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乡镇文化站在新型城镇化的过程中要发挥巨大的作用,主要在宣传和引导工作中为"新型城镇化"做好工作。文化站要做好自身工作,加强人员素质建设、探索新的有效的工作方法。  相似文献   

杨卓  杨红 《城市建筑》2014,(20):58-58
建设乡镇特色产业园区是我国目前经济发展的内在要求,是为了适应新时代的发展,对推动农村经济有着重要作用。乡镇产业园区的建设,要具有鲜明的地方特色以及明显的定位。本文主要探讨了如何在新型城镇化背景下,建设有乡镇特色的产业园区。  相似文献   

建设乡镇特色产业园区是我国目前经济发展的内在要求,是为了适应新时代的发展,对推动农村经济有着重要作用。乡镇产业园区的建设,要具有鲜明的地方特色以及明显的定位。本文主要探讨了如何在新型城镇化背景下,建设有乡镇特色的产业园区。  相似文献   

胡怡 《城乡建设》2020,(3):55-58
20世纪90年代开始,全国范围进行了大规模的乡镇撤并,被撤并乡镇数量持续增长。《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)》中提到:要实现以提高质量为导向的新城城镇化建设,明确了被撤并乡镇要提高自身建设质量的发展目标。苏州市城镇化发展水平较高、小城镇分布密集,其经历了"撤乡建镇、撤并城镇"等多次行政区划调整,被撤并城镇数量已达100多个。21世纪以来,苏州乡镇撤并快速推进,促进了中心城镇发展要素、空间集聚,为苏州城镇化发展提供强大推力。  相似文献   

以新型城镇化引领“三化”协调科学发展.是从国内现阶段实际出发的关键性、全局性战略举措。城镇化建设应当与产业发展相结合.通过产业集群的聚集效应促进产业化与城镇化的同步发展。如何发挥农村具有地域性的特色经济.建设具有乡镇特色的产业集群.促进小城镇的快速城镇化.是新型城镇化背景下小城镇产业园区建设值得研究的课题。文章以河南省虞城县利民镇食品加工专业园区总体规划为例,探讨如何在新型城镇化背景下,建设富有乡镇特色的产业园区。  相似文献   

文章以黑龙江省安达市为例,通过对安达市14个乡镇,116个行政村的现场调研,从市域、乡镇、村庄三个层面展开现状分析,从定性及定量两个角度分析目前安达新型城镇化存在的问题。并结合国家及黑龙江省新型城镇化规划、国家美丽乡村建设指南及安达美丽乡村3年建设行动计划。分别从市域、乡镇驻地、示范村庄及基层村庄四个层面,整理出安达市新型城镇化统筹推进需要建设的内容、标准及建设时序。最后结合安达作为新型城镇化试点这一政策机遇,将近五年安达新型城镇化需要建设的内容总量,分别进行横向及竖向的建设资金概算。期望通过系统的梳理,能给安达新型城镇化进程提供一个明确的建设思路和抓手,实现新型城镇化统筹推进的目的,整体实现新型城镇要求指标的80%以上。  相似文献   

县级单元是推动新型城镇化的重要组成部分,研究和把握县域城镇化特征与趋势至关重要。文章选取河南禹州市作为案例,结合村庄和镇区居民问卷485份,运用多种统计分析方法进行研究,结果表明:村庄居民与镇区居民之间城镇化意愿特征存在较大差异,城区、镇区在城镇化进程中承担角色有较大差异,一刀切式的城乡二元结构研究视角需要向"城—镇—村"三元结构转变;中部地区城镇化模式不同于东部,以县城为核心载体的本地城镇化特征明显,乡镇对于城镇化作用有限,城乡体系趋于扁平化,县城为核心的县域一体化生活圈逐步取代乡镇区为纽带的乡镇生活圈,不同类型区的城镇化特征各异,应制定更深入具体的城镇化政策与发展策略,积极探索中部地区自身特色的城镇化道路。  相似文献   

一、桐乡城市化和城乡关系发展的现状 (一)城镇化水平低 2003年,浙江桐乡市城镇化水平为40%,低于50%的全省城镇化平均水平,而且呈现差距拉大趋势。目前桐乡市人均GDP已超过3000美元,其工业化与城镇化水平明显不相称。导致这种现象的主要原因是:桐乡自改革开放以来走过的是一条以小城镇为城镇化主要载体、以小规模和分散化的乡镇与个私经济为工业化主要模式的发展道路; 中心城市在全市经济社会发展中的组织领导作用极为有限,2002年城区人口14.1万(包括行政区划调整后的农业人口5.8万),城市现状用地12.8平方公里,城市规模明显小于省内兄…  相似文献   

<正>所谓工业集中区就是聚集若干工业企业的区域。近年来,在我国工业化、城镇化快速发展中,乡镇工业集中区是农村工业化的一个有效途径,也是工业集中区的一个主要形式。我国乡镇工业发展模式主要有以外资驱动为主的珠江三角洲模式、以乡镇集体所有资本驱动为主的苏南模式、以民营资本驱动为主的温州模式,具体功能主要为医药化工、服装纺织、玩具礼品、食品加工、汽车制造等。如笔者所在的南京市溧水区,总面积  相似文献   

以富阳永昌镇为例,分析了传统乡镇由乡村工业化带动的城镇化方式转变为依托本土资源诱导推动和借助区域协同融合拉动,提出并重点探讨了新型城镇化导向下,传统乡镇转型发展的动力研判、目标导向和空间落实等一系列实现路径。  相似文献   

在分析工程设计行业面临的形势和市场挑战的基础上,论述完善生产经营管理体制的必要性,并从市场开拓、经营模式、资源整合、人力资源、分配考核、社会保障、自主创新、服务意识、企业文化等方面采取措施,建立现代企业制度,完善生产经营管理体制.  相似文献   

碱-矿渣水泥缓凝物质的选择研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了氯化钡、硝酸钡、硫酸铁、铬酸钠、氯化镁、硫酸镁、硫酸铝等无机盐以及酒石酸、草酸等有机酸对碱-矿渣水泥凝结时间的影响.试验结果表明,氯化钡、硝酸钡、氯化镁、硫酸铝、酒石酸有良好的缓凝作用,硫酸铁、铬酸钠、硫酸镁、草酸不产生缓凝作用.通过强度测试发现,氯化钡、硝酸钡、氯化镁、硫酸铝、酒石酸均对碱-矿渣水泥的强度有一定的不良影响.  相似文献   

海外石油项目的环境合规性管理意义重大,环境合规性管理的关键问题是识别合适的规范体系。从法学理论分析,资源国法律及其批准的国际公约、投资开发协议所要求的法律法规、金融机构的融资担保合同中所要求的法律法规、投资母国的法律规范构成了对海外石油项目的硬法约束;国际组织通过约束跨国公司行为的协定指南、企业加入的自愿性承诺、国际行业标准以及被视为最佳实践和惯例的标准导则构成了软法约束。本文结合主要国际石油公司的环境合规性实践分析,认为在实际管理中,可以根据规范来源与效力、企业追求目标等因素将上述规范区分为核心规范和其他规范,其中核心规范进一步区分为必选规范和可选规范。  相似文献   

引入分级制概念,概述了英国、日本、中国香港和美国的城市消防分级制总体状况,着重介绍了美国在分级时所考虑的特征、对应的扣分值和所涉及的条款,包括供水、消防局、消防通讯、防火安全控制和补充条款环境、气候等因素及应用范围,进而提出了在我国开展消防安全分级制的必要性。  相似文献   

Bacteria were detected at five stages of municipal wastewater treatment using TaqMan(R) real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). Thirteen probe and primer sets were tested for diverse pathogens that may be present in wastewater, including Aeromonas hydrophila, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7, Helicobacter pylori, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella sp., and Staphylococcus aureus. The sensitivity of the assay was 100 fg of genomic DNA (=22 gene copies), based on a standard curve generated using A. hydrophila purified DNA. Samples from five stages of wastewater treatment were collected, including raw wastewater, primary effluents, mixed liquor, waste activated sludge and final effluents. In duplicate samples, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, C. perfringens and E. faecalis were detected throughout the wastewater process, and their numbers decreased by 3.52-3.98, 4.23-4.33, 3.15-3.39, and 3.24 orders of magnitude respectively, between the raw wastewater and final effluent stage. This qPCR method was effective for the detection of pathogens in wastewater and confirmed that the risk of exposure to pathogens in the wastewater discharge was well within the Environment Canada guidelines.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of the thermal building insulation materials and solutions have been treated. Both traditional, state-of-the-art and possible materials and solutions beyond these have been investigated. Examples of these may be mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, polyurethane, vacuum insulation panels, gas insulation panels, aerogels, and future possibilities like vacuum insulation materials, nano insulation materials and dynamic insulation materials. Various properties, requirements and possibilities have been compared and studied. Among these are thermal conductivity, perforation vulnerability, building site adaptability and cuttability, mechanical strength, fire protection, fume emission during fire, robustness, climate ageing durability, resistance towards freezing/thawing cycles, water resistance, costs and environmental impact. Currently, there exist no single insulation material or solution capable of fulfilling all the requirements with respect to the most crucial properties. That is, for the buildings of today and the near future, several insulation materials and solutions are used and will have to be used depending on the exact circumstances and specifications. As of today, new materials and solutions like e.g. vacuum insulation panels are emerging, but only slowly introduced in the building sector partly due to their short track record. Therefore it will be of major importance to know the limitations and possibilities of all the insulation materials and solutions, i.e. their advantages and disadvantages. In this respect new conceptual thermal building insulation materials are also discussed.  相似文献   

Sediment profiles from five limed and six reference softwater lakes included in Swedish monitoring programmes were subjected to multi-element analysis to investigate the influence of lime treatment since 1977 on the sequestration of metals in lake sediments. We hypothesised that liming causes increased sedimentation of elements for which the mobility is primarily controlled by pH, e.g. Al, Cd, Co, Ni and Zn, whereas elements that are less influenced by pH fluctuations, e.g. Hg and Pb, are not affected by lime treatment. Further, we introduce a normalisation of metal concentrations with respect to Cu concentration in order to separate the effects of lime treatment from those related to temporal trends in airborne metal deposition or short-term variations in environmental conditions. This approach is shown to emphasise the effect of liming on the sediment accumulation of metals, thus separating it from other sources of variability. We found that liming causes increased sequestration of Al, As, Cd, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn, in the case of As and Co probably at least partly caused by an increased adsorption to Al, Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides. On the other hand, no influence of lime treatment could be demonstrated for Hg, Pb, Cr, V and P, despite an increase of pH by about two units.  相似文献   

B. Sekuli?  A. Verta?nik 《Water research》1997,31(12):3178-3182
BOD5, COD, total suspended solids, total nitrogen, phosphates, surface active substances, detergents, mineral oils, phenols, PAH, Zn, Ni, Cr, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg annual loading for the Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea and Black Sea through wastewater and “natural” waters have been estimated. The quantities of “natural” waters, which are several orders of magnitude higher than the anthropological ones, the expected “natural” loading of substances considered here highly exceeds annually, weak reflections on the natural concentration increase in the whole sea system have been observed. This is essentially due to enormous quantities of suspended matter, and highest pollution is registered in the narrowest littoral zone. The present pollution has ecological implications primarily on the enchanted point-source spots. Comparison of the results for these closed seas reveals that the Adriatic sea has the smallest loading taken absolutely and relatively considering its volume, while the Black Sea, and particularly the Baltic Sea, have significantly higher loading.  相似文献   

With the increasing use of the structural reliability theory in the current analysis and design of future structures and in the assessment of the existing structures defectologic problems are arising. Though in other areas of engineering, e.g. in mechanical and electrical engineering, defectologic terminology is well developed, in structural engineering problems with the definitions of such terms as flaw, deterioration, damage, defect, failure, fault, and others are often encountered.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the tendency to develop software excessively, above and beyond need or available development resources. The literature pays little attention to this issue, overlooking its crucial impact and penalties. Terms used in reference to excessive software development practices include over-requirement, over-specification, over-design, gold-plating, bells-and-whistles, feature creep, scope creep, requirements creep, featuritis, scope overload and over-scoping. Some of these terms share the same meaning, some overlap, some refer to the development phase, and some to the final system. Via a systematic literature search, we first demonstrate the poor state of research about excessive software development practices in the information systems and project management areas. Then, we suggest a framework consolidating the problems associated with excessive software development in three ‘beyond’ categories (beyond needs, beyond resources, beyond plans), describe and analyze their causes, consequences, boundaries and overlapping zones. Finally, we discuss the findings and present directions for future research.  相似文献   

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