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发展跨季节储热技术对实现我国供热领域的绿色低碳转型具有重要意义。本文从跨季节储热项目角度出发,分别对跨季节储热的原理及分类、国内外发展现状、项目统计与参数分析等方面进行了综述。重点对所统计的44个国内外跨季节显热储热项目进行了典型技术经济参数分析、热源分析与材料分析。最后指出国内外跨季节储热项目数量增多、储热规模持续扩大,发展大容量跨季节水体储热、实现跨季节储热热源多能互补、规模化应用热泵、进一步开发适用于跨季节储热系统的新型材料可能是未来跨季节储热发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

分析了某天然气输气抢修站场的冷、热、电负荷,提出了采用天然气膨胀发电装置回收天然气余压并计算了发电量,设计了基于天然气分布式能源和天然气余压发电的多能互补系统。实现了天然气余压资源100%回收利用,天然气分布式能源系统综合能源利用效率超过80%,节能率超过25%。  相似文献   

随着清洁供暖的改造,出现天然气供应短缺等一系列问题。各种供暖系统都具有一定的局限性,因此多能互补的采暖形式逐渐进入人们的视野。多能互补是对目前常见的几种供暖形式进行耦合,充分发挥出各系统优势,满足采暖的需求。而多能互补的关键点是对清洁能源和可再生能源的利用。本文中以我国现阶段几种常用的清洁采暖方式为出发点,分析其优点及局限性,最后探讨了燃气壁挂炉与太阳能联合供暖、空气源热泵与太阳能联合供暖等多能互补的供暖系统的应用。  相似文献   

本文按照不同能源形式组合,对近年来针对建筑领域多能互补系统的研究情况进行了总结。主要针对太阳能与空气源热泵互补系统土壤,分析了多能互补系统提出的原因,互补系统的工作原理,互补系统运行特性的影响因素,与其他供热/冷或生活热水能源方案比较的优势,并提出了目前互补系统待解决的问题。  相似文献   

以北京丽泽金融商务区多能互补能源系统案例进行分析,针对区域能源系统的特点对北京丽泽金融商务区内的空调冷热负荷、生活热水负荷进行需求预测,提出了多能互补的能源利用技术,介绍了该项目能源系统的构建思路,为今后进一步深化区域能源规划进行初步探索。  相似文献   

本文针对某集中供热厂现有设备及厂区现状,结合该厂周边可再生能源情况,分析该厂可再生能源改造及多能互补系统建设可行性。根据分析结果,分别做出了可再生能源系统建设的技术路线和建设方案。本工程建设完成后具有燃气热水锅炉、污水源系统、地源热泵系统、电锅炉系统和光伏发电系统,并配置了蓄热罐系统对各能源系统进行存储、调度,构成完善的多能互补智慧能源网络。希望对今后集中供热厂改造工程中,多能互补系统建设思路提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

太阳能区域供热(SDH)作为一项清洁供热技术在欧洲地区得到了大规模应用,并取得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。基于对欧洲地区SDH技术研究和市场分析,总结了我国清洁能源供热的经验和教训。介绍了有助于SDH发展的高效太阳能集热器、储热技术、低温区域供热技术和多能互补技术。对我国SDH的发展潜力进行了评估,预测了未来5a我国SDH的市场发展状况。  相似文献   

传统城镇供热系统设计理念落后,能源形式单一,系统效率低下,且对大气污染的影响越来越大。通过提出一种多能互补的城市供热系统,通过规模化利用可再生能源与传统化石能源进行互补,以达到提高能源利用效率,降低污染排放,改善城市环境目的。通过对典型案例进行分析,城市多能互补供热系统可再生能源及清洁能源配置超过70%,全年负荷贡献率为36%,每年一次能源消耗减少20.4%。  相似文献   

本文分析了国内长江流域夏热冬暖的家庭供暖状况,指出了存在的问题。认为太阳能跨季节蓄热集中供热系统能够有效利用长江流域夏天充沛的热量来满足冬季采暖热量的需求。通过四季沐歌在北方的实际工程可以看出,跨季节蓄热太阳能集中供热系统能够提供50%或者更高的太阳能保证率。文章介绍了季节性蓄热中四种典型的蓄热方式,选择了较适宜长江流域的蓄热方式。根据前期对蓄热系统进行的调研,分析并探讨了蓄热系统的保温、密闭性以及系统造价等。重点对长江流域太阳能地下土壤储热的关键技术进行了分析,并初步对地下土壤储热系统的埋管进行了设计计算。  相似文献   

以张家口某产业示范区多能互补能源规划进行分析,针对区域能源系统的特点对区域内的冷热电进行需求预测,提出了通过对整个产业示范区的能源利用进行合理有效地规划,在满足国家总体可再生能源规划目标的基础上,结合示范区能源优势,制定适用于本地区的区域能源规划及可再生能源发展目标。  相似文献   

The performance of a solar combisystem with a long-term thermal storage capacity is investigated for a typical one-storey detached house in Montreal. Simulation results from the TRNSYS program show that, starting with the second year, the system is able to cover fully the heating and domestic hot water thermal loads using the solar energy exclusively. The solar combisystem with seasonal storage capacity is technically feasible, can be built with equipment currently available, and can lead to significant energy savings in the residential sector in Montreal. The Energy Payback Time index shows that the embodied energy initially invested in the equipment is recovered in less than 6 years through the thermal energy savings. The current barriers to the deployment of such a system at large scale are the low electricity rates in Quebec, the high initial costs and the absence of substantial financial incentives.  相似文献   

本文建立了一个冷热电三联供与冰蓄冷耦合的复合系统优化数学模型,以年总运行成本最小为目标函数,综合考虑了经济性、环保性、节能性评价指标对系统的影响。最后以上海某综合型超高层建筑为研究对象,利用LINGO软件进行多目标优化计算,提出了三联供耦合冰蓄冷系统的设备优化容量以及全年运行策略优化方案,并分析了电、气价格及二氧化碳排放税对系统的影响。  相似文献   

Over a three years period, an aquifer thermal energy storage system was monitored in combination with a heat pump for heating and cooling of the ventilation air in a Belgian hospital. The installation was one of the first and largest ground source heat pump systems in Belgium. Groundwater flows and temperatures were monitored as well as the energy flows of the heat pumps and the energy demand of the building. The resulting energy balance of the building showed that the primary energy consumption of the heat pump system is 71% lower in comparison with a reference installation based on common gas-fired boilers and water cooling machines. This corresponds to a CO2-reduction of 1280 ton over the whole measuring period. The overall seasonal performance factor (SPF) for heating was 5.9 while the ATES system delivered cooling at an efficiency factor of 26.1. Furthermore, the economic analysis showed an annual cost reduction of k€ 54 as compared to the reference installation, resulting in a simple payback time of 8.4 years, excluding subsidies.  相似文献   

The promotion of the exploitation of renewable sources in the built environment has led to the spread of multi-energy systems in buildings. These systems use more than one energy source in various energy converters to overcome the limitations that may be characteristic of each source. However, the design of the optimization of such systems is a complex task because the number of design variables is high and the boundary conditions (climate, operation strategies, etc.) are highly variable, so the system simulation has to be performed in the time domain. In this work an original hourly model to optimize multi-energy systems is presented and applied on a case study. It is an evaluation method to assess, in an integrated fashion, the performance of a building system as a whole and the viability of the exploitation of various energy sources. This tool is intended to take into account the variation of the conversion efficiency as a function of the design power, part load, boundary and climatic conditions. The relations that can model the energy converters of the case study (standard boiler, condensing boiler, various types of chillers and others) from the energy performance and from the financial points of view are also presented. This model represents a valuable alternative to currently available tools for hybrid systems simulation because of the optimization approach and of the detail in the thermal energy converters performance. Ultimately, the theoretical and applied knowledge of this contribution aims also at promoting a more conscious use of renewable and non-renewable energy in the built environment.  相似文献   

本文介绍采用双蒸发器螺旋式压缩机大型区域蓄冰制冷系统,结合工程实际对采用双蒸发器螺旋式压缩机的某大型区域蓄冰制冷系统的设计、设备的选型和该系统控制方案进行了详细的介绍。和普通蓄冰制冷系统不同,此系统制冰制冷不采用同一个循环系统,使该系统能同时制冷制冰,避免了普通蓄冰系统制冰和制冷模式切换造成的时间和能源的浪费。针对系统控制设备、测控参数数量多且分散的特点,采用具有强大网络功能的Tridium控制器和现场可编程控制器进行集散管理。  相似文献   

随着能源供求失衡日益加剧,建筑蓄能节能的重要性不断凸显。营造具有高效蓄能及可调节能力的可持续蓄能围护结构,对于建筑节能具有重要意义。本文从居住者的热舒适需求出发,通过反问题思路,提出了被动式及主动式建筑中可持续室内环境营造的一些新思路和新方法。研究发现,被动式建筑围护结构理想热质体热性能具有相变材料的特征,即热容随温度的分布接近δ函数形式。并进一步开展了建筑用相变材料的研发及应用研究,研制了建筑用定形相变材料和微胶囊化相变材料,克服了传统相变材料易泄露和导热系数偏低等缺点。最后,提出了主被动式建筑围护结构和相变材料一体化的系统应用方案,并通过实验及模拟验证了其节能舒适效果,为相变材料和建筑蓄能围护结构一体化的设计及应用提供指导。  相似文献   

基于目前小型热泵空调蓄能技术的国内外研究和应用情况,提出了一种具有蓄冷和蓄热两重作用的户式中央空调蓄能系统,用以解决夏季电力“移峰填谷”和冬季空气源热泵晚间供热不足的问题。阐述了系统的特点及关键技术研究,重点介绍了蓄能换热装置的设计。  相似文献   

简要介绍了北美目前最大的跨季太阳能储存项目——加拿大0kotoks小镇的太阳能小区建设,对其太阳能供热系统的工作原理及利用土壤床作为储能体进行大规模跨季节太阳能储存的方法进行了分析。该项目根据不同季节可利用太阳能数量的不同,分别设置了短期(临时)太阳能储箱(STTS)及跨季节太阳能储存箱(BTES),以提高太阳能的利用率。其中,BTES的效率可达50%以上。小区太阳能家用热水系统(DWH)可满足住户60%的热水需求,而太阳能采暖系统则可满足90%采暖要求;建成后每幢住宅每年可减排5t温室气体,整个小区可减排260t/年。  相似文献   

The potential of ambient thermal sources, including ambient air at dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures, ground and night sky radiant temperatures, to serve building cooling loads was evaluated from TMY3 weather data for US climates. Three different cases were considered: (1) annual potentials, disregarding thermal storage, (2) diurnal storage and (3) storage capacity necessary to serve the entire annual load. This capacity was determined by identifying the largest load occurring during spans of time without ambient cooling potential. The sky had cooling potential every night in all 11 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) climate sub-zones in the continental USA, while ground temperature had continuous cooling potential for all but the southernmost locations. Additionally, the thermal storage required to meet the entire annual cooling load with night sky radiation was quite feasible for a building with low overall envelope losses.  相似文献   

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