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针对目前交通枢纽能耗大的现状,笔者课题组对京沪、京广沿线已建成的中小型城市交通枢纽进行实地调研。本文从空间集约化设计、建筑形体设计、围护结构遮阳设计、屋顶采光设计、室内吊顶空间以及新材料利用等方面分析城市交通枢纽能耗大的原因,并提出了节能措施,并基于BIM技术,采用GBS建筑能耗模拟软件,对设计方案进行分析、对比和优化。  相似文献   

绿色建筑是我国建筑行业未来发展的主要方向,光环境是绿色建筑的重要内容之一,合理的室内自然采光能使得居住者更为舒适,同时也能降低建筑能耗,以成都地区某住宅建筑为例,通过绿建斯维尔DAIL软件模拟分析其室内采光存在的不足,通过对其优化,使优化后的室内采光满足GB/T 50378—2019绿色建筑评价标准的要求,也使得室内光环境更为舒适。  相似文献   

良好的室内采光不仅利于使用,对降低建筑能耗也有重要的贡献。针对当前部分核心式中庭采光不足、照明能耗大等问题,选取苏州某高校图书馆中庭为研究对象,通过实地测量、主观问卷和软件模拟三个途径对研究对象进行自然采光现状分析,总结了该中庭采光方面的问题,并提出针对既有核心式中庭可行的光环境优化策略。指出绿色思维对建筑节能工作的重要性。  相似文献   

变电站建筑不仅要满足精密设备的运行要求,还要满足人员的工作使用要求,其外遮阳的设计要兼顾节能和室内自然采光的要求。以夏热冬暖地区某典型变电站建筑的主控通信楼为例,采用相关能耗和采光模拟软件,模拟分析该建筑在不同遮阳设施工况下建筑能耗和室内采光的变化,以建筑节能率和采光系数标准值为评价指标,得出其尺寸设计的适宜范围,明确此类建筑外遮阳的尺寸设计应采用节能与自然采光双目标优化的方法,改变以外遮阳系数为单一评价参数的方式。  相似文献   

为探究天然采光技术应用于工业建筑中,综合考虑照明能耗和空调采暖能耗时其对建筑整体节能的优化效果,通过模拟计算,对比分析了天窗面积和天窗材质对烟厂联合工房室内光环境和能耗的影响,通过动态分析得到了优化组合设计方案。结果表明,优化后联合工房采光系数、均匀度和照度均达到标准要求,营造了更舒适的光环境。优化方案下联合工房全年建筑总能耗减小了80.8 MW·h,彰显了优化天然采光方案应用于工业建筑的巨大节能价值。  相似文献   

目前,国内外的民用住宅建筑大多是通过人工照明的方式提高室内照度,造成了很大的建筑能耗。如何在规划设计之初最大限度地利用自然采光,以减少人工照明的强度和照明时间,从而达到节约能源的目的。主要针对上海地区民用住宅建筑进行采光规划设计,首先为上海某大型民用住宅小区建立分析模型,然后利用ECOTECT模拟软件对模型进行日照与遮挡、光环境的模拟和分析,从小建筑布局、建筑朝向、室内布局、窗口等方面提出相应的改造措施,从而优化设计方案。为降低上海地区民用建筑的能耗从日照、采光等方面提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

工业建筑屋顶天窗面积对室内光热环境影响很大,本文针对夏热冬冷地区自然通风类工业建筑,选取武汉为代表城市,利用能耗软件EnergyPlus和采光模拟软件Radiance分别对工业建筑进行室内热环境模拟和自然采光模拟。分析了不同窗墙面积比条件下屋顶天窗面积对室内热环境的影响,并以参考平面自然采光平均照度值为评价标准,针对采光等级要求为Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级的自然通风类工业建筑,对屋顶天窗面积比进行优化,给出工业建筑在不同窗墙面积比下屋顶天窗面积比的推荐值,为工业建筑屋顶天窗优化设计提供依据。  相似文献   

随着我国居民生活水平的不断提高,人们对室内舒适度的要求逐步提高,对建筑的室内采光更是提出了严格的要求,在建设工程的设计阶段就要充分考虑室内自然采光的条件,当前最常用的采光模拟软件有Ecotect Analysis和Radiance,但是在一般情况下,Ecotect Analysis和Radiance的模拟结果差别并不大。本文通过使用Ecotect Analysis对某公共建筑实例进行采光模拟分析其室内的光环境并给出优化结论。  相似文献   

基于固定水平外遮阳,通过分析、整合建筑遮阳和采光的影响因素,提出了耦合遮阳和采光的设计方法:在不改变建筑的外遮阳系数的前提下,调整采光口的形状以优化室内自然采光,并利用ECOTECT软件进一步分析了房间进深和水平遮阳出挑长度不同时,采光口形状对室内平均采光系数的影响,结果表明在遮阳板出挑长度、采光口面积、窗台高相同的情况下,采用横窗时室内的平均采光系数较高,并将该结论应用于教学建筑方案设计中,优化了室内的自然采光使之满足采光标准的要求。  相似文献   

外窗的热工性能能显著影响建筑采暖、空调能耗。同时,窗户作为建筑外围护结构的开口部位,也直接影响到室内自然采光效果。良好的光环境有益于人们的身心健康,更可有效的减小人工光源的使用时间,从而达到减小建筑照明能耗的目的。目前,在绿色建筑的设计中,已开始重视自然采光的作用。本文通过对夏热冬冷地区杭州市某建筑典型户型进行节能、自然采光效果模拟分析以及实测,提出了在建筑设计时外窗选择的一些建议和优化方法。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(11):1343-1348
The quality and quantity of natural light entering a building depends on both internal and external factors. In Hong Kong, many buildings are high-rise blocks constructed close to each other and hence the external factor plays a significant role in daylighting designs. This paper studies the daylighting performance and energy use for residential flats facing large sky obstructions via computer simulations. Key building parameters affecting daylighting designs are presented. The daylighting performance for typical interior rooms was investigated in terms of illuminance level and daylight factor. The daylight levels of residential flats can be severely reduced by neighboring buildings and hence the externally reflected component would be the main source of natural light. The indoor daylight levels for kitchen and living/dining faced large neighboring building were found always less than the standard maintenance illuminance during daytime period. These imply that many residential flats in Hong Kong would have to rely on supplementary electric lighting.  相似文献   

铁路客站照明节能设计的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
廖宇 《建筑电气》2009,28(7):39-41
铁路客站照明设计应将节能放在重要位置.通过合理确定照度标准和LPD值,选择节能光源和灯具,充分利用天然采光,运用智能照明控制系统.达到照明设计的节能与功能性、美观性的统一。  相似文献   

Daylighting has often been recognized as a useful source of energy savings and visual comforts in buildings. Occupants expect good daylight in their working spaces. The quality and quantity of natural light entering a building depend on both internal and external factors. In Hong Kong, commercial building accounts for the major building energy use and electric lighting is one of the major electricity-consuming items. This paper studies the daylighting performance and energy implications for office buildings. A total of 35 commercial buildings have been selected in the survey. Key building parameters affecting daylighting designs are presented. Two typical office blocks were further analysed based on a lighting simulation program. The daylighting performance was evaluated in terms of daylight factor, room depth and glare index. It has been found that the daylighting performance for office buildings is quite effective. About one-third of the office areas that are near the perimeter regions have an average daylight factor of 5%. For inner region of deep plan offices, some innovative daylighting systems such as light redirecting panels and light pipe could be used to improve the daylighting performance. In general, the office building envelop designs are conducive to effective daylighting and proper daylight linked lighting controls could save over 25% of the total electric lighting use.  相似文献   

戴立飞 《住宅科技》2005,(4):29-31,46
在天然光的利用过程中关键是处理好采光口的窗体设计.从窗体不同部分的不同功能定位出发,通过遮阳板、室内反光搁板、百叶窗、窗帘等构配件对直射光的遮挡、反射和漫射光的利用进行了分析,进而对天然采光中最常见的侧窗窗体的设计方法进行了相应的探讨.  相似文献   

In a dense urban region in which high-rise buildings are packed inside limited land areas, the daylight components reflected from ground and surrounding buildings play significant roles in daylighting design. The natural light available in an interior strongly depends on the amount of daylight reaching the window facades. Lately we proposed a calculation procedure, presented in form of simple mathematical expressions and diagrams, to determine the daylight illuminance on a vertical plane under overcast skies. This paper extends the study to non-overcast sky conditions. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated by comparison with the daylight illuminance simulated by a lighting software, namely RADIANCE, and with measurements under real skies. It was found that the data estimated by the proposed method were in good agreement both with the values simulated by RADIANCE and with the measured results. The paper offers to architects and building engineers a useful tool for estimating the daylight illuminance and in particular for determining and assessing various daylighting schemes and concepts during design and construction stages.  相似文献   

采光中庭由于其独特的空间设计给人们带来不一样的视觉感受,已在办公建筑中广泛应用,中庭结构的合理设计对建筑自然采光、建筑能耗具有很大的影响。通过Autodesk Ecotect和Ra-diance数值软件,模拟计算不同中庭平面布局、尺寸比例以及幕墙朝向对办公建筑自然采光系数、全年自然采光满足率DA、天然采光照明节能率、室内照度全年满足率的影响;在模拟分析的基础上,采用Designbuilder数值软件比较分析采光中庭形态优化设计对办公建筑人工照明、采暖空调能耗的影响。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(7):973-982
Lighting control integrated with daylighting is recognised as an important and useful strategy in energy-efficient building designs and operations. Prediction of the internal daylight levels is a key stage in daylighting designs. With the advances in computer technology, the computation of daylight illuminances can be conducted via lighting simulation program. This paper presents a study of the daylight coefficient (DC) approach using RADIANCE lighting software in simulating the indoor daylight illuminance of a corridor. The interior daylight illuminance data measured in the corridor were compared with the simulated results based on the computer software. It was found that the DC approach could give satisfactory results especially for the sun-shaded surface and sun-facing surface receiving a large amount of direct sunlight. Further, the daylight illuminance detected by the photosensor was also simulated in conjunction with measured daylight illuminance, dimming ratio and electric lighting power to predict the lighting energy savings. The findings suggested that the measured and predicted data showed a good agreement when large electric lighting savings resulted. The probable reasons causing the discrepancies were discussed.  相似文献   

目前室内光环境控制大多侧重于室内灯光的智能化控制,但单纯从照明的能量消耗角度来考虑,最大化利用自然光照是最节能的.针对这一问题,提出了一种基于自然光和人工照明结合控制的室内先环境模糊控制方法,合理分配了自然光与人工光照的比例,最大限度满足节能要求的同时,又能为人们的工作、学习、生活提供良好的室内环境.实验结果表明,该控制方案不仅可以最大限度满足用户对日光的需求和舒适度,更比传统照明方式节约了大约30%的能耗.  相似文献   

Effective daylighting within an interior space depends to a large extent on the shape and size of the building. However, it is often impossible to illuminate a building exclusively by daylight. In this paper we review the past and present attitudes regarding optimal utilization of daylight in deep interiors. Such an optimal solution seems to be an integration of daylight and electric light.Various concepts of integration are examined, starting with permanent supplementary artificial lighting of interiors (PSALI), and a comprehensive list of types of integration is proposed. The preferred type for a specific design depends on activity pattern, visual requirements, location, climate, etc. Human requirements, energy saving, and cost-effectiveness are examined as determinants for optimal integration.  相似文献   

A developmental version of the building energy analysis computer program BLAST was used to perform simulations of a prototypical, single-story office building. Total annual energy consumption was computed using Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) [1] weather data from three locations in the United States. For each location, two electric lighting designs were tested on the baseline building (no roof monitors) to compare the energy requirements of current-practice and more efficient electric lighting designs. Then roof monitors were added to evaluate their energy saving potential for each of the electric lighting designs. The roof monitors had highly diffusing, vertical glazings facing southeast and southwest.The results show that improving electric lighting system efficiency and adding roof monitors for daylighting both have the potential for substantially reducing lighting electricity and the energy cost of operating the building. The potential benefits of daylighting are substantially lower for a building outfitted with a more efficient electric lighting system, although still significant. To determine the limits of validity of the simulations, a number of sensitives studies were performed. Among the issues investigated were: dirt deposits, snow accumulation, glazing optical properties, interior design, luminous efficacy of admitted sunlight, and thermostatic controls.  相似文献   

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