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以室温贮存经历的充氚不锈钢试样为研究对象,计算了充氚不锈钢中氚、氦浓度的深度分布,利用透射电镜观察了充氚不锈钢在加热过程中氦泡的演化行为。结果表明:在氚压0.131MPa、780℃充氚8h后,不锈钢中氚在深度方向分布均匀,平均浓度为110μL/L;在空气室温环境下放置6a后,不锈钢中氚衰变的氦浓度在深度方向分布均匀,平均浓度为60μL/L;对充氚不锈钢加热处理后,在550℃/1h时效即可观察到氦泡;在950℃/1h和1050℃/1h时效时,氦泡明显长大,大的可达100nm,小的可达30nm,在晶界、晶内和位错处均可见氦泡。  相似文献   

充氚不锈钢微观组织及断裂特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用力学拉伸实验测定充氚不锈钢的断裂强度值,采用拉伸断口进行SEM观察和正电子湮灭(PAT)分析,采用TEM动态拉伸实验观察和记录材料在微观断裂过程中的行为,通过对比分析氚对不锈钢断裂过程的影响。结果表明,高温充氚后,室温存放2a,样品中氚衰变产生的氦累积已达约30ppm;氚、氦使样品断裂强度降低,内部缺陷增多,正电子寿命变长。TEM观察未发现明显的氦泡组织;动态拉伸实验表明,充氚促进裂纹尖端位错的发射和增殖;HR-1、HR-2不锈钢微观断裂过程相似,可表述为氚致微裂纹的形核-形成微空洞-微空洞长大-空洞连接(断裂)。氚、氦使无位错区减小甚至消失。  相似文献   

采用化学蚀刻法测定了氚在不锈钢材料中的纵向分布.结果表明,此法能较好地定量评估氚在不锈钢材料中的分布情况;在长期充氚不锈钢样品中,分布在晶格中的氚量以室温时的溶解度为限,其余的则以"气态氚"的形式被附近的陷阱捕获,"气态氚"含量比晶格中的固溶氚大许多倍.  相似文献   

本工作对于氚在不锈钢表面的吸附和解吸行为进行了初步研究.样品在n(D)∶n(T)=1∶1,230℃时,15 MPa下恒温8 h后,接着在27 MPa下恒温6 h的情况下进行了氚的吸附,测量了室温下和加热到1173 K时的解吸氚量和总吸附量.其结果如下:不锈钢的总吸附氚量是857.4 MBq·cm-2,不锈钢的解吸氚量是722.2 MBq·cm-2;在本实验的条件下,在室温和加热条件下,不锈钢所释放的氚中,化学成分主要是HTO和HT两部分,大部分以HT形式存在;不锈钢的自由氚占吸附总氚量的7.34%;不锈钢的热解吸谱存在三个解吸峰,其解吸温度分别为439、530和843K.  相似文献   

为定量评价氚在结构材料和老龄贮氢材料内部的滞留量,用化学蚀刻法测定不锈钢内部氚浓度大小、分布情况及同位素交换后老龄贮氚铀床的氚滞留量。结果表明,贮氚13年的不锈钢样品中氚主要存在于样品内表面由表及里的120μm范围内,样品蚀刻深度110.6μm范围内,不锈钢的平均氚滞留量~9.37×10-4mmol/g,贮氚铀粉平均氚滞留量~4.16×10-5mmol/g。该方法对测量金属中微量氚有较高灵敏度,可检测金属中残余氚的滞留量。  相似文献   

丁卫东  杨洪广  王玮 《同位素》2021,34(2):169-174
通过铀床向Zr0.85Ti0.15Co床转移氚过程中,研究氦-3对Zr0.85Ti0.15Co合金吸氚特性的影响,并结合Ortman模型分析氦-3影响机理。结果表明:氦-3对床体的屏蔽效应明显影响粉末的吸附性能,但屏蔽效应并不能完全抑制Zr0.85Ti0.15Co的吸氚反应,覆盖现象严重时其仍能在较低的速率持续吸氚直至吸附完全;氦-3浓度较低时,吸氚完成时间主要由氦-3浓度影响,而氦-3浓度较高时,主要由初始氚分压影响;氦-3对Zr0.85Ti0.15Co吸氚的屏蔽过程分为整体流阶段和扩散散流阶段,Ortman模型可较好的预测整体流阶段的氦-3屏蔽压强。  相似文献   

氚在Li2SiO3中释放行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别用堆照10,100h的Li2SiO3样品,在100-800℃范围内用氦气载带法,研究了氚的释放规律。观察到在600℃时,97%的氚都已释放。研究了氚释放与温度的关系、扩散规律及加热后样品的变化。  相似文献   

为了对不锈钢和无氧铜吸氚后氚在其内部的分布情况及除氚去污方法进行研究,对模拟吸氚及加热去污后的样品进行了酸蚀刻以考察氚在金属层中的分布情况;单独加热或加热结合通入空气、O3和紫外线(UV)进行去污,考察不同去污方式的去污效果。结果表明:金属在表层1μm内吸附了大量的氚,约占总量的42%;加热到500℃及联合去污不锈钢的最佳去污因子达到286,铜为150,通入气体在中温条件下对金属去污最有效,加热是金属去污最有效方式;氚热解吸形态分析表明氚污染不锈钢有4种吸附态。  相似文献   

充氚不锈钢中氦行为的PAL和TEM研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对充氚和未充氚的抗氢-2(HR-2)不锈钢样品进行退火处理,利用正电子湮没寿命谱(PAL)以及透射电镜(TEM)等技术探讨不锈钢中氦和微缺陷的相互作用。未充氚样品中,退火温度对缺陷态的影响主要表现为偏聚物在晶界的析出。充氚样品实验中,退火温度小于300℃时,充氚不锈钢中的He原子主要通过自捕获机制在晶内缺陷处聚集成泡;热处理温度为300~600℃时,充氚不锈钢中的He原子主要通过热迁移的方式迁移至晶界导致晶界宽化,但晶界处无明显的He泡形成;热处理温度大于600℃时,热平衡空位开始发挥作用,与聚集在晶内缺陷处的He原子结合形成He泡,且随退火温度的升高,He泡有明显聚合长大的现象。  相似文献   

氢氦/氚氦混合气快速高效地分离与回收是产氚工艺的关键技术之一。利用液氮温度下吸附剂对氢同位素与氦吸附能力的差异,搭建了双塔式固定床低温吸附-解吸分离氢氦/氚氦的实验装置,通过该实验装置开展了不同组成的氢氦、氚氦混合气的分离实验。实验结果表明:采用双塔式固定床低温吸附-解吸法可以实现不同组成的氢氦、氚氦混合气的快速分离,分离后氦中氢的体积分数低于1.2×10-5,氦的纯度可达到99.998 8%,吸附柱的脱氚率大于97%;双塔式固定床低温吸附-解吸法的解吸氢中含有较高浓度的氦,不适于回收氢;在氚氦分离中采用固定床低温吸附柱是可行的,可作为钯膜分离器的辅助单元。  相似文献   

Pulsed photo-stimulated luminescence (PPSL) is a simple screening method that can be employed qualitatively at the spot for the detection of eggs treated with ionizing radiation.Due to the variations in the results during storage,the eggs of ostrich,duck,hen,and quail were irradiated to doses of 0,1,2,and 3 kGy.Most of the samples were incorrectly identified during storage after four months of irradiation.Thermoluminescence (TL) technique was also tried by using egg shells in order to confirm the irradiation treatment in eggs.TL glow curves were recorded between the temperatures 50℃to 400℃at the rate of 5°/s for all the control and irradiated samples.On the basis of integrated areas of first glow curves (TL1),the glow curve ratios (TL1/TL2) and the shapes of maxima of TL1, the irradiation treatment of all the eggs was confirmed.Furthermore,the presence of calcite and aragonite minerals that cause the TL signal in the egg shells were studied using X-ray diffraction spectrometry.  相似文献   

为有效实现数字射线扫描成像检测系统性能的定量分析评价,据此进行检测工艺参数的优化,对数字射线扫描成像检测系统调制传递函数(Modulation transfer function,MTF)进行了测试分析。采用刀口工具、双线型像质计、分辨率测试卡,对系统在不同焦点大小、放大倍数、运动方向的检测情况,分别进行了MTF的测试并进行了比较。结果表明,双线型像质计与分辨率测试卡的测试结果基本一致,但双线型像质计更便于对比度的定量计算;双线型像质计的对比度传递函数近似符合二次曲线,经转换得到的调制传递函数值高于刀口法的测试值,刀口法计算数值偏低的原因在于运动不平稳所带来的不利影响。分析表明,数字射线扫描成像系统性能受到多个因素的共同影响,MTF测试结果可较全面地对影响因素进行定量评价,可用于确定最佳的检测参数或找出等价的参数组合。  相似文献   

基于物理体模CT图像的1岁儿童体素体模构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了基于1岁儿童物理体模(Model 704-D)的CT图像和中国成年男性参考人体素体模(CRAM)的1岁儿童体素体模(CPP01)的构建,包括通过对物理体模扫描得到OCP01体模(基于儿童物理体模的CT图像建立的一粗略的体素体模),进而构建和优化CPP01。该体素体模的各器官组织的质量与GBZ/T 200.2-2007所给数据的相对偏差约在5%以内,且其外部轮廓和主要器官的位置与Model 704-D相匹配。  相似文献   

Fuel Coolant Interactions (FCIs) are important issues in nuclear reactor severe accident analysis. In FCIs, fragmentation model of molten droplets is a key factor to estimate degree of possible damage. In this paper, the mixing process in FCIs is studied by the simulation of MIXA experiment with hydrodynamic fragmentation model. The result shows that hydrodynamic fragmentation model underestimates the fragmentation rate of high temperature molten droplets under the condition of low Weber numbers. It is concluded that models based on thermal fragmentation mechanism should be adopted to analyze the FCI process and its consequence.  相似文献   

The monitoring results of gross α and gross β activity from 2001 to 2005 for environmental airborne aerosol samples around the Qinshan NPP base are presented in this paper. A total of 170 aerosol samples were collected from monitoring sites of Caichenmen village, Qinlian village, Xiajiawan village and Yangliucun village around the Qinshan NPP base. The measured specific activity of gross α and gross β are in the range of 0.02 ~ 0.38 mBq/m3 and 0.10 ~ 1.81 mBq/m3, respectively, with an average of 0.11 mBq/m3 and 0.45mBq/m3, respectively. They are lower than the average of 0.15 mBq/m3 and 0.52mBq/m3, of reference site at Hangzhou City. It is indicated that the specific activity of gross α and gross β for environmental aerosol samples around the Qinshan NPP base had not been increased in normal operating conditions of the NPP.  相似文献   

The stray electric “patch” fields present at a Au(1 1 1) surface are investigated by studying the ionization of Rydberg atoms incident at near-grazing angles. Measurements of the threshold conditions required to observe the resulting ions are used to estimate how large such stray fields can be. The data show that the stray fields can be sizeable, as large as ∼103 V cm−1 100 nm from the surface and ∼20 V cm−1 500 nm from the surface, and illustrate the potential of Rydberg atoms for detecting and characterizing surface electric fields.  相似文献   

213Bi disintegrates (97.91±0.03) % by β- emission to the levels in 213po, and (2.09±0.03) % through α decay to 209Tl. The evaluation of the complete decay scheme and data of 213Bi including the recent new measurements are presented in this report. The Limitation of Relative Statistical Weight Method (LWM) was applied to average numbers throughout the evaluation. The uncertainty assigned to the average value was always greater than or equal to the smallest uncertainty of the values used to calculate the average. The half-life is determined to be 45.59±0.06 minutes. All known measured gamma-ray relative emission probabilities have been examined. And the gamma-ray emission probability of the reference γ line of 440.44keV is recommended to be (26.1±0.3) %. The calculated internal conversion coefficients and their uncertainties have been used to obtain the complete decay intensity balance. The other decay characteristics are calculated using the ENSDF analysis program. Finally the new 213Bi decay scheme was re-built.  相似文献   

An observable experiment facility for low-temperature molten materials to be dropped into water was set up in this study to investigate the mechanism of the vapor explosion. The effect of the fuel and coolant interaction (FCI) on the vapor explosion during the severe accidents of a fission nuclear reactor has been studied. The experiment results showed that the molten material temperature has an important effect on the vapor explosion behavior and pressure. The increase of the coolant temperature would decrease the pressure of the vapor explosion.  相似文献   

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