  Kaban G  Kaya M 《Meat science》2007,77(3):424-430
The effects of starter cultures, starter A (Lactobacillus sakei+Staphylococcus carnosus) and starter B (Pediococcus acidilactici+Staphylococcus xylosus+Lactobacillus curvatus), nitrite levels (0, 75, and 150ppm) and ripening period on biogenic amine production were investigated in sucuk (Turkish dry-fermented sausage) production. Changes in biogenic amines, pH, water activity, moisture, non-protein nitrogen, nitrite and counts of lactic acid bacteria, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, and moulds-yeasts were determined. Ripening period had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the all biogenic amines. Sausages produced by fermentation with starter cultures, as compared to natural fermentation (control), had lower amounts of putrescine, cadaverine and tyramine (P<0.05). Starter cultures A and B were found to have almost the same effect on the formation of biogenic amines. Use of nitrite in sucuk production affected the formation of biogenic amines except for spermidine and spermine (P<0.01). Lactic acid bacteria counts in the control group were lower than that of starter culture groups. Lactic acid bacteria, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus, and moulds-yeasts counts increased during ripening period while levels of species of Enterobacteriaceae decreased, which was also found to be under the detectable level (<100cfug(-1)), by day 3 of ripening.  相似文献   

This study examined the biogenic amine content of the brewing raw material (wheat Qu, seed starter, mash or liquid) during fermentation and during the maturation and storage process. Pre‐column derivatization and high‐performance liquid chromatography were employed to analyse the dynamic changes in biogenic amines during the Chinese rice wine brewing process. Some aliphatic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermine) were already found to be present in the glutinous rice and wheat Qu, but the content was below 2.88 mg/kg. None of the amines were detected in the brewing water. The biogenic amine content in the seed starter exhibited a large variation range (16.43–87.72 mg/L), which could influence the total content of biogenic amines prior to fermentation. A much more obvious increase in biogenic amines stemmed from the fermentation process, with the presence of a biogenic amine‐producing bacteria and precursor amino amines. In the first 2 days, the biogenic amine content increased sharply, followed by a slow increase over the next 4 days, and the content reached a maximum value on day 6; subsequently there was a decrease or fluctuation in the concentration. After clarification and cooking, the biogenic amine content increased significantly; however, a slight decrease was observed during storage, especially for putrescine and histamine. Putrescine and tyramine were the most prevalent amines in all of the samples. Overall, the content of biogenic amines was found to be within the safe level for human health, ranging from 54.52 to 146. 35 mg/L. Copyright © 2013 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

为研究大蒜精油和发酵剂对熏马肠中生物胺的影响,采用高效液相色谱法测定熏马肠中生物胺含量,利用 宏基因组学技术分析熏马肠中微生物多样性和生物胺含量的变化情况。结果表明:将大蒜精油和发酵剂联合使用能 够很好地减少熏马肠中尸胺、腐胺、组胺、酪胺和苯乙胺的产生,对控制生物胺在熏马肠中的含量起到非常显著的 作用;熏马肠中含有丰富的微生物物种,通过样品科分类水平物种分析,得出乳酸菌在熏马肠整个加工过程都是优 势菌种,而葡萄球菌在成熟后期数量较多。  相似文献   

为探究从新疆熏马肠中分离出的植物乳杆菌和唾液乳杆菌在不同环境条件下降解生物胺的效果,通过高效液相色谱(High Performance Liquid Chromatography,HPLC)检测两株菌在不同条件下(生物胺浓度、初始pH、温度、NaCl浓度和乙醇浓度)降解生物胺的情况。结果表明:当生物胺浓度在200~300 μg/mL时两株菌生物胺降解能力基本达到最大,而当生物胺浓度大于300 μg/mL时两株菌降解生物胺的能力逐渐下降,但唾液乳杆菌(Lactobacillus salivarius)对生物胺的降解能力显著高于植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)(p<0.05),分别在pH为6.5和7.0时对大多数生物胺具有较高的降解能力;两株菌均在32~37 ℃温度范围内对生物胺有较好的降解效果;当NaCl浓度达到8%,乙醇浓度达到4.5%时,两株菌对生物胺的降解活性被强烈抑制。可见本研究中的唾液乳杆菌相对于植物乳杆菌更适合作为商业发酵剂,具有更好的降解生物胺的特性。  相似文献   

White cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata cv. Bronco) was fermented, at 0.5% and 1.5% NaCl, using Lactobacillus plantarum or Leuconostoc mesenteroides as starter cultures and, subsequently, sauerkraut was stored at 4 °C for 3 months. Microbial populations and six biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, spermine and spermidine) were investigated. Fermentation and storage increased aerobic mesophilic bacteria and LAB populations in sauerkrauts, and this was accompanied by a rise in biogenic amine content. L. plantarum sauerkrauts produced with 0.5% NaCl had the highest microbial counts, whilst no differences between salt contents were found with L. mesenteroides. Total biogenic amine amount was lower at 0.5% NaCl than at 1.5% in both induced fermentations and L. mesenteroides produced a lower content than did L. plantarum. Spermidine was the major contributor to the total biogenic amine content, followed by putrescine, whilst histamine was present at the lowest level. The individual and total biogenic amine levels in the experimental sauerkrauts stored at 4 °C for 3 months were below the upper limits reported in the literature for fermented products, indicating good quality and safety of the sauerkrauts. L. mesenteroides starter and 0.5% NaCl were the optimal fermentation conditions for producing sauerkrauts with the lowest biogenic amine contents.  相似文献   

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