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交通空间声场是城市声环境的重要组成部分,城市道路上覆光伏发电势必会引起道路及周边空间声环境的改变。基于声学软件(Odeon)对其进行模拟,试图探讨上覆光伏组件前后的声场变化以及光伏组件的最佳铺设形式。模拟设置对照组(上覆前的道路空间)与实验组(上覆平铺、斜铺、弧形顶与双坡顶四种铺设形式的道路空间)。结果显示,弧度的改变会引起道路及周边声场的显著变化;而坡度的改变对声场的影响并不显著。不同铺设形式下,地面人耳接收平面的声场均会不同程度变差,以平铺形式为最差。道路两侧高空声场均有一定改善,平铺、双坡及弧形顶铺设形式下的竖向声场衰减明显,且弧形顶铺设形式可通过适当增大弧度使声压级进一步降低。以声环境为考量的光伏组件最佳铺设形式依接收平面的不同而变化。  相似文献   

顶棚构造傅信祁1.木顶棚一般多为条板。常见的规格为900毫米宽、1.50~6.00米长,成品有光边、企口和双面槽缝等种类。通常有企口平铺离缝平铺、嵌缝平铺和鱼鳞斜铺等形式。其中离缝平铺的离缝约10~15毫米,在构造上除可钉结结外,常采用四槽边板,用隐...  相似文献   

针对季节可调式(简称季调式)支架的调节时间段带有一定的机械性,我们提出一种新的支架调节方式——优化季调式。与其他单轴跟踪相比,斜单轴跟踪能够显著提高系统的光电转化效率。我们将优化季调式支架和斜单轴跟踪系统结合起来,以甘肃玉门地区并网光伏发电系统为例,计算优化季调式斜单轴光伏系统年发电量等数据。结果表明,优化季调式斜单轴光伏发电系统是比较实用的系统模型。  相似文献   

8月初,北京新南站盛大开通。针对北京新南站采用的大量环保节能技术,铁道部副总工程师兼工程设计鉴定中心主任、经济规划研究院院长郑健在接受记者采访时介绍说,新南站采用了太阳能的光伏发电技术,在站房的中央采光带的屋面,铺设了3264块太阳能板,每年可发电18万度。从表面上来看,站房全年运营需要的用电量是2580万度电,太阳能发电非常有限,投资是肯定收不回的。  相似文献   

结合20 MW农光互补光伏电站项目的工程概况,对几种可行的光伏支架基础形式分别作了分析比较,选择了预应力混凝土管桩基础,指出光伏发电与作物种植形成有效互补,不仅提高了土地的农业附加值,更以绿色能源发电的模式带动了当地的经济发展。  相似文献   

中建三局:承建武汉"国博"全国最大的光伏发电项目本刊讯(通讯员程超)在中建三局总承包公司承建的武汉国际博览中心楼顶及采光天井幕墙上,建有国内最大的太阳能建筑光伏发电项目,光电板面积达11万平方米,年发电量近1亿千瓦时,相当于6万多家庭1年的用电量。  相似文献   

针对低纬度孤立岛礁高温、高湿、强辐射气候和常规能源供应困难的特殊条件,将太阳能发电与溶液除湿空调相结合,对组合系统的空气处理流程和原理进行了分析。在孤立岛礁有限的屋顶铺设面积条件下,对集热器和光伏板的铺设面积比例进行了优化匹配研究。分析了室内设计温湿度和单位面积冷负荷对系统所需屋顶铺设面积的影响。结果表明:集热器与光伏板面积之比为1∶1.04~1∶2.34时,可满足室内人员舒适需求,而且屋顶铺设面积越小,光伏板面积所占比例越大;室内设计相对湿度对屋顶铺设总面积影响较大,当相对湿度从40%增大到70%时,系统所需集热器面积约减少42.0%,光伏板面积约减少13.6%;当单位面积冷负荷增大时,所需集热器和光伏板面积呈相同比例增加,但二者面积之比保持不变。  相似文献   

<正>在过去十到二十年时间内,德国开始出现大规格混凝土路面块材铺设道路路面的案例,并日益增多,特别在将这种路面结构纳入道路设计图集后。与所有道路建设领域的工程一样,使用这种规格尺寸要远大于传统意义上的混凝土路面砖(板)时,相对应的路面设计施工方法也要随之改变,它独特的性能,使路面材料的拼铺图案、设计、施工工法等技术要求,都必须做出相应调整,以确保路基与路面材料  相似文献   

针对博物馆展示空间的光环境现状,按照展品对采光的要求对展示空间进行分类,归纳出其典型的采光形式和展品陈列布局方式,通过计算展示空间在不同工况下的采光系数、采光均匀度、亮度分布和不舒适眩光指数等采光参数,对展示空间的光环境进行仿真分析,由此确定适宜的采光形式和采光构件,提出相应的采光优化策略,即从采光形式和构件两方面进行采光参数的优化。结果表明:采光优化策略可改善博物馆展示空间的采光质量,使不同类型展示空间获得适宜的光环境。  相似文献   

"十三五"时期是我国能源低碳转型的关键期,供暖热源和形式也趋于多样化,其中电供暖为消纳和发展光伏发电带来新的契机。本文阐述了光伏方阵场的设计要点,包括光伏组件的选择,光伏阵列最佳倾角的优化,支架安装方式选择,光伏组件串的串联数和光伏组件间距的计算等。以泰来县光伏发电项目为例,通过设计光伏方阵场,说明了以上要点对太阳能辐射接收量和系统发电量的影响,分析了项目的经济性。  相似文献   

通过对济南某商业建筑照明、空调、电梯等设备的能耗调研,提出了针对性的节能改造措施。改造后商业建筑全年用电量节约2 293 MW·h,其中照明年节电率达24.6%,空调年节电率达7.2%,电梯年节电率达62.1%。同时,利用PVSYST软件对商业建筑屋顶的光伏利用潜力进行了分析。结果表明水平和最佳倾斜角度两种铺设方式下屋顶光伏阵列的年发电量分别为742.7 MW·h和487.6 MW·h,水平铺设的光伏阵列年发电量比最佳倾斜角铺设阵列年发电量多255.1 MW·h,但需多安装光伏组件976块,对应的安装功率多283 k W。  相似文献   

简述了国内外光伏技术在建筑窗体上的研究及应用现状,设计了一种自动追光百叶帘式光伏窗,将薄膜太阳能光伏片取代传统百叶帘中的百叶并内置于中空双层窗中,调节室内采光量的同时还能获得电能收益。通过光敏元件的控制使其具有追踪太阳光的能力,光伏百叶倾角的调节过程将形成扰流,加速空冷散热,进而提高光电转换效率。此外,利用不同的工作模式将散热量与室内外进行热量交换,进一步提升了光伏的发电效率,极大降低了室内建筑能耗,在建筑环境与能源应用领域拥有着广大的市场前景。  相似文献   

通过对典型日屋顶敷设薄膜发电板和晶硅发电板两种情况下由于遮阳而对屋面内表面温度的降低进行量化分析,并对由此带来的空调节能量和环境效益进行量化分析,得出屋顶敷设薄膜发电设施不仅能够充分利用太阳能进行光伏发电,而且由此因遮阳也带来可观的节电量和环境效益。  相似文献   

The power output of PV module was characterized depending on incidence angle and the azimuth using a transparent thin-film solar cell in a mock-up model at various slopes to the south, as a building integrated photovoltaic system. Simulated data was also evaluated to determine the influence of the inclined angles and the azimuth on the power performance of the PV module. The experimental and computed data fitted comparatively well through the relative error estimation after calibration. It was found that the PV module with a slope of 30°, facing south, provided the best power performance according to an annual power output, producing about 2.5 times higher power output than that with the vertical module. Furthermore, the PV module facing south showed higher power output than that to the east. The varying power output of the PV module with inclined angles can be explained by the impact of the incidence angle modifier of the glass on the PV module. Specifically, the increased inclined slope of the PV module resulted in the reduced solar energy transmission, which producing a significant reduction of power output for the PV module with a slope over 70°.  相似文献   

This article deals with both an experimental study and a numerical model of the thermal behaviour of a building whose roof is equipped with photovoltaic panels (PV panels). The aim of this study is to show the impact of the PV panels in terms of level of insulation or solar protection for the building. Contrary to existing models, the one presented here will allow us to determine both the temperature field of the building and the electric production of the PV array. Moreover, an experimental study has been conducted in La Reunion Island, where the climate is tropical and humid, with a strong solar radiation. In such conditions, it is important to minimise the thermal load through the roof of the building. The thermal model is integrated in a building simulation code and is able to predict the thermal impact of PV panels installed on buildings in several configurations and also their production of electricity. Basically, the PV panel is considered as a complex wall within which coupled heat transfer occurs. Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer equations are solved simultaneously to simulate the global thermal behaviour of the building envelope including the PV panels; this is an approach we call ‘integrated modelling’ of PV panels. The experimental study is used to give elements of validation for the numerical model and a sensitivity analysis has been run to put in evidence the governing parameters. It has been shown that the radiative properties of the PV panel have a great impact on the temperature field of the tested building and the determination of these parameters has to be taken with care.  相似文献   

已被广泛使用的晶硅太阳能电池的发电效率随工作温度的升高而降低,而采用光伏相变(PV/PCM)系统来降低和控制太阳能电池的工作温度,比传统的热管理系统更轻便、简洁和高效。对处于充电状态下和非充电状态下太阳能电池的工作温度变化进行了研究,实验结果表明,处于充电状态下的太阳能板上比非充电状态下的太阳能电池的工作温度更高,两者温度差可达5℃左右,而且光照度越强,两者差值也越大。此外,对PV/PCM系统中所需的PCM用量进行了探究,实验结果显示,当相变材料层厚度为40 mm时,可以满足PV/PCM系统的调温需求,整体的削峰降温效果明显。  相似文献   

李文馨 《山西建筑》2009,35(27):278-279
在介绍城市道路分类及道路照明评价指标的基础上,对路灯的布设,灯杆、光源、灯具的选择,道路照明供配电及控制,电缆敷设及接地保护等设计要点作了阐述,从而做好道路照明设计,满足使用要求。  相似文献   

通过介绍光伏建筑的应用、分类、优点及发展现状,重点就其发展过程中存在的光伏产品质量和电站效率难以控制、光伏产业创新能力较低、项目投融资困难、技术标准和质量认证滞后、屋顶资源协调利用难等问题进行了深入的分析。根据光伏建筑行业实际发展需求,提出了相应对策,包括保持政策延续性、加大科研力度、创新投融资和建设运营模式、加快光伏建筑设计体系的系统化、完善光伏建筑相关标准及规范的编制修订等,为光伏建筑产业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Fire experiments were conducted on four mock-up roof constructions with an array of six photovoltaic (PV) panels to study the fire dynamics and flame spread behaviour, so as to better characterise the fire risks of such a system. As it is customary to retrofit PV panels to existing warehouse roofs, where expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polyvinylchloride-based roofing membrane BROOF(t2) is a typical roofing, the experiments were carried out on such installations, but with a mitigation solution on top; 30 mm mineral wool or 40 mm polyisocyanurate (PIR). All mock-ups were 6.0 m long, whereas the width was 2.4 m (Experiments 1 and 2) and 4.8 m (Experiments 3 and 4), respectively. A wood crib was placed under the PV panels and it ignited the roofing membrane after 7 min to 8 min, which in all four experiments resulted in fire spread under all the six PV panels covering an area of 5.1 m?×?2.0 m. However, no self-sustained fire was observed beyond the area below the PV array. Within the first hour, the maximum temperatures were measured to respectively 175 °C and 243 °C underneath the two mitigation solutions of PIR insulation and mineral wool, which is more than 100 °C below the piloted ignition temperature for the EPS insulation. However, the EPS was ignited in both experiments with the PIR insulation due to thermal degradation of the protective material after approximately 1 h. These experiments confirm that a small initial fire underneath a PV installation can transform into a hazardous scenario due to the changed fire dynamics associated with adding the PV panels to the existing roof.  相似文献   

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