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采气树在使用过程中如出现腐蚀、泄露、机械故障等而又无法在线修复的情况,则需要进行整体更换。但像四川盆地普光气田这样孔、洞、缝较发育的酸性碳酸盐岩气藏,若采用先压井再整体换装采气树的方法会造成储层的二次污染,很难再恢复到修井前的气井产能。为此,考虑作业安全和生产实际,研究形成了"两封堵一隔离"带压更换采气树工艺:①安装地面泄压放喷流程,进行整体更换采气树演练,准确测算所需的时间;②关闭井下安全阀,通过泄压放喷管线排放井下安全阀以上通道内气体,进入放喷池点火燃烧,将井口油管压力泄至0;③连接液氮泵车按照测算量向井筒顶替液氮;④安装双向背压阀,利用送取工具,将背压阀安装在油管悬挂器内的背压阀座面,封堵油管;⑤整体更换采气树,试压合格后按照操作规程取出双向背压阀。现场成功应用2口井,很好地解决了高含硫气井不压井更换采气树的技术和安全控制难题。  相似文献   

2011年11月底土库曼斯坦天然气经过中亚—中国天然气管道和西气东输二线管道正式向位处华南的广州市供气。然而,由于中国天然气价格与国际气价脱节,天然气进口业务陷入进口越多亏损越多的尴尬境地,提高进口气入关后的价格将有助于缓解长期以来的进口气购销价格倒挂问题。为此,以广州市为例,测算了中亚天然气盈亏平衡时不同天然气用户的气价;采用天然气与可替代能源等热值直接成本对比法,按各类天然气用户实际支付可替代能源的现有价格等热值折算分析了对应的中亚天然气价格可承受能力。结果表明:从价格承受能力来看,居民用户和公共福利用户基本上是可以承受中亚天然气盈亏平衡定价;工商业用户也有一部分可以承受上述定价,但对燃料成本占总成本比重较大的用户,承受能力则较弱;天然气发电用户无法承受上述定价,中亚天然气发电只能扮演调峰角色。考虑到西气东输管道输送的既有国产气,也有进口气,为此提出:可以将国产气的出厂价与进口气的成本价加权平均,作为西气东输天然气的"出厂价"。  相似文献   

稠油热采储层精细油藏描述研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就稠油热采储层精细油藏描述的技术现状看:国外已经形成了完整的研究方法和技术体系,特别是在利用地震技术对油藏开发过程监测及剩余油分布规律的精细刻画等方面,具有相当高的研究水平;国内在储层单砂体的精细刻画、隔夹层研究以及储层在热采过程中的变化规律等方面,进行了大量的研究工作,取得了一定进步。稠油热采储层研究的关键问题为地层精细划分与对比、沉积微相研究、隔夹层发育规律描述、储层综合分类评价和地质建模研究等。在此基础上认为,稠油热采储层精细油藏描述研究的主要发展方向为井震结合断裂系统的精细刻画、地质体分类评价、稠油热采储层变化规律研究、剩余油分布规律的四维地震监测和隔夹层封隔能力的物理模拟与数值模拟验证等五大方面。  相似文献   

PetroChina will install a command center on the distribution of refined oil products in 2008 to improve supply efficiency amidst oil shortage. The center with its layout designed by the China Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering Institute has entered feasibility study, and may be put to use in August at the earliest, according to the recent reports from China news media. The oil giant announced in early January the set-up of an oil storage tank in Changde City, the first of its kind in Central China's Hunan Province, which has a capacity of 20,000 cubic meters.  相似文献   

气藏型地下储气库的库存量曲线特征与达容规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国石油天然气集团公司2010年启动的第二批地下储气库正在陆续建成投产,地下储气库开始进入达容阶段,需要提前了解和掌握地下储气库库容量的达容规律和达容特征。为此,论述了气库达容物质平衡原理、气库达容库存量曲线特征和气库达容的普遍性规律,以气藏物质平衡理论为基础,阐述了地下储气库的库容参数与压力的对应逻辑关系,建立了库容量计算方程,定义了库容参数,以国内第一批地下储气库即大港储气库群的扩容达容生产实践为依据,建立了地下储气库逐步扩容达容的库存量曲线的基本模式,从技术上论述了库存量曲线的物理意义、曲线特征、关键点参数,并介绍了应用地下储气库生产动态资料绘制库存量曲线的方法,以气库物质平衡理论结合地下储气库扩容达容的库存量曲线特征,系统总结了地下储气库由开始扩容到多周期达容的普遍规律,为指导和掌握地下储气库的扩容达容规律提供了理论知识与技术方法。  相似文献   

CNPC expects to raise its crude production by one million tons and natural gas output by 11.5 billion cubic meters in the year ahead. Priority must be given to the development of new oilfields as well as stabilization of the output of old ones if the crude production target is to be met, said Zhou Jiping, Vice President of CNPC. "The year of 2008 stands for a pivotal juncture for CNPC, during which a number of major projects will be carried out and all these strategic programs are vital to improving the production pattern and enhancing competitive strength of the company," he added. In 2007,  相似文献   

四川盆地安岳大气田震旦系—寒武系储层的发育机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
勘探揭示,四川盆地安岳大气田的3套工业气层分别发育在下寒武统龙王庙组、震旦系灯影组四段和二段,为了给该区的持续勘探发现提供储层研究支撑,分析了储层的主要特征及其发育机制,取得以下3项成果认识:①依据沉积微相、岩性和孔隙三要素将上述储层分为龙王庙组颗粒滩白云岩裂缝—孔洞型储层、灯四段蓝细菌丘滩白云岩缝洞—洞穴型储层和灯二段蓝细菌丘滩白云岩裂缝—孔洞型储层。②龙王庙组储层的主要岩性是颗粒白云岩,储集空间为溶孔溶洞,平均孔隙度为4.24%,平均厚度为36m;灯四段储层的主要岩性是蓝细菌白云岩,溶孔溶洞和洞穴是其主要储集空间,平均孔隙度为3.22%,平均厚度为70 m;而灯二段储层的岩性为蓝细菌白云岩,主要储集空间为溶缝溶洞,平均孔隙度为3.34%,平均厚度为80 m。③储层的发育经历了孔隙形成、热液矿物充填、沥青充填等主要演化阶段,准同生溶蚀作用和表生岩溶作用是储集空间形成的关键,并建立了储层的演化模式。  相似文献   

目前国内的测试装置只能满足105 MPa以下压裂泵的整机测试与试验需要,对于105MPa以上超高压压裂泵的测试与试验,一方面配套设备很难满足要求,另一方面还有较高的安全风险。为此,研究了一种超高压压裂泵液缸测试装置及试验方法。压裂泵液缸测试装置适应环境温度-20~50℃,试验压力最高达207 MPa,可为以后更高压力压裂泵提供检验方法;测试装置装有安全气控阀,确保整个系统压力不超过275 MPa,气源压力0.7 MPa,气源排量不超过1.6m3/min;气泵输入口增加安全溢流阀,使气压值不超过0.46 MPa。压裂泵液缸测试过程中,压力大小可以手动调节和无级调节,操作简单,测量精确;可以对排出压力分段保压进行测试,加载压力与加载时间通过数据和曲线双重显示,并输出试验与测试结果。压裂泵液缸测试装置成套系统能实现平稳增压、稳定保压,使用安全、稳定、可靠。  相似文献   

水力喷射侧钻径向水平井眼延伸能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
径向水平井钻井技术的一个主要指标是水平井眼的延伸长度。根据水力喷射侧钻径向水平井技术的特点,基于流体力学、计算流体力学及射流动力学等理论,对射流钻头自进力进行了理论分析,建立了径向水平井眼极限延伸长度的计算模型,分析了摩擦因数、后向孔眼个数、后向孔眼直径、后向孔眼扩散角和流量等参数对径向水平井眼极限延伸长度的影响。结果表明:改变系统的后向孔眼个数、后向孔眼直径和流量,可以使径向水平井的极限延伸长度发生明显改变;改变后向孔眼扩散角,只能在一定范围内改变径向水平井的极限延伸长度。所建立的模型和得出的规律可以为径向水平井的施工设计及射流钻头结构优化等提供理论指导。  相似文献   

根据铺管时的实际工况,建立了深水钢悬链线立管的焊接有限元模型,采用双椭球热源模型模拟焊接中的移动热源,运用Fortan语言对模型进行汇编,并运用DFLUX子程序进行ABAQUS的二次开发。在仿真中运用单元生死技术来模拟焊料单元的焊接参与情况,分别选取不同的焊接参数进行焊接模拟,利用控制变量法进行立管焊接残余热应力及其影响因素研究。研究结果表明,立管焊缝处单位体积的热输入量以及单位体积的受热时间是影响残余应力场的主要因素;立管的几何参数在影响焊接残余应力场的同时也影响残余应力场应力较高区域,当其他焊接参数和焊接过程参数不变时,增大立管外径或减小壁厚均会造成更大的残余应力场和较高应力范围;焊接开始和结束位置的应力波动由材料受热不均匀造成。  相似文献   

脉冲柱塞加砂压裂新工艺及其在川西地区的先导试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加砂压裂一直在追求支撑剂的更好铺置,从而形成更长的有效裂缝和更高的导流能力,但是常规工艺总是难以令人满意。在理论分析、PT软件模拟、基础实验及创新性物模实验研究的基础上,通过特殊的泵注程序及纤维、液体等辅助工程手段,研发了一种脉冲柱塞加砂新工艺。该新工艺形成的开放性渗流通道铺砂剖面较之常规工艺在有效缝长和导流能力上具有明显优势,开放性渗流通道有助于改善裂缝清洁度、降低人工裂缝的压降,从而达到延长单井采油气寿命、提高产能效益的目的。在完成原理研究及新工艺优化设计的基础上,进行了现场先导应用与详细的压后评估。结果表明:该工艺可操作性强、实施可行,与地质条件相当的邻井相比,支撑剂成本降低44%~47%、有效缝长与支撑缝长的比值提高约16%,测试18 h返排率高达63%、归一化产量是邻井的1.9~2.3倍,降本增效、提高产量效果明显。该技术在四川盆地川西地区浅中层砂岩气藏及页岩气藏的开发中具有推广价值。  相似文献   

D区块局部区域水平井连片分布,如何合理有效地利用水平井,使其在火驱中发挥最大效能,是需要研究的重点问题。在水平井蒸汽吞吐开发效果评价的基础上,根据水平井开发效果进行分类。针对不同类型水平井,制定相应的增产策略。运用数值模拟方法,对直井与水平井的配置关系、注气井射孔位置、注气强度、水平井排液量等关键参数进行优化设计,同时采用分层注气、吞吐引效、水平井间歇生产等手段改善火驱开发效果,为转火驱后水平井的合理利用提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

<正>China has recently called for establishment of an expert response network among members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to deal with increasing risks posed by offshore oil spills.This proposal aims to build a platform for experts in the ASEAN region to communicate and share experience and information on offshore oil spill preparedness,response and management.The network will consist of experts from forum participants with professional backgrounds including monitoring,early warning,trajectory forecasting,identification,assessment and mitigation of offshore oil spills.Offshore oil spill prevention and response is the study and practice of reducing the number of offshore incidents that release oil or hazardous substances into the  相似文献   

<正>China’s huge State-owned enterprises are seen by the public as both too corrupt to save and too powerful to fail.But with dozens of high-profile cases exposed since 2012,China’s ongoing anti-corruption drive offers hope for change in SOEs.For example,Jiang Jiemin,former head of China’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and one-time chairman of oil giant PetroChina,was expelled from the Communist Party of China for serious discipline and law violations.He was  相似文献   

正After three years of construction all units of the integrated coal,oil and gas resources conversion project at the Yanchang Jingbian Chemical Park,the investment of which totals 27 billion RMB,have been operating to deliver the on-spec PE and PP products,symbolizing the successful start-up of the first in the world integrated coal,oil and  相似文献   

In March 2012 after competing with several internationalmajor oil companies on the same arena the SINOPEC ResearchInstitute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP), proppedup by the outstanding performance and good commercialapplication records of the third-generation RHT seriesresid hydrotreating catalysts, had successfully won thebid for the 19th cycle for application of the hydrotreatingcatalyst in the 1.5 Mt/a RDS unit at Taiwan CPC Corporation'sDalin refinery  相似文献   

China is making efforts to let private investors enter the energy sector, including allowing private companies to engage in oil and gas exploration activities. The NEA has set a timetable to support private investors in key areas of the energy sector such as building small hydropower plants, simplifying the authorization process for coal power plants, and clarifying the requirements for crude oil imports.  相似文献   

Policies of major resource countries are different from those of major consumption countries. Policies of the former aimed at activating the oil and gas industry, enhancing its competiveness and expanding markets. While the latter change their attitudes toward nuclear power. Europe and countries continue to cut the subsidies to renewable energy and keep a steady pace of pushing forward carbon tariff.  相似文献   

This article is to introduce and analyze the procurement management of three China oil majors, i.e., CNPC, SINOPEC and CNOOC, and some suggestions was provided to international suppliers how to deal with their business with them. After an overview of the China oil majors, their motivation and development in global operation were introduced, which have provide tremendous demands for international suppliers.  相似文献   

As the company made from the merger of Norway's Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd, the world's largest risk management company DNV GL will further broaden its China service portfolio especially in the fields of maritime, oil and gas, energy industries and management certification business over the years to come, it said in a recent statement.  相似文献   

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