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目前我国处于社会转型期,地方政府在进行治理过程中面临多样的冲突,尤其是在政府行政过程中产生的政府与公民的冲突,对地方政府维护社会秩序,保障公民生活条件,建设和谐社会带来了消极影响。因此,公共价值理论作为治理理论的发展,其公共价值冲突理论对于地方政府寻找社会冲突的解决提供了一个新的视角。本文通过梳理公共价值冲突产生的背景以及研究现状,对比我国地方政府治理中存在的困境,尝试为地方政府提升治理成效提供一个新的切入点。  相似文献   

在人类社会发展进程中,公民参与作为实现民主政治的重要途径以及国家治理现代化的必然要求,其在促进国家治理民主化、理性化以及治理主体多样化等方面发挥中重要的作用。然而在现实政治活动中,由于经济发展水平、个人理性选择、政治历史传统和国家政治体系的限制,致使公民参与不仅存在着参与热情不高、参与能力不足、参与渠道不畅的问题,还面临着参与代表不足、管理绩效低下和参与质量不高的挑战。对公民参与的价值、限制因素及其面临的问题和挑战进行深入的分析,有助于更好的理解公民参与的现状,实现政府与公民关系的重构,从而不断提高我国民主化水平。  相似文献   

采取比较研究与案例研究的方法,结合三亚城市设计控制工作的系列项目实践,在城市设计控制改良规划管理、引导开发秩序、辅助公民社会运作三个方面进行了探新性的思考和实践。提出将城市设计控制作为优化城乡规划法制化管理的"技术支撑",引导市场有序化开发的"系统指引",公民社会自治理的"辅助手段",成为搞好"城乡微观空间治理"的技术依托。  相似文献   

经济全球化引发新一轮地域空间重组,城市群作为重要的地域空间组织单元其制度一体化的评估缺乏完善的评估理论框架与实证方法。现阶段,我国城市群制度建设多元化的情况下,建立一套完善的理论到实践的评估方法具有重要学术意义。研究发现,后福特制下,制度通过重塑治理模式实现国家空间的尺度重构。因此,本研究认为制度一体化的治理表征是形成多层级治理模式。进而,以多层级治理为理论框架,构建"三组关系"与"两个层次"的评估理论框架,即在宏观层次的城市群治理结构与微观层次个案型制度安排上检验层级政府间的科层关系、跨市区域合作关系与政府—市场—公民社会的三方关系。并构建评估实证框架,宏观层次上以社会网络分析、文本、桌面分析及半结构访谈识别城市群治理结构;微观层次以政策网络分析及焦点小组、深度访谈识别基于个案的制度安排。最终证明,简单构建评估指标忽视了制度特征与演化,可实证的理论评估与实践实证框架的建立有助于深度揭示城市群的制度一体化机制。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会把坚持完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化作为全面深化改革的总目标。在国家治理体系当中,国家治理、政府治理、社会治理是三个相互结合的有机整体。国家治理现代化是全面深化改革的总目标,政府治理和社会治理则是国家治理体系中的重要改革内容。政府治理作为国家治理现代化的重要一环,在现代"治理"理念下具有独特的中国语境,要从政党治理、政府治理、社会治理、公民治理的整体关系中把握政府治理在国家治理体系中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

何婧  周恺 《城市规划》2021,45(4):94-105
共享经济新浪潮席卷了全球生产、生活领域,对我国城市产生了广泛的经济、社会、文化甚至政治影响.为顺应共享理念带来的思想变革,塑造共享城市治理新范式,本文首先阐述了共享经济的概念定义、驱动因素及表现类型,并批判性地指出其"效率与公平"的失衡问题;其次,从"经济模式"和"社会行为"两个维度,梳理了共享范式的转型理论,阐释其"效率与公平"的协调发展主张;最后,结合国际共享城市经典案例,提出将"智慧治理"和"协同治理"分别作为未来共享城市治理的效率策略和公平策略.希望通过系统介绍共享城市相关理论与实践研究进展,提升我国城市规划和建设在践行"共享"发展理念时的治理水平.  相似文献   

社区选举制度的完善是加强我国基层社会治理的重要抓手,我国的城市社区选举制度从诞生到逐步发展以来,为城市社会的稳定与和谐发挥了至关重要的作用。但广泛存在的现实问题依然折射除了深刻的民主体制问题。本文通过梳理不同历史阶段我国社区选举的历史使命以及取得的效能,探索造成社区直接选举弊端的深层次原因,为我国社区制度的完善提供改善的经验。  相似文献   

"坚持把完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化作为全面深化改革的总目标",反映了党和国家领导人对于国家未来发展的前瞻性思考和战略性眼光。国家治理模式是由政府、市场与公民社会相互耦合、相互作用所形成的一种整体性的和相对稳定性的制度结构模式。构建有效的国家治理模式是促进中国社会经济发展和实现现代化的关键要素。  相似文献   

高校财务治理是建立现代大学制度和大学治理结构科学化的重要内容。科学合理的财务治理结构及其运行对推进高校"双一流"建设具有重要意义。文章从治理结构和治理机制两个维度剖析了高校"双一流"建设所面临的财务治理问题,着重分析了问题产生的外部成因和内部成因,提出了解决路径建议,即政府应变过程管理为绩效管理、落实"放管服"改革措施、回归总会计师制度、健全社会参与监督机制。高校应理顺校内财务治理关系、完善校内财务治理机制。  相似文献   

张景奇  孙萍  孙蕊 《城市规划》2015,39(3):74-80
20世纪以来城市蔓延已在美国造成巨大危害,为应对城市蔓延人们采用了多种措施,依据这些措施所属的时间段和制定时的初衷,可将其分成蔓延控制(1920年)、明智规划(1950年)、增长管理(1970年)和蔓延治理(1990年)4个阶段,各阶段的主导策略依次为分区、规划单元开发、引导发展以及精明增长。从蔓延控制到蔓延治理,不仅是由早期的控制手段到现今治理方法上的过渡,同时还是规划协作性、综合性的升级,究其转变的原因,西方公共行政环境的变化、治理的内在优势、对城市蔓延内涵认识的加深以及主导理论和研究方法的变化是促其转变的重要因素。  相似文献   

市场经济转型中的中国城市管治   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
吴缚龙 《城市规划》2002,26(9):33-35
分析了中国在市场经济改革后城市管治演变发生的重大原因 ,主要是经济改革造成的管治真空 ,转型社会的复杂性和转变速度超出了国家单位系统的能力范围 ;规划控制的放松导致了各种尺度上生产要素的变动性 ,而且造成了维持社会等级组织的巨大困难 ;指出了城市管治变化的方向不在于构建新的市民社会 ,国家机器通过地域化过程以加强其对社会的管治能力。  相似文献   

Social movement-initiated co-production has been increasingly described as an approach that enables urban poor communities in the South to gain wider access to urban governance. However, with a predominant focus on project-level interventions, the case studies in which movements truly affect governance matters in a metro scale are rare. One of the examples involving such an achievement is the activism of civil society organisations and urban poor groups in Metro Manila, Philippines, which have succeeded to have a major impact on the housing and resettlement programme; the Oplan LIKAS. This article analyses how the civil society was able to gain such a position and the way it utilised it. The documentation of the challenges experienced by the civil society reflects the nature of co-productive engagement in the South and shows that it may easily reach its limits in an exclusionary governance setting.  相似文献   

胡燕  陈振光 《城市规划》2002,26(9):57-60
实证研究是“管治”研究的重要手段。在大量搜寻的基础上 ,选择跟踪了广州洛溪大桥收费风波的案例 ,欲通过对此案例的分析 ,探讨“管治”实证分析的方法。通过对此案例的剖析 ,可以看出 ,中国城市政府与市民社会的互动已现端倪。展开“管治”的实证研究对进一步搞好城市管理和城市规划 ,深具意义  相似文献   

This paper explores the continuing governance of three important historical industrial company towns that were developed as model settlements: New Lanark and Saltaire in the UK and Pullman in the United States. It explores the changing roles of the private sector, the public sector and civil society in the on-going stewardship of the settlements.

This paper concludes that urban governance arrangements are important. In all three cases, the towns were initiated by private entrepreneurs but they are no longer in the ownership of the originating companies and their original economic base has vanished. In all three, public sector action was, at some stage, necessary to retain their integrity, but this action needed strong support from civil society actors. In all three examples, government and community action were supported by additional private sector initiatives. The interactions amongst the private sector, the public sector and civil society in the establishment and continuing stewardship of these settlements demonstrate the clear need for a better understanding of the role of governance arrangements in urban history.  相似文献   

选取广州大坦沙垃圾焚烧发电厂和广州番禺垃圾焚烧发电厂选址为例进行比较分析,探讨地方政府与公众在邻避设施规划中的互动与角色。指出在邻避设施规划中,城市规划领域健全的制度环境是维持政府与公众良性互动的关键。地方政府应在承当主要领导力角色的同时,谨慎避免在邻避设施规划中的绝对权力。公众具备公民意识是进步的表现,但公众也应当认识和学习承担相应的社会责任。建立政府和社会的协作关系是城市管治的出路之一。  相似文献   

With the development of landscape discipline and governance theories, “landscape governance” has become a new frontier of inter-disciplinary research, and is considered a sub-topic and extension of “environmental governance.” Institution is an important factor to the development of landscape governance theory and practice. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the construction of Ecological Civilization has marked itself a new milestone for its systematic top-down design and institution-oriented efforts. At the same time, the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2013 proposed to improve the contemporary national governance system and capacity, and took governance as a new means to evaluate state capacities and state-society relations. Both of them will significantly impact landscape planning, design, protection, and management in China. This article reviews the evolution of western landscape governance theories driven by 1) the emphasis on the spatial scale effect of landscape; 2) the exploration of the regional variety of cultural and collective identities of local landscapes; and 3) the emphasis on the practice of landscape governance. It also examines the opportunities in China’s landscape governance brought by the institutional improvement of Ecological Civilization, which might help: resolve the inherent conflicts that cause the existing environmental and ecological problems; enhance China’s capacity on landscape governance; establish a new land-use management system with a greater ecological security and broader ecosystem services; endow landscapes with more public benefits; cultivate a civil society and democracy in landscape governance; and, influence the education and research of Landscape Architecture in multiple dimensions. Finally, the article proposes roadmaps for China’s landscape governance at both global and national scales.  相似文献   

In the search for better ways to govern cities there has been a shift from an emphasis on the role of 'urban government' to an emphasis on 'urban governance'. Governance is now widely understood as incorporating the role of the state in policy making and implementation but extending beyond that single actor to include the roles of the private sector (market) and community (civil society). The relationships amongst the three are both complex and changing. This article proposes a conceptual framework that structures our understanding of how the actors in urban governance interact, based on relationships where one of the actors has far greater influence than the other two, in other words where one is the 'star' or central actor. The framework then addresses the question of the roles of the 'supporting cast', or the other two actors. The 'governance orthodoxy' is that relationships are collaborative and consensual, expressed through ideas about 'partnerships' and 'networks'. The framework, however, draws attention to the possibility of conflict. The article explores some of the implications for urban governance theory and practice of these complex relationships.  相似文献   

按照国家提出的"推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化"的战略要求,作为"空间治理"政策工具的城市规划也纳入到了治理现代化改革的时代背景中。通过分析主流城市规划的历史嬗变,认为西方现代城市规划作为一门解决城市问题的学问,必然从属于"问题导向",且整体上具有"城市问题—孕育新理论—产生新问题"循环的特点。改革开放30多年来,中国城市规划也被带入了"问题导向"发展的循环圈中。本文引入老子哲学,从本体论、认识论、方法论和人性论方面构建了一个整体性的理论框架,为规划转型提供了本土哲学的探索。  相似文献   

吴岩  王忠杰  贾建中 《中国园林》2023,39(1):98-104
治理体系和治理能力现代化是城市园林绿化行业在新时代必须面对的时代命题。改革开放40年来,行业基本形成了“政府主导、央地互馈、部门协同、企业主体、社团辅助、专家支持、公众参与”的多元主体治理格局;基本形成了以国家政策和行业政策为引领,法律法规体系、规划设计体系和督察监察制度为保障,园林城市创建活动为特色抓手,专业教育体系、专家咨询制度、科研创新体系和技术标准体系为支撑,国际行业交流交往活动为拓展的多元治理工具体系;并在治理意识、治理思路、顶层谋划、治理主体、治理工具等方面取得了一系列经验;市场经济发展和社会主要矛盾变迁、国家治理体系发展演进、城市化进程、社会结构及其文化特征变迁是推动和影响行业治理体系演进的重要驱动力量。当前行业治理存在治理思维尚未全面建立、目标和思路尚不清晰、体系架构尚不完善、行业主管部门作为关键治理主体日渐式微、治理工具和手段不多等问题,据此从治理意识、战略视角、主体架构、顶层谋划、工具体系5个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

Decentralization has focused attention on city government but, at the same time, the growth of civil society means that urban governance is not limited to city government. Little attention has been paid, either in the literature or in practice, to the institutional and political processes which determine whether and how the poor benefit, or how the poor can influence the agenda of city governance. Drawing on studies of nine cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America, this paper identifies three broad areas which are of importance: a political system in which the votes of the poor count; a city government system with some capacity to deliver; and a dynamic civil society which can press the case of the poor. After reviewing what is involved in each of these areas, the paper identifies a number of specific policies and practices which impact on the urban poor.  相似文献   

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