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《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(1):101095
A technique for carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage using CO2 hydrates where CO2 is stored as solid hydrates in the seabed ground, is attracting attention. Shallow sediments may be the most suitable seabed ground for CO2 hydrate storage because these unconsolidated soil sediments satisfy the limitation for the low-temperature condition. Hence, the deformation properties and long-term stability of gas hydrate-bearing sediments during and after gas storage must be investigated. In this study, a series of undrained triaxial creep tests were conducted on artificially made CO2 hydrate-bearing sand specimens to study the fundamental time dependent property of hydrate-bearing sediment. We extended an elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model by introducing a cohesion component and its degradation on surfaces and applied the proposed model to creep tests on gas hydrate-bearing sand.Three findings were obtained from the experiments and modelling. First, CO2 hydrate-bearing sand specimens showed accelerated creep behavior, which was characterized by the creep stress ratio level, regardless of the hydrate saturation. Second, creep accelerated under undrained conditions before the stress reached the critical state line obtained from the monotonic loading tests, and the stress ratio at the occurrence of acceleration creep was higher for specimens with a higher hydrate saturation. Third, the elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model which considered the cementing effect of hydrates was able to well reproduce the undrained creep behavior of hydrate-bearing sand with different hydrate saturations under relatively high creep stress levels.  相似文献   

Depressurization is an effective method to produce methane gas from methane hydrate reservoirs. However, during gas production, sediments consolidate due to increasing effective stress. Revealing the compressive characteristics of methane hydrate-bearing sands during consolidation is essential for an accurate understanding of sediment properties and for the development of a constitutive model. Therefore, a series of isotropic consolidation tests was performed on sand in which methane hydrate was artificially generated, and its compressibility characteristics were evaluated. Furthermore, to assess prolonged production, creep compressive behavior was investigated. The experimental results showed volumetric strain due to increasing confining stress decreased with increasing initial methane hydrate saturation. Particle crushing during consolidation was inhibited by the presence of methane hydrate. It was confirmed that the increase in the effects of methane hydrate on soil compressibility followed a power function with the increase in methane hydrate saturation. Creep deformation was observed during the stress holding period regardless of the presence of methane hydrate. Creep behavior during the stress holding period was related to the extent to which the creep component had dissipated before the stress holding period in the past. A theoretical concept for creep strain was proposed based on the experimental results.  相似文献   

天然气水合物以胶结形式广泛赋存于深海能源土中,水合物的饱和度对能源土地基的承载特性影响巨大,水合物的开采也必将使能源土的承载特性发生重大改变。采用考虑水合物胶结厚度的微观胶结模型,分别对3种不同水合物饱和度的能源土地基进行载荷试验离散元模拟。分析水合物开采前后能源土地基的承载特性,研究水合物开采对能源土地基承载特性的影响,探讨基底压力的分布规律。结果表明:水合物开采前,能源土地基的承载力随饱和度的增加而增大。开采后,地基的承载力急剧降低,且原有水合物的饱和度越大,开采后承载力的降低量也越大;水合物饱和度越高,达到极限承载力后,p–s曲线越接近于竖直向下;胶结破坏存在临界荷载,且不同水合物饱和度地基的胶结破坏规律不相同;水合物饱和度对基底压力的分布形状影响不大,但不同沉降量下基底压力的分布形状明显不同。  相似文献   

天然气水合物(以下简称水合物)的不当开发可能会带来一系列的地质灾害和环境问题,因此,开展含天然气水合物地层开采过程中的安全稳定性评估显得尤为重要,而建立能有效描述含水合物沉积物的力学行为的本构模型是安全稳定性分析的核心前提。在分析含CO2水合物砂土的三轴力学特性的基础上,把含水合物沉积物视为水合物和土颗粒骨架组成的复合胶结性材料,参考胶结土体的建模思路,引入附加内变量描述水合物对土体的胶结影响,建立了含水合物砂土的屈服函数和非关联流动法则,建立了含水合物砂土的本构模型。通过模型验证及分析,模型能较好地模拟不同围压下和不同水合物含量下含水合物砂土的应力应变曲线,反映含水合物砂土的力学特性。  相似文献   

含填充型水合物的砂性能源土可视为特殊的散粒体材料(砂粒和水合物颗粒混合物),具有明显的非连续特征。在离散元中若采用团粒(胶结成团的颗粒组)模拟填充水合物颗粒则需合理确定团粒结构内颗粒间胶结模型参数。为此,基于前人的室内纯水合物三轴试验资料进行离散元建模与参数反演。结果表明,宜采用松散且颗粒间摩擦系数较小的试样模拟水合物块体,当颗粒间摩擦系数小于等于0.0时,可确保无胶结试样的内摩擦角小于室内试验获得的纯水合物内摩擦角。胶结刚度只需在较小范围变化即可反映相同温度不同围压条件下的弹性特性,且微观刚度参数与胶结强度参数的相互作用较小,可以假定二者相互独立。通过选取不同的微观胶结强度值进行不同围压下的三轴压缩试验,建立微观胶结强度参数与宏观参数(内摩擦角和黏聚力)之间的关系,从而确定与室内试验强度特性相符合的微观胶结强度值,实现甲烷水合物三轴试验离散元模拟;由体变规律可知,甲烷水合物在发生剪胀前均存在一个初始的体积收缩阶段,且剪胀特性随着围压的减小而呈现增强趋势。通过微观变量颗粒接触方向组构的分布图可知,随着轴向应变增大,颗粒间接触主方向朝竖直方向偏转,表现出明显的各向异性特性。随着轴向应变的增大,颗粒间胶结残余率变小,表明试样逐步破坏。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2019,59(4):814-827
In this study, methane hydrate-bearing sand (MHBS) was created in the laboratory following two methods in order to obtain two types of gas hydrate morphology in sandy sediment. The hydrate morphology in the sediment was assessed by measuring the compressional wave velocity combined with models to predict the wave velocities of the sediment containing gas hydrates. The mechanical properties of the MHBS were investigated by triaxial compression tests. The results obtained by the compressional wave velocity show that after saturating the MHBS sediment (created by the excess gas method) with water, the methane hydrates are partly or completely converted from grain contacts to pore spaces depending on the hydrate saturation (ranging from 0 to 50%). A subsequent temperature cycle completes this conversion process for high hydrate saturation. The results obtained with the triaxial compression tests show higher shear strength, a higher secant Young’s modulus, and a higher dilation angle at higher hydrate saturation. In addition, the effects of hydrate saturation on the mechanical properties of the MHBS obtained by the two procedures (with and without the thermal cycle) are similar at low hydrate saturation. The effect of gas hydrate morphologies can only be detected in the case where the conversion (and/or redistribution) of gas hydrates from grain contacts to pore spaces is not complete (at high hydrate saturation).  相似文献   

甄文战 《土工基础》2012,26(1):33-36
针对能反映超固结黏土的硬化、软化、剪缩和剪胀等应力应变特性及应力路径影响的UH本构模型,采用回映应力更新算法,编写了有限元材料子程序,实现了该模型在有限元ABAQUS软件中的应用;通过对单元试验进行三轴压缩及其它不同应力路径下的加载及卸载模型预测,再现了超固结土在不同超固结比和应力路径时的变形和强度特性,验证了子程序的正确性。最后,采用UH本构模型材料子程序,使用有限元软件ABAQUS,对软土地层中的某地铁车站深基坑进行了数值分析,讨论了基坑变形及支护结构土压力的变化,通过数值计算结果和实测值的对比,验证了UH本构模型在软土基坑数值分析中的适用性和正确性。  相似文献   

在饱和土体三轴试验中,反压常被用于提高试样饱和度,其对常规土体强度特性无影响已广为认同,而已有试验资料表明反压对深海能源土强度、弹性模量等宏观力学参数均存在一定影响,成为困扰国际岩土界的一个难题。首先探讨了试验反压对能源土力学特性的影响机理,通过引入能源土微观接触模型的离散元双轴试验检验上述机理的合理性;然后结合20组离散元双轴试验,进一步探究能源土宏观力学特性随反压的变化规律。结果表明:试验反压对能源土力学特性的影响与水合物作用相关;反压能提高能源土强度,使应变软化和剪胀特性更加明显,并对其弹性参数有一定的影响;试验反压较大时,反压变化对能源土强度参数的影响难以忽略,但对弹性参数的影响可忽略。  相似文献   

基于所提出的岩土材料统一各向同性破坏准则,通过引入椭圆–抛物双屈服面模型以及结构性损伤屈服面,结合复合体损伤概念,建立了三维主应力空间中弹塑性损伤本构模型,该模型能够反映结构性软土应力应变的非线性、剪胀剪缩特性、结构性以及中主应力对变形的影响。通过结构性软土试验结果与模型的计算结果对比分析,表明该模型能够较好地预测结构性软土三维空间的应力–应变特性。  相似文献   

分析现有砂土临界状态单屈服面模型存在的缺陷,基于临界状态理论和材料状态相关剪胀性理论,建立了一个适用于不同初始密实度的双屈服面砂土本构模型。该模型考虑了剪切变形和压缩变形机理,克服了单屈服面在一维压缩等试验条件下只有弹性应变没有塑性应变的不足,模型只用一组参数便可描述不同围压不同密实度砂土的应力应变关系,对剪切试验过程中表现出来的剪胀剪缩特性也可以进行很好的追踪。通过对Toyoura砂和Hostun砂一维压缩及三轴排水和不排水条件下的试验结果进行模拟,表明该模型具有较好的预测能力和较广的适用性。  相似文献   

水合物形成对含水合物砂土强度影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用非饱和成样法(A法)和饱和试样气体扩散制样法(B法)两种试验室方法,合成了含CO2水合物的砂土试样,并采用改造过的三轴剪切试验仪完成了相应的三轴剪切试验。实验结果表明:A法制得试样强度和刚度随水合物饱和度增大而增大,且相当敏感;而B法制得试样在水合物饱和度为19.44%与纯砂土的力学特征差别很小,在较高饱和度(26.73%)时,含水合物砂土的强度和刚度就有了较为明显提高;由此可以得出含水合物砂土的强度特征是水合物含量和水合物于砂土中赋存状态联合决定的;同时也发现随着水合物饱和度的增大,试样的剪胀性越来越明显。最后,通过对A法制得试样的强度参数分析表明:含水合物砂土的黏聚力随饱和度的增大而提高,而摩擦角基本不变。  相似文献   

不均匀地层中超静孔压的扩散、重分布过程会导致孔隙水集中渗流累积至局部区域,导致该区域土体强制吸水,从而引发剪胀性砂土边坡地震后侧向流动变形甚至失稳。通过分析边坡流动变形过程中砂土的应力路径特征及强制吸水条件下的体变平衡条件,指出预测剪胀性砂土边坡流动变形的关键是描述砂土保持常剪应力和当前峰值应力比时的剪胀特性和震后再固结体变特性。通过常偏应力下的三轴剪切吸水试验,观察了砂土在流动变形过程中的吸水量与剪应变发展的关系,给出了基于强制吸水体变预测流动剪应变的状态剪胀模型。基于剪切后再固结试验,得出了再固结体变的变化规律和数学描述。基于所提出的机制和数学描述,给出了基于有限差分法的边坡流动变形发展过程直至失稳破坏的模拟方法。  相似文献   

Methane hydrates (MHs) have been recognized as an important material for use as a new energy resource. Recently, not only MHs, but also carbon dioxide hydrates (CO2-hydrates), have been attracting attention from the viewpoint of CO2 storage in the form of CO2-hydrates. It is essential, therefore, to investigate the mechanical behaviour of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in order to achieve safe MH extraction and to ensure the long-term stability of CO2-hydrate-storaged submarine sediments. In order to gain further knowledge of CO2-hydrate-bearing sediments, we carried out three kinds of laboratory experiments on synthetic CO2-hydrate-bearing sand specimens: (1) undrained triaxial compression tests with a constant strain rate, (2) undrained triaxial compression tests with a step-changed strain rate, and (3) dissociation tests on CO2-hydrate-bearing sand specimens using the thermal stimulation method.The main findings obtained from these three experiments are as follows: First, it was found that CO2-hydrate-bearing sand shows larger strength and larger positive dilatancy than water-saturated sand without CO2-hydrates under undrained conditions. Second, CO2-hydrate-bearing sand clearly exhibits strain rate dependency with an increase in hydrate saturation. It is interesting to note that hydrate saturation’s dependency on strength does not appear in cases where the strain rate is quite slow. Third, a drastic increase in pore pressure and extensive tensile strain are observed simultaneously during the dissociation of CO2-hydrates. The pore gas pressure of CO2, produced by the hydrate dissociation, can exceed the liquefied boundary of CO2-gas, and the increase in pore gas pressure can be limited by the liquefaction of CO2-gas.  相似文献   

为反映胶结对结构性土剪切最终应力比以及剪胀规律的影响,将p–q坐标中静态的临界状态线(CSL)扩展为与CSL平行并随结构性衰减而从左侧移向CSL的动态临界状态线(MCSL),构造与MCSL匹配的屈服面和剪胀方程,从而将以考虑加载体积垮塌为主的结构性土统一硬化(UH)模型扩展为能考虑胶结影响的胶结结构性土UH模型。在此基础上,应用变换应力三维化方法,将所提模型应用到三维应力空间。相对于结构性土UH模型,三维胶结结构性土UH模型增加了1个模型参数描述初始胶结程度。该参数可由无侧限压缩试验近似确定。通过4种结构性土的试验结果与模型预测对照表明,三维胶结结构性土UH模型能够较合理地反映受胶结影响的结构性土等向压缩、常规三轴剪切与真三轴剪切等特性。  相似文献   

基于状态参数的筑坝粗粒土本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粗粒土的应力应变关系与其密实度有着密切的关系。当前常用的粗粒土本构模型无法考虑密实度对其力学行为的影响,在粗粒土三轴试验基础上建议了一个基于状态参数的粗粒土双屈服面模型,推导了其应力应变表达式。该模型能够反映不同初始孔隙比条件下粗粒土的峰值强度、剪胀性、应变硬化或软化规律。通过与多组粗粒土三轴试验结果比较,验证了模型的适应性。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(3):101155
Rockfill materials used for dam construction show obvious stress path dependency during construction process. The constitutive model for rockfill materials are mainly established based on conventional triaxial test. This brings some deviation to the numerical calculation for earth rockfill dam engineering, and it is necessary to develop a constitutive model considering stress paths effect. In the framework of generalized plasticity, plastic modulus can be expressed as the function of dilatancy equation and tangent modulus, hence the influence of stress paths on model can be transfer to the dilatancy equation and tangent modulus. This leads to a new method to describe stress-strain response of rockfill under various loading stress paths. Based on the analysis of large-scale triaxial experiments of rockfill materials with various stress paths, we proposed new dilatancy equation and tangent modulus to better describe stress paths effect and corresponding modified generalized plasticity model is established. Through the prediction and comparison of three groups of rockfill materials triaxial tests, the model established in this paper can simulate behaviors of rockfill materials under various stress paths, using only a set of parameters.  相似文献   

堆石料的亚塑性边界面模型及其验证   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
 基于高莲士教授针对天生桥面板堆石坝灰岩所进行的堆石料在不同应力路径下的大型三轴试验结果, 提出亚塑性理论边界面模型参数的简捷确定方法。通过编制调参程序, 对堆石料典型三轴试验进行数值模拟, 与试验成果的对比表明, 模型能较好地反映各种复杂加载路径下堆石料变形性状。进而对恒应力比转折、恒应力比加卸载、平面应变试验等土体单元可能出现的复杂应力路径进行了预测, 对深入了解高围压下摩擦型材料的屈服及应力路径相关等特性具有一定意义。同时合理的模型参数为进行面板堆石坝的变形预测和数值仿真模拟奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用英国GDS公司的STDTTS标准应力路径三轴仪开展了饱和砂土的部分排水试验,从超静孔隙水压力、有效应力路径与渐近状态特性等方面研究了部分排水条件下饱和砂土的力学特性。将渐近状态方程与剪胀方程耦合,并引入描述排水程度的状态参量mtml_15-0208_bak/img_0.png10.015.0,提出了相变应力比方程,将方程引入到土的应力路径本构模型,建立了饱和砂土的渐近状态本构模型。通过部分排水条件下饱和砂土的三轴试验结果,验证了所建模型的合理性。研究结果表明:排水条件控制着土体剪胀特性的发挥程度,进而从两个方面影响土的力学特性,一是荷载条件,即影响土体的有效应力路径,以及加载模式;二是土性条件,即影响土的抗剪强度的发挥程度,形成渐近状态。  相似文献   

以剑桥模型的剪胀方程为基础,引入曲线形态调节因式,提出了一个新的剪胀方程,并依此构建了一个适用于粗粒土的广义塑性模型。主要结论如下:(1)所提剪胀方程能够反映粗粒土剪胀比和应力比之间的非线性关系,且参数定义明确、确定方法简单,并通过试验验证了其对粗粒土的剪缩和剪胀特性的描述能力较好;(2)所构建的广义塑性本构模型参数为9个,并给出了通过室内常规试验确定参数的方法;(3)推导了该模型在一般应力状态下的刚度矩阵,并证明了其对粗粒料普通三轴CD试验具有良好的拟合效果,进一步地,利用三轴等p试验和两段等应力比试验验证了模型的适用性。  相似文献   

正常固结饱和粘土的孔隙水压力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文认为土体的剪胀性是偏应力的二次幂效应。根据这个假设,提出了孔隙水压力的计算公式。对正常固结饱和粘土的三轴不排水压缩试验结果进行了分析。分析结果表明,新的孔隙水压力公式合理地反映了正常固结饱和粘土的剪胀性。本文对土体的破坏问题也作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

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