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吴挚  万娟 《华中建筑》2007,25(5):94-95
随着城市的不断扩展,原来位于城市边缘的火车站已经成为城市中心区的一部分,成为城市中重要的城市节点.火车作为交通工具,也在经历了最初的辉煌和上世纪60年代汽车和飞机冲击下的没落之后重新得到肯定.新时代的火车站成为新的城市发展的标志性建筑.  相似文献   

罗劲 《中外建筑》2008,(5):50-53
当我们把手伸入自己外套口袋的时候总能发现一些小纸条,风景区的门票、一本书的发票、或是一张久远的设计草图。他们住往让人想起当时的情景,想起那~刻,那一个场景的生活往事。而实际上我们有关知识的记忆是在许许多多疑问中,许许多多的交流中产生的。校园建筑是否亦可以从记忆着手,用熟悉的语言创造出不一样的空间感受,表达出不一样的建筑个性?  相似文献   

城市向何处去?未来的城市将呈现出什么样的面貌?我们怀着未知的心里,不安地看着某些国家的城市发展,高速公路,立体交叉高架桥,如流的汽车,穿梭的人流,林立的摩天大楼仿佛在向人们  相似文献   

在每个人的内心深处,都有一些最美好的记忆,这些记忆往往和童年的生活有关。北京的孩子,可能会记得自家的四合院,门前那一棵大槐树;上海的孩子可能会记得在弄堂里玩耍的是隔壁小伙伴家的石库门;乡下的孩子会记得门前的小河淌水,后山的桃花满坞。而在我的记忆里面,夏夜有满天的星斗,比星光更明亮的是矿区高大的厂房里和塔架上闪耀的灯光;学校教室外的走廊、操场是我们游戏的天地;更快乐的是  相似文献   

徐大陆 《中国园林》2008,24(3):39-43
在1840-1949年的100多年间,江苏以其优越的自然条件,秀美的自然风光,丰厚的历史文化积淀,良好的经济发展区位,地处吸收外来文化的前沿,在优秀古代园林的基础上,其近代园林作为由古代园林向着现代园林演进的中期,因其历史赋予而展现出新的风貌,并构成多个中国之“最”。对中国近代园林的萌芽与发展,起着一定的前导作用。  相似文献   

1、2006年11月5~7日,美国设备制造商协会(AEM)2006年会在美国佛罗里达半岛的大西洋岸边的度假胜地BOCA RATON举行.灿烂的阳光、轻拂的海风、无际的沙滩、玉立的棕榈树、水绿草青的球场……,宁静美丽的环境为会议营造了和谐的氛围.  相似文献   

付悦 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):89-91
当前的建筑学经过近30年的快速发展,已经由曾经的理论匮乏进入各种观点与形式眼花缭乱的时期,我们缺乏的不再是多样性,而是对于基本原理的回归,我们需要朴实的理论,深邃、宏大的哲理都需要落在实处,要深入到各个方面去.建国初期所提倡的建筑方针:实用、经济、美观,经过多年的检验,仍然是建筑发展的基本之点.  相似文献   

编者按:近年来,随着经济的发展,各地政府均投入大量的热情建设博物馆,而且随着相关法律条例的变动,民间资本也介入博物馆,私立博物馆如雨后春笋般崛起,中国正在经历建国后的第二波博物馆热,但方方面面的问题也随之突出,其中,设计与展示品之间的矛盾最为突出,因此就有了11月24臼在北京中国国家画院内的主题工作室举办的建筑师和艺术家的对话.  相似文献   

当我们谈到船,其他人想到船的残骸,然而我们思考的是风吹涨了的白色的帆。当我们谈到鹰,其他人想到鸟,然而我们谈论的是展翅翱翔的空间。当我们谈到黑色的美洲狮,其他人想到的是掠食动物,然而我们想到的是建筑中未被驯服的危险。当我们谈到鲸鱼,其他人想到的是30t的重量,我们不愿在一本百科全书中寻找建筑,我们的建筑能在思考移动中被找寻,更快于传递及掌握。——COOP HIMMELB(L)AU  相似文献   

韩永奇 《砖瓦》2008,(5):7-8
蓬莱地处山东半岛北海岸,依山傍海,风景秀丽,素以“人间仙境”著称于世。汹涌澎湃的大海,蔚蓝的天空,绿色的葡萄树掩映丹崖红壤,还有以零星点缀在那一望无际的葡萄园的白墙红瓦的农舍和酒庄的欧式城堡建筑,绿水青山,被大海环抱的蓬莱是那样的艳丽迷人。为了保护蓬莱仙境的青山绿水、留住后人的良田肥地与迷人的仙境风光,近年来,一场倡导循环经济理念的“墙材改革”正在蓬莱悄悄进行。  相似文献   

The Rhine Bridge at Breisach – Alteration and maintenance work at a 45‐years‐old steel structure across the river Rhine. The Breisach Rhine Bridge between Breisach in Baden‐Württemberg, Germany, and Neuf‐Brisach in Alsace, France, is next to the Europe Bridge Kehl–Strasbourg the most important road connection between the two countries. The three‐pillar road bridge was built in 1962 using the foundation of an old railway bridge. The box girder of the bridge is welded as well as riveted and bolted. Both the design of the curb with its underseepage – a feature that was often used at that time but is now out of favour – and damages at the drain pipes in the girder box led to significant corrosion damage. In the future a bicycle lane will run over the bridge. For this an enlargement of the southern footpath is required. Bridge repair and maintenance work began in the spring of 2008. In this paper not only the details of the projects will be considered, but also the solutions to the problems discovered during repair work. An additional special feature of the bridge is the fact that two road construction agencies, one French, one German, are in charge of maintenance.  相似文献   

The new railway bridge across the Donaukanal and the Winterhafen in Vienna. The load tests for the new Winterhafenbrücke performed on September 1, 2008 were the last steps in reconstruction of the railway connection between Donaulände und Donauuferbahn, which was destroyed in April 1945. With a length of 168 m this new single‐line railway bridge, which is designed as a two‐field continuous girder bridge, is the central link and the heart of the project. The bridge spans were realised by triangular trussed girder across the Donaukanal on the one hand and a trough bridge across the Winterhafen on the other. Design, manufacture and assembly of the steel bridge was carried out in different stages and constituted a great technical challenge. The completion of the entire project in September 2009 will be an essential contribution towards shifting commercial transport from the road to the environmentally friendly rail.  相似文献   

Landscape planning in the UK tends to concentrate on the site and the landscape scales. Concepts of sustainable development and the re-discovered importance of regional-level planning suggest, however, that there is a growing case for the landscape community to develop a regional planning perspective and to engage in wider areas of decision making in order to assist landscape planning goals. These challenges are explored with particular reference to the North West of England which, through the work of an organization called Sustainability North West and the production of a Regional Landscape Strategy, has been at the forefront of regional-level landscape planning in the UK. A brief account is provided of the production of the Regional Landscape Strategy with some reflections on the experience, highlighting some of the problems and potential of the approach. An exploration of the scope for the wider integration of landscape planning within the new regional arrangements is given.  相似文献   

Assessment of the accuracy of concrete cover measurements using Eddy Current devices The use of non‐destructive testing in civil‐engineering (NDT‐CE) is well established to assess as‐built drawings for existing structures as well as for quality assurance of new buildings or in case of concrete repair. To gain reliable results the choice of the appropriate testing method in combination with the correct data assessment is essential. Hence this article starts with the basics of the two typical testing methods for concrete cover measurement with high precision. Methods based on Eddy Current and based on Radar are different. The strengths and limitations of both methods are presented. In the second part the achievable accuracy of concrete cover measurements using Eddy Current will be assessed for the most important parameters that have been varied in a wide range. It is shown how results are influenced by an improper input of the diameter or by the effect of neighbored rebars. At the end of the article it is shown how the deviation of the results can be minimized using the internal neighboring rebar correction of some of the devices. This article does not intend to be a product test rather the influence parameters of measurements close to reality will be identified and quantified how the accuracy of concrete cover measurements is affected.  相似文献   

基坑开挖对邻近任意角度建筑物影响的有限元分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实测结果表明,邻近基坑的建筑物与基坑边互不垂直时,基坑开挖将导致墙体同时发生挠曲变形与扭转变形。三维有限元分析表明,对与基坑边成一定角度的建筑物,当其跨越坑外沉降槽最低点或沉降曲线上凸区域时,建筑物所产生的扭转变形最为显著。随着建筑物与基坑距离的变化和建筑物纵墙与基坑边之间夹角的变化,当建筑物位于天然地面沉降挠曲程度较大的位置时,建筑物的挠曲变形对墙体拉应变起主要作用,墙体最大拉应变发生在建筑物纵墙垂直于基坑边,即纵墙与基坑边相互垂直时是建筑物的最不利位置;而当建筑物位于天然地面挠曲程度较小的位置时,墙体的拉应变源于挠曲变形与扭转变形的共同作用,纵墙墙体的最大拉应变将发生在与基坑边成一定角度的建筑物纵墙上,此时纵墙与基坑边垂直并不是建筑物的最不利位置。  相似文献   

Marco Pogacnik 《Bautechnik》2009,86(6):342-356
Two domes in Munich: The Armeemuseum and the Department of Anatomy (1903–1905) – The first concrete shells in Europe. In 1903 Wayss & Freytag merged with the Heilmann & Littmann studio establishing the Eisenbeton‐Gesellschaft, a manufacturer of reinforced concrete structures operating in Munich and the surrounding area. In the following two years the company – directed by Ludwig Zöllner – realized the most innovative works of the time: the Isarbrücke near Grünwald and the domes of the Armeemuseum and the Department of Anatomy of the University of Munich. This paper focuses on these two shell structures calculated by the young engineer Emil Mörsch. The innovative realizations – 7 cm thick and with a span of 16 and 22 m – were built at the same time as the Law Court (1891) and the Ministry of Transport (1904) and presented a high level of engineering that marked the final transition from 19th century steel constructions to 20th century reinforced concrete ribbed domes. The Armeemuseum was formally reminiscent of a historicist language, while the Department of Anatomy – designed by Max Littmann and built in exposed reinforced concrete – resulted in an organic unity of form, construction and material, the first such example in Munich and perhaps in Germany.  相似文献   

ÖBB Steyrtalbridge – Load test and long term measurements At km 65,621 of the railroad track between Linz and Selzthal the Steyrtalbridge was rebuilt in the years 2013 and 2014. The essential design criterion from the client ÖBB Infrastruktur AG was the endeavor of an optimized bridge under consideration of life‐cylce‐cost, which among other things despite a bridge length of 182 m can be designed without high‐maintenance breather switches. Based on the current standards and certain design flexibilities, which are allowed in the codes special ways and techniques were used to calculate the rail tension. With this results of the rail‐structure‐interaction it was possible to design without breather switches. As consequence of the assumptions in the planning process it was necessary to make comprehensive measurements which shall give information of the real behavior of the bridge and compare them with the assumptions and results of the static calculation. Therefor static and dynamic load test were performed before opening to regular traffic. In addition long term measurements were carried out to evaluate the load‐bearing behavior over time and to confirm the calculation approaches for the verification of the rail‐structure‐interaction. In this article the planning of the monitoringsystem, the implementation and results of the load test and the following long term measurements are illustrated.  相似文献   

通过对现代电影院设计的分析,强调了银幕工艺设计的重要性,重点研究了银幕宽度和高度的设计,探讨了各地电影院采用的等高法、等宽法、等面积法等银幕处理方法,从而给观众创造出能感受现代电影艺术的良好环境。  相似文献   

对建筑自治的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢晓莉 《建筑师》2008,(2):31-36
20世纪70年代的西方,正当学科陷入特别的危机之时,建筑自治的论点重新出现,引起建筑理论家、建筑师的激烈争论。学科内在自身的观念体系、学术逻辑的演变和外在的社会学、经济、政治、科学技术等对建筑的影响以及学科的边界和领域问题成为争论的焦点。本文从“自治”概念的起源切入,在回顾历史的前提下对建筑自治研究的内容进行了归纳,对自治的原因进行了总结。着重论述建筑“内”与“外”的关系,在此基础上进行了反思,对自治的可能、自治的度及学科的边界进行了探析。  相似文献   

石强  石绍功 《山西建筑》2010,36(4):184-185
从产品设计创新、技术设计创新、材料工艺创新及质量管理创新方面介绍了CL建筑体系,重点对CL建筑体系的质量控制措施进行了探讨,以推广CL建筑体系的应用,更好地满足墙改节能、建筑工厂化和住宅产业化的要求。  相似文献   

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