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In the present study, we performed installation and pull-out loading tests on screwed piles in sand deposits using a calibration chamber. These tests focused on how the installation method influenced the performance of the piles. The results revealed that the load-displacement relationship strongly depended on the installation method, but that the second-limit uplift resistance was almost unaffected. Next, we observed the movement of the soil near the pile after both the installation and pull-out loading tests. Shear failure of the soil, which occurs in a cylindrical region in the periphery through which the wing plate of the pile passes, regardless of how the screwed pile is installed, was found to be one of the determinants of the pulling resistance. Finally, we evaluated the pulling resistance of the screwed pile based on these soil observations and an analysis of the loading test results. We found that the pulling resistance of the wing plate could be determined based on the change in earth pressure near the pile due to installation and pull-out loading of the pile.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field tests were conducted to investigate the bearing and pullout capacities of steel piles with a continuous helix wing during cyclic loading. Both continuous helix and straight-sided piles were subjected to monotonic compressive, monotonic tensile, and cyclic reversal loading in the laboratory, while only the continuous helix pile was tested in the field. Both the laboratory and the field tests showed that the bearing and pullout capacities of the continuous helix pile under cyclic reversal loading decreased to approximately 60–80% of those of the pile under monotonic loading, with a larger reduction seen in the laboratory tests. The decrease in resistance was mainly due to the reduction in shaft friction, which was likely to be the result of soil disturbance and loosening around the pile with cyclic loading. The laboratory tests also showed that the tip resistance of the straight-sided pile under cyclic reversal loading was reduced, similarly due to the loosening of the soil, particularly underneath the pile tip. The tip resistance of the continuous helix pile, in contrast, did not degrade with cyclic loading, owing to the presence of the wing immediately above the pile tip that inhibited the loosening of the soil. These findings were supported by similar field test observations.  相似文献   

后压浆技术从一定程度上有效地消除了传统钻孔灌注桩在施工中的固有缺陷,改善了桩周土层的物理力学性质以及桩与土之间的边界条件,有效地降低了桩的沉降量,显著提高了单桩承载力。对砂土地层的100根注浆试桩的单桩注浆量进行数据统计,分析了桩端注浆量的变化规律;结合沈阳夏宫工程五根桩端注浆桩和两根未注浆桩的静载试验,对比分析了注浆桩与未注浆桩的单桩极限承载力以及桩顶沉降量。研究结果表明:在砂土地层条件下,注浆桩单桩竖向极限承载力比非注浆单桩竖向极限承载力能提高44.4%以上,而且在相同荷载作用下,后注浆抗压桩桩顶位移比未注浆桩的降低了近50%,有利于控制基础的沉降。  相似文献   

Axial compressive load tests performed on piles instrumented with strain gauges were completed in order to investigate the effects of inter-helix spacing on the behaviour of helical piles. The test piles had two helices with varied values of helix spacing. The helix-bearing soil layer consisted of a homogeneous clay with an average undrained shear strength of 65 kPa. The test pile failure mechanisms were determined by comparing the measured load distributions to the distributions predicted by the individual bearing and the cylindrical shear models. The results suggest that the individual bearing model dominates the pile behaviour for piles with an inter-helix spacing to helix diameter ratio greater than or equal to 1.5. The helix bearing capacity factor and the shaft adhesion factor were evaluated by comparing the measured pile component resistances to the theoretical estimations. The back-calculated bearing capacity and the adhesion factors were below the values traditionally used in helical pile design. The effects of the soil setup on the pile behaviour were evaluated by comparing the load-settlement response of a pile tested immediately after the pile installation to equivalent piles tested many days after the installation. A piezometer installed near the upper helix edge was used to measure the excess pore pressure generation and dissipation induced by the installation. The results suggest that the pore pressure generation induced by the pile installation was minimal and had little influence on the short-term ultimate capacity.  相似文献   

为研究开口和闭口试桩在黏性土体静力沉桩过程中荷载传递规律及承载性能的差异性,采用桩身开槽预埋增敏微型光纤光栅传感器的方法,针对黏性地基土,开展两组不同桩端形式模型试桩承载性能对比试验,测得沉桩过程中压桩力、桩端阻力、桩侧摩阻力及桩身轴力发展变化规律。结果表明:光纤光栅传感器可实时监测沉桩过程中桩身受力状态;开口和闭口模型管桩的压桩力、桩端阻力等荷载均随着沉桩深度的增加呈增长趋势,而不同贯入深度下的桩身轴力却逐渐递减;黏性土中的静力压桩、开口管桩和闭口管桩的桩端阻力占比均超过50%;在桩侧摩阻力发挥上,双壁开口模型管桩外管是内管的3倍。当开口管桩贯入深度达到最大值90cm时,土塞高度稳定在33cm,此时,桩侧单位侧摩阻力的分布呈下大上小的形式。  相似文献   

詹建益 《山西建筑》2011,37(15):219-220
通过某项目全过程造价控制,即分别在设计阶段、招投标阶段、施工阶段、结算阶段,通过各阶段的措施和方法,使整个项目结算造价比估算阶段下降了11.3%,达到了造价控制的目的。  相似文献   

In the near future, several offshore wind farms are planned to be built in the North Sea. Therefore, jacket and tripod constructions with mainly axially loaded piles are suitable as support structures. The current design of axial bearing resistance of these piles leads to deviant results regarding the pile resistance when different design methods are adopted. Hence, a strong deviation regarding the required pile length must be addressed. The reliability of a design method can be evaluated based on a model error which describes the quality of the considered design method by comparing measured and predicted pile bearing resistances. However, only few pile load tests are reported with regard to the boundary conditions in the North Sea. This paper presents 6 large-scale axial pile load tests which were incorporated within a new model error approach for the current design methods used for the axial bearing resistance, namely API Main Text method and cone penetration test (CPT)-based design methods, such as simplified ICP-05, offshore UWA-05, Fugro-05 and NGI-05 methods. Based on these new model errors, a reliability-based study towards the safety was conducted by performing a Monte-Carlo simulation. In addition, consequences regarding the deterministic pile design in terms of quality factors were evaluated. It is shown that the current global safety factor (GSF) prescribed and the partial safety factors are only valid for the API Main Text and the offshore UWA-05 design methods; whereas for the simplified ICP-05, Fugro-05 and NGI-05 design methods, an increase in the required embedded pile length and thus in the GSF up to 2.69, 2.95 and 3.27, respectively, should be considered to satisfy the desired safety level according to DIN EN 1990 of β = 3.8. Further, quality factors for each design method on the basis of all reliability-based design results were derived. Hence, evaluation of each design method regarding the reliability of the pile capacity prediction is possible.  相似文献   

汤建林 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):94-95
结合杭(州)-宁(南京)高速公路浙江段二期工程的试验结果,对成桩前后加固区桩间土的地基承载力及物理力学性质进行了对比分析,以期为类似工程软土地基处理积累经验。  相似文献   

介绍了处于黄河中下游冲积平原的郑州黄河公铁两用桥深长桩基承载力测试的传统静载荷试桩法。分析了大量的实测数据及相应的Q-s曲线,并将实测结果与规范方法所得结果进行了比较。结果表明:实测桩的承载力小于相应规范值,前者约为后者的74%;实测桩侧摩阻力与相应规范值基本相当,而实测桩端阻力远小于相应规范值,前者约为后者的20%;桩侧阻力先于桩端阻力的发挥,桩的沉降量主要是桩身压缩量。  相似文献   

通过温州鹿城区某工程进行的桩身埋设钢筋应力计静载试验,对岩土工程勘察报告中提供的预制桩、钻孔灌注桩及实测注浆桩的桩侧各土层单位侧摩阻力与桩端土单位端阻力值进行了比较分析,提出了通过岩土工程勘察报告估算注浆桩承载力的方法。  相似文献   

结合国家重点工程建设项目宁夏扶贫扬黄灌溉工程,在自重湿陷性黄土厚度大于35 m的场地上进行了挖孔灌注桩(桩径为0.8 m,桩长为40 m,浸水坑直径为30 m)的大型现场载荷–浸水试验。设置了4种类型的试桩(无摩擦桩、空底桩、摩擦端承桩和悬吊桩),采用了多种测试方法(钢筋应力计、滑动测微计等)。研究结果表明:空底桩和悬吊桩在长度比湿陷性黄土层厚度小许多时,所测得的正、负摩阻力数值偏小,穿透整个湿陷性黄土层的摩擦端承试桩所得结果比较符和实际;实测负摩阻力远高于黄土规范建议的负摩阻力值,且负摩阻力的数值与场地的湿陷类型、湿陷量的大小无明确对应关系;桩土相互作用能减小场地的湿陷变形量。对黄土中几个大型工程的现场灌注桩试验资料分析发现,中性点位置超出了建筑桩基技术规范提供的参考值范围。本文的研究成果可供今后类似场地的灌注桩的设计及修订黄土规范参考。  相似文献   

 孔压静力触探(piezocone penetration test,CPTU)原位测试提供的是最直接、最原始的土性参数,可以精细化反映土层信息随深度的非线性变化。采用原位测试CPTU锥尖贯入参数对桩基水平承载力进行评价,建立锥尖参数与p-y曲线参数的综合对应关系,提出基于CPTU原位测试的单桩p-y曲线计算及水平承载力确定方法。依托典型场地(靖江长江漫滩,宿迁废黄河泛滥区,苏州昆山太湖流域)水平试桩资料,对比验证了CPTU法p-y曲线模型的准确性及其在桩基水平承载预测中的可行性。结论表明:CPTU测试p-y曲线法能准确反映水平受荷桩的土抗力发挥特点,是一种高效、快速的桩基水平承载力确定方法。  相似文献   

为研究仿古建筑中矩形与圆形截面钢管柱连接的破坏形态和抗震性能,设计制作了4个缩尺比例为1∶1.5的矩形与圆形截面钢管柱连接模型,通过施加一定轴压比的竖向荷载和低周往复水平荷载,对柱连接模型进行加载破坏试验。观察了试件的受力过程及破坏形态,得到了柱端水平荷载-位移滞回曲线和骨架曲线。分析了长细比、轴压比对试件的破坏模式、滞回性能、刚度、承载力、延性和耗能能力的影响。结果表明:矩形与圆形截面钢管柱连接的破坏形态主要是矩形截面钢管柱翼缘根部周围焊缝开裂;滞回曲线饱满,刚度退化慢,承载力高,破坏时试件的位移延性系数介于4.17~4.97之间,等效黏滞阻尼系数介于0.445~0.537之间,具有很好的耗能能力及抗震性能。在试验研究的基础上,利用ABAQUS软件对该类连接构件进行了非线性分析,研究了轴压比、材料屈服强度、矩形钢管板件宽厚比等参数对其力学性能的影响,结果表明:提高轴压比和材料屈服强度,可提高连接构件的水平承载力,但延性降低;随着矩形钢管板件宽厚比的提高,连接构件的延性提高,但承载力有所降低。  相似文献   

对反距离加权平均(IDW)插值法和克立格(Kriging)插值法两种空间插值方法在数字地价模型(DLPM)建立过程中的插值效果进行比较研究,采用上海内环线地区内的实际样本点数据进行有关实证分析。利用空间插值软件Surfer8.0对上海内环线地区内地价样本点使用上述两种不同的插值方法插值生成不同的插值结果文件,再利用GIS软件MapInfo7.5把插值结果文件生成数字地价栅格专题图,最后用随机选取的验证点对不同的插值结果进行比较分析。研究结果表明:反距离加权平均(IDW)插值法比克立格(Kriging)插值法插值效果更佳,其插值结果更加接近实际地价分布,而且,反距离加权平均(IDW)插值法属于确定性插值法,也简单、易操作,样本点处的插值结果也可以更好的接近样本点的实际地价值,使得数字地价模型(DLPM)的建立更加可靠、可行。  相似文献   

Soilbags have good reinforcement effect on soil slopes. In this paper, traditional soilbag is modified by adding a tail to it. Model tests have been used to study the influence of soilbag tail length on the reinforcement effect in soilbags reinforced slopes. Moreover, a permissive failure pattern and a corresponding velocity field have been established based on the experimental results. Then, the ultimate failure heights of the reinforced slopes are obtained by using the upper-bound solution theory and compared with the experimental results. Both the experimental and analytical results show that within a certain limit, the reinforcement effect improves with the increase of tail length. However, when the tail length is over a certain value, the increase of the tail length does not improve the reinforcement effect any more. This provides theoretical basis to the optimized design of soilbags reinforced slopes.  相似文献   

土体的微结构对土的工程力学特性具有关键性影响,采用压汞试验方法对重塑土轴向固结过程中不同固结压力水平下的土样进行了试验。试验结果表明:重塑土中介于1000~10000 nm范围的中孔隙所占比例最大,而微孔隙和超微孔隙所占比例均很小;固结压力改变重塑土的孔隙尺度及其分布特征,以致改变了土体的压缩性。  相似文献   

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