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塑造21世纪—哈佛设计学院的风景园林方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风景园林以及与风景和人居相关的设计领域正在塑造这个新的世纪。这种工作要有新的紧迫感,正确对待风景园林学科的历史根源,同时又需要在风景园林规划与设计领域中有真正的革新和创造。其中以下三个方面尤其值得关注:城市地区大规模扩张前提下新城市风景园林的品质、意义和持久性,处理大地上工业活动遗留物,并引导那些对国家经济发展来说依然十分重要的现有或未来工业正确的发展,应对由于气候、社会、文化与环境上的改变而对全球自然资源与生态可持续性产生的紧迫的、全球性的巨大压力。在哈佛设计学院风景园林系的学术研究和教学工作中,目前许多新主题和方向正在展开,它们都涉及到以上关注点。这些内容范围和与之相关的知识基础对以上方面提出了重要课题,即将来的设计领域的范围,全球化及其对设计的影响,风景园林师的任务将来不仅要塑造全球的风景更要处理当地乃至全球的社区的发展与健康的多种问题,也要重塑自然环境与人工世界的联系。  相似文献   

热带园林的基本概念与研究意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李敏 《中国园林》2004,20(11):58-64
热带园林是一种基于气候带资源特征的地带适宜性园林形式,也是现代园林景观营造中生态与人文和谐共存的典型文化载体之一.对热带园林基本概念、发展特点及景观特色的学术研究,有利于构建源于自然的"地带园林学"理论体系,开拓中国岭南园林与世界同气候带园林文化交流研究新领域.  相似文献   

Landscape planning, a subdiscipline of the field of landscape architecture, has helped define the profession over the past twenty five years. Landscape planning endorses the tenets of the Natural Environmental Policy Act [NEPA, 1969. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Public Law No. 91-190 91st Congress, second session (NEPA) pp. 1–5] and thereby promotes landscape architects and landscape planners as major players in changing landscapes. Changing landscapes is focused on developing valid designs that promote ecological integrity. Aesthetic form resulting from these changes is also a concern but must respect ecological function and structure first. Landscape planning will take on an even greater role in the future by; redefining the profession; by contributing to the knowledge base of good design decisions, and creating new advances in planning and design theory.  相似文献   

风景园林评论是以一定的价值观为基础,对风景园林作品及其所赖以存在的社会环境、风景园林师的创作思想与过程等方面的评判。风景园林作品评论以遵循自然规律,实现人与天调为价值观,其重点涵盖风景园林作品的形成过程、文化语境、艺术审美、使用评价和社会责任五个方面。风景园林作品评论作为信息反馈,是为了创造可持续风景园林作品而存在,是为了促使作品有科学而民主的形成过程,在彰显地域特色的语境下创作,满足使用者的行为需求,并能愉悦心情、感动灵魂,促进社会文明的进步。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of expressing cultural identity in architecture is apparent in many parts of the world: this paper examines it in the context of Kuwait. It focuses on architects, and the strategies they use in expressing cultural identity. The aim is to understand their views and current efforts in this context. In Kuwait, architecture has passed through dramatic transformations during the second half of the twentieth century that were the result of economic, regional and global changes. A survey of the views of eighteen Kuwaiti architects was conducted using focused interviews and a standardised questionnaire. Examples of their projects were analysed to illustrate their views and ways of thinking. The study concluded that there were several strategies employed by Kuwaiti architects to express a Kuwaiti cultural identity in their work. A three- dimensional matrix was developed to illustrate the relationship between the ranges of these strategies and architecture in Kuwait. It is hoped that this matrix will be useful for practitioners and critics of contemporary architecture in Kuwait interested in understanding current trends in achieving a cultural identity in architecture.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of expressing cultural identity in architecture is apparent in many parts of the world: this paper examines it in the context of Kuwait. It focuses on architects, and the strategies they use in expressing cultural identity. The aim is to understand their views and current efforts in this context. In Kuwait, architecture has passed through dramatic transformations during the second half of the twentieth century that were the result of economic, regional and global changes. A survey of the views of eighteen Kuwaiti architects was conducted using focused interviews and a standardised questionnaire. Examples of their projects were analysed to illustrate their views and ways of thinking. The study concluded that there were several strategies employed by Kuwaiti architects to express a Kuwaiti cultural identity in their work. A three- dimensional matrix was developed to illustrate the relationship between the ranges of these strategies and architecture in Kuwait. It is hoped that this matrix will be useful for practitioners and critics of contemporary architecture in Kuwait interested in understanding current trends in achieving a cultural identity in architecture.  相似文献   

Landscape design is an expression and repository of cultural values and beliefs, and in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the designed landscape faces particular challenges. Globalization is seen as a potential threat to landscape identity, which is even more significant for a country which has built its economy and self-image from its unique natural landscape. The potential for resistance is limited by the small size and youth of the profession of landscape architecture in New Zealand. While traditions of farming and gardening extend back to early European settlement in the mid nineteenth century, and beyond to indigenous Maori practices of land modification, professional landscape design is a relatively recent development (the first tertiary course in landscape architecture began at Lincoln College (now Lincoln University) in 1969). Landscape design in New Zealand draws its vocabulary from the power of the country's natural heritage landscapes, convinced that a naturalistic aesthetic exclusively represents environmental health. Some of the core values of New Zealand society are, however, overlooked by designers. The need to develop a critically informed design language which includes the farming landscape along with the natural one is argued. The invention of such a language, referred to as a complex ecological aesthetic, is seen as a potential source of design expression that is invigorated by the tension between mechanistic and natural landscape aesthetics. It therefore has the potential to promote environmental health, while being regionally grounded, and can help face the challenges that globilization poses to the landscape.  相似文献   

法国国立凡尔赛高等风景园林学院教学体系简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国是一个热衷于园林景观事业的国家,其园林景观艺术在世界占有一席之地,原因之一在于法国具有有别于其它国家的独特完整的风景园林师培养体系。本文以国立凡尔赛高等风景园林学院为例,通过对法国风景园林师培养体系的简单介绍,试图对中国的风景园林教育有一定的借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

展现地域自然景观特征的风景园林文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风景园林创作是以特定地区的自然人文环境为基础进行的空间整合活动,因此风景园林设计具有与生俱来的地域景观特性,展现地域自然景观特征是风景园林文化最主要的内涵之一.每一个优秀的风景园林设计都应该是能够反映地域自然景观特征以及人文景观特征的片段.只有通过一系列这样的片段,才能使人们对地域的自然景观典型特征有一个更加完整的认识...  相似文献   

2021年是中国两个一百年的交汇之年。自此,中 国开启了全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程。美丽中国建 设、生态文明建设、国土空间开发保护格局优化、人与自然和 谐共生、实施可持续发展战略、构建生态文明体系等成为风 景园林义不容辞的新使命。风景园林学成为一级学科已经10 年,风景园林教育、风景园林师职业资格制度、风景园林法制 建设三者齐头并进才能更好地担当起历史重任。梳理了风景园 林教育亟须解决的诸多问题,改革与创新方能担当起新征程的 新使命;由设立风景园林师职业资格的漫长历程,指出风景园 林法制建设的紧迫性及必要性。呼吁尽快出台风景园林统领 性、基础性的法律;修订风景园林的现行法规;规范学科、专 业、行业;加大风景园林的宣传力度等。  相似文献   

李方正  王钰 《风景园林》2020,27(8):55-61
伊丽莎白·莫索普教授从事风景园林工作近25年,参与了多项与海岸生态修复、城市景观基础设施设计相关的项目、研究、教学与实践活动。目前她主要关注海岸和三角洲生态修复、灾后社区重建等领域,致力于将韧性景观的建设理念和方法运用到城市基础设施建设和开放空间设计当中。莫索普教授认为风景园林师应当综合考虑不同文化背景、自然条件进行多功能的公共空间设计,整合社会资源,促进社区文化复兴,增强生态系统的稳定性。此外,面对全球气候变暖、自然灾害、生物多样性减少等危机,风景园林师应该与其他领域的专家学者、普通大众建立广泛的合作,积极应对挑战,共同推动社会变革,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

响应绿色增长法案(于2015年在法国投票通过)的能源转型,预示着后石油时代计划的来临和向法国新能源模型的迈进。由环境、能源和海洋部推出的创建"绿色增长积极能源区域"(涉及212个微区)是已经采取的诸多行动之一。另一方面,该部门正在开展"景观计划"(与50个小区域有关),鼓励地区通过景观规划和工程从事可持续发展。这两种政策工具之间尚不存在关联。然而,凡尔赛国立高等风景园林学院风景园林和能源主席则反对这种(认为二者不存在关联的)看法。事实上,它们至少有相同目标:为更好的生活而协调文化、生态、经济和社会领域。学校研究这一问题的工作室全力以赴反映能源专业利益相关者、地区代表和风景园林师的情况。以不同地区(阿基坦地区,勃艮第地区,北部))的工作室为研究基础,年轻的风景园林师证明能源转型的成功不仅仅依赖于技术计划,还依赖于连接社会转型和空间规划的集成观念。  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) highlights the landscape as an holistic concept, which is important for individual and social well being and for quality of life. Landscape questions tend today to fall between the responsibilities of different sectors of society. The implications of the Convention for giving ‘landscape’ a higher status in spatial planning are discussed. Important challenges for planning that need to be focused from a landscape approach are discussed: the growing urbanization; the development and new roles of the urban fringe areas; new infrastructure landscapes; the mental landscapes of tomorrow; an holistic approach to landscape ecological planning and environmental policies and the need for co‐ordination of European planning issues that concern landscapes. Planning for good landscape qualities is not a new issue; many landscape architects and landscape planners have worked in the spirit of the ELC for decades. The importance of educating landscape architects and planners with an holistic approach is particularly addressed. Efforts for a more integrated landscape education, such as the European network LE:NOTRE, already exist and contribute to the implementation of the ELC.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) highlights the landscape as an holistic concept, which is important for individual and social well being and for quality of life. Landscape questions tend today to fall between the responsibilities of different sectors of society. The implications of the Convention for giving 'landscape' a higher status in spatial planning are discussed. Important challenges for planning that need to be focused from a landscape approach are discussed: the growing urbanization; the development and new roles of the urban fringe areas; new infrastructure landscapes; the mental landscapes of tomorrow; an holistic approach to landscape ecological planning and environmental policies and the need for co-ordination of European planning issues that concern landscapes. Planning for good landscape qualities is not a new issue; many landscape architects and landscape planners have worked in the spirit of the ELC for decades. The importance of educating landscape architects and planners with an holistic approach is particularly addressed. Efforts for a more integrated landscape education, such as the European network LE:NOTRE, already exist and contribute to the implementation of the ELC.  相似文献   

Nature is a cultural construct, and a symbolic form to our cultural landscape. It plays a critical role in the profession of Landscape Architecture, shaping both the practice in the constructed environment as well as the conception of landscape in Pedagogy. This article evaluates contemporary landscape architecture practice in the U.S. through the lens of planting design and ecological design approaches. This retrospect situates selected individuals and their practices in the field of landscape architecture in the past two decades, in parallel with the evolving ecological understanding. These individuals and their works demonstrate the changes in planting design and ecological thinking in the professional practice, and most importantly how these changes contribute to current ecological design methodologies, landscape aesthetics, and public perception of landscape. In addition, the article aims to illustrate a shifting conception of Nature over time and in different cultural context, in which different conceptions of Nature facilitate various approaches to addressing environmental issues. By situating in such context, the article hopes to provide a critical view of contemporary American landscape architecture practice and the current ecological agenda, in order to enable discussions regarding the professional practice in the future.  相似文献   

Landscape architecture is in the midst of a renaissance. For the first time, a landscape architect was awarded the McArthur Foundation Fellowship. Large professional service contracts are being tendered to practitioners to reimagine urban parks, waterfronts, and downtown development districts. The scope and scale of these projects are significant, as are the impacts these commissions are having on the social, ecological, and economic fabric of the cities in which they are taking place. However, inasmuch as the client-driven professional service model through which these landscapes take shape is essential to the financial health and prestige of landscape architects, it represents only one model of landscape practice. The Design with Dredge program seeks to expand beyond services and into a model of professional practice that proactively collocates research, design, experimentation, activism, and adaptive management with community and strategic partnerships. The model does not attempt to supplant or undermine the business of landscape architecture. What it does do is to widen the aperture of possibilities and extend the field of action for landscape architects who wish to engage more directly with the medium of landscape and specifically with anthropogenic sediment processes including large- and small-scale dredging operations. This broadened professional nexus creates opportunities for practitioners, community members, academics, regulators, and industry experts to advance shared conceptual frameworks, planning priorities, and applied landscape strategies for resilient dredged material management in the Baltimore-Chesapeake Bay region, providing a precedent for others who may wish to explore new modes of practice and emerging landscape infrastructure issues facing port cities and coastal communities.  相似文献   

田的艺术——白话景观与新乡土   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种生存的艺术,田,是真善美的和谐统一,是千百年来人类对土地及自然过程和格局的适应的智慧结晶;作为乡土的文化景观,田承载了特定地域人们的生存与生活的历史,同时也为当代人应对生态环境和能源危机带来新希望.田,既是我们的记忆,也是我们的希望景观设计师因此可以从田的艺术中吸取无穷的营养,创造丰产、健康而且美丽的新景观,一种白话的、新乡土景观.  相似文献   

认知自然景观——以桦木沟国家森林公园为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然是风景园林创作的本源,对自然景观的理解对于风景园林学科和行业的发展显得尤为关键。植物景观是风景园林中的重要元素,理性地认知自然植被景观对于植物景观规划设计具有非常高的价值。本文通过对桦木沟国家森林公园进行现场踏查,分析了自然植物景观形式的特性,探索自然植被景观的规律,阐述其在风景园林的实践之中应用的可能。  相似文献   

乡村景观的价值与可持续发展途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林箐 《风景园林》2016,(8):27-37
乡村景观是人与自然相互作用的产物,展示了人类与自然环境的最直接和最根本的联系,展现了一个地区独特的自然条件和文化历史。过去的30年,中国乡村景观的变化速度惊人,一些具有较高文化价值和美学价值的传统乡村景观正在快速地消失,这一现象反映了乡村所面临的诸多问题和威胁。乡村景观的可持续发展应当建立在环境、经济、社会、建筑和景观的可持续之上。深入了解不同地区乡村景观的历史和特征,充分理解乡村景观所蕴含的人与自然的关系,深刻认识乡村社会和经济的复杂性,是风景园林师从事乡村景观保护与乡村地区建设活动的基础。  相似文献   

当今世界无论在环境、生态、社会、政治、经济与文化艺术各类型的议题上,都面临着全球化、后工业化及瞬息万变的局势,景观设计专业在这样的时代背景之下,因为其“介质”与“跨领域”的特性、与当代理论的深化,除了传统中的公园、花园、户外空间之外,专业的范畴与焦点已扩展到基础设施、大小尺度公共空间、后工业基地与都市空间,鉴于此,一些具有前卫与实验性质教育课程使景观设计教育的风格逐渐多元化,专业事务的类型也衍生转变,以适应这样的潮流,而FO(Field Operations)与易道(EDAW)就是操作方式全然不同的两个例子。在个人的景观设计专业中,只有不停地努力吸收各类的经验与知识,并且了解全球以往与未来的专业环境与变迁,才能随时审视自己与作品在当代设计地图中的位置,明晰自己在景观设计史上的定位,作为自己实践的方向。  相似文献   

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