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曹书乐  陈铭 《规划师》2008,24(4):40-43
随着我国高校建设的逐步发展,校园规划也进入新的阶段,以往的规划理念已经不能满足新的发展建设要求.华中农业大学国际工商学院校园规划从生态环境保护和利用,校园功能结构布局、校园外部空间设计等方面,探讨大学校园规划中的生态化、人文化、社会化问题.  相似文献   

曹娟 《中国园林》2008,24(2):24
清华大学建筑学院教授、著名风景园林学家周维权先生因病于2007年5月13日逝世,享年80岁。周维权先生的追思会于2008年1月15日在清华大学举行。中国风景园林学会、清华大学建筑学院、北京大学、北京林业大学等单位的专家学者周干峙、吴良镛、关肇邺、李道增、陈晓丽、谢凝高、王秉洛、刘家麒、陈有民、杨赉丽、王向荣、杜尔琪、刘小石、金柏苓、何凤臣、段传极、左川、朱自煊、秦佑国、楼庆西、薛恩伦、吴焕加、陈志华、高亦兰、郑光中、罗森、姚同珍、童林旭、孙凤歧、杨锐、朱育帆、刘海龙及周先生家属周晓吟等40多人出席了追思会。  相似文献   

洪铁城 《城乡建设》2015,(12):90-91
6月23日,我写了一首题为《彩虹桥传奇》的诗,有几句是这样的: 水洗般干净的蓝天/君不见,婺州飞架着/又高又长的彩虹桥/在金华琐园/一位金发碧眼/高个子洋姑娘款款地/走过来,走过来/雪白的大帐篷餐厅里/我们不期而遇/相对而坐/用筷子夹菜/用华语交谈…… 她叫马芮娜,是保加利亚索非亚技术大学建筑学的女博士,现在北京理工大学研修,来到金华,参加世界名校走进金华古村落活动.一个豆蔻年华的外籍女子,一个古稀之年的浙中老者,在餐桌边偶然相识,也属奇遇.她是未来的建筑师,而我,则已从事设计规划几十年,是中国的老建筑师,我们是同行,自然备感亲切,话语颇多,很是投机.  相似文献   

吴挚  万娟 《华中建筑》2007,25(5):94-95
随着城市的不断扩展,原来位于城市边缘的火车站已经成为城市中心区的一部分,成为城市中重要的城市节点.火车作为交通工具,也在经历了最初的辉煌和上世纪60年代汽车和飞机冲击下的没落之后重新得到肯定.新时代的火车站成为新的城市发展的标志性建筑.  相似文献   

Jinping I hydropower station is one of the most challenging projects in China due to its highest arch dam and complex geological conditions for construction.After geological investigation into the dam foundation,a few large-scale weak discontinuities are observed.The rock masses in the left dam foundation are intensively unloaded,approximately to the depth of 150–300 m.These serious geological defects lead to a geological asymmetry on the left and right banks,and thus some major diffculties of dam construction are encountered.In this paper,the influences of geological defects on the project are analyzed,followed by the concepts and methods of treatment design.Based on the analysis,the treatment methods of the weak rock masses and discontinuities are carefully determined,including the concrete cushion,concrete replacement grids,and consolidation grouting.They work together to enhance the strength and integrity of the dam foundation.Evaluations and calibrations through geo-mechanical model tests in combination with feld monitoring results in early impoundment period show that the arch dam and its foundation are roughly stable,suggesting that the treatment designs are reasonable and effective.The proposed treatment methods and concepts in the context can be helpful for similar complex rock projects.  相似文献   

2015年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,在这一历史时刻,被称为太平洋战争转折点的中途岛海战再次进入人们的视野。曾在麦克阿瑟手下当过情报部历史科主任的戈登?普兰奇的心血之作《中途岛奇迹》用近50幅美国国家档案馆珍贵照片,10余张罕见作战地图,主要参战人员名单,战斗序列完整列表,精确到分钟的大事记,以史实为基础、人物为导线,完美地还原了太平洋战争中最重要也最惨烈的一次战役。  相似文献   

罗劲 《中外建筑》2008,(5):50-53
当我们把手伸入自己外套口袋的时候总能发现一些小纸条,风景区的门票、一本书的发票、或是一张久远的设计草图。他们住往让人想起当时的情景,想起那~刻,那一个场景的生活往事。而实际上我们有关知识的记忆是在许许多多疑问中,许许多多的交流中产生的。校园建筑是否亦可以从记忆着手,用熟悉的语言创造出不一样的空间感受,表达出不一样的建筑个性?  相似文献   

华侨城洲际大酒店是在原深圳湾大酒店基础上改建而成的,它位于深南大道华侨城路段,在这里集中了世界之窗、民俗文化村、锦绣中华、欢乐谷和何香凝美术馆等旅游文化景点,与水城风格的威尼斯皇冠假日酒店、东南亚风格的海景酒店遥相呼应,地理位置十分显著。  相似文献   

中国城市燃气协会工作会议于2008年元月25日~28日在黑龙江省哈尔滨市召开.会议由秘书长迟国敬主持,北京、天津、辽宁、吉林、上海、黑龙江、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、山东、湖北、广东、重庆省市燃气协会秘书长及中燃协秘书处、科技委、信息委、产品委、培训委、钢瓶委各工作机构主任等30多人出席了会议.  相似文献   

汤解 《建筑知识》2008,28(2):46-49
"一切生命都有轮回,生命能量经过消耗,以其它形态获得再生。"意大利设计师Simone Giostra这样诠释他在西翠娱乐中心的新外墙GreenPix的设计理念。"GreenPix也是一个有生命轮回的系统:白天,光电元件集聚太阳能;夜幕降临后,能量得到释放,形成绚丽的玻璃墙体。"1994年从意大利米兰的建筑专修学院拿到建筑学硕士学位的  相似文献   

宋波  刘晶  史新华 《暖通空调》2012,42(6):69-72
介绍了标准的编制背景、思路和创新点。该标准主要内容包括施工管理,风管与配件、风阀与部件及支吊架等的现场制作与安装,水管道和设置安装以及试验与调试方面的规定。该标准的规定解决了施工安装中的一些共性问题。  相似文献   

Landscape Dynamics and the Management of Change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Change in economy and society is directly reflected in the character of landscapes, both in terms of their form and function and the landscape planning and management challenges which they present. The phenomenon of landscape dynamics within post-industrial society is considered and the development of a connection between the drivers of landscape change and the management response is sought. Two key drivers of landscape change are proposed - 'obsolescence' and 'dysfunction' - and these in turn are related to a management matrix bounded by axes of condition and character of landscape. It is suggested that the definition of these relationships helps to substantiate and more clearly define the tasks of landscape planning, design and management in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

陈静 《中国园林》2012,28(6):122-124
校园作为城市公共设施体系中的重要组成部分,对人们的社会生活和精神文明起着重要的影响、教育、服务作用。结合安亭中学的景观改造工程实例,从校园的区位环境因素、历史文化积淀、园内景观现状等方面,分析了改造的必要性,改造工作的原则及人文理念的改造方法,重点阐释了对原有历史和景观的发现、挖掘、保护、改造和再利用。通过简洁、现代的手法,把新景观融入校园的建筑环境、历史环境和人文环境之中,重建具有视觉、生态和文化三重效益的校园景观,把校园环境变成凝固的诗、流动的画、无言的歌,从而达到"润物细无声"的效果。  相似文献   

Contemporary landscape is an important medium that resists the environmental homogeneity and diversifies the cultural imagery. The neglect of physical experience would intensify the perception contradiction and separation between people and the site. This paper proposes to use the prototype of the interactions between the body, time, and space to build an abstract discourse to study the design dimensions of site, sight, and insight based on different elements—the three dimensions are represented as perception, conception, and live. It then focuses on how to employ design methods (including the arrangement of spatial sequence and direction, the design of thresholds in the space, the creation of texts and syntaxes, and the stimulation of events and social imagery) to form the push-pull movement in the material space, the abschattung and gestalt of ideographic texts in the meaning space, and the apperception of the social field, so as to enhance people’s perception of the landscape. This paper studies physical experience and spacetime imagery to extract and deduce the thinking of landscape design within varied dimensions, and argues that a profound and intimate relationship between man and the site can be established by organizing different elements under the ternary system of site, sight, and insight.  相似文献   

Limit states design in geotechnical engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper outlines the ultimate and serviceability limit states in geotechnical engineering practice. The magnitude of conventional partial and total safety factors in earthworks, earth retaining structures and foundations are discussed in terms of the reliability of the subsoil and loading conditions and the probability and seriousness of failure of the structure during its service life. The serviceability of structures and foundations are treated on the basis of empirical damage criteria related to relative rotation and deflection ratios of foundations supporting different types of buildings and engineering structures.  相似文献   

The lately published The City of Imagination by Valerio Morabito challenges the pictorial idea of landscape interpretation and explores the possibilities of storytelling to read and represent the landscape that focuses on the literary and communicative aptitudes of Landscape Architecture. The article reviews the book from the perspective of history, epistemology, method, and reception regarding its literary root, which is notably inspired by Italo Calvino. The review consists of four sections: First, word and image: the historical exemplars of landscape representation between pictorial and verbal tradition. Second, memory and foresight: the authenticity of travelogue and Morabito’s method of working with his travel memories. Third, truth and myth: how Morabito applies the cognitive imperfection in storytelling to his empirical approach that counterbalances the positivist reading of the landscape. And fourth, form and language: the tension between the formal autonomy and the bardic tradition in the visual language of Morabito. The article approaches and further opens the essential dialogues between the palpable existence and fictive landscape, the interpretation and consumption of the thick meanings in human inhabitation, and the cognitive antinomy and reconciliation of positivist and humanistic stances in the discipline.  相似文献   

The Integrated Catchment Model of Nitrogen (INCA-N) was applied to the River Lambourn, a Chalk river-system in southern England. The model's abilities to simulate the long-term trend and seasonal patterns in observed stream water nitrate concentrations from 1920 to 2003 were tested. This is the first time a semi-distributed, daily time-step model has been applied to simulate such a long time period and then used to calculate detailed catchment nutrient budgets which span the conversion of pasture to arable during the late 1930s and 1940s. Thus, this work goes beyond source apportionment and looks to demonstrate how such simulations can be used to assess the state of the catchment and develop an understanding of system behaviour. The mass-balance results from 1921, 1922, 1991, 2001 and 2002 are presented and those for 1991 are compared to other modelled and literature values of loads associated with nitrogen soil processes and export. The variations highlighted the problem of comparing modelled fluxes with point measurements but proved useful for identifying the most poorly understood inputs and processes thereby providing an assessment of input data and model structural uncertainty. The modelled terrestrial and instream mass-balances also highlight the importance of the hydrological conditions in pollutant transport. Between 1922 and 2002, increased inputs of nitrogen from fertiliser, livestock and deposition have altered the nitrogen balance with a shift from possible reduction in soil fertility but little environmental impact in 1922, to a situation of nitrogen accumulation in the soil, groundwater and instream biota in 2002. In 1922 and 2002 it was estimated that approximately 2 and 18 kg N ha− 1 yr− 1 respectively were exported from the land to the stream. The utility of the approach and further considerations for the best use of models are discussed.  相似文献   

Performance of concrete structures is significantly influenced and governed by its durability and resistance to environmental or exposure conditions, apart from its physical strength. It can be monitored, evaluated and predicted through modeling of physical deterioration mechanisms, performance characteristics and parameters and condition monitoring of in situ concrete structures. One such study has been conducted using Non-destructive testing equipment in the city of Bhopal and around located in India. Some selected parameters influencing durability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures such as concrete cover, carbonation depth, chloride concentration, half cell potential and compressive strength have been measured, for establishing correlation among various parameters and age of structures. Effects of concrete cover and compressive strength over the variation of chloride content with time are also investigated.  相似文献   

现代中国风景园林处在全球化与区域主义的矛盾、传统和现代的矛盾之中,面临着文化、科技和生态三方面的挑战。只有用包容的心态去了解其他国家的文化,用严谨的态度对待自己的传统和文明,才能在全球化的背景下,在现代文明的冲击下,形成真正有中国特色的当代园林。  相似文献   

In the education of Landscape Architecture, the way we view and depict a natural site is defined by the way we observe and express it. This paper starts with a comparison between the perspective and approach of traditional painting types (the realistic sketch, design sketch, and landscape painting) and those in Landscape Architecture. All of them involve observation (viewing) and expression (drawing) of natural beings and phenomena, where traditional paintings are in the pursuit of honest depiction of the forms or shapes. While in Landscape Architecture it emphasizes understanding and representing the evolutions and the complicated intrinsic relations of the authentic sites — in other words, to represent the nature of reality. To be on-site, the use of body movement, and the evolutions and correlations of natural beings are the three most important principles to the observation and representation in Landscape Architecture. Combining with two cases in teaching and practice, this paper elaborates how to develop abstract forms and design concepts from the observation of authentic sites and how the trans-scaled reflection on the correlations about the sites can inspire a site-scaled design, providing references for the education and practice of Landscape Architecture in China.  相似文献   

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