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以深圳地区某光伏建筑一体化示范项目为例,详细介绍其光伏建筑一体化的设计形式,分析光伏发电系统作为建筑构件一部分在兼顾发电同时所起到的建筑功能作用;通过深入研究运行期间该光伏发电系统的各项监测数据,分析采用不同类型光伏组件、安装在不同位置的情况下各光伏发电子系统的太阳辐射与发电量关系,以及单位峰瓦发电量、发电效率等数据指标,对比各光伏发电子系统的运行效果,给出光伏建筑一体化的设计建议,为后续类似项目提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

在大型公共建筑金属屋面系统上安装太阳能光伏组件是光伏发电与建筑物集成化的重要应用。主要介绍了太阳能光伏组件与金属屋面系统之间的连接设计及工程应用;具体阐述了铝合金锁夹的连接节点设计,铝合金锁夹的优点,太阳能光伏电池组件的节点设计,并介绍广西体育中心二期太阳能光伏发电项目、滨州市奥林匹克公园暨十一届全运会体育馆太阳能光伏发电项目及新建杭州东站扩建工程太阳能光伏发电项目中的连接节点设计。  相似文献   

2011年12月,随着柔性非晶硅光伏太阳能电池组件首次铺设在TPO和EPDM防水卷材屋面上,并成功联网发电,标志着中国首个TPO/EPDM光伏防水卷材柔性太阳能屋面项目联网发电成功,这也将是中国首个获住建部政府补贴的光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)柔性非晶硅光伏太阳能电池组件示范项目。  相似文献   

"十三五"时期是我国能源低碳转型的关键期,供暖热源和形式也趋于多样化,其中电供暖为消纳和发展光伏发电带来新的契机。本文阐述了光伏方阵场的设计要点,包括光伏组件的选择,光伏阵列最佳倾角的优化,支架安装方式选择,光伏组件串的串联数和光伏组件间距的计算等。以泰来县光伏发电项目为例,通过设计光伏方阵场,说明了以上要点对太阳能辐射接收量和系统发电量的影响,分析了项目的经济性。  相似文献   

文章详细介绍了非晶硅光伏发电系统在安装施工过程中的质量控制重点。光伏发电系统施工与通用电气工程的共性部分包括:钢结构安装、电缆桥架、导管安装、电缆敷设、控制、配电柜安装等。与通用电气工程不同的有:光伏组件安装和光伏组件连接。  相似文献   

随着分布式光伏电站的普及,越来越多的项目中利用屋顶安装光伏发电设备,如何有效利用建筑屋顶资源,使光伏发电充分发挥效益,是设计屋顶光伏项目时应首要考虑的问题。本文围绕光伏组件在建筑屋顶安装倾角的选择,对不同倾角下安装容量及发电量等进行综合比选,分析不同安装倾角下的项目效果,提出可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

文章首先从国家鼓励建筑与光伏发电相结合的政策背景出发,总结了既有建筑在平屋面光伏系统改造中的潜力与优势,找出平屋面建筑光伏安装的注意事项,并对改造中的光伏系统安装种类进行分析,以山东建筑大学1MW太阳能光伏发电示范项目为例,给广大设计施工人员提供一定参考。  相似文献   

通过对广西体育中心二期项目各场馆曲屋面光伏发电一体化系统的安装施工,阐述了在异形屋面上安装光伏组件所采取的施工技术和措施,指出该技术解决了曲屋面如何布局光伏面板的难题,具有显著的经济效益与环境效益。  相似文献   

本文对支架型光伏发电项目合理调整组件前后间距进行了初探,结合中翔置业屋顶光伏发电项目的实际支架型光伏发电项目,通过对业内计算组件间距的公式和计算机日照模拟图示阴影进行比较分析,得出合理组件间距的计算方法,达到最大装机量与最大发电量的目的。  相似文献   

董力 《建筑科学》2023,(2):114-119
广东惠州潼湖科技创新小镇光伏建筑是国内首座依托薄膜太阳电池技术的铜铟镓硒建筑光伏一体化(CIGS-BIPV)示范项目。依据示范建筑2#楼完整1年的发电数据,分析在不同朝向的建筑立面上,光伏组件月度发电量和典型月份日发电量的特点和变化规律;并进一步分析发电性能与主要影响因素的相关性。为薄膜太阳电池建筑光伏一体化技术推广应用,和低纬度沿海地区光伏建筑发电效果、建筑运行经济特性积累实践经验。  相似文献   

熊江  李树庭  陈勇 《建筑电气》2014,(11):17-22
杭州东站10 MWp光伏发电示范项目采用并网BIPV系统,实现光伏并网发电和轨道交通建筑房屋一体化。对其设计中若干计算校验及重点问题进行讨论,包括光伏发电系统发电量估算、直流线路压降计算及电缆截面选择、系统短路电流计算及继电保护整定等。  相似文献   

结合天津地区某小区屋顶分布式光伏发电系统,对其运行状态进行实时测试和分析。从发电效率、累计发电量、逆变器效率等指标评价实际工程的运行效果。针对分布式发电的特点,比较售楼处4个发电单元的运行情况,验证了发电单元朝向正南、倾角为当地纬度安装才有最佳的运行效果。并网逆变器能在阵列输出功率较小时达到较高的效率,且能量损失小。  相似文献   

Decreasing upfront costs, governmental policies, and promises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have provoked a sharp increase in the installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) plants worldwide. In Brazil, PV plant installation has been growing since 2014, stimulated by the Ministry of Energy and Mines auctions dedicated to this technology. Net emissions vary depending on the emissions from the grid where PV plants are installed, and little is known about their actual payback times in tropical areas. This study calculates the carbon payback time of a 3.0 MWp PV power plant with a sensitivity analysis. We conclude that the PV plants installed in northeast Brazil are beneficial to climate change mitigation whether the PV module is mono-Si or poly-Si, manufactured abroad or not and, considering uncertainties about emissions from alternative technologies, especially hydropower.  相似文献   

The LACCD has a goal of establishing net-zero energy operations across its nine campuses. The project faces many challenges, including limited open areas for installing solar PV, increasing energy consumption challenges associated with campus energy growth and the high cost of installing solar PV. A previous study by Kwan and Hoffmann (2010) found that the LACCD would need to install a 9.5 MW solar PV array in order to meet total campus energy demand on a college campus through the year 2020. This paper attempts to evaluate the financial feasibility of such a project, taking into account the current local, state and federal renewable energy incentives available. We find that despite the availability of financial incentives by local municipal utility companies including installation rebates and net metering, the cost of electricity generated by solar PV still remains approximately 30% higher than electricity generated by fossil fuels. We also find that the optimal solar PV array size from a financial standpoint is one that is sized to generate and meet all electrical demand during sunlight hours. Any array larger than this yields diminishing returns. Finally our analysis examined the influence of per kW installation cost and found that only when prices dropped to $3.00 per installed watt did a net-zero energy solar PV array have an NPV of 0.  相似文献   

双面太阳电池是一种非常规太阳电池。本文通过建立光伏组件-控制器-蓄电池-负载试验系统,对日立公司双面受光单晶硅太阳电池组件分别在东西和南北朝向情况下垂直地面安装时的功率输出特性进行了测试和分析。根据应用测试结果,总结了双面受光太阳电池的应用优缺点和可能的应用方式。  相似文献   

A demonstration project at an office building of Nederlandse Gasunie in Groningen, Holland, is here described by engineers with TNO-TH in Delft. Five different lighting systems were installed on different floors, most of them controlled automatically on daylight in an inner and outer zone. These systems, when compared with a reference system without automatic control, showed savings between 30 and 40 per cent of lighting energy consumption in relation to the maximum number of lighting hours.  相似文献   

The integration of photovoltaic (PV) modules on building façades and rooftops is an ideal application of solar electricity generators in the urban environment. Maximum annual performance of grid-connected PV is usually obtained with modules tilted at an angle equal to the site latitude, facing the equator. The performance of PV systems not tilted and oriented ideally can drop considerably, depending on site latitude. With grid parity – when the cost of solar electricity becomes competitive with conventional electricity – expected in many countries in the present decade, a more widespread application of PV on buildings is expected, and in this context the main goal of this paper is to demonstrate that good compromises between form and function are possible. In this work we compare the annual energy generation of a curved BIPV system installed as a car port rooftop, with an ideally-oriented and tilted, flat BIPV system installed as a building’s rooftop cover at a low-latitude site (27°S). For the one-year period analysed, the curved-shape BIPV system annual yield was 12% lower than that of the reference BIPV system, and during the summer months (November to February), the curved BIPV installation presented a higher energy yield than the latitude-tilted generator. With these results we show that a good compromise can be reached between form and function in BIPV systems.  相似文献   

This study provides preliminary evaluation of South Korea's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) apropos capacity growth, technological innovation, cost impact, and market risk, compared to Feed-in Tariffs (FITs). Findings indicate that both effectively expand electricity generation from renewable energy sources (RES-Es). Early evidence suggests that the RPS appears to have further strengthened RES-Es' market growth, particularly biomass and solar PV. For most technologies, policy costs appear higher under the RPS than FITs, except for PV and fuel cells. Under the RPS, higher market risks are a major concern, particularly for smaller suppliers in the PV market, despite growing PV capacity.  相似文献   

介绍了杭州科技馆光伏屋面一体化的主要设计内容。将屋面光伏系统目标容量定为100kW,选用180W的嵌入模块式光伏组件,介绍了组件布置方式,并通过试验测试了组件力学性能、发电效率、水密性等;阐述了支架布置和连接方式,并建模分析了其在荷载工况作用下的杆件内力和变形情况;对光伏系统的逆变器配置、光伏阵列设计、光伏汇流设计和相关配电设备配置等内容进行了简要论述,建立了一套完整的用户侧低压并网系统。  相似文献   

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