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选取YAP∶Ce闪烁体作为仪器核心部件,建立了接触式测量溶液中微量、痕量钚α活度的分析方法。结果表明:水相钚溶液浓度在5.20×10-5~1.30×10-3 g/L范围内线性良好(R2=0.987 7),定量检测下限为5.20×10-5 g/L;有机相钚溶液浓度在2.27×10-5~1.13×10-3 g/L范围内线性良好(R2=0.992 3),定量检测下限为2.27×10-5 g/L。本分析方法有别于传统的α计数法,过程无需制源,操作简单、方便,有望为后处理工艺过程中微量和痕量钚的在线或实验室分析提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   

文章通过系统研究甲烷中痕量全氘甲烷的分析方法、分析条件和检测能力等,证明了脉冲进样四极质谱(QMS)法用于大气扩散实验中全氘甲烷的浓度测量是可行的。同时研究建立了痕量全氘甲烷脉冲进样QMS测量技术。在50 mL/min He流洗、分流比1∶100、电子倍增器检测、慢扫描和SIM模式测量条件下,对甲烷中CD4的最小检测量(体积分数)为5.1×10-9。结合天然甲烷与全氘甲烷同位素分离技术,对甲烷中CD4的最小检测量可达到5×10-10,对空气中CD4的探测下限约为8.5×10-15。研究表明:气相色谱-四极质谱(GC-QMS)法对CD4的探测下限约是脉冲进样QMS法的40倍。  相似文献   

郭智荣 《辐射防护》2003,23(6):362-365
本文介绍一种可用于特殊环境下空气中 β放射性气体和 β放射性气溶胶浓度的连续测量方法 ,重点对探测下限、测量范围和测量误差进行了分析。试验和分析表明 ,该方法对 β放射性气体的探测下限为 1 .85Bq/L ,对 β放射性气溶胶的探测下限为 7.4× 1 0 - 3Bq/L ,测量范围跨 5个数量级  相似文献   

为解决活性炭盒测量室内氡浓度其结果受环境湿度影响大的问题,采用扩散垒和高性能活性炭等手段,研究开发了适用于高湿度环境下的活性炭盒采样器。采用该采样器,在环境湿度95%、采样时间2~5天的条件下,氡浓度的测量误差和灵敏度均符合国家标准GB 50325《民用建筑工程室内污染控制规范》的要求。在采样时间为72小时的情况下,氡浓度的探测下限为10 Bq/m3。  相似文献   

本工作以Nafion树脂修饰玻碳电极为工作电极、铂片电极为对电极、饱和甘汞电极(SCE)为参比电极,进行电极修饰技术研究,建立了脉冲阳极溶出伏安法测定钚中痕量银的分析方法。实验结果表明,银的阳极溶出峰的峰电流与银离子浓度在10~100μg/L范围内呈线性关系,银离子的定量检测下限为5ng/mL,回收率为90%~109%,该方法取样量小、抗干扰能力强、重现性好。  相似文献   

针对环境低水平气溶胶连续监测中常常遇到的问题和难点,本项目采用自主研发的一种新型薄膜滤纸,及一种双工位取样测量装置(中国实用新型专利),并采用甄别能量的假符合方法(中国发明专利)等关键技术,研发了一种新型气溶胶连续监测仪。该仪器主要性能指标突出表现为其探测下限:当氡浓度最高为102~103Bq/m3时,对铀和钚的探测下限可达到0.05~0.08 Bq/m3,对β的探测下限为5~10 Bq/m3,最长测量时间为40~60 min,并且能实现实时在线连续监测。因此,该仪器可用于地下洞库或坑道内高氡环境中,快速准确并连续测量出低水平气溶胶浓度,也可用于核电站、放射性工作场所、核事故应急以及气态排出流中放射性气溶胶的快速连续监测。  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰(简称珠峰)是世界屋脊,人迹罕至。分析该地区冰、雪、河水中痕量元素的浓度,对于研究地球环境中痕量元素浓度本底值、研究大气化学组成及其在各个历史时期的变化和探讨大气环流对环境污染物扩散的影响都有重要价值。显然,这一分析工作要求有高的灵敏度、高的准确度、低的空白值,并且可以同时分析多种元素,反应堆中子活化分析很好地满足了这些要求。  相似文献   

针对氦气与氢同位素气体热导性差异较小的问题,以氧化锆原电池为气相色谱检测器、改性γ-Al_2O_3为填充柱,在液氮温度(77K)下系统研究了氧化锆检测器测量氢同位素的影响因素,对氦气中微量氢同位素气体进行了分离测试。结果表明,氧化锆检测器的最佳工作温度约为700℃,在载气流速为60mL/min条件下,仪器测量的相对标准偏差小于1%,该方法对H2的检测下限可达15ppm,对D2的检测下限可达40ppm,样品检测的相对误差小于5%。以上结果表明,氧化锆检测器可用于氦气中微量氢同位素的分析测量。  相似文献   

作为惯性约束核聚变(ICF)第一代靶丸,空心玻璃微球(HGM)内充燃料气体的组分、比例和密度均有严格要求,气体总量的测定至关重要。介绍了同位素稀释质谱法(IDMS)测定空心玻璃微球内氘气气体总量的分析方法。该方法采用氢气为稀释剂,活性炭作为吸附剂制备氘气和氢气的混合气体,用质谱计测定样品中氢同位素丰度。通过热力学公式推导、计算,求得HGM内氘气摩尔数。实验结果表明:用IDMS法测量HGM内痕量氘气总量切实可行,其测量下限为10-8 mol,测量结果的相对标准偏差小于5%(n=4或3,按照极差法计算),符合测量要求。  相似文献   

根据核事故应急模拟训练需求,构建了基于STM32单片机的γ辐射场模拟及其检测系统,该系统由模拟信号发生器和模拟信号检测仪组成,通过测量与模拟信号发生器的距离模拟辐射场强弱。本文介绍了系统的构成、工作原理以及硬件设计,并对该系统的灵敏度、准确度和稳定性等探测性能进行了测试。测试结果表明,该系统可以在300 m的范围内较好的模拟γ点源辐射场的剂量率,能稳定检测到模拟信号,相对偏差小于5%。该系统可用于核应急救援队伍的模拟训练。  相似文献   

Pulsed photo-stimulated luminescence (PPSL) is a simple screening method that can be employed qualitatively at the spot for the detection of eggs treated with ionizing radiation.Due to the variations in the results during storage,the eggs of ostrich,duck,hen,and quail were irradiated to doses of 0,1,2,and 3 kGy.Most of the samples were incorrectly identified during storage after four months of irradiation.Thermoluminescence (TL) technique was also tried by using egg shells in order to confirm the irradiation treatment in eggs.TL glow curves were recorded between the temperatures 50℃to 400℃at the rate of 5°/s for all the control and irradiated samples.On the basis of integrated areas of first glow curves (TL1),the glow curve ratios (TL1/TL2) and the shapes of maxima of TL1, the irradiation treatment of all the eggs was confirmed.Furthermore,the presence of calcite and aragonite minerals that cause the TL signal in the egg shells were studied using X-ray diffraction spectrometry.  相似文献   

为有效实现数字射线扫描成像检测系统性能的定量分析评价,据此进行检测工艺参数的优化,对数字射线扫描成像检测系统调制传递函数(Modulation transfer function,MTF)进行了测试分析。采用刀口工具、双线型像质计、分辨率测试卡,对系统在不同焦点大小、放大倍数、运动方向的检测情况,分别进行了MTF的测试并进行了比较。结果表明,双线型像质计与分辨率测试卡的测试结果基本一致,但双线型像质计更便于对比度的定量计算;双线型像质计的对比度传递函数近似符合二次曲线,经转换得到的调制传递函数值高于刀口法的测试值,刀口法计算数值偏低的原因在于运动不平稳所带来的不利影响。分析表明,数字射线扫描成像系统性能受到多个因素的共同影响,MTF测试结果可较全面地对影响因素进行定量评价,可用于确定最佳的检测参数或找出等价的参数组合。  相似文献   

基于物理体模CT图像的1岁儿童体素体模构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了基于1岁儿童物理体模(Model 704-D)的CT图像和中国成年男性参考人体素体模(CRAM)的1岁儿童体素体模(CPP01)的构建,包括通过对物理体模扫描得到OCP01体模(基于儿童物理体模的CT图像建立的一粗略的体素体模),进而构建和优化CPP01。该体素体模的各器官组织的质量与GBZ/T 200.2-2007所给数据的相对偏差约在5%以内,且其外部轮廓和主要器官的位置与Model 704-D相匹配。  相似文献   

Fuel Coolant Interactions (FCIs) are important issues in nuclear reactor severe accident analysis. In FCIs, fragmentation model of molten droplets is a key factor to estimate degree of possible damage. In this paper, the mixing process in FCIs is studied by the simulation of MIXA experiment with hydrodynamic fragmentation model. The result shows that hydrodynamic fragmentation model underestimates the fragmentation rate of high temperature molten droplets under the condition of low Weber numbers. It is concluded that models based on thermal fragmentation mechanism should be adopted to analyze the FCI process and its consequence.  相似文献   

The monitoring results of gross α and gross β activity from 2001 to 2005 for environmental airborne aerosol samples around the Qinshan NPP base are presented in this paper. A total of 170 aerosol samples were collected from monitoring sites of Caichenmen village, Qinlian village, Xiajiawan village and Yangliucun village around the Qinshan NPP base. The measured specific activity of gross α and gross β are in the range of 0.02 ~ 0.38 mBq/m3 and 0.10 ~ 1.81 mBq/m3, respectively, with an average of 0.11 mBq/m3 and 0.45mBq/m3, respectively. They are lower than the average of 0.15 mBq/m3 and 0.52mBq/m3, of reference site at Hangzhou City. It is indicated that the specific activity of gross α and gross β for environmental aerosol samples around the Qinshan NPP base had not been increased in normal operating conditions of the NPP.  相似文献   

The stray electric “patch” fields present at a Au(1 1 1) surface are investigated by studying the ionization of Rydberg atoms incident at near-grazing angles. Measurements of the threshold conditions required to observe the resulting ions are used to estimate how large such stray fields can be. The data show that the stray fields can be sizeable, as large as ∼103 V cm−1 100 nm from the surface and ∼20 V cm−1 500 nm from the surface, and illustrate the potential of Rydberg atoms for detecting and characterizing surface electric fields.  相似文献   

213Bi disintegrates (97.91±0.03) % by β- emission to the levels in 213po, and (2.09±0.03) % through α decay to 209Tl. The evaluation of the complete decay scheme and data of 213Bi including the recent new measurements are presented in this report. The Limitation of Relative Statistical Weight Method (LWM) was applied to average numbers throughout the evaluation. The uncertainty assigned to the average value was always greater than or equal to the smallest uncertainty of the values used to calculate the average. The half-life is determined to be 45.59±0.06 minutes. All known measured gamma-ray relative emission probabilities have been examined. And the gamma-ray emission probability of the reference γ line of 440.44keV is recommended to be (26.1±0.3) %. The calculated internal conversion coefficients and their uncertainties have been used to obtain the complete decay intensity balance. The other decay characteristics are calculated using the ENSDF analysis program. Finally the new 213Bi decay scheme was re-built.  相似文献   

An observable experiment facility for low-temperature molten materials to be dropped into water was set up in this study to investigate the mechanism of the vapor explosion. The effect of the fuel and coolant interaction (FCI) on the vapor explosion during the severe accidents of a fission nuclear reactor has been studied. The experiment results showed that the molten material temperature has an important effect on the vapor explosion behavior and pressure. The increase of the coolant temperature would decrease the pressure of the vapor explosion.  相似文献   

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